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Murder beyond Barbed Wire!
Murder beyond Barbed Wire!
Murder beyond Barbed Wire!
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Murder beyond Barbed Wire!

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Howdy; I'm Nellie Cake and these are "Memoirs From My Outhouse." I write adult only true stories of violence, murders, beatings, crimes, 36 rapes, drugs, incest, alcoholism, inmates, stolen children, homelessness, narcissistic abuse, and nasty words. I have forty years of experience in these subjects and twenty six years of sobriety from drugs and alcohol. I'm an Appalachia inbred Hillbilly and ain't nothing wrong with that.

People who write similar stories usually are not an inbred Hillbilly which makes my story unique. Names were changed to get family and people from the past to shut the hell up. To be a real smart ass extended family is only mentioned. Hillbillies do make moonshine, grow weed, carry double barrel shot guns, and stay bare-foot. I guess city folk wants me to wash my cover all's more often. We don't eat the road kill unless it's soft.

If it's stiff the dogs get it. Four of my children were stolen like I'm a baby factory, the fifth became an armed bank robber with Jesse James. I was kidnapped, beat and raped at nine then witnessed the same man beat, rape and my two nine year old Hillbilly girl-friends. i witnessed the brutal beating and murder of an elderly man.

My second husband was a wannabe Clint Eastwood carrying and arson, beating on me and hunting me like an animal. Many pregnancies I lived in the snow then many years hitching in snow hunting for them. Drug dealing and exotic strip dancing were a way to survive in the wake of being annihilated by spouses. I dated my home confinement officer and was honored with a Governor's pardon.

My stomach exploded and took a year to walk. Lucifer threw a 16,000 pound building on me causing gangrene and took a year to walk. Worse case of MRSA in history took a year to walk. I maintained employments and continued writing through destitution, pregnancies, savagery, prisons, and northern winters.

Life's accomplishments: I won six turkeys, nine trophies battling cocks, birthed five kids, won ten cakes, and caught nine ten pound Bass. I possess gloating rights to angling stories and jaded memories. I want a place for authors of any genre and victims of any crime to have a voice without family or people judging, preaching, bossing, and interfering.

I understand they are Holier than me, but they make authors of my genre feel we're a bad image or influence on their precious perfect family. Every story I write is true. God is real, but He can not physically stop rapist, abusers, murders nor narcissist.

PublisherNellie Cake
Release dateJun 6, 2018
Murder beyond Barbed Wire!

Nellie Cake

Howdy; I'm Nellie Cake and these are "Memoirs From My Outhouse." I write adult only, violence, murders, rapes, beatings, and nasty words. True stories of murders, crimes, violence, rapes, drugs, incest, alcoholism, inmates, stolen children, homelessness, and erotic murder thrillers. I have forty years of experience in these subjects and forty years of sobriety from drugs and alcohol. I'm an Appalachian inbred Hillbilly and ain't nothing wrong with that. I also write Erotic Murder Thriller series.People who write similar stories usually are not an inbred Hillbilly which makes my story unique. Names were changed to get family and people from the past to shut the hell up. To be a real smart ass extended family is only mentioned. Hillbillies do make moonshine, grow weed, carry double barrel shot guns, and stay bare-foot. I guess city folk wants me to wash my cover all's more often. We don't eat the road kill lesson it's soft. If it's stiff the dogs get it.Four of my children were stolen like I'm a baby factory, the fifth became an armed bank robber with Jesse James. I was kidnapped, beat and raped at nine then witnessed the same man beat, rape and my two nine year old Hillbilly girl-friends. i witnessed the brutal beating and murder of an elderly man.My second husband was a wannabe Clint Eastwood carrying and arson, beating on me and hunting me like an animal. Many pregnancies I lived in the snow then many years hitching in snow hunting for them. Drug dealing and exotic strip dancing were a way to survive in the wake of being annihilated by spouses. I dated my home confinement officer and was honored with a Governor's pardon.My stomach exploded and took a year to walk. Lucifer threw a 16,000 pound building on me causing gangrene and took a year to walk. Worse case of MRSA in history took a year to walk. I maintained employments and continued writing through destitution, pregnancies, savagery, prisons, and northern winters.Life's accomplishments: I won six turkeys, nine trophies battling cocks, birthed five kids, won ten cakes, and caught nine ten pound Bass. I possess gloating rights to angling stories and jaded memories. I want a place for authors of any genre and victims of any crime to have a voice without family or people judging, preaching, bossing, and interfering.I understand they are Holier than me, but they make authors of my genre feel we're a bad image or influence on their precious perfect family. Every story I write is true. God is real, but He can not physically stop rapist, abusers, murders nor narcissist.It just wasn't working for me to be quiet all these years about so many rapes because I never told. So I started writing fiction, erotic murder thrillers. Morbid ways of killing all the men who raped me, and there were many, became my inspiration to write erotic murder thrillers.copyright 2018/Nellie Cake

