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Black Blood = 21St Century Oil Rush
Black Blood = 21St Century Oil Rush
Black Blood = 21St Century Oil Rush
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Black Blood = 21St Century Oil Rush

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Noel Robertson was born during WWII. He worked hard to gain qualifications in school, banking and then general construction. All the time Noel had a nagging question - "Why are we so poor and who are these people controlling everything?" A Jewish friend told him that 'only fools work'! This made him think, so he embarked on various self-employed activities. Becoming ill at age 51, he has not worked since. He started his research into the history of mankind which took place way before all those Biblical stories - he needed to know the origins of our species and set out to find the 'missing' link according to Charles Darwin. Time allowed Noel to read numerous books allied to this subject, including those written by Zecharia Sitchin setting out his translations of the Sumerian Tablets. Noel basically found out where we, as a human race, came from. It was these findings that led to Black Blood = 21st Century Oil Rush. This brings right up to date the reasons for wars, both historical and current, which mankind has had to endure. Man has simply given his mind away! If you think you are free, then think again. It is a journey from pre-history, through Biblical times, the renaissance period to the present. Imperialist administrations are still fighting wars over the 'control' of modern energy - oil and gas - and indeed human minds. Man is being drawn in with most of the world not realising and understanding the covert powers at work here. Black Blood = 21st Century Oil Rush provides some very interesting answers - true understanding is highly controversial. Just substitute the word 'God' for 'space-ship' and 'global' for New World Order and enter Noel's world.
Release dateJan 24, 2007
Black Blood = 21St Century Oil Rush

Noel Robertson

An Englishman born during WWII, worked hard all his life until serious illness struck when aged 50, forcing him into early retirement. Now aged 64 and used the intervening time to solve his life-long question - "Who are these people?" These latter years have been used to research and collate answers to the big question.

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    Black Blood = 21St Century Oil Rush - Noel Robertson

    Black Blood


    21st Century Oil Rush

    Noel Robertson


    © Copyright 2007 Noel Robertson

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    1      Who are They ?

    2      Those Who Have Always Taken The Blame—Why?

    3      The Real Israeli People

    4      The Interlopers and their Methods

    5      The Illuminati—Their Symbols and Organisations

    6      Negative Energies

    7      Brotherhood Organisations

    8      Big Oil

    9      The Price We ALL Pay



    AFTER A LENGTHY WRESTLE with my conscience, I decided to put into print my findings. I have spent a large portion of my life delving into why our Earth peoples are in such a state of unease, particularly as we are now in the twenty first century.

    I wanted to find out why the human race is in such a precarious position and why we are so stupid to allow constant wars, poverty and greed to affect all our daily lives. In my quest to find out, I discovered that wars and bloodshed is nothing new—the world is, for some reason, made that way. The startling thing about it, as you read on through the history of mankind, is our insatiable appetite for not being able to learn from fatal mistakes made by our ancestors. I have discovered that history has been distorted in such a way so as to prolong the agony, and to suit various factions along the way.

    What you are about to read is my discovery and is in no uncertain terms—controversial. I have ‘pitched’ it that way as I firmly believe that we can all think and do our bit to alleviate the problem. I have found that there is a ‘common denominator’ running right through the history of mankind and it is this factor which is never truer than today culminating in innocent blood spills in certain key areas of the globe. This sacrificial blood letting over millennia is evil to say the very least, and you will see that it is entirely our fault for allowing it to happen.

    We have never been alerted to the reasons why and education throughout the ages has done little to solve this unacceptable situation. ‘Education’ has never been able to teach people to ‘think’. In fact, vested interests have, throughout time, ensured this status quo by keeping knowledge of the facts of life hidden from the masses. You will discover that there is an ‘elite’ process taking place, far deeper than you have ever imagined. It has taken me until my late 50s to discover that amongst the myth and magic displayed around us does, in fact, have a very deep rooted meaning. There are some extremely sinister forces at work and I will do my best to expose them.

