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Release Me: Mine Series, #2
Release Me: Mine Series, #2
Release Me: Mine Series, #2
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Release Me: Mine Series, #2

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Yvette belongs to me.

But I can't have her. I need her. I can still feel the whisper of her lips on my body, then the illusion vanishes. My fiance Ana replaces her, a woman I never wanted, but I need her too. I need her connections to keep my promise to my father. He made me promise to take it all, to reign supreme over the four Families. I need Ana to make me King but I need Yvette to complete me. The problem is, one of them needs to Release Me.

PublisherSamantha Lee
Release dateJul 12, 2018
Release Me: Mine Series, #2

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    Book preview

    Release Me - Samantha Lee

    Dear Readers,

    I am at it again. This book has more author tidbits about me. Do you remember the game Where’s Waldo? Sigh, did I just date myself…I digress. Anyway, I challenge you to find some of my hidden gems. The list below has a few clues to some of my author tidbits, located throughout this book.

    Also, remember this…Daemon is pronounced Day-Mun not Demon, but this IS me being cheeky again, by giving a shout out to my first love, Paranormal Romance.

    Best Regards,

    Samantha Lee

    1. My favorite rapper in college: My (favorite) roommate in college used to listen to this man all the time. I had no choice but to start to like him, but once we weren’t roommates, I didn’t continue following his work. I heard he is married to a pretty famous woman.

    2. The color of my favorite throw.

    3. The first name of my (current) favorite Chinese Actor.***Big clue*** It just so happens it is the same name of the Chinese character in this book. I was watching the Chinese drama Only side by side with you, when I wrote this book. If the main male actor of that drama is reading this, call me ;P

    4. Yvette encapsulates how I feel about shopping.

    5. The social media platform I spend far too much time on.

    6. I am a big fan of the underlying characteristic of the entire book.

    7. My favorite Korean Pop singer at the moment.

    8. R&B singer that is always mentioned because of his sexy music that helps me write all of the sexy situations in my books.

    9. Favorite app to watch Asian Dramas.

    Chapter 1

    Antony closed his eyes against the oncoming headlights as they sped through the interstate, weaving in and out of traffic. His thoughts drifted to Yvette and the moment he thought his world collapsed. Antony’s ears still rang from the sound of the bullets firing and whizzing over his head. His heart still beat fast from the paralyzing fear he felt when he heard Yvette grunt above him. He knew a bullet pierced her body when she used her body to protect him. His heart stopped when he felt her body go still above him. 

    Antony ran a shaking hand down his face, when he pulled it back, he saw the blood that stained his hand illuminated under the headlights of passing cars. Closing his eyes on the reminder, he wondered where he would go from here. He’d lost everything he loved, every fucking person. His father and mother were brutally murdered, and he’d lost Yvette, so he could keep a promise he made to his dying father.

    Sal interrupted his thoughts that were spiraling into an abyss of darkness. Boss, where to now? Antony chuckled, that was exactly what he was trying to figure out. He exhaled a shaky breath. There was still work that needed to be done. Back to the warehouse, he told his lifelong friend and consigliere.


    Ana Bonello brushed her hair and waited for her father to return with Antony, her fiancé. She smiled at the thought, she said the words aloud. Fiancé. My fiancé. My fiancé Antony Carbonaro. Ana placed a hand over her mouth to suppress her girlish laughter, then berated herself. She met her eyes in the mirror of the vanity and spoke sternly to herself. Ana you sound like a love-struck teenager, pull it together, but she couldn’t hide her smile.

    She placed the brush on the vanity and stood. Ana imagined herself introducing Antony to a group of women at her country club. Hello, this is my fiancé Antony Carbonaro. She knew how popular and coveted he was among the women in their circles. To be the one that possessed him had been her desire for years. She worked hard manipulating people and being in the right place at the right time, so she could be considered the logical match. She had plans for her life with Antony. Ana knew what he wanted, knew why he agreed to marry her, he needed her power, and he would have it and so much more. She would make him what he wanted to be, the King and she would be his Queen, the role she’d been cultivating and craved for herself for years.

    Even when they were children, she knew Antony would be someone that stood above the rest, but he regulated himself to the likes of Kelly and Sal. Two people she never would have placed in the same room with Antony, much less as trusted friends. The relationship between the three was solid. The times she tried to befriend Sal or Kelly to get closer to Antony, they made it clear they didn’t need to add any more people into their circle. But that was then, and this was now, and now he needed her, and she was prepared to answer the call. Hell, she’d played a part in placing him in a situation where she was his best solution to reach his goals.

