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A Faithful Maid
A Faithful Maid
A Faithful Maid
Ebook26 pages23 minutes

A Faithful Maid

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42-year-old Paulette has been a faithful maid to 18-year-old James and his family for as long as she can remember and has always treated him like her own child. With him being an adult now, she begins serving him in... special ways.

Release dateJul 15, 2018
A Faithful Maid


A young person who secretly likes to write taboo erotica! And where my stories differ from a lot of erotica writers is that I tell an actual story with real characters that make all the dirty, hot and raunchy scenes even sexier! Feel free to message me for any feedback at And checkout my website for all the good, naughty stories I have coming! And please consider becoming one of my patrons at Even $1 helps, seriously. And subscribing to me there gives you FREE eBooks every month.

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    A Faithful Maid - SuperWriter

    A Faithful Maid

    By SuperWriter

    Copyright 2018 by SuperWriter

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    James felt a hand on his shoulder as he slept but ignored it.

    Young Master. A female called out, at the same time shaking him again. It’s time for you to get up now.

    Just a few more minutes… please, Paulette. He flipped onto his side, putting his back to her.

    She giggled. I’m not falling for that one again, mister. Last time, it took you almost an hour to get ready.

    Letting out a sigh, he finally sat over the edge of the bed to see the woman standing in front of him. She was forty-two-years-old and looked her age, but that didn’t make her any less attractive. Long, dark hair fell all the way to the small of her back, and her body was in great shape, though it was hard to tell with her French maid uniform. Her big tits were another matter, however, both melons busting out in front.

    James couldn’t see her ass at the moment but knew it had a nice, round shape with all the stolen looks he'd given it over the years. And while all that easily put her in the 'milf' category, he was drawn to her pretty face most of all; she had soft, green eyes and a warm smile that always lit up the

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