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What Works for Young Adults: Solid Choices in Unstable Times
What Works for Young Adults: Solid Choices in Unstable Times
What Works for Young Adults: Solid Choices in Unstable Times
Ebook185 pages2 hours

What Works for Young Adults: Solid Choices in Unstable Times

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About this ebook

What are the top questions on the minds of young adults today? This question was presented nationally to church and youth leaders, and to young adults themselves – if they have ever needed solid answers, it's now. With practicality, What Works for Young Adults provides fresh answers to provoking questions. Highlighting enduring biblical principles, Shane Idleman offers clear responses to questions like:

What is truth?
How can I know God?
Do all paths lead to heaven?
What is God's will for my life?
How can I overcome my past?
How can I find peace and purpose?
Dating – how do I find the right person?
Sex – how far is too far?
And many more...

PublisherShane Idleman
Release dateMay 31, 2018
What Works for Young Adults: Solid Choices in Unstable Times

Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Southern California. His books, sermons, and radio programs have sparked change in the lives us many. More at

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    What Works for Young Adults - Shane Idleman

    What Works for Young Adults: Solid Choices in Unstable Times

    Copyright © 2007 by Shane Idleman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission from the publisher and author.

    Published by El Paseo Publications

    Cover design by Eric Rasmussen & Eric Walljasper

    Interior design by Sandi Welch

    Ebook formatting by Reformed Editorial Services

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

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    All biblical references, unless specified otherwise, were obtained from the New King James version of the Bible published by Thomas Nelson, 1995.

    Verses marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version ®. NIV ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Verses marked NLT are taken from the New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996 by Tyndale Charitable Trust.

    We make every effort to attribute the source of a quote to the correct author. If there is no acknowledgement, the author either wrote the quote or we could not determine the source. Not all quotes are referenced in the endnotes if the exact source could not be verified.

    Sit down, buckle up, and hold on! This is one of the best resources for young adults in the publishing industry today.

    —TIM WILDMON; PRESIDENT, American Family Association

    What Works for Young Adults is a book whose message every young person would do well to ponder carefully.

    —D. JAMES KENNEDY, PH.D.; Coral Ridge Ministries; Ft. Lauderdale, FL

    What Works for Young Adults challenges, encourages, and inspires young adults to live a life guided by integrity, not popularity. Shane continually points to the fact that no other decision will impact the lives of young adults more than who or what they choose to follow. A must-read for all ages!

    —TONY PERKINS; President, Family Research Council; Washington, DC

    If you’re comfortable struggling with the same old issues … this is not a book for you, but if you’re tired of spiritual compromise … make it a point to read and apply the principles presented in this book.

    —PASTOR BOB COY; Calvary Chapel of Ft. Lauderdale, FL

    "We are told that approximately 76 million Americans were born from 1982 to 2000; they are known as the ‘Millennials.’ These young adults need spiritual guidance and direction.

    Shane Idleman has hit the nail on the head. What Works for Young Adults can help an entire generation find God. This is a must-read!

    —DR. MIKE MACINTOSH; Pastor of Horizon Christian Fellowship; San Diego, CA

    "When I read Shane Idleman, Jesus’s words from Matthew 11:19 come to mind: ‘Wisdom is proved right by her actions.’ Shane creatively, clearly, and powerfully offers wisdom that’s not only practical but that also goes straight to the heart.

    With insights from the Scriptures, from great Christian writers as well as from our founding fathers and historic leaders, young adults (and not so young adults!) will here find what works when things aren’t working right.

    —PETER LILLBACK; President, The Providence Forum and Senior Pastor, Proclamation Presbyterian Church

    T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S



    CHAPTER ONE: God? Truth?

    CHAPTER TWO: Knowing God—Religion vs. Relationship

    CHAPTER THREE: What Is God’s Will for My Life?

    CHAPTER FOUR: Entertainment—Where Do I Draw the Line?

    CHAPTER FIVE: Finding Mr. or Miss Right

    CHAPTER SIX: Broken—Yet Unbreakable

    CHAPTER SEVEN: What’s Inside?

