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Doctor in the Desert
Doctor in the Desert
Doctor in the Desert
Ebook37 pages31 minutes

Doctor in the Desert

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Trace Bennett is a successful ER doctor in the small town of Bisbee, AZ, but small town life leaves something to be desired. His career is great, but his love life is tragically dull.

Logan Drury is a cop who just transferred to Bisbee. He's stuck living with his sister until his rental is ready, and as he settles into the small town, boredom sets in.

One day in the ER, A deranged drug addict brings the two men together, and suddenly life in Bisbee doesn't seem so boring after all.

PublisherS.C. Wynne
Release dateMay 30, 2018
Doctor in the Desert

S.C. Wynne

S.C. Wynne has been writing MM romance and mystery since 2013. She’s a Lambda winner, and lives in California with her wonderful husband, two quirky kids, and a loony rescue pup named Ditto.

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    Book preview

    Doctor in the Desert - S.C. Wynne


    IN THE


    By S.C. Wynne


    The kid was obviously out of his head and had no idea what he was doing. So I didn’t take it personally when he tried to stab me with a scalpel. His skinny, tattoo-covered body was shiny with sweat, and his eyes were dark and vacant.

    I said don’t touch me, and I fucking mean it, he growled.

    We just want to help you. You’re bleeding. I stayed a safe distance away now that it was apparent we weren’t going to be BFFs. I felt for the kid, but I was exhausted. I’d just finished two twelve-hour shifts in the ER back to back and was irritated he had to have his freak-out right as I was about to leave.

    No way. He kicked over a chair and shoved his weapon toward me again.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I could see one of the ER nurses making a call. Where the hell was the cop who’d brought him in? I was more than a little pissed they hadn’t stayed with him since the kid was obviously high as a kite.

    Standing next to me was the oncoming physician, Dr. Snyder. I’d just signed out to her. She looked less than thrilled to be here, and I couldn’t blame her. It was nice when you could ease into the crazy that was ER, but she wasn’t going to be that lucky tonight. Let’s face it, I was stuck too. I couldn’t exactly just leave now that crazy scalpel kid was loose. I checked his chart and figured out his name was Sawyer.

    Sawyer licked his lips, and his gaze darted toward the sliding glass exit. He waved his weapon toward the group of us but seemed to have second thoughts about leaving immediately.

    Where do you keep the Oxy? Sawyer demanded.

    Nobody answered. They all turned in unison to stare at me. Aw, how I loved my coworkers sometimes.

    You’re in charge, right? He swallowed nervously and stepped up close to me. He smelled like sweat and fear. Where do you keep it?

    You know I can’t just hand you OxyContin, Sawyer. I did my best to sound reasonable. From his nasty expression, I could only guess he didn’t appreciate my efforts.

    Listen, Doc. He looked down at his blood-splattered shirt. I’m already in a lot of trouble.

    I can see that.

    "I don’t want

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