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    Murder beyond Barbed Wire! - Nellie Cake

    Murder Beyond Barbed Wire

    Nellie Cake

    Published by Nellie Cake at Smashwords

    copyright 2018/Nellie Cake

    Bush Hog

    Feudin banjos from the movie, Deliverance is echoing throughout the jail. I'm writing compliments of another two year stay with the county. The Feudin banjos were created the year I was born, 1955. City folks ridicule Hillbillies in movies and real life, but more so for inbred Hillbillies. I can't stand that movie, but we can't battle the framework and the lion's share rules. Raping, inbreeding and screwing creatures in Appalachia's mountains is valid. These are memoirs from my outhouse.

    Hillbilly men screw the damnation out of women and animals, but so do ministers, white collars, blue collars, and city men in suits. Raping and inbreeding is not confined nor was it created or started by Hillbillies or my mountains. I grew up with this wiped out poo with a lot of the men on both sides of my family. Family wants me to shut up about it all, but that's not going to happen and you'll understand why after reading the entire story.

    Mom's side of the family plays guitars, banjos, pianos, accordions, lap guitars, juice harps, and sing by nature with no lessons. Mom's side of the family has gorgeous women and both women and men have amazing talents. I had an awesome grandma and awesome aunts and uncles I loved spending the summers with and dad and mom practically had to drag me away from grandma, my aunts and uncles.

    They get mad if I use their names in my books so I try not to use real names unless they're abusive dead husbands, abusive boyfriends, my children or immediate family or it happened to me personally or I saw it with own eyes. We didn't have city garments mom and dad couldn't afford clothes for all of us so I wore hand me downs, my brother's clothes and mom's clothes pinned up on me. Hillbillies have huge families, mostly blood kinfolk, holler creatures.

    Maybe the rest of the family is ashamed of being Appalachian Inbred Hillbillies, but personally I have no defects, I'm not blue and I'm proud of it because I loved my grandma, aunts and some of my uncles dearly. Most of my family have more talent than the biggest country/honky tonk singers in the world! Did I mention that most of the women have amazing beauty?

    There are many darks secrets on both sides of the family and I'm sure we're not the only family with dark secrets, but if laundered in public they won't like me, again. Raping and interbreeding was as common as moonshine, double barrels, cock battles, clear sweet mountain water, and homegrown weed. We built outhouses and later put doors on them. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, but childhood was spent in the Appalachia mountains with my debased Hillbilly family.

    I tried to stay near my aunts for safety, but that wasn't always possible. My brothers, uncles and cousins assaulted and raped us girls convincing us it's our fault for enticing them. Dad believed that all women are born whores and lure men. Explain to a nine year old what enticing, luring and a whore is. When the boys were caught trying to rape me or I snitched the family didn't want me around because I expose evil and they say, You cause trouble.

    My only escape from dad's manhandling was when we drove from Indianapolis, Indiana to Winchester, Kentucky to leave us kids with grandma on mom's side during the summers. Sometimes we were left with Aunt Elsie and Uncle Oakley and they had a lot of boys who were raping my sisters and me. Uncle Oakley never got around to raping me, but he used to put his hands in my panties all the time. Dad always thought and accused mom of screwing other men.

