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Conversations with Mr Kiki: One Woman’S Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend
Conversations with Mr Kiki: One Woman’S Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend
Conversations with Mr Kiki: One Woman’S Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Conversations with Mr Kiki: One Woman’S Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In this compelling memoir, author Linda Atnip is contacted by the spirit of her companion animal, Mr. Kiki as he is laid to rest. He informs Linda that she will write a book about their spiritual adventures as humanity now stands at a crossroads and must choose a more sustainable lifestyle. Among the many secrets Mr. Kiki reveals is what happened to him when he died, where he is now, and the type of work he does on the other side. Mr. Kiki's messages from the beyond will comfort anyone who has ever lost a beloved pet.

"These 'conversations' are actually lessons the author received from her deceased Pekingese dog and master teacher, Mr. Kiki. After 15 years on the earth plane, Mr. Kiki left his physical body, but made it clear that he and the author had work to do. In Conversations, Linda Atnip asks the questions and Mr. Kiki provides answers. With Mr. Kiki as guide and mentor, they embark on a spiritual journey. Dreams, healing, and the afterlife are just some of the areas the author is curious about. Mr. Kiki describes one of the previous lives they shared: 'We had known each other before in Africa, where we loved the sound of the drum We have been together before and will be again.'"
Catherine Ferguson, Psychic for Pets and People

Featured interview in the June issue of Oracle 20/20 magazine! Available in print and online at

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 4, 2011
Conversations with Mr Kiki: One Woman’S Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend

Linda Atnip

A Renaissance artist who has appeared as a television news reporter, an actress in motion pictures and whose watercolor paintings have graced the cover of a New Orleans publication, Linda Atnip’s greatest gift is her ability to paint pictures with words. She has published more than 200 articles, a children’s book, an audio collection of poetry and served as Entertainment Editor of New Orleans Magazine.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is not a book I would normally have read, but through a series of synchronicities a friend of mine bought the book, liked it and lent it to me. Perhaps I had to learn to get to know and love Pekingese and their amazing capacities. I have previously never been partial to Pekingese, but I got quite taken by Mr. Kiki’s portrayal on the front cover of the book (but do Pekingese really have such large, protruding ears, or are the appendages on Mr. Kiki’s head supposed to represent angelic wings??)The book conveys spiritual messages relayed to the author and thus humanity by her beloved pet, the Pekingese, Mr. Kiki, after he had passed on.At first, however, I felt a bit confused, since the narrative went a bit backward and forward time-wise with regard to events during Mr. Kiki’s lifetime and those after his demise. I had expected the book to be mostly about Mr. Kiki, but actually it turned out to be a general autobiography (of Linda Atnip, not Mr. Kiki) together with its content of a series of posthumous pronouncements by Mr. Kiki about spiritual truths, interspecies relationships, “birth, death, depression, expansion, grief, healing and life purpose”.It was surprising for me to ascertain that animals had such highly advanced souls, and that Mr. Kiki’s soul was thus so mentally/intellectually orientated. Anyway, I can now see that Mr. Kiki, and I suppose all Pekingese, are actually quite enchanting, so I’ll look twice next time I encounter one of his species.We learn that Mr. Kiki and the author were destined to meet, that they had spent many lives together, and that his will be the first face she meets with when she leaves this earth.The author, Linda Atnip, originally got help to contact Mr. Kiki from an animal communicator, and subsequently contacted him directly by means of automatic writing. Linda adapted Machaelle Small Wright’s method for establishing conings for contacting nature intelligences (explained in her book MAP) and assembled a team of specialists to help her. Mr. Kiki’s first words to Linda were that she had done right to end his life when she did, since he was so uncomfortable he couldn’t wait to get out of his body.Mr. Kiki states that his mission was to store knowledge about why he and Linda came together and “why other souls are matched for their mutual support and growth”.The book provides a valuable supplement to our existing knowledge of the heavenly spheres, the “lessons of life”, the significance of our relationships, etc. etc. I especially appreciated the following quote – “We are all love manifesting as a joyful melody, or notes of a song.”Linda suffered much from depression, which started at the time of her first Saturn return, so depression is one of the topics on which she asks Mr. Kiki’s advice.The book is mostly impeccably written, so it is a joy to read, though the important information transmitted by Mr. Kiki is somewhat compressed, which doesn’t make for easy reading.I would strongly recommend all spiritually interested persons and animal lovers to read and re-read this book.