    When Antony took over operations at B&E, Ana had dropped hints to her father that they should merge the Families. If only there was a way for both Families to tie together, so the two Families could become one. Her father was a smart man she knew eventually, he would figure out that a marriage would tie both Families together, and give them more power over the rest of the four crime Families in New York. But to her surprise it wasn’t her father who suggested their two children marry, it was Pio, Antony’s father who suggested it to Gino. She didn’t expect this change, but it didn’t matter, it all worked toward her end game. She would make Antony hers.

    She heard the door open downstairs. Voices drifted up. Stay here for the night, she heard her father say.

    Thank you Gino, but I can’t. Ana knew that voice. It haunted her and dogged her waking dreams. It was Antony. She had to stop herself from going downstairs to greet him. She should be asleep, it was early in the morning, and it would be awkward for her to come down now. Ana had to stick to her plan and play things out perfectly.

    She had to be the perfect fiancée. Ana knew anyone would be hesitant in this day and age to take part of an arranged marriage. She knew he didn’t love her, but she would make him love her. Ana would be everything he needed her to be. She would be the lover that embraced him at night. The woman that stood by him when he had to harden himself against the deadly deeds. The friend that would comfort him when times were hard. She would play every role, show him why he should love her. Ana climbed back into bed, her heart filled with joy over what was to come. She’d been planning long enough, it was time to make her move. She had her King, and finally, he had his Queen and the fun was just beginning.


    Nearly out of his mind with worry, Daemon ran to the information desk at the hospital. His heart was in his throat that threatened to close against the rising tide of anxiety. How… he forced out. Do I get to the emergency room from here? the woman sat behind the desk, her bangs high on her forehead, and oversized purple glasses rested on her long narrow nose and looked at him. Slowly she moved the stapler from one side of her desk to the other. Daemon’s anxiety bubbled over and he felt like he was ready to crawl out of his skin. He was tempted to pick a direction and run. He needed to do anything but wait on this thirty something woman to finish wielding her little bit of power, to give him the answer he needed. Daemon had to get to Yvette, he had to see her, she’d been shot for fuck’s sake, every minute he waited was wasted. And every moment she wasn’t in front of him was driving him insane.

    He moved from one foot to another like an addict desperate for his next fix. Fed up, Daemon pushed away from the desk and looked around the hospital lobby. There had to be signs that he could use to find the emergency room. He looked to his left, there past the double doors was a sign Emergency Room. Daemon sighed and ran toward the corridor. He heard the nasally voice of the unhelpful attendant behind him. Hey, you can’t run in here.

     He turned back long enough to flip her off and almost ran into a man in a wheelchair rolling to the bathroom. Daemon deftly dodged him. Sorry, sorry, he said to the man and kept going. He stopped at the next hallway and looked for another sign, there wasn’t one. He kept straight until he saw the red EMERGENCY written on a set of double doors in front of him. Here was where he needed to be. He ran up to the doors and moved his hands wildly until the motion sensor responded by opening the doors. He ran to the front desk praying this woman liked her job more than the last. Ma’am, this is an emergency, I am looking for Yvette… shit, he couldn’t remember her last name. One second, he pulled out his phone ready to text Antony, when he heard his name.

    Daemon? The sound of the darkly sensual voice calmed his body immediately. He felt light headed from the pendulum of his emotions. More than anything, relief flooded him. He knew the voice that called him. Yvette? he slowly turned around, she was sitting in the waiting area her shoulder was bandaged and in a sling. She waved him over with her good arm. She was watching TV and eating a bag of chips with a small juice. He rushed to her and knelt in front of her. His eyes met hers then traveled down to her bandaged arm. Let me see it, he demanded and reached for her, but she smacked his hand away.

    You idiot, it is only a flesh wound. What did you think happened?

    Daemon held her eyes. You were shot. I don’t care if it is a flesh wound, through and through, or lodged somewhere, it is all the same to me. A bullet came in contact with your body and that scared the shit out of me.

    Yvette hit his shoulder. "Will you keep it down? I haven’t told them how this happened and if you don’t quiet down, and get that deranged look off of your face, they will think you are responsible.

