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Dominic: Disciples of the Damned, #1
Dominic: Disciples of the Damned, #1
Dominic: Disciples of the Damned, #1
Ebook79 pages59 minutes

Dominic: Disciples of the Damned, #1

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After more than 215 years of being dead on the ocean floor, vampire Dominic Kollar is released, only to find out that the rules have changed. Bounty Slayers are responsible for keeping vampires in line.


As Dom acclimates to the strange modern world, he discovers that he likes two things: riding motorcycles and the sight of a mysterious, bewitching lady.


Aided by an old vampire frenemy, Dom confronts human bikers in order to infiltrate their gang and find the object of his blood lust. As long as he can keep himself fed in this new world of challenges, Dominic Kollar will make a stand, avenge his past and attempt to destroy those who dared to cross his path.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Dominic: Disciples of the Damned, #1

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    Book preview

    Dominic - April M. Reign

    Books by April M. Reign

    The Dhellia Series


    Quest for the Keys

    Trial by Fire

    The Tri-Blood

    The Rise of the Elementalist Series

    The Keys of Power

    An Oath to Protect

    Vampire Crimes Special Unit Series

    Moon Hunt

    Moon Gone

    Moon Crimes

    Moon Castle

    Moon Scroll

    Moon Storm

    The HASH Series

    The Institute

    Secrets of Startech

    The Queen of Ceren

    Returning to Earth

    The Turning Series

    Bound to Darkness


    Vampire Vengeance

    Vampire Curse

    Disciples of the Damned Series

    Season One





    The Horsemen

    Season Two



    Dead to Rights


    Quest for the Throne Series

    The Enchanted Sisters

    Stand Alone

    Eternally Us


    Published by April M. Reign

    Copyright ©2012 by April M. Reign.

    All rights reserved


    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by an electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the permission of the author, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of this author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


    The Seasons are setup as four (4) short stories and a season finale full-length novel.



    After more than 215 years of being dead on the ocean floor, vampire Dominic Kollar is released, only to find out that the rules have changed. Bounty Slayers are responsible for keeping vampires in line.


    As Dom acclimates to the strange modern world, he discovers that he likes two things: riding motorcycles and the sight of a mysterious, bewitching lady.


    Aided by an old vampire frenemy, Dom confronts human bikers in order to infiltrate their gang and find the object of his blood lust. As long as he can keep himself fed in this new world of challenges, Dominic Kollar will make a stand, avenge his past and attempt to destroy those who dared to cross his path.


    To my dear friend Augie, thank you for brainstorming the concept of Disciples of the Damned with me.

    Table of Contents

    Books by April M. Reign



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    About the Author

    Connecting with the Author


    Two men scuffled in a small, bobbing boat a few miles off the Pacific coast. They struggled to keep their footing amid the rise and fall of the ocean’s temperamental waves. Under the starless night, a gun was fired, and a man fell overboard.

    The hemorrhaging body settled at the bottom of the ocean. The dead man lay next to a chained skeletal figure picked clean by sea life and the passage of time.

    The thick blood coated the skeleton in a red cloud. When the water cleared, the body regenerated into a vampire—and that vampire opened his angry eyes.

    Chapter One

    Chari brushed a stray strand of hair from her face while her eyes reflected a fierce resolve. She had always been headstrong and unyielding in the face of danger; this moment was no exception. But Ace knew better. He had seen the horrors of that place, the nefarious forces lurking within the bar just a few yards away.

    Ace’s grip on the lapel of Chari’s jacket tightened and his voice filled with concern. Chari, I'm not letting you go in there.  

    Get off me, Ace. Chari pulled away from his grip. This is my life. I’ll do what I want for entertainment.

    He swept his hand out to grab her arm, but she stepped out of his reach. I’m not playing with you, Chari. Your father asked me to watch out for you.

    "My father needs to step back. And so do you."

    Ace snarled. If he knew you were about to walk into that bar and party with those animals, he’d kill me where I stand.

    The salty ocean breeze whipped through Chari’s hair as she stood in the parking lot, frustration etching lines on her forehead. She crossed her arms tightly over her chest, her words laced with a mix of disappointment and longing for something more. Ace, her father’s loyal friend, looked at her with a mix of understanding and concern, his gaze filled with compassion.

    Chari’s eyes narrowed as she continued. My father doesn’t have a clue about how to have a good time. Hell, we all live in California, near the coast, and I don’t think he’s been down here to the beach in years.

    Ace’s shoulders sagged slightly, the weight of Chari’s words sinking in. He had witnessed the strain between Chari and her father, the lack of connection and understanding that seemed to separate them. Despite his loyalty to Chari’s father, he couldn’t deny the truth in her words.

    Chari’s eyes softened. "You’re a

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