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LIMBO Oddities
LIMBO Oddities
LIMBO Oddities
Ebook40 pages31 minutes

LIMBO Oddities

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About this ebook

Billy has been given the oppertunity he's been looking for. The chance to open his own store, Limbo Oddities. But, there's something odd going on in his life lately and he cant seem to figure it out.

PublisherCraig 0010
Release dateJun 25, 2018
LIMBO Oddities

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    Book preview

    LIMBO Oddities - Craig 0010

    It’s a dark and stormy night at Billy’s store-apartment, Limbo Oddities, where he lays restless in his full-size bed, fighting off a nightmare. In a sudden jolt of fear, Billy in a cold sweat, sits up screaming out loud. Lightening crackles across the sky, illuminating the bedroom in short shuttered bursts. Billy flinches jerks at the commotion while breathing heavily. His head falls back to his pillow, he wipes the sweat from his forehead, and then lets out a deep sigh. In the dark, he fumbles for his smartphone that is on the nightstand. Clicking the screen on, it reveals it is Tuesday, February 6th, 4:42 A.M.

    He thinks to himself. ‘Ah man, another nightmare.’

    The following rainy morning, he slumps down the street to Stinesville’s local coffee shop, a place where he and his friends meet up every morning to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and a fresh baked donut. The morning is such a blur to him, he doesn’t remember entering the coffee shop or greeting his friends. He sits at the table in a daze as he tends to doze off in a desperation for sleep.

    Billy hears a distorted voice, Billy? asks a female voice, Are you ok?

    He opens his eyes and is slightly blinded by the winter’s morning sun. Uh? Yeah. Lost some sleep last night. He looks around at the table to see his friends; Jimmy Wilder and Drake Russo, and girlfriend Koko. Jimmy holds to his last name, he is a bit on the wild side; going to drinking parties on Saturday nights, bringing home girls he has never met before, and has a shaggy, dirty-blonde hair style to top it off. Drake is more sophisticated; always wearing a suit and black tie, clean cut with brown slicked back medium length hair. As for Koko, with evidence of college material books stacked on the table, she is currently a college student a few cities over, and she manages to help at Billy’s store.

    Koko asks again for reassurance, Are you sure? You’ve been acting odd for a few days now.

    Billy sips on his coffee. ... I’ve been having this dream. Staring out the window, he visualizes the dream, I’m standing in the street in front of Limbo Oddities and I get hit by a car.

    Jimmy asks, Do you survive?

    Billy takes a long pause as he stares down at his nearly full cup. I always wake up after the crash.

    Drake comments, I thought by taking off a semester of college, the tension would ease up for you.

    "... I thought

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