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Mercury: The Winged Messenger
Mercury: The Winged Messenger
Mercury: The Winged Messenger
Ebook216 pages2 hours

Mercury: The Winged Messenger

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About this ebook

This book will begin to answer
questions about what many will eventually call the worst medical tragedy in
modern medical history. The corrupt
political system that has tried to protect and cover up the facts about this
atrocity has only begun to show its evil face.
This book tries to answer questions about why Autism has exploded into
a national epidemic.

This national tragedy could have
and should have been avoided.

These afflicted children need

The establishment(s) that caused
this tragedy have been unsympethic,
evasive and full of legal denials.

This book deals with the truth
and will anger many people as a result.

Mercury is one of class=GramE>natures most toxic poisons.

Why was this
poison intentionally injected into our children--.?

Release dateApr 29, 2004
Mercury: The Winged Messenger

Courtney L. Zietzke

Mr Courtney Zietzke is a 42 year old financial accountant from Seattle, WA.   Over the last three years Mr. Zietzke has done extensive research into the causes of what many call “Autism.”  His opinions in this book are substantiated with proven facts and direct uncontested evidence.  Mr. Zietzke like thousands of concerned parents wanted answers into what went wrong and most importantly why did this national tragedy have to happen.

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    Book preview

    Mercury - Courtney L. Zietzke

    © 2004 by Courtney L. Zietzke. All rights reserved.

    First published by Author House 04/15/04

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    ISBN: 1-4140-2644-7 (e-book)

    ISBN: 1-4184-3781-6 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-4140-2644-2 (ebk)




    Autism and Mercury

    Vaccines fueling autism epidemic?

    AAA Wellness Today

    Exhibit # 1

    Exhibit # 2

    Exhibit # 3

    Exhibit # 4

    Exhibit # 5

    Exhibit # 6

    Exhibit # 7



    Exhibit # 8

    Exhibit # 9



    What the hell is going on?!, I said quietly to my office nurse as I walked out of the exam room, leaving behind another distraught family with a child diagnosed with Autism. They had come to my office for help after being told by other physicians there was nothing that could be done. Since no tests were done to determine the cause of their child’s sudden neurological regression, no treatment was given because there was no apparent cure.

    My heart was broken by the tragedy these families were experiencing. I’m the eldest of five children and have a daughter of my own. I know the joy of a healthy child and the devastation that the diagnosis of illness, especially of a neurological impairment such as Autism. Before medical school, I had attained a Master’s degree in Biology, specializing in Genetics and Microbiology. I had also worked as a scientist in vaccine research and development. This background provided the basis for me to be intrigued about this tragic medical phenomenon I was seeing in my office.

    I had become educated in the effects of various environmental neurotoxins in my patients. These patients had been labeled with a variety of diagnoses that related to their neurotoxic symptoms, such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, The actual biochemical causes had not been evaluated. It was during my graduate school education prior to medical school that I studied abnormal biochemical and hormonal pathways. I was taught in medical school and residency to identify symptoms, make a diagnosis and prescribe a pharmaceutical drug or recommend surgery. I was not trained to determine the abnormal biochemical pathway. I raised my hand often and didn’t hesitate to question the faculty. At the end of my first year of medical school, I was voted by my classmates as Most Likely to Quit Medical School and Become an Attorney. I took it as a compliment, I’m still not sure it was meant as one.

    I was shocked by the epidemic number of children being diagnosed with Autism in the U.S. during recent years. The numbers were real, not a matter of over-labeling or a less stringent criteria being employed. The numbers come from the U.S. Department of Education as required by the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 1975. This legislation requires that disabled children be provided free appropriate public education. Initially, autistic children in school were so rare that the category was lumped with other disabilities. Exponential increases in the number (5,415) of autistic children resulted in Autism be listed as a separate entity in 1991. The number of autistic children reported in 2001 had risen to a stunning 118,600 known cases! Remember this is a report from the U.S. Department of Education not the Department of Health, nor the Centers for Disease Control.

    I began to investigate this situation by talking to parents of Autistic children and researching the literature. I was struck by the common description of perfectly normal children suddenly regressing at eighteen months, losing their speech, interactive personalities and suddenly becoming hypersensitive to stimuli, noises and changes in their environment. Parents described these events as happening a few months after the last multiple vaccine series had been administered to their children.

    The Zietzke family told me a similar story. I remember when Ian’s parents, Courtney and Venus showed me the Pediatrician’s hand written descriptors on Ian’s medical record of Great Shape at the 2 week and 2 month well child visits. The comment written by the Pediatrician on the 4 month examination record by the Pediatrician was Beautiful Specimen, at the 9 month visit Fantastic was written. What happened to Ian between the diagnosis of Beautiful Specimen and Autism at age 2? Ian’s toxic environmental exposure included from age 2 months to 15 months a total of thirteen Thimerosal-containing vaccines. A total of five live vaccines containing attenuated Measles and Polio viruses were also administered to Ian from 2 months to 15 months of age.

