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Combat Earth: Combat Earth, #1
Combat Earth: Combat Earth, #1
Combat Earth: Combat Earth, #1
Ebook295 pages3 hours

Combat Earth: Combat Earth, #1

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What would you do if your world suddenly turned upside down?

Really turned upside down.

People dying by the millions.

No electricity.

No gas.

No water.

Would you get mad?

And if you did, who would you turn your anger on when you learned everything was destroyed deliberately?

What would you do?

You'd go after them.

You'd find them.

And you'd make them pay.


PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateJun 29, 2018
Combat Earth: Combat Earth, #1

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    Book preview

    Combat Earth - Michael John Light

    Prologue: In the Shadows

    The huge device had taken decades to complete. In the last decade there had been more urgency than before. More lives had been lost. More buildings destroyed. Their world was crumbling around them and there seemed no logical or safe way to protect themselves anymore.

    If we do this, they will hate us, a tall man declared. They will declare us terrorists and see us as less than the scum beneath their feet. They will call us every negative, hateful word they have in their languages.

    The Shaballa Council peered at his troubled face. He reflected the state of their own troubled hearts. The basic rule of Shamballa was, Do no harm!

    And now they were comtemplating that which would do great harm. It was not the Path of Light; nor the Path of the Golden One, but it was...a path.

    At one time the Dalai Lama had been their hope. They had fed him a constant flow of their decisions hoping that the enlightened soul above would carry their message to the masses and divert them from t heir self destructive path and one which one in the end force Shamballa to rise in despair and defend itself.

    The enlightened souls had been sought for advice, but all had remained silent. They did not interfere in the affairs of man or their brethren beneath the surface of the world.

    All here were loving souls, working to improve their souls. The idea of violence was repugnant to them.

    But they were not  helpless.

    They would not submit forever to the unthinking violence of the humans above. For decades they had sought to enlighten them through visions to those above who were receptive to the truth.

    But the truth was lost on the masses.

    The political leaders of the above world hid the truth, fearing they would be stripped of power and wealth were it to become known.

    Then we will have failed to guide them, a member spoke up, his voice stricken with sadness.

    No, the tall man finally said, after a long pause. He leaned closer, his eyes on the person who had spoken. Her beautiful and radiant eyes were misted with tears. She was a goddess to some in the countries above, but here she was a compassionate and caring woman. They will learn.

    Very well.

    The tall man looked at all the other members. The we are all agreed?

    The Council nodded as one.

    May we all learn and grow! The tall man said.

    May we all learn and grow! The Council members repeated.

    The tall man turned to the man who controlled the Black Matter device. He nodded.

    Let it begin!

    Chapter One: There be Monsters

    14 Days Later

    Black Matter Realms



    Rush’s voice was magnified by the stones about him, giving his tone a horrific, gigantic tone that even shocked him, but it didn’t stop him from his attack.

    Still screaming, but no longer with human words, but with anger and vitriol born of frustration and a long building desire to change something, anything in the world he now existed in, Rush hefted his hand made spear carved from a huge piece of stone and charged with all his strength.

    Charged something so butt ugly it could never have come from Kansas, or anywhere else in good old America.

    This thing didn’t deserve to exist.

    It had no right to exist.

    Nothing this ugly and vile deserved to take another step in this life or any other.

    So he charged and screamed, charged and screamed, every muscle in his body tuned to a pitch.

    The creature that Edgar Allan Poe, even in his worst of opium dreams, could never have imagined, or H.P. Lovecraft in his Elder God stories of utter darkness and monstrosity...that creature was here and now and rushing towards him in a flurry of exotic shaped limbs that hurt his eyes to follow.

    He only saw one thing.

    And then he slammed to a stop, as his stone spear struck the...hopefully...heart of the monstrosity and plunged deeper and deeper into its chitinous body.

    Shell and core splashed and spattered Rush’s body and face. His hands dripped with green ichors. His feet soon were covered in a pool of dripping, hot ooze from the creature’s ruptured carapace.