    She tried because I took notes from mom to men, but I don't blame her, dad was a nut job. Dad was a charlatan false prophet Pentecost Oneness Evangelist preacher, a volunteer fireman and a volunteer medic for the fire department working three days on and three days off. Dad also owned and maintained the Dependable Fire Extinguisher and Equipment Company. Us kids worked with dad on his business and helped him build, repair and maintain our three story house.

    He hated me, but I adored him and I'm marked a preacher's daughter forever. Sometimes I anticipated bad circumstances when I was at Aunt Elsi and Uncle Oakley's so I fled into the mountains with nature's peace with the exception of uproarious creatures. I was learning to write with a stick in the dirt so I can write about what men on both sides of our families were doing to my sisters and me.

    I can't talk about a lot of what went on, but if I saw it with my eyes or they did to me I can and will. Everyone had large families and women of all ages were pregnant at the same time. Mom, aunts and grandma were having home births in different rooms. Normal was eleven to eighteen. Relatives were blood kinfolk inbreeding inside family. Grandma and grandpa were first cousins, but are loved dearly by us all. Well not so much grandpa cuz mom told me he used to rape her.

    Family originated in the mountains, but in dad's youth he was known in Winchester, Kentucky as a homeless alcoholic drug addict. My little sister, Darlene used to whisper in my ears, Sissy I'm sick. She was diabetic and epileptic and tumbles to the floor savagely jerking and gulping her tongue. Dad said; It's demonic and beat her till her bowels and bladder gave out. I always cowered for fear I'm next.

    From the stairs of our cellar I saw our older brothers, Herbert Jr. and Johnny Ray alternating raping my baby sister, Darlene. While cleaning blood and semen I always lied to Darlene saying, Someday it will be over. My two older brothers, Herbert Jr. and Johnny Rae attempted to exchange school supplies for sex. Dad purchased school supplies, garments and shoes for the boys, but the girls has to work for what we get.

    I never saw Darlene again, dad sent her away, but maybe when we're older we can chase for each other. Dad moved us from the three story house we helped him build in Indianapolis, Indiana on Spencer Ave. to the remote woodlands of Spencer, Indiana. We seldom saw people unless we went to school which was uncommon because dad drug us to various states to preach and do his famous Indian dance. Dad said; Toys, cards and comics are of the fallen angel and will swell your hands.

    My cards were hidden under my mattress because I was scared of them till my two nine year old Hillbilly girlfriends played cards with me everyday on the bus and our hands didn't swell. Dad and my brothers were running a bush hog cutting fields of brush. Before dawn this day I wanted to make dad like me. I was bringing down a lot of that field. While taking a break watching the hogs and horses a man stopped to ask, Where does the Macintoshs live? Where's your family?

    I said; We don't know anyone. Dad is in Indianapolis working. Mom and my brothers are sleeping. I watched him walk back to his car, but within a minute his hand was covering my mouth with a gun to my head dragging me by my hair pushing me into his car making me lie down, it happened so fast. When he stopped we stepped over barbed wire then through a path into the forest where a huge territory had been cut. I couldn't quit screaming which made him hit me with his gun.

    With my hair twisted in his hands he was pushing my mouth to his penis. I was screaming, Dad is a preacher over and over. Dad made me believe God had superpowers and was going to stop this or this man will be scared of God and dad. I clenched my mouth then his semen squirted over my face and my clothes were torn. I was naked and beaten with cuts and wounds, but somehow I was lose.

    Screaming in hysterics I was running and falling barefoot in creeks and fields cutting my feet and body. I saw a house on a hill so I hurried and a nice woman with a stunned look came to the door and wrapped me in a blanket. The sheriff said; Don't give her food or drinks and don't clean her up. They took pictures and scraped stuff off my body, inside my coochie and mouth then took blood. Am I on trial?

    I was tormented and assaulted then and now and frightened of what they're doing and what dad will do. When the law left dad beat me for luring the man. I was wearing my brother, David's messy t-shirt and mom's ugly long purple skirt while bush hogging. This tempted him? Next day when we got off the bus that man was waiting! He took my two friends and me to that same place over the downed barbed wire through the paths to the mowed area. He beat, raped and shot one of my friends.

