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Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce
Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce
Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce
Ebook250 pages2 hours

Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce

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This “Real Marketing Strategy” will help you to build your own unique strategy for success! You will use verified principles that work to do long-term marketing effectively.

Release dateJul 2, 2018
Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce

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    Book preview

    Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce - Dodo Basnak


    About the author

    The intent of this book is not to write about the author. If you would like to have some image about the author, go on and read the book.

    Your reaction? Better to skip this nonsense notes? I just wanted to better catch your attention. It will be interesting reading :). But it still applies what is written above.

    Why Real Marketing Strategy?

    What does Real Marketing Strategy mean? Do you want to know? Let´s look at it:

    REAL means that something is existing in fact and not imaginary or theoretically. The principles described are not only theoretical. The principles are verified and used in practice. And what is the best? These principles work and are therefore REAL!

    Why do we do MARKETING? Do we want to attract new customers? Do we want higher profits? Do we want satisfied customers to come back? Of course, everyone wants it!

    STRATEGY is a plan for achieving success. What is important when we are talking about strategy? It´s a long-term issue. So, it´s important to have the right strategy that will bring success.

    This "Real Marketing Strategy" will help you to build your own unique strategy for success! You will use verified principles that work to do long-term marketing effectively. As you know, time is money, so why to waste it? It will be fun for you. Your passion will grow, and enthusiasm will bring you incredible results. You will see!


    First, we must realize the marketing is natural. It is as old as humanity itself. Everyone perceives it and uses it, albeit subconsciously. How to use it for your benefit? Understand it.

    I’ve heard a lot of marketing theorems - most at school. But there is something more. Some practice might be needed. STOP - are you asking what practice? IMPORTANT: Think about how people think and ask "why? and how can I help?" as many times in as many situations as you can.

    Let´s look at this example. Someone is hurried. Someone is very hurried and probably he needs to get to the defined place. What is good marketing? Do you get it? Just ask "why is that man in the hurry and how can I help"? Do you get the answer? Ask him why is he in hurry and then offer him a lift – this could be the thing how you could help.

    Now something from the other side. You are reading book titled "Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce. Why did you purchase this book and how can it help you"? Why? Probably you have an ecommerce site and you want to improve things to have more orders and better turnover from it. Or you are just interested in and would like to start your own successful ecommerce site. How can it help you? Will help you to understand how to use marketing better for your benefit. PERIOD.

    Something doesn´t fit? You may be confused. Or you may not. What is important to realize from this foreword? The marketing is natural. And what is important to do next? PRACTICE: Change thinking if you haven´t already. Think about how people think and ask "why? and how can I help?" as many times in as many situations as you can.

    The same applies to this book. When reading and discovering new information, continuously ask why? and "how can it help me?"

    Maybe it´s time to give yourself a break from this reading. Think about the lines above you have read. When you will be clear about it, keep reading.



    That´s the introduction for you. Let´s go straight to it! Keep it in mind and read on!

    What is marketing? But seriously!

    Do you think it´s necessary to fully understand what marketing is? Maybe you already know that. Maybe you read a lot of definitions about marketing. Which one was the best? Can you remember it? Okay, it´s a fact, we have a lot of definitions what marketing is. The best one is the one you understand best. But if you prefer, look at this one:

    Marketing is a process. It´s a process of creating a product (physical product or service – according to people´s needs). Then it´s a process of its packaging and delivering it to people. Marketing is a preparation of the product and delivering it to the market in such way that we get the most reward (money) possible – let the customer is very happy (because of valuable product) to pay more :)

    Understood? You create "the right" product that people need and will want to buy. You create the right product (physical product or service), wrap it to attractive package (ecommerce design, product pictures, product description - in case of ecommerce) and deliver it (Advertisement? Goodwill?) to customers. What next? Do you know why people "do" marketing?

    People do marketing because they simply want to sell their products. The purpose of marketing is creating desire – let people want your products.

    Do you think it sounds complicated? Maybe it sounds. But it´s very easy and especially it´s natural. For example, good marketing is, when we do what people want. You do what your boss wants. You do what your girlfriend wants. And so on and so on.

    There are two groups of people. The first group thinks marketing is easy because it´s only about the advertisement. What do you think about it? The second group thinks marketing is very difficult and complicated. What do you think now?

    Let´s look at this example. I know a company that has never been doing marketing. I mean the way most people think marketing is (only advertisement). They built stable and profitable company based only on good relationships with customers. Interested in which sector is this company? It is a wholesaler of school and office supplies. Is difficult and complicated to have good relationships with customers? The company did it in a purely natural way. They wanted to sell their products, they packaged the products with good communication and interest in the customer and delivered the products straight to the customer – with a sincere smile on their faces and positive attitude. This process left very pleasant feelings to customers, so customers came back to buy products from the company again and again.

    Is it difficult and complicated to keep products (physical products or services) at the required level or a level above customer expectations? This is what marketing is about and don´t say it´s difficult. Maybe you think it´s not enough to keep only customers relationship nowadays. You think right.

    The best, the best… Is everything the best?

    Next time you walk around the city or watch offers online, see how many offers or companies are titled as the best. Weird. Isn´t it? The best restaurant, the best laptops online, the best gasoline, the best computer offers and so on. Think of another example. But really, think about it. How many such offers do you remember?

    There is something more. The best and the cheapest offers. Where did we get it? Okay, let’s don´t fight with it. It’s in us. We want to get the most out of things for the least effort. Just turn on your imagination. Imagine the car of your dreams for a little money. Let´s say it would cost ten bucks. Or imagine the house of your dreams for a little money. Or a chance to visit your desired place on the Earth. Or to have triple orders increase from your ecommerce site. Would you accept such offers? Of course!

    It´s not important to promote your business as the best. Many companies are the best. Then people are confused and sometimes disappointed with provided products (physical products or services). Your attitude to customer and customer satisfaction is important. The best is subjective. Don´t promote yourself as the best. Make your customers perceiving you as THE BEST!

    People are not stupid – or what do you think?

    Let´s talk again a little bit about the best. We have another example. Imagine an ecommerce site titled the best. For example, The best and cheapest laptops. Or The best and cheapest electronics. Now imagine someone visits mentioned ecommerce site and what does he see? Poor disarranged graphics, old products, slow page loading. Do you need something more to understand that this ecommerce can´t be the best? The visitor probably won´t get back.

    Did you hear something about "marketing tips and tricks"? Better to say, how do you perceive them? When you get out, watching TV or surfing online? Can we agree that they are annoying? Or misrepresented? Let´s look at another example. You walk on the street and you see two smiling sexy girls next to small table full of papers. You would like to talk with them, but you subconsciously know they will want SOMETHING from you. And this is annoying. Okay, but what about this? You walk around them and one of the girl will give you a small gift and then she will say have a nice day. Better? Now you’ll be curious "what is going on"? Would you be surprised? This example is typical also in ecommerce. An eBook or something similar about XXX for free. You click on it and it asks you about your name, email address, telephone number, birthdate… You subconsciously know that after filling this fields, you will be bombarded with huge amount of promotion emails. For example. People are not stupid! Keep it in mind.

    Real Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce is about creating an environment where people are happy to provide their contact details and

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