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Intuition: Prophesies Awakening of the Soul
Intuition: Prophesies Awakening of the Soul
Intuition: Prophesies Awakening of the Soul
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Intuition: Prophesies Awakening of the Soul

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About this ebook

Ever since humankind gained the concept of time, dreamers have sought a
way to travel within its limitless shores. They fantasized about the ability to
go back in time to right an injustice or go forward in time to explore humanitys
potential, but for most, it remained just thata fantasy. For these rare few, those
dreams become an obsession, for there are no boundaries within the varied
dimensions that are part of this wonder. However, none of these attempts has
been successful because of the lack of spirituality necessary to conquer this
skill, to be able to will the spirit long enough to exist outside of the physical body
until now.
Esperanza Mia is content with her lifethat is, until she is introduced to an
experiment that changed the world she knew. On that day, she learns of her
special gift, spectacular abilities she never imagined possessing. She is on the
verge of learning the secret that had been zealously kept for many generations. A
blue-eyed stranger appeared to ensure her success in fulfilling her destiny, and
with him a torrent of emotions invaded her soul.
What is the meaning of the spiritual walkers arrival? How will her choices
determine the fulfillment of prophecies written throughout human history?
Few beings have discovered how to bend or squeeze time. Fewer have learned the
consequences of doing so. Will Esperanza be able to do both and survive?
Release dateFeb 21, 2012
Intuition: Prophesies Awakening of the Soul

Daisy Torres-Petrovich

Daisy Torres-Petrovich was born in Puerto Rico and moved to Chicago, Illinois, to attend college. Now she lives in the Windy City with her husband, Bill, and their sons, Will and Matt.

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    Book preview

    Intuition - Daisy Torres-Petrovich


    "Let there be light! The Lord said according to the Sacred Scriptures."

    That is correct! But what else can you say to boost their self-confidence Ariana? Terry asked amused.

    Pursing her lips, she continued her story,

    And the stars brightened the heavens with their insatiable fire, surrounded by other heavenly objects gathering, creating different shapes and unimaginable biomes for the diverse and amazing gala of living beings that would inhabit this wonderful universe of ours. She opened her eyes wide, taking a deep breath, Yes! Ours! For we belong to it and it belongs to every living being that shares its richness and unique splendor. She paused and looked into each of the children’s awed faces. And within this amazing experience, humanity was created and boomed into a variety of forms, sizes, appearances. Reasoning became part of its existence and with it, a marvel of possibilities. Time became an obsession for there are no boundaries within the varied dimensions that are part of this wonder. Few beings have discovered how to bend or squeeze time. Fewer have learned the consequences to doing so. Since the beginning of human life, many have been obsessed, trying to find how to go back in time to change history or to go to the future and see what is coming. However, none of these attempts have been successful due to the lack of spirituality that is necessary to conquer this skill, to be able to will the spirit long enough to exist outside of the physical body… until now.

    The children finally woke up from the trance-like state, and then showed their appreciation of her performance with an enthusiastic applause. Ariana bowed and had a broad smile.

    Alright, off you go you little rascals. The children moved quickly and, after giving her a tight hug and a kiss, they disappeared through the door. Terry grabbed her by her waist and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

    So, are you ready?

    It’s time. We should go or Guillermo won’t be able to make it.

    You’re right! Let’s go. Then Terry and Ariana went on their way.

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    Almost there. Ariana. Don’t stop the connection. Keep it up!

    I’m trying, Guillermo, but the wave is very strong. You need to concentrate on your shield.

    I am! Ask them to try… Eagle. That might do it.

    Eagle then Ariana agreed.

    The receiver of visions saw the eagle, instructing the gathered to invoke the Great Spirit. The mass of voices was growing louder—the song of the Eagle and its dance. The ritual was taking place and the door from the other dimension started to open wide. Excitement reigned. The atmosphere was covered with magical fog, transforming the site into the opening loop that would allow the miracle to happen. Humming in unison, the crowd closed the circle where he would finally appear. The Sun seemed to expand and brightened with every chant it received. The wind came rushing through the sky, producing a tornado-like shape within the center of the circle, stretching by the steps of the dancers. And… the spiritual walker arrived!