    While he was beating and raping her sister I ran through the woods and creeks to that house on the hill. I scratched my initials on his weapon and identified the man. They knew when I ran this was the man. This will disturb me all my life. Sleep with the Angels. According to my poop chute dad I should name my story; I was a nine year old Hillbilly whore. Dad was a child abusing false prophet charlatan, but I was mesmerized by the word of God he preached.

    It's hard not to tune in dad danced like an Indian on one foot then the other, holding his hands on one ear then the other. He skipped and danced through the congregation and in the middle of each sentence was a boisterous HUH. Children were terrified of the dancing and screaming in these social occasions so we moved to back of the church to safety. My younger siblings, David, Danielle, Darlene, Robby, and I were forced to humiliate ourselves before congregations.

    To indicate we had no talents we stuck imbecilic kazoos in our mouth. We ought to have held signs saying; We despise our folks. I felt privileged to be the one putting dad's guitars back in their cases. Mom had a diamond glued into the C button on her accordion. Later they played electric instruments. Silliest thing mom had a harmonica strapped around her neck she played while playing the accordion and singing. We abhorred going to church so did mom.

    Uncles, cousins and aunts on mom's side sang and played guitars in churches, bars and on the radio. I play a mean kazoo and tambourine. When dad was gone mom played country music. Country singers of today we listened to their parents. Jr. and Johnny take my girl friends to deserted autos in fields to rape them. I was humiliated changing in gym classes wearing mom's underwear held together with safety pins.

    Now days the more safety pins on your clothes the cooler you are so why was I ridiculed if it would end up trendy? We wasn't in school much and was poor. Us kids always had blood welts on our back and legs from mom and dad's beatings. Never being permitted to go to school functions made children detest me. They hit, ridiculed, called me nasty names, and drew monstrous pictures with revolting names wad them up and throw them at me.

    They pushed me against walls and once broke a watch a teacher gave me. Children hollered at me from the bus so I never got on, I walked far to school. Girls were ridiculing the way I was pooping and wiping my ass. One of them had her finger in the hinges when I opened the door I broke her fingers. The janitor's wife gave me pretty dresses, but dad tears them.

    Mom did laundry, pressed clothes, cleaned homes, repaired TVs, and radios to purchase beautiful dresses from neighbors that only fit Darlene. I saw them hanging in the neighbor's house thinking they were for me, but they never were. When we lived on Spencer Ave. mom sends us to McDonald's to get her a soda and burgers. She wanted the pop to arrive with a specific measure of ice and the burgers had uncommon requests.

    She sends us to the store to get her Pay-Day candy bars, Pop-Tarts or sacks of diverse sweets and we never got any. One day with the change I got paraffin to share with the little boy across the street. I took a beating for stealing mom's change and attempting to hurt that little boy with paraffin. A neighbor girl, Sherry always wore lovely dresses and brought her collection of Barbie dolls. She set up the houses with furniture, dress and disrobe the dolls, but I never touched them, simply watch.

    Speculating she was an egotistical dork I said; Take your Barbie poop and go home. In Spencer, Indiana David, Daniel, Robby, and I walked many miles to get mountain water everyday. I talked them into fleeing to grandma's in Kentucky, but she squealed on us. The boys assumed the fault and beating that accompanied it. They shouldn't listen to me I'm a Rebel runner. I gave the public bus a shot, but children with frosty hearts are merciless.

    I was in fourth grade when the school bus halted and I went to live on the highways where I had freedom thinking, I'm home. An existence on the interstates getting beat and raped was superior to family interbreeding and being tossed against walls and being called a whore. I was alone on stormy or snowing days and don't have anyone I want to call family. As a kid bound by laws I had to go back to dad who beat me for fleeing.

    My oldest sister, Carolyn was always in prison for flying paper, cold checks. I always told Carolyn, You'll die in another woman's man's arms. She escaped from prison four times climbing in my third floor window scaring me then hid in my closet. She was envious of her beaus thinking I was looking at her men and came at me with a knife. I tossed the mop bucket with grimy water at her, kicked her in the stomach then ran out the back door. On my old bicycle I rode to dad's minister friend.