    The epidemic numbers reminded me of the Thalidomide tragedy of the early 1960’s. Thousands of children in Great Britain and Europe were born with out arms or legs, mimicking a genetic defect called Amelia (born without arms or legs ) or Phycomelia (born with shortened arms and legs). It took several years for the significant increase in these birth defects to be recognized as due to the ingestion of the drug Thalidomide for the treatment of nausea by thousands of women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    I wondered if there were a similar situation causing an epidemic of children with Autism in the USA. As I read the research related to the study of Autistic children, it became clear to me, that the major change that had occurred in the past twenty years was related to toxicity issues, especially the addition of Thimerosal, a mercury derivative that was used as a preservative in many infant vaccines. The preservative Thimerosal was banned in dog vaccines and optometric solutions many years ago due to safety issues. Finally in 2003, Thimerosal was banned in infant vaccines. Thimerosal is still used as a preservative in Influenza vaccine.

    Questions nagged at my mind, just as they had other researchers and parents. Why were there so many cases in the U.S. in recent years? Had these parents done anything to cause this? What was the link to Thimerosal-containing vaccines? Did the use of attenuated measles vaccine or the number of vaccines given to an infant contribute to an immune reaction leading to a breakdown of the blood brain barrier or a breach of the integrity of the gut leading to immune dysfunction?. Why did the Federal Government and Pediatricians abdicate responsibility to their families by steadfastly promoting vaccines with the known neurotoxin Thiomersal? Why were parents told they were bad and irresponsible if they refused vaccines for their children? Why have studies carefully researching the effect of heavy metals and other neurotoxins not been done in this country?. Why do we have to rely on Canada, Great Britain and European studies for the truth? And finally, what did the federal government know and when did they know it? Why did the Homeland Security Bill have a middle-of-the-night amendment added to it which prevents the children and their families from suing the responsible parties in this scandalous tragedy?

    The positive side to this story is that the word is out. Thimerosal has been banned in infant vaccines. The diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity is easy, safe, inexpensive and accurate. All that is required in children is an injection of DMPS, followed by a nine hour urine collection. The lab can analyze the urine sample for toxic heavy metals. If urine cannot be collected due to incontinence, DMPS can be give orally. A stool sample is collected 48 hours later and sent to the lab for analysis. Based upon these results appropriate diagnosis and treatment protocols can be instituted. In my office we have seen spectacular results with heavy metal detoxification in autistic children. I have several children who were severe in their symptoms, i.e. non-verbal, non-communicative, who after just three or four treatments with DMPS regain speech. One six year now counts loudly and clearly to 25 as he receives his injection.

    The information presented in this book is informed, compelling, thought provoking and emotionally charged. Capitalism goes wrong when we can deliberately, with knowledge and fore-thought, poison our infants in the chase of the almighty dollar. It is the countries with socialized medicine, where governments find it in their own best interest, to determine the truth and correct the problem.

    When we as a society, in the richest, most advanced country in the world, decide to take responsibility for our actions, corporate greed and political corruption will no longer rule the land.

    Submitted by:

    Lyn Hanshew, M.D.

    Bellevue, WA U.S.A.

    This book is dedicated to Ian N. Zietzke, A delicate and beautiful soul…………………


    It was the summer of 1987; the Republican agenda was in full swing and was beginning to pick a new successor to President, Ronald Reagan. It was obvious to many that our next President would be the Vice President, George H. W. Bush.

    In these years, the political establishment was building an immense financial and political power base that would undermine the publics trust for years to come.

    The pawns and ultimate victims in this money grab would be the most innocent of all people…..

    Our children.



    As a parent of an Autistic child, it is difficult to describe the pain and resentment that is felt by having a perfect baby and then having that baby snatched from you at about 16 months old.

    The brain damage that my child received should not have happened. The U.S. healthcare industry is the best in the World. There are safeguards and redundancies built into the system. However, in this case, the system failed and failed badly.

    My child and countless others were injected with a substance known as Thimerosal.

    Thimerosal is an additive to baby vaccines that contains 49.6% Mercury. This substance was banned by the pet vaccination industry over ten years ago because of known health risks. The pharmaceutical industry kept this additive in the baby vaccines, knowing full well the risks to our children’s health.

    According to my child’s weight and the amount of vaccines he received that contained this additive, my child and thousands of other children have received over 40 times the legal safety limit for mercury exposure as established by the Environmental Protection Agency.

    I speak for literarily thousands of concerned and angry parents who basically got burned by a system that has been perverted by Greed, Politics, and Corruption.

    In the last several years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have granted hundreds of waivers of the conflict of interest rule in favor of the drug giants and their paid consultants. Has the U.S. health care system been unduly influenced? Thousands of children have suffered the consequences of these people’s greed and short sightedness.

    My child was born perfectly healthy, full of life. He had the potential to achieve anything in life that he would have chosen to do.

    Because of a short sighted medical system that failed, my child is now a semi vegetative little boy who is lost in his own tortured world of mercury induced autism.

    This book talks about the cause and the arrogant atmosphere that abounds in the vaccine community that has caused this tragedy.

    If you look at an autistic child, you will notice fear and profound sadness on their little faces. They are imprisoned in a world where they desperately want to escape, but can’t.

    The frustration that these children feel and their

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