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Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana
Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana
Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana
Ebook33 pages10 minutes

Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana

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Bananas, also known as nature's botox, contains nutrients that reduces the wrinkles, lightens age spots, prevents fine lines and wrinkles. When used with other wrinkle treating natural remedies, nourishes, exfoliates and maintains youthful and flawless skin.
Skin moisturizer. Banana hydrates and moisturizes dry skin, resulting in soft and supple skin. Vitamin A present in bananas restores the lost moisture and repairs damaged, dull, and dry skin. It’s packed with antibacterial agents that removes blemishes.
Reasons for Skin and Hair Problems
Almost all the skin and hair problems are the results of health problems or depicts the deficiency of nutrients required for a healthy body. We often do not find the solutions for the root cause of the problems and try to fix out these visible problems by external application.
The most important things to have a flawless skin and healthy hair is to maintain healthy lifestyle that includes.
Adequate intake of water.
Balanced diet that includes all the nutrients.
Good 8 hour sleep.
And a positive attitude towards life that is a stress less life. Though this is a difficult task that all most every persona struggles to handle. Stress is one of the major reason that cause skin and hair problems.
The first step towards treating hair and skin problem should include fulfilling the above requirements followed by using the external applications to treat the problems. Though there are many natural products that are packed with multiple healing properties that are very effective. The natural remedies are always safe to use in any conditions. They do not result in any negative effects or reactions such as adverse effects produced by the harmful chemicals in the cosmetics. Theses natural remedies can be used for all the skin types irrespective of age, conditions. These natural remedies not only treats them permanently but also less expensive and saves a lot of money.
Banana contains macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals essential to maintain the healthy skin and protect skin from environment exposure.
Skin needs nutrition both from outside and inside. Skin is composed of two layers, the epidermis the upper layer and the dermis the underlying layer. The outer layer do not have blood vessel to supply nutrients. Blood vessels are found only in the outer dermis layer. Hence nourishing the skin from outside becomes vital.
Banana contains abundant of carbohydrates, mineral, and vitamins. People who do more of physical works such as athletes always prefer consuming banana before and after their work.
Banana provides countless benefits to overall health. Regular consumption of banana keeps the digestive system in order. Strengthens the nervous system. Helps blood circulation. Keeps active by strengthening the brain cells.

PublisherLatha M.S
Release dateJun 14, 2018
Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana

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    Book preview

    Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana - Latha M.S

    Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana.

    by Latha M.S

    Holistic Skin and Hair Care with Banana.

    by Latha M.S

    Copyrights 2018 Latha M.S

    Smashwords Edition.

    Smashwords License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 Nutrients for Skin Care.

    Chapter 2 Banana as Natural Skin Moisturizer.

    Chapter 3 Banana as Natural Skin Radiator.

    Chapter 4 Banana as Anti-aging Agent.

    Chapter 5 Banana for Treating Acne.

    Chapter 6 Banana as Skin Exfoliator.

    Chapter 7 Banana to Treat Puff Eyes.

    Chapter 8 Banana for Dark Spots.

    Chapter 9 Banana in Foot Care.

    Chapter 10 Banana Peel in Skin and Hair.

    Chapter 11 Banana Nutrients for Hair Care.

    Chapter 12 Banana for Treating Hair Problems.


    Banana the incredible fruit is considered as the

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