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The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear
The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear
The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear
Ebook38 pages17 minutes

The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear

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This story begins in the little Canadian backwoods village of Bearsville. A blessed event occurs, when a polar bear cub, Baby Bum, is born to the 'Bear Family' on Christmas Day.

Happiness abounds, but tragedy strikes a blow when his beloved father, Gruff, dies in the dreadful jaws of a bear trap.

Mother Bear cannot mend his broken heart and is inspired to adopt a red-eyed cub (Carey Bear) to share his unbearable grief.

Bonding as friends and brothers, they dream of grand adventures in faraway lands.

Daring their dreams, our young heroes venture into strange places and meet new friends and scary foes.

Entering the frozen realm of an awesome wicked wizard, (Blitzzard), they battle for their lives in a humongous blizzard.

Hopelessly lost, they wish upon a star and are rescued by a Magic Rainbow Goddess, (Iris).

Entering a forbidding Forest, (Bearswoods), they encounter a knightly hood, 'Sir Robbin Bear'.

Trading heroic tales, Robbin honors them in a forest feast.

Chased by a fierce raptor, 'Talons the Golden Eagle', the heroic brothers, dashing to Mother Bear, return to honor and glory in a grand celebration and triumphant presentation.

The story ends with the joy and wonder of Christmas.

'The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear' will surely delight the hearts and imaginations of children around the world. It is wonderful and inspiring reading for the entire family.

Release dateNov 9, 2001
The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear

Robert E. Perron

Robert Edward Joseph Perron was born in Milton, Massachusetts, but he has spent most of his life in Connecticut. Encouraged by his adopted daughter, Lori Ann, to exercise a latent talent, Mr. Perron, himself and his sister adopted, was inspired to pen 'The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear,' based on his families two well-worn and much loved and hugged stuffed polar bears, 'Bum and Carey.' Mr. Perron thought deeply of 'Bum' and 'Carey' and, interweaving his own experiences, began to write a children's book about two polar bear cubs and their grand adventures. The story tells of how two troubled and lonely souls are destined to be friends and brothers forever. Drawing upon his collection of stone critters, the story contains no less than fifty characters. The author brings each one to life. Our young heroes invite the young--and the young at heart--to go along and share with them the joy of family, the wonder of nature and the spirit of Christmas. Mr. Perron, who lives with his lovely wife Irene, is a retired teacher of piano and composer. His varied interests include literature, astronomy, science and antique autos.

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    The Adventures of Bum and Carey Bear - Robert E. Perron

    © 2015 Robert E. Perron. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/13/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2328-6 (e)

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    In The Beginning

    The Bear Family A New Beginning

    The Quest For Grand Adventure

    On Nature’s Stage

    Blitzzard, The Mighty, Wicked Wizard Of The North

    Blitzzard’s Revenge

    Lost In The Great Unknown

    Bum And Carey’s Prayer

    Iris, The Magic Rainbow Goddess

    Robbin Bear Of Bearswoods Forest

    Talons, The Golden Eagle

    The Surprise Party In The Village

    The Presentation Of Awards The Grand Order Of The Golden Bears

    The Night Before Christmas

    The Bear Family At Christmas Time

    This book, written from the heart and to the heart, is dedicated to my daughter, Lori Ann; to my grandchildren Christina, Jessica and Justin;

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