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The Donner Society
The Donner Society
The Donner Society
Ebook49 pages35 minutes

The Donner Society

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Robby, a senior in high school, begins to attend a prestigious private school for boys called Lafayette. At the school he makes friends quickly. Among these friends he favors a fellow student named Michael whom is also a senior.

As soon as Robby arrives at Lafayette, Michael tells him about the many social groups within the school, and how important they are within the academic establishment. Michael mentions to Robby that he himself is a member of a group called, The Donner Society. Robby, with Michaels assistance, joins the group.

During his time at Lafayette, Robby learns more than just what he studies academically. He comes to learn about friendship and trust, but above all of his lessons, Robby learns that things are not always as they seem.
Release dateJun 7, 2005
The Donner Society

Kenneth Singleton

Kenneth Jarrett Singleton is a playwright, poet, and author. His other published works prior to the release of this publication include his first novel, The Cadaver Factory (2004), and the play Angelica and Francesca (2005). He was born, and continues to live in Charleston, W.V. Singleton is twenty-six years old.

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    The Donner Society - Kenneth Singleton











    CHAPTER 10


    missing image file

    Seventeen-year-old Robby stood at his bed, packing his clothes into, his suitcase.

    Honey, are you about ready? his mother asked loudly.

    I’ll be down in a minute, Robby answered. He tightened his red tie, grabbed his suitcase, exited his bedroom, made his way down the upstairs hallway of his home to the steps, and began walking downstairs.

    Okay, I’m ready, he said as he met his parents at the bottom of the stairs.

    Don’t be nervous, Son, said Robby’s father. I went to Lafayette. It’s an excellent private school. I just wish we had been a little more serious about getting you enrolled earlier, but nevertheless, you’re going now.

    Robby followed his mother and father to the family car. On the way to Lafayette, Robby sat quietly in the back. Eventually, they

    arrived at the school.

    There it is, Son, said Robby’s father.

    The large school was far out of the city. It seemed like the middle of nowhere to Robby. It was surrounded by forest.

    After parking, the family entered the school and walked into the office, where they came upon a counselor sitting at her desk in the front, office.

    May I help you? asked the counselor.

    Yes, we were supposed to meet with Headmaster Richardson today, Robby’s father replied.

    His office is down the hallway; second door on the left, the counselor responded.

    Thank you, said Robby’s father.

    As they entered Headmaster Richardson’s office, he sat at his desk cleaning his glasses.

    We are the Winchesters. I believe you wanted to meet with us, Robby’s father stated.

    Yes, of course. I almost forgot that was to happen today. Please, have a seat. I always like to meet with a new student’s parents before the student’s enrollment is taken care of. Robert did very well on his entrance exams, and I think that he will do well here at Lafayette, said Headmaster Richardson.

    We are hoping, Robby’s father replied, smiling.

    We will need to discuss some ground rules that are generally not applicable in public-school environments. The most important of our rules is that no student may leave campus except during scheduled vacations according to our academic calendar. Of course, in an emergency or with parental permission, we do make exceptions. After all, it is a school, not a prison, Headmaster Richardson stated.

    That’s not a problem, Robby’s father responded.

    "Another key rule I must mention, right off the bat so to speak, relates to our very strict dress code, Robby. You must wear your issued school uniform. You must always wear it while you are on campus, except for when you are engaged in your physical fitness activities, and at night. The uniform includes the red tie. I’ll see to it that you receive your school uniform before you leave

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