    Back in his old life on earth he might have thought twice about doing such a damned foolish thing, risking his life just for the satisfaction of proving that life was more than just one more horrible day of monsters and starvation beneath the crust of the earth.

    And today he proved it.

    Yet again.

    He had lost count of how many other days and nights there had been. There was no such thing as day or night in these nightmare realms below the crust of the earth.

    The Black Matter Realms as his Brit friend, Everett called them.

    Now his thoughts scattered as the impaled creature struggled to break free. His face was in its face and so close that it could almost nip his face off, which he was sure it would have, had he not raised his right foot and shoved back from the damned thing.

    He gasped for air as his face was splashed yet again with the fecal matter of the monster before him, whose insides were broken and spattering him now from its intestines.

    Rush screamed at the top of his lungs and lunged with his makeshift spear yet again, driving the spear deep into the throat...such as it was, and then jamming it straight down into the body cavity by jumping upwards and then bearing down with all his weight.

    The monster cut at him with its clawed hands and mandible jaws, but he didn’t notice the new cuts, bruises and tears.

    He had only one thing on his mind.

    Stopping this bastard once and for all!

    He hung in the air, his feet kicking at the body of the monster, as he did his best to hang on as it tried to shake him free to get a better reach of him.

    But it didn’t get the chance.

    Rush’s crazy and brash attack was now seconded by his equally frustrated and determined friend.

    Everett used that moment to rush from the side where he had been hiding and smash the creature on the back of its head with the boulder he had found.

    The skull made a sound like a giant egg cracking and spilled a gelatinous orange brain matter all over him and the rust colored dirt they stood upon.

    It fell in a heap, made one last attempt to sweep its claws into Rush's feet, then collapsed utterly, expelling its dying gasp and a vomit of ooze all over Rush's feet.

    Damn! Rush cried out in disgust. They don't even die clean!

    Everett almost tip toed over the creature, then kicked it in its side. Whatever in the hell is it? Its arms are all over the place?

    Rush retrieved his wooden spear. I'm more interested in how in the hell do we get back to our SFU.

    Everett sighed, then dropped back against a russet colored patch of moss that overgrew the rocks behind him. He brushed his hair, mopping sweat from it as he did so. This place is hot enough to fry an egg.

    Rush eyed the dead monster laying at their feet. Do you think....?

    Everett let out a sigh of protest so strong it startled Rush. He looked at his friend. The only reason why he could even see his face was the radiant moss that clung to the roof of the rocks about them and the sides.

    It was like being in a Disneyland exhibit with pixie like dust making every bright and tinkly. Except in this case it only emphasized the bizarreness of their surroundings and amplified the horror of the creatures that seemed to endlessly attack them.

    Everett waved his hands hurriedly into the air. No! Don’t even go there!

    But we're not going to get back, are we? They want to eat us. They would eat us. Why not...?

    Everett made a gagging sound.

    Rush sighed. Okay, okay. I get it. I get it.

    Everett put a hand on Rush’s shoulder and led him away from the dead husk of the  monster they had just slain.

    Everett sighed again, this time much deeper. He looked at the palm of his hands, then at Rush. The truth?

    Rush nodded. His face strained. He didn't know if he really wanted to hear it after all, but he was too stubborn to admit it. Too desperate for change. Something. Anything but more of these foul smelling, multiple clawed and mandibled insectoids that kept trying to maul and snack on them.

    I think we could be thousands of miles from where they are now.

    Rush finally let go of what he'd been holding on.

    He sat down on the opposite side of Everett. How did this ever happen? We had the most modern artillery the US forces could supply, highly trained tactical warriors surrounding us....

    Shit happens, Rush. Everett responded. Shit...just...happens.

    The sound of rocks being smashed aside.

    Both men stiffened and turned to see a new swarm of monsters rushing towards them.

    Yeah. It does, Rush sighed, then raised his stone spear. All...the...damned...time!

