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Demonic Power: Satan's #1 Weapon!!!
Demonic Power: Satan's #1 Weapon!!!
Demonic Power: Satan's #1 Weapon!!!
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Demonic Power: Satan's #1 Weapon!!!

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Author Rayford Strickland has over 19 years experience in ministry and guiding people through the process of finding success, prosperity, healing and true deliverance. In clear and easy language, Rev. Strickland points out answers from the Word of God as well as life experiences to those that are searching for success in every area of life! Demonic Power covers a diverse field of topics including: The Power of God and how to activate it The difference between the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost How to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost Demonic Possession The Demon Seed How to cast out demons The Angel of the Lord False Religions Spiritual Warfare Satan's Greatest Success Stories What is this Power of God
the truth about Ghosts and Aliens YOU will learn what "DEMONIC POWER" is and how to remove its power from your family, yourself and others. YOU will learn how to receive God's blessing and anointing and how to use His POWER to achieve what you desire in your life. Satan is on the move-with all the evil acts that are happening all over the world-September 11, (911) 2001, students killing students in schools all over America, radical Muslims committing suicide bombings and killing hundreds, false religions, confusion in the church, priests committing abominable acts against young children in the Catholic Church and much more. God is giving us HIS ANSWERS directly from His Holy Word in this powerful history-making book!
Release dateApr 1, 2004
Demonic Power: Satan's #1 Weapon!!!

Rayford Strickland

Rayford Strickland is the Pastor and Founder of The Christian World Church International -, a member of World Changers Church International, Pastor Creflo Dollar - over 19 years, and lives with his wife Sandra in , Alpharetta, Georgia. They have two sons, Ron and Rafael.

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    Demonic Power - Rayford Strickland


    SATAN’S #1





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    All Rights Reserved © 2004 by Rayford Strickland

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    ISBN: 978-0-5953-1418-8 (sc)

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    People all over the world are seeking success, wealth, healing, prosperity, deliverance from addictions and bad habits, joy, happiness and peace and a wonderful life. In the past, there have been many self-help books written on how-to achieve these chief goals in our lives. But the majority of millions of people all over the United States and the world have not been able to achieve these desired goals.

    The primary reason that most of us fail before we are even beginning to start on the road to great success, wealth, divine health, happiness and a blessed wonderful life, has never been addressed or revealed in any book or teaching before. But now God has given us the answer to opening the doors of Blessings, Deliverance, and Success in every area of our lives.

    There is an active evil force, a power of spiritual wickedness that has been in operation in the earth realm and the lives of mankind since the beginning of time. It is called DEMONIC POWER and few people understand it and even fewer are aware of this power. Most people have no idea why they are always experiencing difficulties, problems in life, marriages, families, and sickness in their physical bodies and why they are never able to achieve outstanding success in their careers or lives.

    If you are one of these millions of individuals all over America and the world, you know have in your hands the answer to break you out of a vicious cycle of defeat, poverty, sickness and disease, hatred, anger, despondency and despair, fear, and failure brought on by this active evil force and power of wickedness. Now you can read and understand how to defeat this demonic power and destroy it completely out of your life, your family, your friends and others, your business and church forever.

    Demonic Power is the single and most compelling reason for failure, sickness and disease, addiction, confusion and fear, and defeat and poverty all over the world and until we understand how to destroy this power of evil and remove it from our lives, we will never achieve the goals or desires that we have believed for ourselves and our families.

    Once you know what this power is and you understand how it works, you will then know how to defeat if and destroy this destructive and evil power completely out of your life. God’s Blessings and Total Success will come into your life only when you have removed all demonic power and stopped this evil manifestation from operating in you and your family.

    Demonic Power is at the root of all your problems, and it will continue in your life and all God’s people until it is destroyed.

    Today, in America and all over the world, we are experiencing the most powerful and vicious attacks of Satan and his demons in the history of mankind. There is so much death and destruction operating in the lives of millions of people and there seems to be no answer. It has been reported that every 60 seconds someone commits suicide, 1,000,000 children are abused every year, and an untold number of people are murdered every hour. There are now gangs in every major city in America and gang wars are taking the lives of many of our young people.

    Violent crime, until recently, was on the rise all over America and even the smaller cities have now been affected by this outbreak of crime, death and destruction. This new generation has been labeled GENERATION X—a generation of X-TREME violence, death, drugs and unmarried and teen-age sex like never before! The devil has created a deadly disease that has spread an outbreak of death all over America and the world—AIDS. Yet this has not deterred this generation of people from having unmarried sex, unprotected sex, and having babies at a very young age. There seems to be no regard for morality or life, and an evil spirit of hopelessness has crept into the minds and hearts of millions of people that have no idea of how to end this onslaught of evil by Satan. But the Almighty God always has the answer and He reveals it to those that are truly his children and living a righteous and holy life. Praise the Lord for revealing this answer to His people and giving us all that we need to win this spiritual warfare with the devil and his demons and Demonic Power.

    It is true that we are living in the last days and the anti-Christ is now in the world but that was true 2000 years ago.

    "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti-Christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world".

    —I John 4:3

    "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the Fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also made the worlds".