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Conversations with Mr Kiki - Linda Atnip





Death and Rebirth

Walking Between Worlds

A Healing Path

The Dream Weaver

Meeting Mr. Kiki

Co-Creating with Nature

Birthing Miranda’s Magic Garden

One More Miracle Healing

Moving Through Grief

The Gifts of Animal Companions

The Gateway Beyond



To my late parents, Louise and Herman Atnip who instilled in me a reverence for nature and all living things, and taught me to persevere against all odds to achieve my dreams.


The first person I contacted about Mr. Kiki’s messages from the beyond was Leta Worthington, the herbalist and animal communicator without whom this book could not have been written. I am profoundly grateful to Leta for her mentorship, friendship and support.

I would also like to thank Dr. Jacqueline Gray, Mr. Kiki’s veterinarian during his senior years for her superb acupuncture treatment and her deep compassion; and Karen Silva for recommending Dr. Gray’s services and for her encouragement and cheerleading during the writing process.

Also, special thanks to Terry Kelly for his care giving of Mr. Kiki during his final year, and for gifting me with a beautiful charcoal portrait of my beloved companion. The drawing captured the essence of Mr. Kiki’s soul and has served as a balm to my spirit and a source of inspiration for moving through writer’s blocks.

Without the support of my creative team, cover designer extraordinaire, José A. Camarena; graphics and photography guru, Karla Silva of Impressions Design; and editor and wordsmith, Susan C. Snowden, this book would still be in development. Their multi-layered talents were the perfect synergy for envisioning the look and bringing the concept to completion.

To my coterie of friends, neighbors and colleagues who have so generously supported me, I thank Joan Engberg for her advice and editorial suggestions; Rolf Gompertz for his spiritual counsel and cups of encouragement; Carole Hendry for hours and hours of spiritual discourse; Ann Lewis for her incredible animal rescue work and generous nature; Lily Martuccio for being the best friend a woman could ever have; Jeanette Merkel for her guidance during some very trying times; Bruce Mulkey for his early mentorship; James T. Pettit for inspiring my love of watercolor painting; Lou Tortorich for advising me to Never ever, ever, ever, ever give up; Pam Tortorich, for her unconditional love and friendship; Larry Verbit for his legalese and encouragement; Paula Willins Verbit for her psychic forecasts and creative ideas; and to three special souls who are now in spirit: Salvatore Romano for befriending Mr. Kiki and me; Dana Vaill for championing my writing, and Harrison Young, for his deep friendship.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the unseen friends who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring this book to fruition. Your messages have changed the way I look at life and have helped me to understand the true nature of reality.


I have been in love with Pekingese since I was sixteen, and my father returned from a Tennessee versus Alabama football game at Legion Field in Birmingham with three female Pekes in tow. He had been forced into early retirement due to a health condition, but could not sit idly by, so he built a large kennel complete with air conditioning, heating, and carpeting behind our home. The Atnip family was about to enter a new field of endeavor that centered around canines.

My dad’s search for a sire led him to Virginia where he found Frosty, an all-white male with an impeccable pedigree. Frosty quickly became the center of my dad’s life, accompanying him everywhere; soon he moved into the big house. Now we had four Pekingese living inside our home. One of these, a blue ribbon winner and retired champion, Holly Bear, was a gorgeous, petite red and white parti colored four-year-old with the sweetest disposition. She was my favorite, and I eventually became her person.

Although I had enjoyed the pleasures of my beagles, Ringo and George, nothing before set my heart aflame like the Pekingese personality. From that time forward, I have had a Peke animal companion by my side.

These loyal and trusted friends have enriched my life immensely, and have been instrumental in my spiritual growth. Each of these relationships paved the way for that once-in-a-lifetime moment when you meet a companion soul mate. I’m speaking now of Mr.Kiki, my best friend for more than fifteen years, who you will be hearing from throughout this book.