    Everett gave his friend a pat on the shoulder. We’re like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, aren’t we?

    Yeah. Except I don’t like the ending part of them together.

    Then Rush and Everett raised stone spear and boulder and rushed the charging monsters.

    Chapter Two: Road to Hell

    Fourteen days ago

    Entrance to Shamballa




    The President stood at the huge crack in the side of the mountain and frowned deeply. Doesn't look like much, does it?

    Miles shrugged. Big things sometimes come in small packages.


    Fact, Mister President, Miles replied, giving POTUS a crooked grin.

    The President eyed Miles appraisingly a moment, then nodded. He looked back as Rush, Aaron and Everett climbed onto the narrow ledge of the entrance.

    The huge Secret Service Agents eyed them suspiciously, but didn't move from the right and left of the President. They kept their sub-machine guns at the ready.

    Really? Rush said as he eyed the guns.

    The President smiled, genuinely. Hey! They can't lose their paycheck. Tough times these days.

    Rush barked a laugh. The Secret Service Agents flinched slightly, but didn't budge.

    Everett came close to one of them and looked into the dark glasses over his eyes. Great glasses.

    Miles wave at him. Guys! Give us some solemnity here.

    Everett shrugged then joined Miles by the entrance. He peered inside like a child testing the waters of a swimming pool before jumping in.

    Looks dangerous enough.

    Rush joined him. He unclipped his mag light and focused it inside the entrance. The Guide stood about ten yards back, staring at something on the right wall, which was bulging out as if ready to explode.

    What's that? And how can you see in the dark?

    The Guide shrugged. Night vision. Good.

    Rush and Everett exchanged glances, but said nothing. They swept inside ahead of Miles and the President. Moments later Miles gave a nod and the President nodded to his team and they swept ahead of him, guns at the ready.

    The rest of the Special Forces entered behind them, not a single gun in sight. Miles noticed. Uh, guys, don't get cocky!

    Aaron stepped beside Miles. Nothing we can't handle. Then he turns to look. What in the hell does that Guide eat every day...shit for breakfast?

    No one answers him. Aaron shakes his head, then proceeds to the front.

    The President grinned at Miles. See. Absolutely nothing to worry about.

    A scream ahead and the ground of the ledge began to crumble away.

    Men who were in the back screamed as they were dropped to their deaths by a sudden onslaught of cascading rocks and collapsed ledge.

    Two died then.

    The others dove and jumped inside, many over each other and on top of each other as the collapse continued. Rush, Aaron and Everett rushed back to pull the men to safety as the entrance began collapsing.

    Oh Crap! Everett swore as he and the others bounced to their feet and ran like hell was after them.

    It was like an Indian Jones movie. They rushed blindly into the darkness ahead, some sweeping lights ahead, but most running from death behind them, rather than fear of what was ahead. They should have been doing both.

    Two more men were lost with the Secret Agent who had fallen through an opening in the floor about twenty yards in. The others dropped back, while the stronger leapt to safety on the other side.

    The entrance stopped rumbling and the ground breaking behind them. The Special Forces glanced warily around, looking for something substantial to fight, but there was nothing but Mother Nature.

    Miles and the President rushed to the rear.

    Is it safe? The President demanded.

    Several Special Forces stepped aside to show the bomb like device on its carrier.

    How many? Miles asked.

    Aaron pushed through from the back, where he was helping some of the wounded. Four.

    That's eight men down and we've only just begun. The President noted a bit too loud.

    The men about him didn't respond. Some of them had been friends they'd known for years, a lifetime. It was not a time for numbers, but regret. And now wasn't the time to regret because it wasn't over yet.

    The crevice began making grinding sounds.

    Oh Crap! Rush swore. The damn thing is widening He spun around. Everyone over to this side. Fast! Grab the equipment and throw it if you have to, but save yourselves!