    —Hebrews 1:1—2

    Our Lord Jesus explained that we will hear of wars, and rumors of wars and we are not to be troubled because all of these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet (Matthew 24:6).

    Jesus continued by saying that no man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, only God the Father (vs. 36). He said to take heed, watch and pray: for we know not when the time is (Mark 13:33). Clearly we must be ready at all times but until He comes back we must preach the gospel and demonstrate to the world the way to salvation and that is by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This is the first step to destroying and defeating all Demonic Power.

    There have been many to predict that within the next 2-5 years, the rapture will begin—Jesus Christ will return for His Church—those that have truly been born-again. And they have resolved to just get themselves and their church and family ready and forget those that have not been shown the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, based on the Word of God—no man knows the time and no man or woman can predict when Jesus will return. But we must do all that we can to win as many souls to Christ and eternal life until that time comes that Jesus will indeed rapture His Church.

    The Lord said that the gospel must be preached to the world and every one have a chance for salvation and God will perform His Word.

    And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

    —Matthew 24:14

    We have no way to predict when Jesus will return and we should never attempt to predict that time. He never said how long the last days would last—that is the key and why we do not know, especially based on the following scripture in His Holy Word—the Bible:

    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    —II Peter 3:8

    Here we see that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and that could mean Jesus will not return for another thousand years of even two thousand years! Remember, "No man knows the time.

    Now, let’s move on to a startling fact about the message of salvation through Jesus Christ:

    It is estimated that there are presently over 2 billion people in the world today who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation.

    This fact in itself gives an indication that we have a lot of work to do be-fore Jesus returns. Although we become more aware of the evil works of the devil and sin all of the time in our daily news reports and newspapers all over America and the world, the good news is very rarely spoken of out-side of the church or Christian media. Today, we are experiencing one of the greatest Return to the church movements in the history of mankind. We are experiencing one of the greatest revivals in the history of the Church Age but many people are continuing to fall under the demonic power of the devil and his demons. Most of the churches are not delivering their members or communities where they are established from this evil power that seems to overrule holiness and righteousness in the lives of so many millions of God’s people.

    What is God’s Answer and why has He taken so long to reveal it to His children? The answer will be revealed within the pages of this new book—Demonic Power: Satan’s #1 Weapon and through this book you will understand the most important revelations based strictly from the word of God that will deliver you and your family, your church, and friends and others from this evil power, Satan and his demons.

    Each of the following 7 chapters and the Epilogue will reveal to you a very important part of God’s Answer for true salvation, total victory and deliverance from all demonic power and the devil—the god of this world. You will then receive all that you have believed form God and this will only be done if you make this book a part of your permanent library and teach these truths to your children, your spouse or mate, family and friends and others.

    As you read this book, you may want to take notes and read it as though God was speaking directly to give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. You may have to read it again and again and highlight important passages and scriptures and then after you have digested it mentally, and understand it—you must begin to live it. This is God’s only Answer for His people!

    You will find God’s Answer within the pages of this book that will truly deliver you and change your life and you will be a blessing to your family, church, friends and others from this moment on. You will now understand and receive the keys to receiving God’s blessing and success and the reasons why so many people never receive God’s Blessing and continue to experience failure under the attack of Demonic Power, Satan and his demons. You now have what God wants His people to know in your hands and it will truly bless your life.

    As I fasted and prayed for 7 days in preparation to write this anointed book, God revealed to me that this project was one that Satan did not want completed. The Holy Spirit let me know that the devil did not want this book written or published but I was assured by God that through His Power and His Wisdom, this project would be completed and published and a Blessing to every one that reads it and begin to live by the revelations that are explained herein.

    As a minister of the gospel, God has compelled me to preach and teach His people how to apply His Word and His Power to have victory over all that the devil tries to bring against us. I have always endeavored to find the Keys to Success in every area of our lives through God’s Word—the Holy Bible. After reading and studying the Bible over 27 times and in seven different translations in the past 27 years, the Holy Spirit has enlightened me to some key revelations in His Word that will deliver God’s people from the bondage of sin and the devil and Demonic Power in our lives.

    This book was written for that purpose and because God wants his people to know what true salvation means and how to know that you are truly saved. Demonic Power must be destroyed and removed from the lives, minds, bodies, and souls of all of God’s people, first, in order to have any type of true success, healing, or victory in life and true salvation. In my few years in ministry, I have found this Power—" DEMONIC POWER: SATAN’S #1 WEAPON" is the key to failure, poverty, sickness, disease, addictions, perversions, defeat and trouble of all types in the lives of many Christians and all of God’s people that never seem to truly succeed, prosper, receive healing, be truly blessed or totally delivered.

    I pray that after you read this anointed book, you will begin immediately to use these revelations from the Word of God by His Holy Spirit and then experience true salvation, outstanding good success and wealth, true love, a happy family life and marriage, prosperity and victory over this demonic power, the devil and his demons in your life. And also this anointed book can be a blessing in the lives of your family members, friends, and associates.