    CHAPTER EIGHT: One Nation ‘Above’ God



    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    The What Works Book Series

    BOOK #4

    El Paseo Publications is committed to quality in publication—to inspire, educate, and encourage the highest standard of excellence through written communication. Other books by the author include: What Works When Diets Don’t, What Works for Singles—for Relationships, for Marriage, for Life, and What Works for Men—Regaining Lost Ground.

    Scriptures and quotes within quotation marks are exact quotes, whereas paraphrased Scriptures and quotes are often italicized. In some cases, only portions of Scriptures are referenced. The Bible is the ultimate authority; all Scriptures should be read in their complete context whenever possible. This book seeks to identify the middle ground between our responsibility and God’s role in changing us. We have responsibilities, yet we are totally dependent on God. We must do our part, but we can’t do His. It is God who makes us stand firm in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:21). Seek Him.

    A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S

    by Shane Idleman

    I want to thank my wife, Morgan, and my daughter, Aubrey; both have been a tremendous blessing. Their unconditional love provides stability and strength through ongoing challenges. Thank you, Morgan, for the additional insight and editing, and for believing in me and in the What Works Book Series—your continued encouragement is truly a blessing. Thank you, Aubrey, for being the best daughter that a father could ask for.

    I also want to thank my mother, Diane Idleman, who has continued to offer guidance and encouragement. Not only is she a great mother but an exceptional editor and book doctor. She provided the editorial overview of this book as well as the others. The Book Series would not be what it is today had it not been for her insight. Thank you for the many days, nights, weeks, and months invested—may it return a hundred-fold. Aside from the Lord, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, all that I am, and all that I’ll ever be, I owe to my mother.

    A special thanks to my brother, Ryan, and his wife, Christina, along with Christian and Austin, as well as my sister Meredith, her husband, Chris, and their son, Hayden— all have been a tremendous blessing. I thank God for family members who add to life rather than take from it.

    I also want to thank Morgan’s family for their support and acceptance: Augie, Linda, and Curt as well as Leah, Shawn, Jessica, Allison, and Kelsey.

    I also want to acknowledge my father, Jim Idleman, who died of a heart attack in his early fifties. He inspired me more than he could have known. Qualities such as honesty, integrity, commitment, discipline, and a very strong work ethic are not easily taught. Values are not transmitted through mere words; they are instilled through a life that models these traits. I’ll be forever grateful for the experiences we shared, the lessons I learned, and the man that I became as a result of the time that we spent together.

    Additional appreciation is offered to those who provided cover quotes and to my pastors, friends, and church leaders for their support, encouragement, comments, and suggestions, including Pastors Sean Appleton, Chris Johnson, Mike Morris, and Bryan Sederwall, as well as Professor Mike McCormick, and Justin T. Alfred—Word in Life Ministries. Thank you for taking the time to thoroughly review the manuscript and/or offer feedback; it was greatly appreciated.

    Finally, special thanks to the focus groups and individuals who offered great suggestions: Michael, Byron, Verity, Cathy, Steven, Kelli, Challen, Cindy, Cassandra, Josh, Ricardo, Yolanda, Heather, Brad, and everyone that I may have missed, as well as the entire Engel and Lonergan family.

    A note of recognition—past and present

    PRESENT: Although unaware of their influence, several Christian leaders have contributed to my spiritual development throughout the years. A special thanks to David Barton, Alistair Begg, James Dobson, Billy and Franklin Graham, Jack Hayford, David Jeremiah, D. James Kennedy, John MacArthur, James MacDonald, J. I. Packer, Paul E. Sheppard, Chuck Smith, Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, and Ravi Zacharias, to name only a few.

    PAST: The following men are no longer with us; however, their legacies continue to live. They have not only been an incredible inspiration to me but to countless others as well— a special note of appreciation to the following:

    • Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758), minister and theologian who contributed greatly to the Great Awakening—a spiritual movement in America in the 1730s and 1740s that breathed new spiritual life into the Colonies.