    It was a mad rush to get to the safe side. The last man, the Cook's apprentice had been hurt by the landslide, Aaron leapt back across to help him. He physically lifted the man, who was easily two thirds of Aaron's weight and threw  him safely to the other side where Everett and Rush caught him and swung him to safety.

    Aaron looked at the gap that continued to widen.

    Hurry! Rush yelled.

    Aaron looked at him like a hurt puppy dog. I can't.

    What are you talking about? It's only about seven feet. Rush yelled.

    I'm scared of heights! Aaron said as he tried not to look down into the chasm quickly opening up at his feet.

    The Cook came running up with a loop of rope that Hinkles grabbed from his hands. Let me!

    Hinkles swiftly made a lasso and swept it across the chasm over Aaron's shoulders.

    Hey! I'm not cattle! Aaron swore, trying to get the noose off him.

    Trust me! Hinkles hollered back.

    Very quickly he unwound the other end of the rope and coiled it around his own waist, then handed the other end to Rush. Tie it down to the wall over there.

    The crevice made another loud grinding sound and Aaron was almost knocked off his perch. The ground fell away on four sides of him, leaving him on a narrow island of rock that swayed somewhat.

    Ah guys! He yelled.

    Everett got what was going on and took the rope from Rush as he anchored it and anchored the rope on the other side, swiftly attaching it to an outthrust of rock with a hammer he had attached to his belt for climbing.

    Jump! Hinkles yelled.

    You crazy son of a bitch! Aaron swore at him. I ain't jumping into that pit for nobody!

    Then the narrow ground under him began to break up.

    Oh shit! He swore, then leapt.

    But instead of falling as he thought he would, Rush and Everett pulled rapidly on their ends of the rope and rubber banded him across, and straight into Hinkles, causing both men to collapse to the ground with Aaron on top of Hinkles.

    Hinkles grinned into Aaron's face. I don't usually get this intimate on a fast date.

    Aaron's face grew red and he rolled off Hinkles. You're  dead man when we get back, you son of a bitch.

    A simple thank you will do. Hinkles said as he loosened the rope from him and Aaron. And who said we were ever coming back?

    Aaron glanced over at the President, who was motionless and without expression, then back at Hinkles. What's your name?

    Captain Montgomery Monroe Aloysius Hinkleman, but everyone whose my friend call me Hinkles.

    Aaron burst into a grin and put his hand out.

    Hinkles looked surprised then reached to shake. At the last moment Aaron pulled his hand away. Not!

    Hinkles was about to explode when Aaron grabbed Hinkles as if he were going to crush him to death.

    Everyone rushed in to separate the man, but then stopped as they heard Aaron begin to cry.

    The men all lowered their heads, then silently, they followed the President and Miles as they pushed forward into the depths of the opening.

    Rush and Everett hung back, ignoring the two men who had just become friends.

    Tragedy makes strange bedfellows. Everett noted.

    Speaking of which? Rush added. Where's our Yoda?

    They went to the outthrust of rock that the Guide had been standing near and then they noticed the inset and the lever inset into it.

    Rush pulled out his pistol. I'm going to kill that bastard!

    Everett put his hand on the pistol. Not now. I'm going to roast him first, slowly over a hot fire!

    Both men turned to follow the others.

    Not lost or unheard by them the Guide watched from a hiding place high above the outthrust into which he had climbed. His eyes glowed a strange color for a moment, then he watched as Aaron and Hinkles picked up their gear, slung it on their back and followed.

    A few moments later the Guide dropped lightly to the ground and followed them.

    Chapter Three: UFO

    The United Nations Security Council

    United Nations Building

    New York City, New York


    Many months ago

    Secretary General Arnold Palmer fretted at the podium, tapping the mike off and on to make sure it was working. Behind him a huge screen was lit up with a strange image of the stars and a bizarre symbol.

    The President of the United States fretted to the left of the podium and Doctor Morgan Freeman stood peacefully to the right. A strong contrast between two of the most powerful men in the world.

    The Doctor is a no nonsense scientist of tremendous genius purported to have

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