    Daemon looked around, she was right. Orderlies watched them closely, a few nurses floated nearby. Why didn’t you call me?

    Yvette shrugged. I just-I just, he watched her lose control of her emotions and saw it coming probably before she did. She began crying. Once the first tear streaked her cheek, it must have opened the floodgates of her emotions, because she cried so hard, she sobbed. Daemon pulled her close to him in a tight embrace, careful of her wound. He rubbed up and down her back whispering words of strength. It’s alright, it’s alright. You made it and it’s all over. Shhh, don’t cry. It’s okay. His care and attention only made her cry harder. Daemon understood it, she had been through a lot, she’d been shot, and shot several other people. It was a hell of a night for someone fresh into doing this kind of job.

    Daemon helped her stand. She stumbled through their first few steps. It’s okay, I have you now, he assured her.

    Yvette pushed herself out of his arms. He allowed it and gave her the space she needed to pull herself together. She wiped the tears from her face. What’s wrong with me. I just, she looked up at Daemon and forced a smile. I just needed a moment. I am okay now. Daemon admired her strength.

    He couldn’t let his concern show. It would be disrespectful to the amount of effort she was putting into pulling herself together. What happened? he asked.

    Yvette waved her hand in dismissal and walked toward the door. I was shot. I was in a shootout actually, my first one up close. That could have something to do with it.

    Daemon shook his head. Hmmm, was all he could say. He didn’t want his anger that she was left alone to come out now. It might make her feel attacked, and he wasn’t trying to make her feel worse. Instead, he took his coat off and put it around her shoulders as they stood at the exit door. She looked up at him, he shrugged. It’s cold dear.

    Then what about you?

    I am a man. We are built of sterner stuff. Come on. Daemon grabbed her hand and pulled her along. The doors opened, and the night greeted them.

    Daemon pulled the door to the van open and Yvette slipped in. He helped her get the seat belt around her injury. His face was in front of hers when she asked, Did they take Torre? hastily he moved back and into the bucket seat next to her.

    Daemon didn’t want to talk about the Carbonaro’s right now, he wanted to focus on getting her home, and healed. Yes, Sal and Antony have him now. But that’s not our concern anymore. My only concern and your only concern is your safety and health.


    Yvette knew that Daemon was trying to keep her mind off tonight, and she appreciated it. She didn’t want to think about Antony, but she wanted to make sure nobody got away. She put a lot of effort into capturing them, and it would be all for nothing if they had gotten away. Yvette rested her head on the cool glass window and let the cold seep into her skin. She wished the cold could run through her blood and chill her broken heart. She wanted her heart to turn to ice so it wouldn’t continue to break. Her mind went to the moment Antony told her about his engagement. She foolishly believed he would come to his senses and let her help him through the tragedy that happened to his family. She still couldn’t believe what she heard instead. How could he be engaged so quickly? He had to have either dated her before, or was seeing both of them at the same time. Yvette sighed, her head spun, she wouldn’t figure it out. The pain medication made her fatigued. She relaxed her body and embraced the sweet oblivion of sleep. Yvette’s eyes were heavy. Each time she closed them they opened slower until they didn’t open and she was lost to a deep sleep.


    Daemon watched Yvette sleep. She snored lightly. He hoped her dreams were sweeter than her reality. He didn’t know exactly what happened between the two of them this time, but he was fucking sick of the toxic relationship between them. He wanted to hit something at the utter disrespect Antony displayed by leaving her at the hospital alone. It didn’t matter if she’d told him to leave, he shouldn’t have. This wasn’t the first time he thought about trying to convince her to walk away from it all. She deserved a quiet happy life with two and a half kids, and a yard with a white picket fence. She didn’t deserve the life she currently had, nor did she deserve the man playing the leading role in making her miserable. They pulled up to the dojo. Yvette was still sleeping peacefully. He would have carried her, but he didn’t think he could maneuver her out of the van without hurting her.

    Daemon shook her lightly. Yvette honey, wake up. He kissed the top of her head when she turned into him and mumbled something he didn’t understand. He shook her again. Yvette, we are home, can you wake up for me? she half stumbled half walked out of the van.