    Always intuitive

    Grasping for adventure

    Unexpected encounter

    Diverted my direction

    To new horizons

    To make peace with nature

    with a native hunter

    tracking my path.

    If the crow tells you

    it’s through your blood line,


    She won’t lie.

    You will create and lead

    the greatest mind.

    Simple facts can be, at times, difficult to understand. What can I say? It could be worse.

    Life is simple. Follow your instincts and you’ll be fine, my grandmother used to say. If only I could trust myself.

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    I remember being stuck in traffic because of a massive road construction project. It was sunny and my air conditioner was not working properly. Windows down, I was listening to the news. "In other news at this hour, a tornado touched down near the Black Hills in South Dakota. No fatalities have been reported. The twister was spotted in the Lakota Reservation area. Experts have been unable to explain how this was possible with the present weather conditions. Some of the local people attribute this event to ancient Native American rituals that . . ." I changed the radio station from the news to some music. Brad Paisley’s American Saturday Night was playing when I finally arrived at the parking lot. I became frustrated going through aisle after aisle of cars, waiting for someone to pull out. I kept circling until I finally saw someone pull out of a parking space. I squeezed in, gathering my belongings, and dashed to the Science Building. I ran through the halls—like all hell was loose—to my sister’s archeology class. As I was approaching the lecture room, I heard Professor Dunn say,

    We will post the information for those who might be interested. He gestured toward the doors, It will be a great experience. Class dismissed.

    I peeked in, trying to locate my sister, Ana. She met my searching eyes and shook her head side to side in disapproval. My heart sank when I saw her disappointment. I raced to her side and squeezing her, I am really, really sorry. I can’t believe I missed your presentation. I owe you big time!

    Yes you do, she replied with a grin.

    At that moment someone called my name.

    Mia. Over here. It was Rocio. She and I have been friends since middle school and she was hooked on Earth sciences, just like my sister.

    Hi Rocio! I said as she handed my sister some notes. I know what you are going to say. I… As I paused to take a deep breath, holding it for five seconds and exhaling slowly, Rocio said,

    Don’t worry. Professor Dunn taped it. She twitched her lips in a mocking smile. You really need to take a yoga class or something Mia. You are a bundle of nerves lately. What’s going on?

    I don’t know, but it’s not PMS, I replied firmly.

    Yes. Your mood swings are driving me crazy. It’s bad enough feeling frustrated, let alone feeling what you are feeling. It’s so unfair… Ana was very outspoken about our emotional connection. Rocio was used to hearing about it and she just chuckled,

    I’m so glad I don’t have a twin. Changing the subject eagerly, she asked me,

    Did you hear about the Summer Field Research packet to South Dakota?

    Is that what he was referring to at the end of class?

    Yes. It sounds great. Let’s see how much it is. Rocio sounded excited. We walked together as she continued. By the way, Albert asked for you. Are you in trouble, again?

    My brother, Albert acted as if he were our father, always giving my sister and I orders and is way too overprotective. We could not date a guy unless he approved. There were times when he would embarrass us in front of others, just to let them know that he was in charge of our lives. He was six feet tall and weighed two hundred pounds of solid muscle and loved to intimidate those who dared to get too close to us. The problem was that he was mistaken. He wasn’t in charge of our lives. My sister and I were and I wondered what he was up to, now.

    No, I immediately replied. He saw Joseph talking to me last week and told my mom that he saw me making out with some guy. We were just talking. I was furious, remembering Albert smirking at me as my mom lectured me about the importance of our reputation. He’s going to pay for that. I said through clenched teeth.

    "Don’t say that. He is your brother. I wish I had someone who cared for me like that." Rocio said with a distant longing in her voice.

    He’s a jerk, Ana answered while she kept looking for something in her bag.

    Oh. That’s right. I forgot that you have a crush on him. That’s why you always defend him. I was pleased to see my friend’s cheeks slowly turn scarlet. You see, Annie?

    Ana looked up, glancing at Rocio’s face, measuring it, and started to laugh. You are right, Sis.

    Rocio just smiled. It’s not my fault! He is so handsome…

    "Ewwww!" My sister and I replied at the same time.

    There must be something missing in that brain of yours, I added.

