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An a to Z of Emotional Freedom: Book I - Standing on Your Own Two Feet
An a to Z of Emotional Freedom: Book I - Standing on Your Own Two Feet
An a to Z of Emotional Freedom: Book I - Standing on Your Own Two Feet
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An a to Z of Emotional Freedom: Book I - Standing on Your Own Two Feet

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About this ebook

The intention of this book is to help you claim back the life of personal respect, integrity and honour you were always destined to live.

This book is aimed at anyone who has a dream inside waiting to break out but is imprisoned by their personal history.

It does not aim to provide the answers, but hopes instead to provoke you into asking the right questions about your life and how you really want to live it: The rest is up to you.

This book is part of a series of four, which are defined as 'living books'; in other words, as readers read and learn and grow, and feedback to us, we want to evidence that learning and growing so maybe other peoples' learning and growing can acquire compassion and wisdom about their own and others' lives less painfully.

As the authors of this book, we have learned certain incontrovertible truths; the most important one being that we are all ultimately responsible for our own life stories. We have the final decision on what story we choose to tell.

If it is too late to change the chapters that have preceded where we are now, we certainly have the power to transform the rest of the story to describe our blooming.

Contained within these pages, and the pages of the other three books comprising the series, are some ideas to help you along the way

All the words and phrases used throughout the series are intended to be explained within the context of how they are presented. If however, you do not understand anything you read, please ask for an explanation. We will be happy to clarify in later editions and via our website updates.

We can be contacted at: or via our website at

Release dateAug 20, 2007
An a to Z of Emotional Freedom: Book I - Standing on Your Own Two Feet

Caroline Anson

Caroline Anson travelled the world many times from the age of 9. She saw that every human heart was woven from the same spiritual cloth, and when we lose sight of this we become unhappy and lost. Catherine Hawthorne also travelled the world and immersed herself in experiencing all aspects of the human condition. When they met, they acknowledged and respected the soul truths of the other. Out of this acknowledgement and respect An A to Z of Emotional Freedom was born.

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    An a to Z of Emotional Freedom - Caroline Anson

    © Copyright 2003 Caroline Anson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    Note for Librarians: a cataloguing record for this book that includes Dewey Classification and US Library of Congress numbers is available from the National Library of Canada. The complete cataloguing record can be obtained from the National Library’s online database at:

    ISBN 1-4120-1555-3

    ISBN 978-1-4122-1863-4 (eBook)


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    Water Element-Emotions

    Air Element—Soul Readings

    Fire Element—Soul Wisdom

    Earth Element—Animal Powers

    The intention of this book is to help you claim back the life of personal respect, integrity and honour you were always destined to live.

    This book is aimed at anyone who has a dream inside waiting to break out but is imprisoned by their personal history.

    It does not aim to provide the answers, but hopes instead to provoke you into asking the right questions about your life and how you really want to live it: The rest is up to you.

    This book is part of a series of four, which are defined as ‘living books’; in other words, as readers read and learn and grow, and feedback to us, we want to evidence that learning and growing so maybe other peoples’ learning and growing can acquire compassion and wisdom about their own and others’ lives less painfully.

    As the authors of this book, we have learned certain incontrovertible truths; the most important one being that we are all ultimately responsible for our own life stories. We have the final decision on what story we choose to tell.

    If it is too late to change the chapters that have preceded where we are now, we certainly have the power to transform the rest of the story to describe our blooming.

    Contained within these pages, and the pages of the other three books comprising the series, are some ideas to help you along the way…

    All the words and phrases used throughout the series are intended to be explained within the context of how they are presented. If however, you do not understand anything you read, please ask for an explanation. We will be happy to clarify in later editions and via our website updates.

    We can be contacted at: or via our website at

    About the Authors:

    Representing the mythological cycle of maiden, mother and crone, Charlotte, Catherine and Caroline have lived these words that follow and all aspire to become the guardians of their own stories; travelling everyday toward the destination of their true selves, aspiring to bloom into their full potential in this very lifetime.

    ISBN details

    ©Caroline Anson, Catherine Hawthorne & Charlotte Strodl, 2003

    An A to Z of Emotional Freedom:

    Book I-Standing On Your Own Two Feet.

    Additional books in the series…

    Book II: Sounding The Songs Of Your Heart.

    Book III: Dancing In The Moonlight.

    Book IV: Flying On The Wings Of Love.

    The goal of this series is to give you a few ideas about learning to stand on your own two feet. Maybe you are in emotional turmoil; maybe you are confused, lost or disheartened. Maybe you feel you have lost your way.

    If any of these things are true for you, these series of books will remind you that it isn’t necessary to violate, belittle, confuse or dishonour yourself in order to twist or distort yourself into what you think the world wants you to be.

    The goal is to remind you that any bad thing that happens in your life isn’t a threat, a punishment or a violation of your free spirit or that you must deserve it in some way. Rather, whatever happens is simply a lesson—so learn it and move on. Learn to see that life is a spiral you move around yourself: You might think you have been going around in circles, but in fact every moment is unique.

    Acknowledging the power of spirals means that although it feels like you might have visited this place before, you can in fact use your prior experience and the new knowledge of yourself to take the gifts of the lesson in front of you that are needed for your journey, and to let go of the burdens you no longer need to carry.

    If you have forgotten what you have always known in your heart, the goal of this series is to remind you that you always know what you need to say, do, and be in order to make those steps towards living your Best Self: You just need to relocate the voice of the wisdom within.

    This series works on the basis that the complexity of life can be broken down into a series of simple steps, which you are able to follow to arrive at your Best Self. If you are not standing on your own two feet, but are instead leaning on another’s life to sustain your own, when your paths go off in different directions, you will fall over without the support you have become addicted to. If you decide to maintain your comfort levels by following the path of the other, which is not your own path, you are living a lie.

    This series aims to help you retrieve and define the beautiful and unique human being you are and will always be, which perhaps at this moment seems hidden inside you like a butterfly waiting to unfurl its wings and fly. To retrieve that lost self you can only find it within. To move forward to claim ownership of your life, you will need to go within. If you want to stand on your own two feet, the muscles you need to clothe your bones are all found within.

    Ultimately, the goal of this book is to honour you and your journey, whatever path you have chosen to take thus far, and to remind you that if you do not like the path you are on or the place you have found yourself, you are free to choose another path, another way, another truth.


    The book is laid out as a series of steps winding like a spiral path around the mountain of self, with your big or higher self described here as your true self. The goal of this book is to achieve an inner transformation, ultimately achieving a consistent and reliable dialogue between your small or ego-centred self and your big or true self.

    Your small self gained its knowledge of self and the world when you were a child, before you had full cognition and ownership of what you wanted and did not want in your world, and what was true and was not true for you. The small self operates out of a survival mode—fight or flight, and lives in fear of ridicule or death. To the small self, ridicule of self

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