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The 10 Disciplines
The 10 Disciplines
The 10 Disciplines
Ebook52 pages1 hour

The 10 Disciplines

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The 10 Disciplines
1.Arrive early and energized
2.Purposeful Work – Focused attention and effort for an entire training session
3.Respecting authority and opponents
4.Personal responsibility and accountability
5.Listening with positive intent and to learn
6.Controlling emotions and reactions even when others don’t
7.Maintain strong, confident body language
8.Doing the small things well – focused on the details
9.Earning your success and no short cuts
10.Finishing what you start and finishing strong
32 pages
Each section has thoughts for competitors, team leaders and coaches
Written for Coaches, Athletes, Leaders, Teachers, Businesses and Families

Release dateMay 30, 2018
The 10 Disciplines

Bruce E. Brown

35 years as a teacher, coach, athletic administrator at the junior high, high school, junior college and collegiate level Coached football, basketball, baseball, and volleyball Former National presenter for the NAIA’s Champions of Character Program Director of Proactive Coaching Clinician – Speaking nationally to athletes, coaches, parents, school districts and corporations

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    The 10 Disciplines - Bruce E. Brown


    By Bruce E. Brown - Proactive Coaching

    Copyright © 2018 Proactive Coaching

    All rights reserved.

    Distributed by Smashwords

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    Bruce and Dana Brown are directors of Proactive Coaching LLC. Along with their partner Rob Miller and team, speak around the world to athletes, coaches, parents and businesses on character based coaching, leadership and teamwork.

    This is one of 25 booklets for Proactive Coaching. Brown has also written nine books and produced 10 instructional coaching DVDs, all with the focus of coaching for significance and leaving a positive coaching legacy.

    For these materials, or to book a speaker, please go to the Proactive Coaching website: or call 360.387.5998



    1. Arrive Early and Energized

    2. Focused Attention and Effort for the Entire Training Session: Purposeful Work

    3. Respecting Authority and Opponents

    4. Personal Responsibility and Accountability

    5. Listening with Positive Intent and To Learn

    6. Controlling Emotions and Reactions Even When Others Don’t

    7. Maintain Strong, Confident Body Language

    8. Doing the Small Things Well - Focused on Details

    9. Earning Your Success and No Short Cuts

    10. Finishing What You Start and Finishing Strong

    Other Proactive Coaching Materials


    Discipline is essential in successful team cultures. It provides structure, order, direction, purpose, and focus. Excellence is never an accident.

    Discipline is not the same as regimentation, blind obedience or adhering to bureaucratic rules. It is having the inner strength to reject pressures or short cuts that are in violation of your core covenants, performance standards and relationship commitments… self-discipline to relentlessly stay the course and do what it takes to create a great outcome.

    Discipline is a form of love…. Nothing is more harmful to the team than the neglect of discipline. Discipline is more important than athleticism. When two teams near the same level of talent are competing, the advantage always goes to the most disciplined.

    A collection of talented individuals without personal discipline or an intentional team culture will get beaten when they eventually meet a team almost as talented with the discipline and culture in place.

    On great teams, discipline is not about punishment but rather a positive statement about yourself and your team culture (and family). That kind of discipline is capable of improving performance, building pride and self-confidence. The good kind of discipline convinces people to believe in themselves and develops shared joy within the group. The purpose of discipline is learning, not punishment. Never discipline to punish, discipline to teach.

    Discipline is one of the cornerstones for any successful team or organization. When leaders teach, model and apply it properly, problems are dealt with at a level where punishment is seldom required. If you find yourself constantly having to use punishment, your leadership and team culture need to be improved.

    Every sport comes with its own set of disciplines - softball is different than wrestling which is different than cross country, etc. Learn what disciplines are required in your sport to be successful and then not only accept them, embrace them.

    Lack of discipline will eventually destroy morale and except for selfishness,

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