    Ice jumped out of the driver’s seat and ran around to help him with her. Daemon waved him off and looked around. The sun was cresting the sky, and the night was turning into day, it had been a long damn night. The look of worry on Ice’s face was comforting. He really did like Yvette. Daemon was sure if she put a little effort into it she could have him wrapped around her pinky finger. Is she okay? he asked.

    Daemon nodded and entered the dojo. He walked up the stairs to her room. David walked out of his room and looked at Yvette. Daemon shook his head, pleading with David to be quiet, then he jerked his head toward the door. If David wanted to be helpful, he could open her door. David opened the door, and Daemon and Yvette clumsily walked into her room. It was sparsely decorated. Nothing that said she’d made this place her home. It was a space where she slept. She put up a picture of Aliyah Ali and one of a beach somewhere. He wondered what beach that was a picture of and the significance of it. Did she want to go there one day, or were her goals more ambitious and she wanted to live on an island safely isolated from all the bullshit?

    Because she only had two posters hanging in her room, he knew that meant both of them were significant to her. Daemon helped her lay on her bed. She grunted and turned over once she felt her bed beneath her. Daemon watched her for a little while. Her beautiful mocha skin was smooth, no creases of distress, she was completely relaxed. She looked like a goddess when she slept. Albeit one that snored, but a goddess nonetheless. Daemon pulled the covers over her and brushed an errant strand of hair from her face before he turned and left.


    Yvette’s dream turned dark. She was running through a long dark tunnel, the echo of her shoes hitting the pavement floated around her like ominous music in a suspense movie. Yvette ran harder. She couldn’t catch her breath, but she knew she couldn’t stop running either. She couldn’t see who was chasing her, but she knew he was dangerous and he would kill her if he caught up with her. Yvette was desperate to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If she could just see it, she knew she would be safe.

    Then she heard his taunting voice close behind her. Yvette, you can’t run from me. I will always find you.

    Those words were familiar and so was the voice, she stumbled over a piece of brick that fell from the deteriorating tunnel walls. She hadn’t seen it because her focus was split between trying to remember the voice and running away. She righted herself and when she looked up, she saw the light. It was a pin-sized hole, but as she approached it, the hole grew bigger. Just a dozen feet and she would be safe.

    She was almost there. Then a man’s hand grabbed her around the waist and the other clamped over her mouth, pulling her back into the dark. She struggled against him. Kicking and trying to bite him wherever she could. Her teeth found purchase against the palm of his hand.

    Bitch! he said and let go of her. Yvette pushed away and ran toward the end of the tunnel. She could feel her attacker’s breaths on her neck, but she didn’t slow down. Her face pushed into the light first.

    Yvette woke up gasping for breath grabbing her throat and looking at her hands. Soon she realized she was in her room, but the dream felt real. Her grandmother said, Dreams always mean something. Yvette let her body fall back onto her bed. She winced from the action the pain caused to her injury. What kind of dream did she just have? Was she in danger of being kidnapped? By who? She lay there for a while thinking about the dream and what it could mean. Finally, she shook her head, shaking away the dread from her body and the silly superstitious sayings of her grandmother.

    She swung her legs over her bed and slipped into her slippers. She wouldn’t shower first, but she would at least brush her teeth before she went on a morning run with the rest of the team. Carefully she opened the door, her arm throbbed, but not enough that she needed to take any of the strong pain medication the doctor prescribed. She needed to run. She didn’t have to use her arm to run, she thought.

    When she walked down the hallway, she maneuvered her body awkwardly to open the linen closet where they kept the towels. She tried to reach for a small towel to wash her face on the shelf above her. If she didn’t watch it the whole shelf would come down on her. She was saved by Ice. Here, he said. His mouth drawn in tight. Yvette looked at him, he was obviously annoyed, but she didn’t know by what.

    Is everything okay?

    Yes, do you need help with the door? Ice pointed to the door that led to the shared bathroom.

    She nodded. If you don’t mind.

    He moved in front of her and opened the door for her. She was about to walk past him, but she stopped. Are you going running this morning? he shook his head. Yvette lifted her brow and waited for him to tell her his reason. He always ran, he was always at the front.

    Ice sighed. Whatever he had to do he didn’t want to talk to her about it, that much was obvious. Daemon and I are going to see Antony this morning. He wants to talk about us doing security for his parents’ funeral.

    Yvette tried to act nonchalant about the conversation. She tried not to show that just the mention of his name made tears pool in her eyes.

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