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The Burning Within Our Heart
The Burning Within Our Heart
The Burning Within Our Heart
Ebook133 pages1 hour

The Burning Within Our Heart

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Love that burns within all our hearts can be a wondrous feeling when the right person comes along and the two are bonded in an everlasting love or if it's the wrong person who enters your life it could be a disastrous affair of the heart. The outcome of our destiny all depends on the fate of whom we choose.

Release dateJun 20, 2018
The Burning Within Our Heart

Genevieve Lilith Vesta

Genevieve Lilith Vesta is a self-published author of the horror/occult, with a bit of fantasy, thriller, and mystery thrown into the mix. She was born and raised in Michigan but always dreamt of living in the South. Genevieve began her yearning for the written word thirty-nine years ago at the tender age of ten; she wrote mainly poetry and children’s stories in the beginning. As a child, Genevieve was plagued with reoccurring nightmares; so at twelve years old, after reading Pet Sematary from Stephen King, she began to reach deep into the darkness of her own mind and discovered the art of horror within herself and began to write stories about the nightmares that were buried deep inside her. In her teenage years, she became interested in witches and through research, the occult. Soon the love of her true genre was formed, the horror/occult. Genevieve’s first book though was a children’s fantasy called, Jessika and the Magic Staff, which was based on her daughter. At the age of thirty-seven, Genevieve’s dream of living in the South became a reality when she moved to Virginia with her husband and their three children. There she finally completed her second book, which is in her true genre of occult/horror called, Witches of Venus: Hell’s Grim Tyrant, and was the first book of four in the Witches of Venus series. Through the years, Genevieve tested her talents with different genres like romance, thriller, adventure, mystery and another children’s book; she also always stayed true to her heart and first calling, the love of the occult/horror genre. In the present, Genevieve is forty-nine years old and working on her new book, a science fiction mystery called, Mysterious Summer. She also is currently in the process of republishing her twelve books that have been self-published previously, with the help from an editor and a manager she did not have before.

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    Book preview

    The Burning Within Our Heart - Genevieve Lilith Vesta


    This book is all about love, many different kinds of love that we will go through at some point in our lives. There is a love that goes against the odds of living the life of freedom. There are stories about lost loves that cannot be forgotten and about love that finally deserves the chance of a life filled with happiness.

    Love is such a powerful emotion that it could end up being a problem instead of a blessing. There is a story about love for the most unlikely person you could ever know and a love scorned can turn out to be quite deadly.

    Love will always burn

    deep within our heart!

    A poem of love to begin the journey into the depths of the most beloved emotion,

    true love!


    The night we met,

    I knew you were heaven sent.

    The days went by,

    and all I could do was sigh.

    With every breath you filled me;

    I couldn’t wait to see.

    Will you be by my side,

    forever in time,

    or would you fly away

    without a say?

    The answer is quite clear

    it has been many years.

    Today, love is in the air,

    and we still care.

    Today, love fills me up inside,

    it’s been one hell of a ride.

    I never want it to stop;

    take me all the way to the top.

    I will have no fear,

    because we will be together for

    one hundred years.


    Love On The Run

    LOVE ON THE RUN is a story of an unloved girl finally gaining the love she so craved, only to find herself faced with the decision to choose between love and her freedom. Be careful on what you choose in life; you can be enslaved by love or all alone with your freedom.

    Chapter One


    HEY LOSER, YOUR MOMMY and papa want you to be with them; why don’t you do everyone a favor and join them?

    Dusty ran from the girls that she lived with all her life at the orphanage in Lille, France. Her parents died when she was ten years old. Many girls may have surrounded her, but she was lonely. Dusty had long, mousy brown hair, and thick glasses hid her beautiful green eyes. She had a heart shaped face with chubby cheeks. For being only sixteen, she was overweight. Every girl in the orphanage seemed to hate Dusty. They treated her badly, and all Dusty could do was run away crying.

    As Dusty grew older, she became bolder when facing her enemies, but on the inside, she was still a frightened child. Instead of running away crying, she faced them bravely. Dusty had one friend who stuck up for her, and Josephine was popular and pretty. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes and her body was slim. She looked older than sixteen. Dusty felt that she was lucky to have a friend like Josephine. Nobody messed with Dusty when Josephine was around and that was almost all the time. Josephine never left Dusty’s side; they ate together and slept in the same room. Dusty felt safe with her friend by her side.