    • John Wesley (1703–1791), founder of Methodism and a key figure in the Great Awakening.

    • George Whitefield (1714–1770), primary evangelist during the Great Awakening.

    • Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892), considered one of the best preachers of the nineteenth century.

    • D. L. Moody (1837–1899), one of the greatest evangelists of all time.

    • Oswald Chambers (1874–1917), a gifted teacher, author, and minister who wrote the devotional classic, My Utmost for His Highest.

    • A. W. Tozer (1897–1963), a bold Christian Missionary Alliance minister who authored several inspiring books.

    • Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968), Christian leader and recognized Founder of the Civil Rights Movement.

    • D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981), a theologian as well as a powerful Welsh preacher.

    • Adrian Rogers (1931–2005), pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, for thirty-three years. His character and ministry inspired evangelicals worldwide.

    Many are willing to go in God’s direction, but only if He’s going in theirs.


    No other decision will impact your life more than who or what you choose to follow.

    C H A P T E R O N E

    God? Truth?


    If you haven’t noticed, many challenging issues arise during the young adult years. If you’ve ever needed solid answers, it’s now.

    Before we move on, let’s establish one fact: you were created for a purpose; your life has meaning. Regardless of how others have made you feel, God created you; you are not an accident. No matter what you’ve gone through or are going through, your past does not have to define your future.

    God’s Word provides encouragement and direction as you face tough decisions; therefore, a large portion of this book draws from the Scriptures. Don’t simply glance over Scripture references, even if you’ve read them before. Read them again to see how each relates to you today. Don’t let the surplus of information and the biblical principles make you feel that you cannot measure up. We all fall short, and we all have issues that we struggle with. Spiritual maturity takes time. One step in the right direction leads to another, and then another, and so on.

    Finally, don’t tackle these issues on your own; seek God’s help and pray for guidance. It’s difficult to stumble when you’re on your knees.

    Unfortunately, we often view the Bible only as a book of DOs & DON’Ts instead of a book that contains absolute truth. It guides, defends, and protects.

    God’s principles are guardrails through the canyons of life. They don’t prevent us from enjoying life; they protect us from falling.

    With that said, let’s begin with the first topic—absolute truth.

    Going in the Wrong Direction

    I learned a lesson as a very young boy that still applies today. One summer, I was on an early morning bike ride to school. As I turned the corner and headed west, a heavy gust of wind slowed my pace. It was clear that I would be late for school, so I turned around and headed home for a ride. To my surprise, when I changed directions, my bike felt as if it were gliding on air. I turned and headed back to school, but once again, I was bombarded with gusts of wind that nearly blew me over.

    At that young age I realized what had happened. The wind was against me as I headed in one direction but with me as I headed in the other. Isn’t that true so many times in life? One direction can be challenging and another effortless. In the same way, as you embrace absolute truth, it may seem as though you are pushing against the flow of society, and often, you will be. But here’s the principle: Even though it was easier for me to go with the wind when I turned back, I was actually going in the wrong direction.

    When it comes to believing in absolute truth, understand that there will be resistance. No resistance may mean that you are going in the wrong direction as well—it’s often easier to go with the flow of society than against it. Martin Luther said, Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested.¹ A commitment to uphold absolute truth will result in resistance. Don’t let this discourage you. In the same way that resistance training builds physical strength, spiritual opposition will strengthen your spiritual foundation.

    As a young adult, I often went with the flow of society and focused on everything that the world had to offer. Throughout my 20s, I continued to run from God, searching for identity and truth in everything but His Word. By age twenty-eight, I was a corporate executive in Southern California. Money and success became my gods and ultimately controlled my life. I was driven, but for the wrong reasons. I felt a sense of purpose, but it often left me feeling empty. I was passionate, but for the wrong things. As a result of my misguided focus, my life took several unnecessary turns for the worse. By then, alcohol, anger, and arrogance had taken their toll.

    Some time later, still unfulfilled, depressed, and desperate for direction, I began to thumb through the pages of my Bible that was shelved long ago. As I

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