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Live Like A Prince On A Pauper's Money-Third Edition
Live Like A Prince On A Pauper's Money-Third Edition
Live Like A Prince On A Pauper's Money-Third Edition
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Live Like A Prince On A Pauper's Money-Third Edition

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Most families today are drowning in a sea of financial debt. This is not usually due to a catastrophic event, such as a medical emergency, but from consistently spending more than they earn. The purpose of this book is to teach families to not only live on what wages they earn, but to live well on this money. One tip among many in this book used by the author yielded a $20,000 savings in less than a year!

If consumers read “Live Like A Prince On A Pauper’s Money,” then they will:

*Understand why their financial plan is not working
*Review God’s financial promises throughout the Scripture
*Learn fun, but effective ways to manage their money
*Possibly see immediate results on Day One from following advice in the book

Because the book will:

*Provide concise, direct help in an small, less intimidating fashion to busy families
*Be affordable enough to families struggling with debt and overwhelming expenses
*Provide specific personal success stories
*Group saving success tips into similar, easy-to-remember categories
*Present the information in a captivating, one-on-one, conversational fashion.

Although there are other self-help financial books, this book takes a personal, but potentially financially effective approach. Other books are lengthy and have extensive programs to follow. The cost of such programs, both in money (usually around $100 or more initially) and in time, is intimidating for struggling families. This book is designed to provide help that will not be too costly and will be easy to take along and read while taking a child to ball practice or during a lunch break from work. It is designed to read easily and provide immediate help that readers may see working on Day One, not ten weeks later, after a very labor intensive process. It will have immediate appeal to those who have not sought help from the lengthy programs, as well as those who already have and gave up during the other programs.

PublisherKristie Newby
Release dateJun 21, 2018
Live Like A Prince On A Pauper's Money-Third Edition

Kristie Newby

I have been happily married to my husband, Lynn, for over 26 years. We have a feisty beagle as a member of our family. I grew up on a 2,000 acre ranch in Oklahoma and have a love for God and agriculture. I graduated with my B.S. in Economics, Finance and Business Administration, hold my M.B.A., and am a Certified Fraud Examiner. I currently work as a Senior Auditor/Consultant for a higher education university, with prior experience as an Assistant Comptroller for a major cell phone company, a Financial Accountant for a large media conglomerate, Assistant Vice-President/Senior Auditor for a large financial institution, and a Budget Analyst/Procurement Specialist for the federal government. I am believe that many people would handle their money wisely if they only had the knowledge of how to do so. That is why I write financial help others manage their money so that they can achieve their dreams.

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    Book preview

    Live Like A Prince On A Pauper's Money-Third Edition - Kristie Newby

    Live Like A Prince


    A Pauper’s Wages

    Kristie K. Newby, MBA, CFE

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2018 Kristie Newby

    License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One-A Good Steward

    Chapter Two-Restructure Your Living

    Chapter Three-Insist On Great Customer Service and Quality!

    Chapter Four-Buying Groceries/Necessities

    Chapter Five-Buying Clothes

    Chapter Six-Phone Service

    Chapter Seven-Giving Gifts

    Chapter Eight-Dining Out/Entertainment

    Chapter Nine-Home Decorating

    Chapter Ten-Vacations

    Chapter Eleven-Buying A Car

    Chapter Twelve-General Finances

    Chapter Thirteen-A Potpourri of Opportunities

    Final Thoughts


    About the Author

    For those who are and for those who desire to be more, this book was written. It is never too late to become.

    To my husband Lynndell - Thank you for believing in this project, even when it seemed impossible. Thank you for being a dedicated provider who puts the needs of his family above his own.

    To my parents, Robert and Beverly - Thank you for instilling the concept of sound money management in me from day one. Your example was one of excellence to follow and learn from.

    Disclaimer: The advice provided in this book is not a guarantee of wealth or financial success. Readers are advised to consult their CPA or personal financial advisor for individualized financial planning. Companies or websites mentioned in this book are merely for examples and no endorsement is implied or intended.


    Stock market instability. Job layoffs and insecurity. Business closings. The skyrocketing cost-of-living. Whatever the reason, the majority of consumers are now finding themselves in financial turmoil. According to a February 2012 ETF Daily News article, almost half of all Americans today carry an average of $16,000 in credit card debt each month, not to mention enormous loans for a home and vehicles [2.]. Most do not set out to be swamped with overwhelming debt, but end up that way because they do not have the knowledge to help them avoid such a situation.

    In today’s tight economy and uncertain financial environment, it is imperative that consumers be armed with the latest and best information that helps them make the most of their money and avoid financial pitfalls. In the Bible, God says My people perish for lack of knowledge. This book was created with the hope that readers will no longer have to drown in a sea of financial debt, but can put the biblical principles and valuable, practical tips that follow to good use. I use them on a daily basis and am saving thousands each year! Whether you are a Christian wanting to manage your money God’s way, or just an individual searching for a quick, but effective, way to have more money in this stressful world, read on and be enlightened. You too can learn how to Live Like A Prince On A Pauper’s Wages.

    Chapter One- A Good Steward

    Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10

    In Matthew, Chapter 25:14-30, Jesus tells the disciples a parable of a master, three servants and eight talents. The master is going on a long journey and entrusts his three servants with five talents, two talents, and one talent respectively. When the master returns, he finds the first two invested their talents and produced double the talents they were originally given. The master said, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness! The third servant had dug a hole in the earth and hid the talent he was entrusted with. The master was displeased that this servant didn’t even invest the talent at the local bank where it would draw interest and gave the servant’s one talent to the servant he originally gave five talents to.

    There are many lessons to be learned from this parable Jesus told. Although the main intent of this parable was to teach the disciples about how God expects us to work to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I believe it is not an accident that Jesus used a parable that involved servants and how they handled their master’s money. WHAT? God cares about money? YES! In fact, God is so concerned about how money affects our lives that there are over 800 Scriptures in the Bible that talk about money! Just as the servants in the parable

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