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All Things Together: Jenny's Tears
All Things Together: Jenny's Tears
All Things Together: Jenny's Tears
Ebook169 pages2 hours

All Things Together: Jenny's Tears

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About this ebook

the strength to go through one tragedy at a time is difficult. Finding the
strength to endure one catastrophic change in your life after another is nearly
impossible without the presence of God in your life.

novel takes you into one womans journey through such an"mso-spacerun: yes"> Jenny, the main character, is faced with
many life-changing events all within a few years"mso-spacerun: yes"> A chemical exposure while working as a
surgical technologist in a suburban hospital takes away her health and
career. Meanwhile her father is lost to
cancer and her mother is diagnosed with cancer two months"mso-spacerun: yes"> As Jenny is put on disability and faces her
own mortality, her husband of twenty-seven years leaves her for another
woman. She begins to question her
belief in God, blaming Him for her situation and her"mso-spacerun: yes"> All of this while she is in the midst of a
multi-million dollar lawsuit!

her faith in her Savior was the first step in putting her life back
together. Jenny emerges from her trials
a stronger, more spirit-filled, woman as she proves that all things work
together for the good, to those that love the Lord. Romans 8:28

Release dateJul 3, 2003
All Things Together: Jenny's Tears

Ruthann Keller

Ruthann Keller is a retired surgical technologist having worked, many years in the medical arena.  She has experienced first hand the undying love of her Savior as she was disabled by an injury much like that of her character, Jenny, A woman of faith, Ruthann hopes to reach other’s who struggle with their faith as they walk through the fires of tribulation.  Having survived her own ‘refinement by fire’, her testimony of God’s love is overpowering.  Loosing her career, health, marriage and her father, she is living proof that we not only survive, we become stronger having a better life if we surrender all to Jesus Christ.  Ruthann knows that you must ‘let go and let God’.

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    Book preview

    All Things Together - Ruthann Keller


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty One

    Chapter Twenty Two

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    The mystic the burned and tattered country church held for Jenny was more than any curious six-year old child could resist. She was constantly sneaking off across the field of hay at her Grandfathers’ farm to investigate it. Always she would be caught by her Grandmother, and always she was reminded that to spare the rod, was to spoil the child. Gran was half Cherokee Indian, and she had the temper to prove it. She could be a kind woman at times, but Jenny being a bit mischievous, seldom saw the ‘kindness’ in her Gran. More often than not she was on the receiving end of her godly discipline. The switch that she used bore a mighty big welt to the back of the legs, but just as soon as the sting would wear off, back to the old church Jenny would go.

    One cool fall morning, sweatshirt in hand, Jenny managed to slip away from her Grans watchful eye. That was often rather difficult to do, but this day was different. Today Gran had too many chores, and too many other grandchildren both older and younger than Jenny under foot. Jenny could take care of herself, and Gran knew it. She had witnessed her independence on several occasions. Maybe it was because Jenny was an only child, and use to wandering off on her own, fending for herself so to speak. Jenny took advantage of her Grandmothers distractions, and off across the field she ran.

    The church smelt particularly musty that morning, maybe it was the dampness in the air from the rain the night before. The leaves from the old oak tree next to the church had fallen into the pews from the burned out hole in the roof, making it seem as if the outside had come in. It only made Jenny feel more comfortable, more at peace with her surroundings. She loved this old church, the deep grains of the wood on the pulpit were still visible though the top was covered with soot and ashes. There was a ‘presence’ here that made Jenny feel safe and loved. Exploring the ruins of it was her favorite pastime. Grandpa Jake told her that when he had the time, he would come with her, hoping to keep her from slipping away on her own. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to feed her curiosity. He just didn’t want her getting hurt. The structure of the church had been severely damaged by the fire several years back. Why no one had ever torn the remains down was a mystery. Maybe because it was a ‘country church’, it wasn’t as much of an eyesore as it would have been were it in a town or city.