    His son, Ralph said; We're dating I'll protected you. I didn't know what dating was. His sister, Eva was my best friend who later wedded Johnny Ray. After dad's demise Johnny overdosed. Many years later I was pregnant hitch-hiking through Indiana this same evangelist was a taxi driver. He attempted to rape me while I was destitute, pregnant, starving and hurting. Mom and Carolyn sang and played accordions without lessons.

    Dad and Herbert Jr. played guitar and sang without lessons. Later in life Jr. and uncle J.B. played guitars and sang like Johnny Cash in bars. Carolyn's body was covered in prison tats and burned with cigarettes from playing chicken in prison. Mom attempted to escape putting ten children's lives at risk. Dad drives towards cliffs attempting to unnerve mom. Mom never protected us and urged men to give us cash. Grandpa never talked he sat around with a fly swat.

    Mom wedded a damaging man, Dwayne to get away from grandpa raping her. Then illegally wedded another abusive man, my dad to get away from Dwayne. I can't differentiate among affection and manhandling. I started writing in dirt then paper then manual and later electric typewriters. Then came the age of garbled floppy disk with crashing computers continually beginning again, simply like life.

    I wrote on Kotex boxes during a complimentary two year residency in the Winchester, Kentucky's jail. The guard, ole' Jim Boyd took care of me. During two year residencies in the Bradenton, Sarasota, Tampa, Brevard, and Orlando, Florida jails I wrote on Kotex boxes. Now I'm writing on court papers they continue giving us and listening to the Feudin banjos.

    My story and Bible always ends in the trash cans outside of jails. State, county and city officials stroll by gazing through glass with disdain at us like we're captured creatures, vicious wrong doers, dregs of society. We need to be disposed of, bolted up everlasting. They try to pick our brains trying to find where the criminal component began and endeavor to restore those who are rehabilitative.

    Growing up dad didn't allow us kids to look at nor even listen to TV, ball games, motion pictures, carnivals, music, cards, play with toys or read comics. Girls couldn't show our legs, necks or arms. Dad considered these diversions of the fallen angel and removing our minds from God. A man in the fire department gave me a headless doll for Christmas which I kept hid. Carolyn played Michael Jackson's ABC, our only 45 record. I thought the Archies were real and the Monkeys stole my heart.

    We were beat for talk concerning these subjects. God is disallowing me to have fun? I was running away to California, but freight cars don't go anywhere and the law took me home for a beating. Snow, rain or warmth I returned to the highways hitch-hiking from state to state cherishing freedom. I went to Herbert Jr. in Ohio, Johnny Ray was there. Johnny was holding me down while Jr. was over me with his penis out and my garments ripped off. I fought so hard they took me to grandma in Kentucky.

    I adored grandma, she was my lone place of refuge, but she made me go home and I continue returning to her. Our family assembled for great Grandma's burial service being held in grandma's house. Three aunts instructed me to steal them all an outfit to wear at the funeral so I did. They cherished their outfits prancing in front of mirrors. I over heard them discussing how terrible I turned out so I walked out. As par for my life the law was following my sister in law, Eva and I in Chicago.

    They took us to the police station. Dad said; We want our daughter in law, Eva, but Mary is continually fleeing. I went home because I was infatuated with Robby Lewis Arnold. His parent's owned a Pentecost Oneness church in Spencer, Indiana where dad was preaching. Dad bought me a three cymbal tambourine. It had a key to tune it and new skin. He never let me play it how I preferred. I played with the drummers when the church sang or when dad, mom, Carolyn, and Jr. were singing.

    Dad abhorred the way I played it so I gave it to the church. Robby was screwing his cousin. His arm blocked the projectile in the war from hitting his heart he has a hook. I was enticing him, but didn't realize I had on a see through dress. Dad agreed on me remaining home if I marry Robby's friend, Rick when he returns from service. Rick wrote, but I was with Robby reading Superman comics on the fourth floor in an abandoned funeral home.

