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Faerie Bound, Matched by Magic Book 2
Faerie Bound, Matched by Magic Book 2
Faerie Bound, Matched by Magic Book 2
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Faerie Bound, Matched by Magic Book 2

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Garrick has spent the better part of his life making his Las Vegas lupin pack the strongest of all the post-war human-born paranormal groups. Now he wants something for himself—a mate. But how will his pack respond if they discover their Alpha is a closeted sexual submissive?

Not the typical faerie prince, Faolan is disobedient, lives in exile and has more piercings than a punk band. He’s also a sexual dominant longing for someone to call his own.

What are a lovelorn faerie and wolf to do? Turn to a paranormal dating service, of course. When Divine Intervention pairs Garrick and Faolan, it’s a match made in BDSM heaven, the resulting explosion a conflagration of passion the likes of which neither has ever known. Of course, the reactions to a wolf/faerie union are just as heated...

Release dateJul 10, 2018
Faerie Bound, Matched by Magic Book 2

Jenna Castille

It’s always the quiet ones. Mild-mannered Jenna Castille lives a rather normal life with her husband and daughter in Reno, Nevada. Only her husband and closest friends know about the twists and turns her imagination takes. She’s loved fantasies and horror stories since childhood. Then she discovered erotic romance. As a writer, she never could decide which genre she liked better, so she decided to throw them all in a pot and see what came out. Her friends love to read her stories. They tell her at least now they understand the glassy-eyed stares and all the mumbling to herself. Happily, they don’t have to worry about her anymore. Being a writer is much better than being committed.

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    Faerie Bound, Matched by Magic Book 2 - Jenna Castille

    Faerie Bound

    Matched by Magic Book 2

    Jenna Castille

    Faerie Bound

    By Jenna Castille

    Copyright 2018 Jenna Castille

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for purchasing this eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Content Warning: this book is intended for adult audiences only, and contains violence, adult language, and graphic sex scenes.

    About This Book

    Garrick has spent the better part of his life making his Las Vegas lupin pack the strongest of all the post-war human-born paranormal groups. Now he wants something for himself—a mate. But how will his pack respond if they discover their Alpha is a closeted sexual submissive?

    Not the typical faerie prince, Faolan is disobedient, lives in exile and has more piercings than a punk band. He’s also a sexual dominant longing for someone to call his own.

    What are a lovelorn faerie and wolf to do? Turn to a paranormal dating service, of course. When Divine Intervention pairs Garrick and Faolan, it’s a match made in BDSM heaven, the resulting explosion a conflagration of passion the likes of which neither has ever known. Of course, the reactions to a wolf/faerie union are just as heated…


    Title Page

    About This Book

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    About Jenna Castille

    A Personal Note from Jenna Castille

    Sneak Peek at Matched by Magic Book 3: Fractured Lives

    Other Titles by Jenna Castille

    Chapter One

    Yes, Alpha. Just like that. Right there. Don’t stop. The red-haired man babbled, nearly incoherent with lust, pushing his ass against the man fucking him. His slender body trembled and shook, spasms contorting his muscles as he built toward a world-shattering orgasm.

    Garrick braced his hand on the sweat-soaked back of the agile lupin heaving and bucking beneath him, fascinated by the movement of hard, twisting muscle under satin-soft skin. The man bared his teeth and growled, tossing his head and thrusting his ass into Garrick’s groin. He took every inch of Garrick’s long, thick cock without complaint, no matter how hard or fast. Actually, he seemed to prefer harder and faster, begging for it, demanding it. He wiggled into Garrick’s pelvis, clenching his ass, doing everything he could to drive his alpha wild with the same pounding desire that racked his body.

    And while Garrick’s aching cock did little to hide the fact that he was aroused by the situation, a part of him remained unmoved and disconnected. It was sex, just sex. Rougher than normal, it was nice enough and a distracting form of entertainment—a few minutes of hammering followed by a lackluster orgasm. Why did it leave him feeling so empty?

    You know why. You know what you really need, what you can’t risk having.

    Garrick closed his eyes against the fantasy seared in the back of his mind. He saw himself on his knees, looking up at his faceless master. The man stood above him as Garrick opened his mouth to a heavy cock. The salty taste of precum teased his tongue as hard flesh slid down his throat.

    The man’s hands clenched in his thick hair, tugging just past the edge of pain. He pushed himself deeper into Garrick’s mouth. Throat open wide, Garrick sucked and swallowed, taking as much as he could. He wanted to feel his nose buried in his master’s pubic hair. He wanted to please, needed to know he’d done well and satisfied the man, given him pleasure in order to be worthy to receive his own.

    He needed to taste creamy cum splashing across his tongue.