    No doubt about it. Ana agreed.

    Could you two be nice? Or I’ll leave…

    Hey, we were just kidding, I said immediately, rolling my eyes.

    I saw that Mia. Don’t you roll your eyes at me. Rocio pretended to be angry. I’m going to check the flyer. She stomped out to the hall. Ana and I followed her, giggling.

    We stopped in front of the large bulletin board that was flooded with papers. Flyers advertising the upcoming theater festival, mingled with test results from Professor Dunn’s classes. A bright orange flyer caught our eye immediately. It read:

    Discovery Travel

    Experienced in archeology/paleontology guided excursions.

    You will get:

    1) Hotel accommodations, transportation, 2 meals and a snack per day for the length of stay (2 weeks).

    2) Visit the major monuments and interesting sites of the area.

    3) A chance to meet celebrity paleontologist during excavation visit.

    Spaces are limited (20) at a special rate ($2,500.00)

    Dates: June 16th-June 30th.

    Call: 312-888-8888

    This sounds great! Don’t you think? I heard the scenery is amazing. Rocio’s eyes were wide with excitement, just like my sister’s. Annie continued Rocio’s rambling,

    Yes. Think about it, The Badlands with rocks approximately 66 to 68 million years old, formed in the upper reaches of a delta. I can’t wait to see those layers. She hardly stopped to breathe, The Black Hills which are considered sacred and mysterious, Mount Rushmore with the Presidents’ faces—.

    —oh and of course the Crazy Horse Monument. Maybe we’ll discover a complete specimen and become famous, just like Sue Hedrickson! Rocio interjected

    Rocio’s and Ana’s enthusiasm was contagious. They could talk for hours if you let them.

    I guess it could be interesting to see fossils from the Lakota Formation, I responded thoughtfully. Even though it was not my major, I happened to know plenty about Earth Science because of their fixation with it. They both looked at me with shocked faces and broke into laughter.

    Look who’s an expert on Earth Science now, my sister said amused, glancing at Rocio.

    Rocio responded still laughing, It is contagious, isn’t it?

    We continued talking about the excursion in the car on our way home. Rocio only lived two blocks from us. My sister and I took turns driving to college to save money and to help save the environment. Rocio rode with us as well. The more we talked about the expedition, the more excited we became, by the time we dropped off Rocio, our minds were set on the trip. We decided to call and make our reservations as soon as possible. My sister and I had saved some money working part-time at the local Target store as cashiers. Even though my parents were in a comfortable economical position, they encouraged us to become independent, self-reliant people. That is why they showed no concern when my sister and I decided to apply for a job.

    As we walked in our home, my mother was working on some lesson plans. She was a third grade bilingual teacher. She lifted up her face from her pile of papers and smiled.

    Hi girls.

    "Hi Mom. Bendición,*" My sister and I always greeted her the same way.

    She always responded by giving us a kiss and replying, "Dios me las bendiga***. She gazed at us suspiciously, So, how was your day?"

    Better than yesterday, Ana responded giving me a glance.

    Well. Soon you’ll be on vacation. She sat back down. She looked exhausted but content with herself. She had lost fifty pounds in the past six months. She gained more energy and looked younger.

    My male friends noticed the change, and her curves had a major effect on their hormones. They would flirt with her, making my mother smile and shake her head.

    "You know? It’s funny that you mentioned vacation. Ana and I were just thinking about our summer and we came across an opportunity

    for us to go on an excursion sponsored by our university." At that, Ana added,

    Yes. It will be a great experience, especially for me. We will be at an excavation site, looking for fossils and meeting real paleontologists. Rumor has it, that even Paul Sereno and Gabrielle Lyon will be part of it.

    Paul Sereno? The dinosaur guy at the University of Chicago? my mother asked amused by our expressions of excitement.

    "Yes. Mom. The same one. I mean, if I want to be taken seriously as a paleontologist, I have to do fieldwork, and be part of it, not just sit

    in a lecture room getting information from dusty books. I have to live it," Ana spoke passionately, using her whole body to explain what she couldn’t with mere words. My mother tried to hold a chuckle that escaped from her.

    Well, what do you need? I see your minds are set already. My mother

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