    When Dusty and Josephine turned sixteen, they always talked about stealing the money the orphanage had in their office to run away. They decided one day to finally leave the orphanage. They went into the office one night and grabbed all the money that was there. They left the place forever. The two girls boarded a plane and headed to Paris, France. When they arrived, the first thing they did was get a new identity that changed their age to eighteen. Josephine found a job in an art gallery as an hostess and Dusty found a job in marketing as a telephone operator. They found an apartment and dined out every night. Dusty began to gain more weight from all the delicious desserts the fancy restaurants offered. Josephine was very popular in Paris and went out every night, while, on the other hand, Dusty was embarrassed by her looks and so she always stayed home.

    One day, Dusty was so depressed she went for a walk. She went to a couple of stores and tried on clothes but nothing would fit her. The frustration of her fatness weighed heavily on her mind, so she decided to get some groceries instead. On the way home, a man ran into her and groceries flew into the air as Dusty fell to the ground.

    The man helped Dusty up and said, I am so sorry.

    Dusty nodded, she did not know what to say. Men do not talk to her, especially good-looking men.

    Let me help you pick up this mess, he said to her.

    Dusty smiled at him, knelt down to pick up the food and put it in the bag. He was tall, muscular and dressed in an expensive suit. After helping with her groceries, he smiled at her.

    Don’t I know you? He asked.

    Dusty stared at the cement and said, I, I don’t think so?

    Yes I do, you work next to my building, the man said. I knew I recognized you, I see you every day. You do have such a pretty face.

    Dusty looked up, smiled and quickly looked away as if ashamed.

    I gotta go; I hope I get another chance to bump into you again. He told her.

    Dusty was excited and ran home to tell Josephine. When she arrived, Josephine was sitting on the couch reading Vogue magazine. Dusty excitedly told her about the man that just ran into her, but then she abruptly stopped talking. Sadness filled her eyes as a thought occurred to her, He wouldn’t want to go out with me; I’m fat and ugly.

    Josephine listened to Dusty and then an idea came to her mind. Josephine went to her and said, I can help you get this guy or any other guy you want.

    How can I get him? Look at me, Dusty asked.

    First, Josephine began, you need to lose some weight; we can work out together. Let’s see, Josephine reached up and took the glasses off of Dusty’s face. You will need to get contact lenses; you have such pretty eyes why hide them? Also, your hair is too brown for your skin tone, let's color your hair blonde. You need some makeup, but not a lot; your face is too beautiful for too much paint. Before you know it, you will be a new woman.

    Dusty stared at her friend; she wondered if it would really work. He did say I had a pretty face, Dusty said shyly.

    Josephine smiled and said, You really do. Josephine gave her friend a hug. Let’s do it.

    Six months later, Dusty was a new woman. Now when she looked in a mirror, Dusty would smile at her reflection. She saw a young, beautiful, skinny woman with long blonde hair that came down to her waist. Throughout her transformation, she would see her dream man leaving work, but Dusty would hide from him. She had such a low self-image of herself for so long and that feeling was too strong, it scared her to make an attempt at him. Day by day, as her new look emerged, her self-confidence became stronger. It especially helped when her co-workers would complement her.

    One day, while Dusty was getting ready to leave work, a handsome man in the next cubicle told her that she was very beautiful and wanted to go out on a date sometime. Dusty had just stared blankly at him for a moment, she had never been asked out on a date. She smiled and said, Thank you, maybe we can go out sometime, but not right now. She was thinking about the handsome man who she bumped into. She walked out of the building lost in her thoughts about her co-worker. His words were what she needed; Dusty had finally gained the confidence that she lacked her whole life. Dusty was not paying attention, lost inside a wonderful daydream about a date that could be soon in her future, then she ran into somebody. Dusty looked up and inhaled sharply; it was him.

    Didn’t we meet like this before? He asked.

    Dusty smiled and said, I believe we did.

    You look great, I like the new look. I must admit you looked beautiful when we first met. My name is William Brooks, I wanted to talk before but I was in a hurry. I’ve seen you after work, but when I was about to go and talk to you, you would seem to disappear. Now that I have you, do you want to go out to dinner with me?

    Dusty was thrilled and said to him, Sure, I would love that.

    During dinner, they talked and got to know each other better. After they ate, he drove her home and promised to call. He did the next day, wanting to see her again. After that, they went out every night and eventually fell in love.

    On a rare night, Josephine and Dusty were both home and watched the news. The reporter talked about a jewelry store that was robbed, and showed the suspects that were involved. Dusty and Josephine were surprised to see that

    William was one of them. The girls also found out about his previous arrests. There was an arrest and time in prison for swindling, robbery and possession of cocaine. Dusty could not believe it; she did not want to believe it. The reporter also said he was missing.

    No wonder we haven’t seen him lately, Josephine said.

    There was a knock at the door. Dusty ran to it, hoping it would be William because she wanted to know the truth. She opened the door and

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