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Holmes Latent: Holmes, #4
Holmes Latent: Holmes, #4
Holmes Latent: Holmes, #4
Ebook50 pages29 minutes

Holmes Latent: Holmes, #4

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About this ebook

When a series of unusual deaths are brought to Holmes attention, he has to ask a very important question: What is latent in each of the cases?

Not what is obvious.

But what is latent!

The answer will determine whether more die of this horrible death or not.

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateMay 25, 2018
Holmes Latent: Holmes, #4

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    Book preview

    Holmes Latent - Michael John Light

    Chapter One: The Scream

    Alonely scream in the night.

    Up and down Baker Street windows pop open, front doors as well .People look out, some wearing their night robes, some less, but all curious. Nothing ever happens to elicit a scream in this part of the city.

    But this day announces something new.

    Something terrifying.

    A new scream.

    This one louder.



    The same curious souls bold enough to come out, look out and wonder what is going on flee back inside, hair risen on back of necks and arms. Hearts palpitating with fear. Mouths suddenly dry. Eyes strained from trying to pop out of their sockets.

    This is not something to be curious about, but to flee as if one’s life were in peril!

    Windows and doors slam shut as the occupants of the flats lock themselves in. Whatever is causing the screaming, they don’t want to know.

    Not now. Not when it’s so close and so...scary!

    Chapter Two: Missing Night

    Penelope Goodperson strode up the pavement, like a person wandering around in a dream, her eyes closed, and hand stretched out before her like a bobbing perch that any moment a pigeon or dove might decide to land upon, preen its feathers and let out song.

    Constables exiting the front entrance of Scotland Yard stop to stare as she approaches. Some scratch their heads, some test to see if their nightsticks are loose in their holsters. Still others dash back inside.

    Miss, Constable Evans pops out hurriedly, spots the center of the commotion and immediately calls out. His father is hot on his heels.

    What in God’s name? Inspector Bloodstone mutters, but what he sees is not in God’s name but in the name of something far more dark and odious.

    Penelope stops before the steps of the Yard and looks upwards, her eyes still closed. She seems to stare right through Constable Evans and Inspector Bloodstone, who for some reason feel compelled to quiet now, not as if forced to, but as a great weight were suddenly pressing upon their hearts and souls, rendering them immobile.

    It’s coming! She tells them.

    Then her eyelids open up.

    Several of the constables fall back screaming.

    Worms crawl out of her eye sockets and tumble to the ground, where the pavement becomes hot and spirals of steam arise as the concrete melts away.

    Before anyone can do anything to stop her, she turns around and walks into

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