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A Child of Time
A Child of Time
A Child of Time
Ebook172 pages2 hours

A Child of Time

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John wakes. He is in the same room he has slept in all his life, but something is wrong. His wife isn’t next to him, the wallpaper is different, he’s in a single bed, not the more comfortable King size he usually shares with his wife. Downstairs he discovers his mother busy making breakfast, in a kitchen devoid of the modern features he and Julie had introduced. On a wall is a picture of a young woman in a wedding dress. A quiet, tranquil morning of family life in every corner of the country, only his mother and sister Ann are dead. His mother died 4 years ago from cancer, his sister, two years earlier in a horrific boating accident.
Is he insane, or still drunk from the night before. Is he hallucinating, did someone slip something into his drink? What he is seeing is impossible. His mind can’t comprehend what is happening, his nerves are on edge, every fibre of his being wants to scream. Nothing makes sense, he needs answers; he needs to find his wife, but is he still married? He met Julie on the day Ann had died, if Ann is alive, did he meet Julie?
What follows is a tale of intrigue, betrayal and subterfuge as John discovers everything in the world has changed. Just when he comes to terms with his new life, crazy starts all over again, this time by David, a time traveller who makes bizarre demands of Julie and himself.
He meets Emily, a child of time, his child of time, who tells him he must stop David, or his meddling in time will destroy the space time fabric of the surrounding universe.
Will he do it, can he do it? He has six months to find out.

PublisherPaul G Mann
Release dateJun 10, 2018
A Child of Time

Paul G Mann

Writing never came easy to me, even at school but somewhere inside me I always thought I had a story to tell. Before word processors and spell checks the bringing up of a family and out working to support them took precedence over such things as writing and as such setting my story down on paper was the least of my priorities. Things changed in 2007 when I suffered a heart attack which effectively ended my working life. My first computer back in 1988 was an old Amstrad word processor that allowed me to take work home from the office without the need of a ream of paper and white correction fluid. All I needed was a small three inch disc that fitted quite nicely into my pocket. It made letter writing so much easier and renewed my interest in writing although at that time I didn't pursue it. I have had a large and varied working life to give me inspiration. I was a seaman for three years in my teenage years; I worked as a bus conductor on leaving the sea to raise a family before training as a plasterer and working in the building industry. A telecommunications factory offered better pay and conditions so I moved into the production of telephone exchanges for six years until securing a job in BT for seventeen years until made redundant in 1992. Ultimately I worked as a private hire taxi driver until illness forced me to stop. I am twice married with 3 children of my own (all grown up and flown the coup now) and 3 step children (also flown away). My present wife Gillian is a rock to me and who without her support and encouragement these books may never have been finished for publication. So if you don't like them blame her not me. The heart attack changed my life. I had to find something to occupy my mind and soon decided the best thing I could do was write. I readily admit I am not and probably never will be the most gifted writer in the world but as an exercise in keeping the old grey matter in working order it cannot be surpassed. All my work is ready for reading in e-book format from Smashwords and Paperback from (cheaper at smashwords}

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