    That’s it, my pet. Take it all. Take everything I give you, a husky, unfamiliar voice crooned before the man cried out in pleasure and his cock pulsed in Garrick’s mouth and coated his tongue with his thick essence.

    As those words echoed in his mind along with the image, Garrick howled and emptied himself into the man beneath him.

    Spent, he pulled out and fell to his side in his huge, hand-carved bed. He fumbled with the condom, tossing it in a waste can nearby. He took two damp washcloths off the nightstand to finish cleaning up, handing the extra to the other man. The lupin turned to face him with a bright, well-pleasured grin as he wiped up and scrunched down under the thick, homemade quilt. Samuel was it? God, how sick was that? He couldn’t even remember the man’s name. But he was just another one in a long line of lupin males queuing up for a chance at bedding and possibly mating the Alpha of the Greater Las Vegas Area. Ever since he’d officially come out of the closet, every gay lupin in the country had poured into his city, damn power-hungry bastards for the most part.

    Too bad no one knew how much of his sexual desires still remained hidden. Being gay was the least of it, the acceptable part. Some areas of his private life the public didn’t need to know, couldn’t possibly tolerate. Too much was at stake. Definitely his position in the pack. Possibly his life, if it came down to a fight for supremacy.

    Garrick was strong, one of the strongest of his kind. He was bright, earning his master’s degree in business administration by the age of twenty-one human years. Since then he’d worked hard keeping his pack solvent, then comfortable, and finally one of the wealthiest in the country. His pack remained one of the strongest post-war groups in the para community and everyone knew he was the one responsible for their rapid recovery. That alone had protected his position when he revealed the fact that he was gay, something he’d hoped would satisfy the void inside his heart.

    He was still young but mature enough at the ripe old age of seventy-four human years. He had centuries ahead of him to rule and help his pack grow stronger, even more self-sufficient.

    Long, empty centuries expanding out before him. Centuries filled with a kind of half-life, where his days were full and productive while his nights stretched on with meaningless encounter after meaningless encounter.

    He shook his head. Shit, he hated when he got all maudlin. Bad sex did it to him every time. He heaved a deep sigh and rolled out of bed, narrowly avoiding the wet spot. He ran his fingers through his hair and over his face, willing away the exhaustion. Might as well take advantage of the insomnia and go over accounts.

    Alpha? Samuel laid a warm hand against his bare back, startling him.

    Garrick looked down at the man, regret and sorrow filling his heart. I’ve got work to do. Pack issues that need addressing. His excuse sounded hollow to his own ears and he knew Samuel heard the apology mixed with dismissal in his words.

    The lupin gave him a sad half-smile filled with disappointment. I understand. We had a good time. Some of the best sex I’ve ever had. He reached out and placed a kiss on the back of Garrick’s hand, rubbing his thumb absently across his knuckles. You’re a good alpha but I’m not your mate. Don’t worry. I understand that. I’m not going to turn into jilted stalker dude. Mating isn’t something anybody chooses. The bond’s either there or it’s not. If your wolf didn’t feel it after that marathon, it’s hopeless for us. I won’t push.

    The man threw back the covers and started reaching for his clothes. Garrick eyed Samuel’s tight backside with genuine regret. He was a good man, the perfect choice to be his partner. He was handsome, kind, personable and bright. He didn’t have a power-hungry aura. He had a good sense of humor and they had many likes in common. He’d make a loyal mate and a solid addition to any pack.

    Why couldn’t he let go of his internal battle and just take Samuel? Why was fate mocking him like this?

    Samuel pursed his lips, shoulders slumped, and stared into space. For a moment Garrick feared he’d truly hurt the young man. But as he reached out for him Samuel shook his head, fine auburn strands dancing around his face, and reached into his pocket. Hell, Alpha, don’t slap me down for this. I know it’s presumptuous but I like to think that even if we can’t stay lovers, we’ll remain friends. I might even move down here permanently anyway if my job interview goes well. So here, he handed Garrick a worn, crinkled business card, my sister gave me this a few months ago. She’s bit of a busybody, mated for several years with a couple of cubs. You know—the well-meaning type. Anyway, I think you might need it more than me. She says the company came highly recommended. A friend used it.

    Garrick glanced down.


    for the discriminating paranormal.

    He raised a single eyebrow.

    The other lupin refused to meet his gaze, giving an inordinate amount of concentration to buttoning his shirt. It’s a matchmaking service, not an escort service or dating service. I mean, if all you want is a good screw I’m more than willing to be your fuck-buddy. I’m not one to refuse great sex. But I get the feeling you want something more. You deserve to find a real mate as much as anyone else. It might be worth a shot for you.

    Garrick crumpled the card in his hand but didn’t toss it in the trash. It almost seemed warm in his palm. Pulsing. Alive. It held a touch of magic that tickled his lupin senses, making the fine hairs on his arm stand on end. Something to draw itself to someone in need? A compulsion spell or a tracking spell?