    How good it felt to Jenny to be off on her own! She hated being around all the other cousins. She much preferred to be here, there wasn’t a pew she hadn’t tried to visualize people sitting in. Not a song she hadn’t tried to sing at the top of her lungs from behind the old pulpit, thankful no one could hear her but Jesus. She was alone with him here, and it was a warm feeling. Today she had found an old Bible. It had been damaged by the fire, and weather, ragged and moldy from age. She couldn’t read it, heck, she was too young to read much. She just knew it was Jesus’ book, and she couldn’t leave it here, it wouldn’t be right. So, she clung onto it, and lying down in a dry pew, she fell asleep.

    Asleep that is, until she heard footsteps!

    OH NO! She thought, It must be Gran. I’m gonna get switched all the way back to the house!

    She tried to sneak out of the broken window in a side room, ever so quietly she straddled the windowsill. Then, she felt someone grab her leg! She screamed so loud, she could have scared the devil himself away!

    SHHH! Jenny-girl, be quiet! If your Gran catches us here she will switch us both! Her Grandpa Jake said.

    Relieved it was he, Jenny swung her leg back into the church and gave her Grandpa a big hug. She was his little Jenny-girl and to her, Grandpa Jake was her best friend, and protector. Mostly from Gran and her switch! Whenever she needed a place to run to and be safe, Grandpa had a lap waiting just for her, and her alone.

    "Grandpa! What are you doin’ here?" Jenny asked as she smiled at him batting her big brown eyes. Grandpa couldn’t resist them. He always told her she needn’t say a word, she could talk with her eyes.

    Trying to save the likes of you from the wrath of your Gran. She is hunting you with a vengeance. Saw her break a switch off the willow trees, and she was callin’ your name. So, I figured the only way to keep you from getting your backside switched was to come find you myself. He patted her on the head and teased her. I know your Gran would like to welt me every now and then too, suppose if she is mad enough, she just might switch us both!

    The image flashing across her mind of Gran switching Grandpa Jake made Jenny giggle. Gran was a short little woman, only four feet, five inches in height. Grandpa Jake on the other hand was a strong six foot, two inches tall.

    Grandpa Jake saw the Bible Jenny had tucked up under her sweatshirt.

    What do you have hidden in your shirt there Jenny?

    I found this today Grandpa, isn’t it just beautiful?

    Looking at the torn, discolored pages in her hands, Grandpa turned them gently.

    Jenny could see a tear in the corner of his eye, as he faced the pulpit and the cross that was hanging lopsided above it.

    What’s the matter Grandpa? She asked.

    Not a thing child, just been a long time since I held the good book in my hands. A sadness came upon him such as Jenny hadn’t seen before.

    Grandpa Jake, don’t cry. Jenny reached for his hand. Jesus loves you, that’s what it says in the song I heard at Sunday school. Did you ever come to this church Grandpa? Before it got burned that is?

    Nah child, I never was much for going to church, to many chores to be done. Sunday morning is just another workday for me.

    But, don’t you believe in Jesus? She asked.

    The Lord doesn’t just live in these buildings Jenny. He is everywhere. I talk to him sometimes when I’m working in the woods. I can see Him everywhere I look Jenny.

    You can see Jesus? Her eyes got big.

    Sure Jenny, just look around you, you can see Him in the flowers, in the beauty of a baby doe. You can hear His voice on the wind if you listen for Him Jenny. You don’t have to go to church and sit on these hard old seats, to know that there is a God.

    But shouldn’t people go to church Grandpa? If they can that is?

    Not wanting to dampen the girls obvious longing for the Lord her Grandfather said. Yes child, if they can, they should.

    Then her Grandpa Jake took her hand and pulling her onto his lap he said.

    Jenny, if I never teach you anything else in this life, I want you to remember what I’m going to say to you now. Listen to me girl.