    Johnny, Eva and a lot of huge men were hanging on the first floor. The huge men were huffing paint, taking drugs, snorting cocaine, drinking liquor, and beer on the ground floor. Johnny and Eva snuck out and snitched on everyone. The law pulled them fast, but Robby and I didn't know anything about it all till those men came back and beat the goodness out of Johnny. Rick returned from war and was screwing Robby's friend.

    Robby, Rick, their girlie-friends, and those huge men tied me up, beat me then poured everything in the fridge on me then took me down town and attached me to a light post and left me. The law took me back to Robby. Robby told everyone to toss watermelon rinds at me causing a lot of bruises. He hit me a lot with that hook. We had not engaged in sex, but dad said; Your used and damaged. Dad being an evangelist performed a double barrel shot gun wedding.

    Robby and his friends tried to drown and suffocate me. He bought precooked wieners when I requested one he said; I gotta feed you? Robby tried to screw me, but I didn't want any part of this. I went the highway he tried getting me in his car. Strangers pulled over I bounced into recover a ride to mom and dad. They said; Your damaged and can't stay. I hitched to Carolyn in Ohio where she owned a little restaurant. I had periods and no one showed me how to deal with this.

    The crotch of my shorts were rotted. I went ballistic thinking I was cut inside. Carolyn wouldn't credit me anything to wear till I earned it. I said; Can I cook a hamburger? She said; After a couple more hours of work. You have nerve asking for food and clothes. I didn't know when I last ate. I left the burger on the grill and was happy to see the highway. Through raging storms or knee deep in snow for many years I hitched. Most times I never accept rides they transform into savagery.

    I cried more tears than the tempests because my mountain transformed into concrete! Still in the same shorts an Italian man bought me a back-pack, jeans, underwear, shirts, shoes, socks, a kitten, and a hotel room for three days. Shabby cost he paid for what he got! In that shoddy room a couple of miles from Carolyn's for clean garments, food and a little consideration I lost what I can't get back, my virginity and dignity! I was being hurled around like a disregarded cloth.

    I appreciated a shower, towels, clean garments, and my life intact. When ladies discuss who took your virginity I'm going to state, He was Italian. The owners kept running me off. In the mountains I could hunt, angle, eat weeds, berries, fruits, nuts, and get water from pressing moss. After a couple miles a gorgeous young man with long blonde hair hollered, Hey cutie want to party? I didn't know what a party was. Perhaps he would give me a place to rest and something to eat.

    He acquainted me with my first joint and wide mouth Sterling beer and took me to an abandoned car. In the midst of screwing, drinking beer and smoking weed he said; You can't stay I live with my mom. He gave me a roach. I hitched to mom and dad. They were living in a house across the street from the three story house we grew up in. Dad placed me in the jack, juvenile jail. When I got out Dad said; If you don't go to church tonight you'll be in trouble.

    Two men came one asked, Do you have any weed? I gave him the roach and said; Is this weed? He said; If I give you $50.00 will you give me head? I didn't know what head was so I said; Demonstrate. He hauled out his penis then arrested me for drugs and prostitution. After six months I made a beeline for the highways. When I was little mom and dad hit me in my head while I was eating making me cry, choke and hurl.

    My brother, David took food I couldn't eat when they wasn't looking. I was going to back to Bobby not knowing he had our marriage annulled. At a bus station a man said; I'm a detective I've been watching you for awhile. He knew details about me, Carolyn being in prison, Bobby, my brothers, sisters even my folks. He said; I'll drive you to your husband. In transit he continued discussing my family while giving me a pill saying, It will calm you down.

    I remember a field, barbed wire, a gun, and torment, but I couldn't move. I was tossed out in my mother in law's front yard. My garments were torn and I was bleeding. I recall a sheriff. Bobby's mother advised Bobby that I was used and damaged and get me off her property. I want my tambourine back. Bobby and his friends painted my body and made me go to the beach naked.

    Looking in the window from the patio Rick was screwing his girlie-friend and Robby was screwing his cousin and doing cocaine. I went to mom and dad, but they wouldn't make an exception. I rested in the snow under a picnic table. David found me and stole chicken and soup beans. I hitched to Kentucky to see if Grandma would let me stay. Neighbors said; Your family moved to Florida. Aunt Betty stayed in Kentucky so I went there.

