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The Chain of Happiness: 10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Life
The Chain of Happiness: 10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Life
The Chain of Happiness: 10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Life
Ebook35 pages19 minutes

The Chain of Happiness: 10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Life

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About this ebook

Depression is one of the leading mental health diseases faced by the majority of the population today. Suicide rates are at an all-time high and the number of people who've had suicide tendencies at least once in their lifetime is also alarming. In such a world where people spend more time in front of a screen than with each other, we need more books like "10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Life."

The Chain of Happiness is a comprehensive and reader-friendly book that guides you through the steps of leading a happy life. It is fun and interesting to read. The book is divided into a few chapters, each with its specific morals and lessons. The chapters are listed below, with a brief description of what each chapter is about:

  • Life is Yours

Life is a gift. You have complete ownership of your life. Start making healthy choices that keep you happy.

  • Be Kind to Everyone Else

What goes around, comes around. You can only gain inner peace and happiness if you're kind and compassionate towards those around you.

  • Take Care of Yourself

Self-care and self-love is a very important element required to lead a happy and healthy life,

  • Finding Role Models

Role models inspire you to do better and to become a better person.

  • Learning to Take Risks

Living life in your comfort zone won't get you anywhere and it definitely won't teach you the lessons you need to lead a happy life.

  • Lead by Examples

Be good to others, and they'll follow.

  • Appreciate what you have

We're often ungrateful for the things we are blessed with. It's time to look around and appreciate the things we have instead of complaining about the ones we don't.

  • Keep Moving Forward

Life cannot be lived while looking in the back mirror. While that may be required at times, you need to focus on the present and what's about to come.

  • Surround yourself with awesome people

The company you choose to have greatly determines how happy you'll be in life

  • Plan your life

Have some ambitions and goals in life so that you always have something to look forward to!

So, what are you waiting for? Get this book now and discover your journey to happiness!

PublisherMarian Hentea
Release dateJun 26, 2018
The Chain of Happiness: 10 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Life

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    The Chain of Happiness - Marian Hentea

    © Copyright 2018 by Marian Hentea- 

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