    Samuel slipped on his shoes, nodded and eased quietly out of the room.

    Online matchmaker, have I really sunk so low? Garrick plopped down on the bed again, raking the fingers of one hand through his hair again. He stared down at the innocuous little card. Samuel meant well but he should toss it. Only losers resorted to computer dating services. Right? He hadn’t reached that point yet. Had he?

    It couldn’t hurt to look, could it? a small, needy voice whispered in his head. Go online and check it out. No one would be the wiser. No one would see it as a weakness. Just a little idle curiosity is all. What harm is there? If anyone did find out, you were checking up on the service before another pack member used it.

    Before he could dwell on it any more he walked over to his desk and flicked on his laptop. In seconds his wireless connection had him looking at an easy-to-navigate website with an introduction banner scrolling up the screen, reminding him of the opening scene of his favorite sci-fi movie.

    Are you still searching for that one true love? The one who will make your blood throb in your veins while leaving your heart aching to be near? Divine Intervention is dedicated to the paranormal of the twenty-first century. For a chance to make a true connection, for a meaningful relationship, we’re the first step. We are a guaranteed private service, using state-of-the-art matchmaking programs, psychological testing and magical aides. If the years stretch out ahead of you like a long, lonely road and you’re ready to find that perfect fit, your perfect mate, contact us. Take the leap. Just fill out our easy online questionnaire to start the process. One of our representatives will contact you for a one-on-one interview and the rest will be taken care of by our highly trained professionals. Stop counting on fate to guide you. Create your own destiny.

    The screen faded into a simple registration form. Not allowing for second thoughts, his fingers flew over the keys, filling out the basic information.

    When he finished typing, Garrick stared at the blinking cursor on the screen. Do I or don’t I. Am I that desperate? What the hell do I think I’m doing?

    But he ached, deep and bleeding. So damn lonely. And they guaranteed privacy. He couldn’t ask for more. He was tired of hiding that integral part of himself, tired of lying to himself and the world around him. He needed, needed more than he had. Needed to let someone else take control, if only for a few stolen moments. But was this the way? Should he risk outside help?

    Was this a safe option?

    He reached down, laying a hand on his heavy cock, swollen and hurting. A small drop of precum glistened at the tip like a tiny, desperate tear. A man couldn’t die of a terminal hard-on but life without satisfying sexual contact sure as hell wasn’t comfortable.

    Garrick hit send.

    Chapter Two

    Renee pursed her lips as she watched the video of Zachary interviewing their newest client.

    A tall, good-looking, powerful man sat facing her husband. With thick black hair and pale blue eyes, the color of steel or a jagged bolt of lightning, most of her clients would take one look at the man and beg her for a match. Add that to his obvious good nature and nice manners and you couldn’t see any reason why he wouldn’t get anyone he wanted, male or female, in his bed.

    But he had his baggage to deal with, a little sexual landmine that made his being gay seem inconsequential in comparison. Now here was a challenge, someone who couldn’t get by without their help. Nothing too difficult for them to handle but she could understand the man’s trepidation.

    This was a problem she could help solve, giving aid to a nice guy.

    Who’d have thought the Alpha of the Greater Las Vegas area lupin pack was a closet sexual submissive? That bit of news wouldn’t go over well if it became common knowledge.

    To make matters more interesting for a matchmaker, he was a completely untrained submissive. He knew what he wanted, needed and fantasized about but had never had anyone he trusted enough with his secret to teach him the ropes.

    Or to use the ropes on him, Renee thought with a smirk. Okay, that was an unkind thought but really, in her business you had to keep your sense of humor. There was too much grief and heartache in the world to deal with otherwise.

    Not to mention, the mental image was just plain hot.

    So, what do you think?

    Renee dragged her eyes off the screen. Speaking of hot—Zachary stood in the doorway with arms and ankles crossed, one hip leaning against the frame.

    Renee looked over at her husband and felt her breath catch, just like always. Thick curly brown hair that barely hid the tiny nubs of his horns swept across one of his golden-brown eyes. The goat half of his body was hidden by a version of the spell Renee had cast when they’d first met, to help him blend with the human population. But the wide, brawny chest was pure Zachary—strong, surprisingly hairless and entirely lickable. And that mischievous little smile permanently attached to his face made Renee think of all the lascivious things the man had done to her body and would do in the future.

    Ten years together and Zachary still made Renee’s heart race.

    It’s an interesting case, she replied, prying her eyes from her lover to look at a photo of their newest client.

    Zachary stalked forward, bracing a hand on Renee’s shoulder. He peered down at the picture. So, what are your thoughts?

    Renee pushed back the urge to spin around in her chair and kiss the

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