    Jenny had never seen Grandpa this serious about anything before. He was generally a quiet man, working hard, and talking little. He would sit quietly in his chair on the front porch after a long day of work, whittling out a new toy for one of the grandkids with his pocketknife. This was a very different side of him that she was seeing. So she sat up, and took notice, and listened hard at what he said to her.

    When I was a youngster, my Ma taught me this verse in the Bible. Not a day has gone by in my life when it hasn’t given me strength.

    Is that why your so strong Grandpa?

    Not a physical strength Jenny. He put his hand to her heart. Spiritual strength, strength in your heart.

    I know you can’t read much of this book yet, you’re still a little girl. But I want to show you a verse, and I want you to remember it Jenny. It is Romans 8:28, in the New Testament. As you get older, there will be times when life isn’t so fun, or easy. Things will get hard for you. That’s just how life is Jenny, and maybe there will be a time when you wonder if Jesus is really there.

    No Sir! I know Jesus is there! She argued.

    Trust me Jenny, when you get older, life gets harder, and your faith will waiver a bit. Just listen to me, and trust me.

    What does the verse say Grandpa? The one your Ma taught you?

    It says this Jenny, Grandpa turned the pages in the Bible as if to go right to the verse, Jenny learned later in life that Grandpa had it memorized, as he couldn’t read or write. All things work together for the good, to those that love the Lord. Sighing he asked her. Do you know what that means child?

    Not really Grandpa. She said.

    It means, that no matter what happens to you. If it is something good or something bad, everything that happens, something good will come from it in the end if you love Jesus. Always remember that Jenny, if you love Jesus, even in the worst times of your life, something good will happen from them.

    A peace fell over Jenny as she listened to Grandpa Jake. Even though she didn’t quite understand all he said to her, she knew she would remember the verse, and read it someday for herself. God had his hand in her life at that young age. On that very day when her Grandpa told her about the book of Romans, Jenny knew she wanted to live her life for Jesus. She hugged her Grandpa tightly and gave him an Eskimo Kiss, their favorite kind. Then out of the blue, the peace of the morning was shattered as Gran came storming into the church, switch in hand!

    I’m gonna blister your little bottom Jenny Nicole White! Gran shouted as she swung the switch into the air, making a sound as it sliced through the silence that made the hair stand up on Jenny’s neck! Gran was marching towards her in a fury, she grabbed Jenny’s arm so hard it jerked her to her feet and off the floor. Rearing her arm back to strike, Gran was about to proceed with a whoopin’.

    Just as she was about to come down across the back of Jenny’s legs, Grandpa Jake grabbed her wrist. And with a stone cold look in his steel blue-gray eyes he said.

    If you lay one hand on that child woman, it will be the last thing you ever do! Never, do you hear me? Never again will you touch this girl. He shouted at her loudly.

    Grandpa was not one to be reckoned with when he was angry. Gran knew she had best back off.

    Years later, after she had married, Jenny named her second son after Grandpa Jake. The pride in his eyes as she handed him his namesake was unmistakable. Grandpa Jake passed on when little Jake was just two-years old. And while Jenny never saw her Grandpa in a church, other than the burned out one, she knew he was a man of God. The way he lived, the pride he took in his family, the way he had love in his heart for everyone. Jenny knew, someday they would be reunited in Heaven. But the day he died, she lost her best friend.

    She never forgot that beautiful fall morning when she was just six-years old. She never forgot the scripture he told her of. Although she read it over and over as she grew up, she never once dreamed that the scripture would literally become her lifeline to God.

    Chapter Two

    Jenny curled up comfortably under her favorite quilt as she sipped a cup of herbal tea. She gazed mindlessly out of the window.

    Will this ever be over? She wondered. She had been living a nightmare for over five years now. She just wanted it all to end. She wanted to move on with her life.

    But Jenny knew there was something she had to face up to first. She had to face up to what had happened to her. And she must stop placing the blame on God.

    Since she was a small child she had always kept a journal, it was a good thing she had. The only way she could recall the events of the past five-years

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