Birthing Conversations with Mr. Kiki has been the greatest gift of my life. It has challenged me at every level to open my heart and mind to the extraordinary world of nature and animal communications. While I went through several Doubting Thomas phases questioning whether I was actually in contact with the spirit of my dear, departed companion, Mr. Kiki stood by steadfastly and patiently during my long lapses in bringing our story forward. For this I would like to thank him, not only for his generous and amazing lifetime of service and friendship, but for continuing to be my best friend and advisor when he could no longer remain in his body.

Mr. Kiki never gave up on me and continued to prod me to work on the project, sending messages through friends and sometimes using overt actions to get my attention. Finally, I heard his call loud and clear, Buckle down and do it! (Actually, I think he may have meant to say, Knuckle down and do it! But that is how I heard it.) This mantra became my guiding force and helped bring me back to the writing process when I procrastinated.

The book you are about to read is the story of our life together, and the impact we have had on each other’s spiritual growth. I learned from Mr. Kiki that we were destined to meet, that our story is simply one chapter of the many lives we will spend together, and that his will be the first face to greet me when I leave this earth behind.

Our conversations cover a myriad of topics including birth, death, depression, expansion, grief, healing, and life purpose. These communications are woven throughout the story of our life together and highlight what our adventures have taught us.

We are sharing our story at this time because humanity is at a crossroads. We can either walk softly on Gaia or trample her treasures beneath our feet. The last two hundred years have seen extraordinary technical developments in America, but in our rush to modernize society, the old ways of the elders who led the indigenous tribes were crushed. These elders were co-creators with nature and understood the rhythms of the seasons, the importance of community and nurturing relationships with their feathered, finned, scaled, furred, and four-legged companions.

Mr. Kiki has shown me a template of the future, and why it is urgent for the two-leggeds to regain their balance and develop sustainable lifestyles. If we fail to act, nature will take action to awaken us and propel us into a paradigm shift of mammoth proportions.

We hope that you will discover gems of knowledge throughout these pages that will enrich your relationships with all sentient beings.


Death and Rebirth

Fifteen years are a very long life for a Pekingese, and since Mr. Kiki loved a good party I held a B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Dog) bash to celebrate this special birthday. Among the attendees were Ned, the Pembroke Welsh corgi; Olive, a Hensfield terrier; and Donna, the blue-ribbon winning dachshund. They all joined in the fun while donning Clifford the Red Dog party hats, and munching on treats from the Three Dog Bakery! Libations were limited to purified water; so all canines were quite well behaved.

Mr. Kiki received a host of distinctive gifts, including a Sherlock Holmes cape to keep him warm for the upcoming winter. It was a bittersweet day for me as I sensed this would be the last year to honor my best friend and long-time companion. I knew his days with me were now on a short leash.

In March of the following year, Mr. Kiki began to shut down. The once lively eyes were now glazed over with cataracts. He was struggling to walk and had become incontinent. Most of his days were spent sleeping, and he needed a vigorous massage to awaken each morning. It was obvious from his arthritic gait and raspy breathing that he was living with a great deal of pain.

I knew I would soon be making the hardest decision of my life -- to let him go. I feared I would not possess the inner strength to put an end his suffering, but Mr. Kiki actually made it quite easy for me, which was so typical of him. During his last night on earth he stayed awake crying and screaming. The following morning, I called his vet, Dr. Gray, and told her I would be bringing him in to say good-bye. There was no other course to take.

Holding him in my arms in the waiting room, I reflected on all the joy his life had brought me, and thought about how difficult life would be without him. We had formed such a close bond over the years that we seemed to share the same spirit, and when he departed, I knew I would be losing a part of myself. Mr. Kiki had survived many close calls before, including a stroke and a prostate tumor, but now I knew that nature was calling him home, and this time there would be no reprieve.

As my last act of love, I sprinkled drops of the Bach flower essence formula, Rescue Remedy, on top of his head as I had read it would ease the transition process. I wanted him to be as comfortable as possible when the end came.

I held him close as Dr.Gray inserted the needle. It was difficult to locate a vein for the injection as his major ones had all collapsed, another sign to me that he was ready to

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