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Hard Fork Wars
Hard Fork Wars
Hard Fork Wars
Ebook38 pages20 minutes

Hard Fork Wars

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2017 isn't just the year where Bitcoin value exploded twentyfolds. It was also the year the network became so engorged it ground to a halt. The Bitcoin ecosystem split in two blocks that waged a merciless internet-war against each other over how Bitcoin should scale towards mainstream adoption. This book recounts what happened and contextualizes it using the best philosophical canvas there is, the Star Wars universe.

PublisherJulien Boyer
Release dateMay 14, 2018
Hard Fork Wars

Julien Boyer

Je suis un geek néo-nomade. Si vous vous imaginez un boutonneux à lunettes sur un chameau cybernétique, vous n'y êtes pas du tout. Mais kudos pour votre imagination. Je traverse les contrées de cette petite planète le pouce en l'air et un ordinateur en poche. Quand on aura colonisé Mars, j'irais y faire du stop et y écrire des romans. Je m'arrête de temps en temps. Vous me trouverez alors vissé dans un ordinateur, en train d'écrire mon prochain roman, de bénévoler pour une alternative quelconque ou d'organiser la révolution. J'ai beaucoup d'imagination. C'est ma force et mon calvaire. Parce que d'un coté ça me permet d'écrire de bonnes histoires. Mais de l'autre, j'ai l'impression de vivre dans le passé. Le futur m'intéresse au plus haut point et j'ai hâte qu'on y soit. En attendant, je ronge mon frein.

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    Book preview

    Hard Fork Wars - Julien Boyer


    Just kidding. This book is under the very permissive Creative Commons licence. What it means to the common folks is: pass it around! What it means to the copyright lawyers is to be found on the other side of this link: CC-BY-SA

    I mean, I'm making extensive use of copyrighted material for Star Wars here. What kind of asshole would I be if I started my book with threats of what havoc I'm going to wreck in your life if you dare send a copy of this book to your friend.

    Oh, and in case you're a Disney copyright lawyer all rabid over the havoc you're about to wreck in my life, please don't. Come on, I'm a self published author. Even if I gave you all the money I made with this book, it'd only pay your hourly rate for however long you've spent reading this paragraph. Big corporate bastards might enjoy destroying the life of innocent folks, but you work for Disney! If there's one company in the world that doesn't want to look like a Disney vilain, it's gotta be yours, right?

    Mid 2017, Earth, Sol, Milky Way...


    In the absence of its founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, who vanished just like Luke Skywalker, the Bitcoin community was undecided on how to solve rising transaction costs.

    Meanwhile, an early Bitcoin investor was preparing a coup against the venerable developpers of the Bitcoin code.

    To prevent the rise of the Dark Side, community members prepared to take arms against evil...

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