    Uncle Roy said; I'll take you to Florida to your grandma. When we got in his car he raped me. I know the back streets and alleys of Winchester, hence dad's foot steps. Joline her sisters, Cindy and Barbara has Christian parents taking care of their kids. They favored living on the streets drinking, doing drugs, stealing, and screwing men. We went to a lodging with men who gave me a tiny flat pill called Chocolate Mescaline alongside four pills called white Crosses.

    I was with a flawless, gorgeous blonde, but I felt his colossal dick so I had to get away! Four officers beat on the door so we jumped out the back window from two stories and went to Weasle's house. Learning it's my first trip they pretended they were drinking beverages standing before a vast Grim Reaper. I kept trying to get out to go to my new job, but every door I opened Joline, Cindy and Barbara were screwing. In the mirror my face was liquefying!

    I assembled my face and kept it from dissolving. When the blooming plants and swirling designs stopped I made it outside. After the mind flights facilitated I found my new position as a server. I wasn't scheduled for ten hours. Muddled I located the new apartment I rented. Joline, Barbara, Cindy and those men thumped gaps in my walls. The owner showed me out and kept my effects. They kept taking my tips so I was terminated.

    They acquainted me with liquor, sugar daddies, Mesacline, speed, basement crank, cocaine, and acid aka corrosive. Dad always mentioned something called acid so I always associated it with corrosive battery acid. On drugs Cinderella's shoes are one size fits all. I avoided crack, free basing and needles, the demise drugs. They hooked me up with liquor store owners, rich men, sugar daddies even officers who give cash, drugs or liquor for sex.

    They left me in jail bleeding when I was pregnant with, Shawn. My sugar daddy gives them money to bond me out, but they keep it. Coleman became my child-hood love I would never over come, but we were too wild to be serious. We meet at the Green Lantern Pool room and City restaurant then screwed for days. No one can sing and pick a guitar superior to Coleman. Coleman put me in the streets to sell my coochie, but I continued walking and didn't stop.

    He attempted to be my pimp when I was dancing, but I haul ass with dancers and their beaus. Him and his friends attempted to rape me. I told them I had cocaine in my truck and hauled ass. Regardless I adored a useless poop called Coleman. Aunt Evelyn had the hots for gorgeous twins, Johnny and Bobby with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Bobby was married to a cut throat. An acquaintance, Mary and me went to a hotel with a heavy man and Bobby.

    Mary said; Johnny was supposed to show up not Bobby. I didn't want to screw no one. Bobby, the most smoking hot man got on top of me and screwed me! He was adorable, charming, cuddly, and gentle! He had Purple Haze corrosive and we tore up that room up. Screwing while tripping the climaxes are intense! I wanted more of Bobby, corrosive and liquor. A couple men that was at the party said; We'll take you to Bobby. They took me under a bridge and alternated raping me.

    They abandoned me under that bridge. I was so scared the cut throat would find out I hitched to Indiana then back. White people avoided Buck Town, but white men even Coleman went there to get dark ladies coochie, drugs and liquor. White men forbid white women to go there you would be repudiated by everyone. I go to the back door of P.J. Washington's bar and get whatever anyone uptown wanted. We were remarkable criminals, but none in the class as me.

    Stereos, Waterford crystal, diamonds, clothes, and shoes that I stole, Joline and her sisters were stealing my booty. On a stealing spring I was the driver so when their back packs were full I hauled ass looking in their faces. The familiar axiom, if you back someone frightened in a corner the only way out is like a Tasmanian demon is valid. Joline cornered me in an A&P parking lot following awhile of evading, hitching to and from Indiana frightened of it all.

    She began throwing punches so I dug my hard nails into her eyes and scratched deep into her neck. Men and parties ensure a place to rest regardless I have to screw in payment. While tripping on LSD I went to a health facility the doctor said; Your pregnant. I was bringing a baby into my botched up life. I was screwing Leonard who was selling Orange Barrel Mescaline. He had bright blonde hair with blue eyes. Leonard looted a filling station and went to prison.

    I heard my folks

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