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Following Jesus: Steps to a Passionate Faith
Following Jesus: Steps to a Passionate Faith
Following Jesus: Steps to a Passionate Faith
Ebook108 pages59 minutes

Following Jesus: Steps to a Passionate Faith

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About this ebook

First produced by Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church, this 12-session study is perfect for groups just beginning their faith walk or for anyone looking for a deeper foundation. Follow Jesus leads adults to rediscover Jesus, grow in the spirit and learn to live in faith and in service to the church, community and world.

Part 1 - Rediscovering Jesus
Jesus the Messiah
Unique Characteristics of Jesus
Savior of the World
Our Lord

Part 2 - Growing in the Spirit
The Holy Spirit
Understanding Spiritual Fruit
Understanding Spiritual Gifts
Sharing the Spirit

Part 3 - Living in Faith and Service
Session Nine: Spiritual Disciplines: Keys to God’s Heart
Session Ten: The Church
Session Eleven: Understanding God’s Call
Session Twelve: God’s Place for You

Also available:

Following Jesus Leader's Guide

Release dateAug 1, 2008
Following Jesus: Steps to a Passionate Faith

Carolyn Slaughter

Carolyn Slaughter leads membership and marriage preparation ministries at Ginghamsburg Church in Tipp City, Ohio. She is co-author of Transformation Journal: A Daily Walk in the Word (2008), and Transformation Journal: A One-Year Journey through the Bible (2007), both from Abingdon Press.

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    Book preview

    Following Jesus - Carolyn Slaughter

    Part 1

    Rediscovering Jesus




    Who is Jesus?

    A great teacher. A compelling

    moral leader. An example of faith. A good man.

    A visionary prophet. The Son of God.

    Jesus is known by many names.

    People have many opinions about who Jesus is, but many of those opinions are not based on an authoritative source. Unfortunately, many ideas about who Jesus is are opinions without much basis; we often simply adopt the ideas of those around us without our own thorough investigation. To know who Jesus really is we will go to the most authoritative source we know, one that will give us the facts about Jesus. We will base our investigation in the Bible.

    Origin of the Bible

    The Bible is a Christian's fact base—the basis of faith and life practices. As we learn in 2 Timothy 3:16, the Bible is God-breathed, the very words of God whispered into the hearts and ears of its human writers. It is God's tool used to transform and equip us to do God's work.

    The word bible comes from the Greek ta biblia, meaning the scrolls or the books. Although today we think of the Bible as a single work, it is actually a group of books written by a variety of authors. They were first written on individual scrolls of paper; but around 450 B.C. the documents were edited and compiled into what we now call the Old Testament.

    Following Jesus' death and resurrection, various witnesses (or disciples of eyewitnesses) recorded the life of Jesus and the early church. Included in these writings were also letters of instructions to new churches across the Middle East. Together, these writings are what we call the New Testament. The list of books to be included in the New Testament was finalized in A.D. 376 and is the New Testament we know today.

    Prophesy of the Coming


    The pursuit of who Jesus is actually takes a lifetime of discovery! In this session, we will focus on insights on Jesus from the Old Testament.

    Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.

    Quick Bible Facts

    66 books, written over a 1,600-year period, about 50 different human authors

    Old Testament

    39 books, from Creation to 50 B.C.

    New Testament

    27 books, from Jesus' birth to A.D. 100

    The Bible, with all its books and contributors, tells one story from Genesis to Revelation: the story of a loving God who created human beings to be in relationship with God.

    There are more than 300 references to the person called the Messiah in the Old Testament. Messiah was the Hebrew term for the person God would send to free God's people and bring them into personal relationship with God. The Greek term was Christ (meaning Savior). As we explore the Old Testament together, we will look at key prophecies that give specific insights about the coming Messiah—what this person would be like and what this person would do. Then we will look in the New Testament to see how those prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus.

    In Isaiah 48:3-6, God told the world the purpose of the Old Testament prophecies:

    I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass. For I knew how stubborn you were; the sinews of your neck were iron, your forehead was bronze. Therefore I told you these things long ago; before they happened I announced them to you so that you could not say, My images brought them about; my wooden image and metal god ordained them. You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? (NIV)

    God knows how stubborn humans are and that how, left to our own devices, we will come up with our own reasons for whatever happens.But God wanted us to know who was in control of all that was being done. No credit was to go to false gods of wood and bronze, so we were given clues to God's work. God said to the world: this is how you identify my plan. When all of these signs and prophecies come together, that is my person—the Messiah (savior of the world).

    Study Tip

    Bible studies usually focus on portions of Scripture for explanations; however, you should always read the surrounding verses to help determine the meaning and ensure what the Bible really says.

    The following verses are a representative sampling of prophecies. Each Old Testament prophecy is connected with its New Testament fulfillment. Examine each grouping for information about the Messiah and how this prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus, and then write down your insights on the lines that follow:

    Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25







    Micah 5:2; Luke 2:1-7







    Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3:1-3 and 11:7-11







    Isaiah 35:3-6; Matthew 9:27-35 and 11:1-6







    Zechariah 9:9; Luke 19:28-36







    Isaiah 53:4-6, 11-12; Luke 23:32-34; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21







    All of the prophecies came together in Jesus. As a result, persons all through the New Testament pointed to the fulfillment of prophecy to authenticate who Jesus is. Note here what people in the New Testament

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