    God’s answers have always been in His Word and He said:

    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

    —II Chronicles 7:14




    As I look back over my life these past few years as a minister, I now see and understand the reason why so many people continue to fall and suffer defeat in every phase of their lives. True success, wealth, prosperity, love, healing and deliverance that so many people are sincerely seeking always seems to slip by them and I was not able to understand why—until now!

    Over the years, I have prayed for many of God’s children and believed and agreed with them for deliverance from poverty, sickness and disease, many other problems, addictions to drugs and alcohol, perversions, and etc., but only with limited success. But I continued to pray and seek God’s Answers to why deliverance from these problems never comes to many of these individuals.

    Jesus said, But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

    —Matthew 6:33

    All these things that you desire and need to live a happy and blessed life will be given to you when you seek God and His righteousness. But there have been many of God’s people that never receive this breakthrough of blessing from God. I knew that many of these individuals were sincere and attempting to live their lives the way

    God said it should be done, but the real victory in their lives never came and I did not understand why.

    I have witnessed many people receive this breakthrough—their blessing, their healing, total deliverance and a new lease on life and I have also seen many people that did not and have not to this day. Many times I have prayed for individuals and prayed the prayer of agreement with them and others but there was no breakthrough, deliverance or healing to come in their lives.

    "Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven ".

    —Matthew 18:19

    During this time, God revealed to me that it had nothing to do with what the Holy Spirit was leading me to do. So, in the natural I thought it was my faith, but the Holy Spirit again enlightened me to the fact that it was not my faith or the individual’s faith. Yet God’s Answer to the problem was not revealed to me at that time.

    God led me in the Bible to the story of the sin of Achan and how Joshua and his people were continually losing the battle against Ai. Joshua cried out to God in prayer and asked Him why would He allow the Amorites to destroy them after He had delivered them over the Jordan (Joshua 7:7)? He continued by asking God, after the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land hear of it and surround them and cut off their name from the earth: then what will God do unto His great name? Now you must read what God said to Joshua next:

    "And the Lord said unto Joshua, get thee up: wherefore liest thou upon thy face? Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them: for they have even taken of the accursed thing, and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff. Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, because they were accursed: neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursedfrom amongyou. Up sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, there is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take the accursed thing from amongyou ".

    —Joshua 7:10-13

    God’s Holy Spirit led me to the answer but I could not see it yet. Then the Lord compelled me to diligently seek the answer to why so many people were continuously entangled in defeat and failure. I was led to look back over my own life and analyze it thoroughly and I discovered that during the past 25 years of my life as a Christian, I have encountered what I know now is an evil power in this earth realm that has proven to be a very formidable foe. This wickedness has destroyed and continues to destroy the lives of millions of people all over the world. As I look back over my own life, I can clearly see how I was defeated on several occasions because of this evil wicked-ness—"DEMONIC POWER".

    The problem that we have which allows this Demonic Power to defeat us and to destroy our lives is that previously we were not warned of it. Also, we did not know how subtle and easy it is for this power of the devil to begin to work and grow in the hearts of all people. God spoke through the prophet Hosea and said:

    My people are destroyedfor lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God [The Holy Bible], I will also forget thy children.

    —Hosea 4:6

    God spoke to all of us and gave us the reason that we are being destroyed in every area of our lives and it is simple—"the lack of knowledge" of His Word, His will and plan for our lives. We have rejected this knowledge and we are not seeking Him or the understanding of His word and God clearly tells us and warns us that we will be destroyed. Because we have forgotten His Word—the law of God, He will also forget our children and allow demonic power and Satan to destroy all of those that reject and forget Him and His word.

    One of the most powerful promises in the Word of God to all of us was written by Moses and it sums up the entire matter in only a few and powerful words from the Almighty God:

    But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he thatgiveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. And it shall be, if thou at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.

    —Deuteronomy 8:18-19

    The answer to all of our problems in life can be found in these powerful words. But what is it that will make you forget the Creator—the Almighty God? The answer is Demonic Power.

    Moses could have written—it is God that gives us power to succeed, be healed, be delivered, blessed, happy, loving, joyous, peaceful, patient, kind, and giving, faithful, etc., because without God we would not even be in the world. Yet the purpose for these blessings is to establish His covenant—His promise which He made to our forefathers. God lets us know that He has given us this power to get wealth and we should never forget Him or His Word. If we do turn our back on God and begin to serve them or become totally involved in them to the point of worship and nothing comes before these things—not even God, then He said You shall surely perish.

    If, for example you put nothing before your golf game on Sundays, or watching sports on Sundays, going to sporting events on Sundays, with no respect or regard for God or His worship day and you could care less whether you go to church or not—then you are now seeking other gods. There is only one power that has led you astray and on your way to death and destruction and to hell—DEMONIC POWER.


    DEMONIC POWER is the spiritual power of Satan—Lucifer and his fallen angels—demons, to kill, to steal and to destroy the minds and lives of all of God’s people. Demonic Power is very real force of evil that can totally wipe out and/or destroy any family.

    Jesus, when he came on the scene spoke of this power of the devil when he said:

    "The thief [demonic power] cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly".

    —John 10:10

    He warned us of this demonic power and that He was the only way to have victory over the devil and this evil power. Jesus said "I am the door:

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