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Game, Set, Match-Life: A Novel
Game, Set, Match-Life: A Novel
Game, Set, Match-Life: A Novel
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Game, Set, Match-Life: A Novel

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James Patrick Wilbanks background, experience, and success in the arena of tennis, including playing and teaching, coupled with his creative mindset resulted in Game, Set, Match-Life, a novel that is set in the tennis world. It tells the story of a young tennis player named Nicky who began playing tennis at the early age of four.
Many years later, he finds himself in a relationship with his girlfriend, Juli, and plans to play college tennis in Hawaii. However, geographical destruction and relationship demise weigh heavy on this young man's heart as he attempts to figure out his future. Sweeping changes in the tennis world may be a blessing in disguise. Will Nicky's dreams of college and pro tennis be realized?
Release dateOct 4, 2010
Game, Set, Match-Life: A Novel

James Patrick Wilbanks

James Patrick Wilbanks was born in Ottumwa, Iowa. He earned his BA from the University of Northern Iowa and his MBA from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. James' tennis credentials include the University of California at Riverside Tennis Hall of Fame (2005). He is married to his beautiful wife, Kristin.

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    Game, Set, Match-Life - James Patrick Wilbanks

    Game, Set, Match—Life

    A Novel

    James Patrick Wilbanks

    iUniverse, Inc.

    New York Bloomington

    Game, Set, Match—Life

    A Novel

    Copyright © 2010 by James Patrick Wilbanks

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-0-595-44706-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-0-595-70019-6 (dj)

    ISBN: 978-0-595-89027-9 (ebook)

    iUniverse rev. date: 6/16/2010












    In honor of Dan Braden…

    A world-class coach, teacher, and friend

    Special thanks to my wife, Kristin, our son, Patrick, and our puppies, Sophie and Evie, for allowing me the time and opportunity to write and publish this fictional work. I love you all so very much.

    Game, Set, Match—Life

    The Letter 

    Nicky had been racing home each day over his lunch hour to check the mail for that ever-so-important letter from the University of Hawaii at Maui, which would confirm his tennis scholarship. Certainly, today was no exception. So he organized the important papers atop his desk at the club, grabbed his keys, and hung the old sign on the door which read, Sorry, out to lunch. As he walked over to the pool to find his other half, he could hear the pool-side music becoming a little louder with each step. As for his other half, she was not terribly difficult to locate… even on a busy day; her lush tropic tan coupled with her short blond hair helped her to stand out among the many sunbathers, swimmers, and socialites. As he approached, he remembered what he wrote for her two years ago during a vacation with their families in the summer of 1998.

    A Summer In Virginia

    It was early June,

    But late afternoon,

    When I first learned to say your name wrong.

    And closer to you

    My heart and I drew

    As the summer time moved right along.

    With each passing day,

    We found a new way

    To relieve the stress and the tension.

    Such great times we shared

    Because we both cared;

    There are a few times I should mention.

    First, we enjoyed shows,

    Viewing from back rows,

    At the movies on Highway One South.

    We laughed and we cried,

    Aloud or inside,

    With M&Ms melting in our mouth.

    Remember the watch?

    A black and white Swatch?

    To buy it was so very tiring!

    Well, of course you do.

    I bought it for you

    Because you lost money by wiring.

    Skating on ice

    Was terribly nice

    As I melted with the ice below.

    The reason being?

    You were there seeing

    Me safely 'round the rink as I'd go.

    Then there was a bee,

    One you didn't see,

    That stung you on the arm late at night.

    Because of your scream

    And rash, it did seem

    We should go see if you were all right.

    My feelings for you

    Are more than a few.

    They are numerous and quite sincere.

    It's your eyes, your smile,

    Your laugh, and your style;

    I am so happy I met you here.

    To close I will say,

    I hope there's a way

    We can write and still be special friends.

    For I cherish you

    And the times we knew;

    I do hope our friendship never ends.

    As Nicky moved closer, his smile reminded Juli of a Virginia sunset along the Potomac. Hi, Juli. How are you?

    Hi, Nicky, she replied with an equal amount of excitement in her voice. I am burning up. Are you ready for lunch?

    Yes, said Nicky. Let's go.

    As Juli stood up and prepared to leave with Nicky, all eyes were watching her. She was more than easy on the eyes, long on looks; she was a stunning 18 year-old woman. Juli stood 5'9, had green eyes, and she was extremely fit. How did she stay so fit? She played tennis, jogged religiously, and enjoyed aerobics a few times each week. As Juli and Nicky walked off, so left the hearts of every guy at the pool. But understand guys. Give them a few seconds and they will find someone else to undress with their eyes. Important to note, Nicky, an 18 year-old man, at 6'2 and 165 pounds can stir the hearts of the ladies with relative ease. In other words, they make a cute couple.

    They made their way to Nicky's black 1996 Saturn coupe—a convertible. Back in 1996, Saturn began marketing one of the first electric cars in Los Angeles and Phoenix. In June of this year, Nicky purchased the Saturn for a reasonable price from one of his clients at the club who originally purchased the car in Los Angeles. With classes beginning at the University of Hawaii at Maui in September, Nicky needed something newer than his black 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang. His Mustang was a wonderful toy; however, Nicky needed a newer, safer car for the next four years in Hawaii. But he still has the Mustang; he loves old cars. The transport of the vehicle(s) to Hawaii was going to be both costly and challenging; therefore, the alternative of selling one (or both) of the vehicles required serious consideration.

    Here you go, said Nicky as he opened the passenger-side car door for Juli. He never missed his cue.

    Thanks, Mr. Thompson. You are quite the gentleman. Then she kissed him ever-so-gently on the cheek and slipped into his car. Let's go check the mail. If your letter isn't in the mail, I'll treat you to dinner. Fair enough? Otherwise, you can treat.

    You're on, replied Nicky whose concentration was still somewhat wrecked from the kiss he just received. And if my letter is here, I'll treat you to dinner, dancing, and much more to celebrate our future together at the University of Hawaii at Maui and the tennis program that will bring me one step closer to my dream—playing professional tennis.

    And so they were off in hopes that Nicky's letter from the University of Hawaii at

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