    Yes, you can say that I’m some kind of a whistle blower and many will regard my findings as a little off the mark, this mark being the accepted-without-question myths surrounding the real truth which these factions do not wish us to see, let alone privy to their knowledge. Knowledge is indeed power and that power is overwhelmingly used to control us all, whether we like it or not. It is high time that we, the Earth’s peoples, have access to this knowledge. I must emphasise that humanity is embraced by one race, the human race.

    Much is talked about there being different races. When our blood is spilled, it is literally the same colour for all peoples and turns black particularly when sacrificed through evil means. All peoples of our Earth are of one race; the colours of our skin and cultural diversities do not make any of us inhuman. This implanted idea of there being ‘different’ races has, largely through ‘fear’ of the unknown peoples, suited those who lust for their blood; hence this expose—black blood.

    Power over our fellow beings is the overriding force exacted over us and comes in many guises, and it is the ‘disguised’ energy I have sought to expose. I make no apologies for that. My mission contained within this book is to enable the reader to see our world in a different light. Ultimately I have seen who the ‘controllers’ are; I make no bones about that. Knowledge being in the hands of the few has always, until now, been the cause of all the wars, spread of pestilence and needless poverty we all witness daily in the media. The media too, TV, radio, the press and periodicals are all ‘controlled’ and edited to suit that ‘agenda’.

    I say ‘until now’ as I have come to the conclusion that we are living in very interesting times. We now have access to the internet and we all have to ensure that there would be no ‘regulatory authority’ lording over it. Checks and balances can be put in place to remove pornography and the like but not at the expense of good truthful journalism. Every time we see the images of war, injustices and poverty on TV, we are very rarely informed of the causes of those terrors.

    We are now witnessing the so-called ‘war on terror’ and I have yet to find any public broadcasting programme examining the root causes and who is to blame. There is enough food, water, minerals and energy to satisfy every man, woman and child on this beautiful ‘blue’ planet. There are downright evil controllers with greed in their hearts and minds that upset and have always upset the peace which we all deserve. It is high time we find out who they really are.

    Terrorism would never arise if those ‘mind controlled’ terrorists were not given the causes let alone the excuses for their acts.

    I have delved into many aspects of the origins of our bellicose nature and have traced our problems way back to primeval times; indeed, the information which I have found with the help of many other writers does carry weight. We have to open our minds and not leave them closed just to be hijacked by others through laziness and apathy. We have behaved like ‘sheeple’. We have allowed ourselves to become policed by this modern ‘bureaufascist’ regime and system we call ‘democracy’. We are neither ‘free’ nor happy and with very little justice. We have axes to grind, dissatisfied with ‘our lot’.

    I am sure many from Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and now the Lebanon, not forgetting the people of Israel, would gladly exchange their situation to one of a better life; nor forgetting also our African cousins in all parts of that beautiful and yet forbidding continent. At any one time, it is estimated that there are some twenty wars going on—we only get to hear of them should they effect us. We should be concerned.

    We can make this world a far better place in which to live, but only if we devote a little time to think about the Earth’s happenings in a more positive way and take action with those positive thoughts. Faith can indeed move mountains and we have to direct that faith to within ourselves and not to a third party god. As you will see, gods were created by man according to my discovery, and by more and more others. As this book unfolds, I would like to take you on a journey of new discoveries which I have found.

    This all happened when I was forced to take early retirement though ill health. I was able to fulfil a childhood ambition which was to find out ‘who are these people’—those who are ‘in charge’ of our daily lives. Time gave me the opportunity to research.

    I would like to thank all those who have contributed to my findings, especially all those writers of the various books, manuscripts and internet websites. If you are prepared to open your heart and mind to the following, I am sure it will make very interesting and yet at the same time extremely ‘controversial’ reading. Much of the material exposed in this book is ‘unfriendly’ particularly regarding ‘governments’ not wishing you privy to the content.

    This is a story of ‘bloodline’ families who have ruled since the last ‘Noah’s Ark’ and is still in control today. Many will be surprised to know that the Earth has witnessed many floods and ice-ages throughout its history.

    I was amazed when I came across this information which is all part of the ‘plot’. Without further ado, you are going to need to pad up securely as I’m going to bowl some really fast ones—if only I was informed of this information when I was a young man!

    As I said earlier, we are now living in very interesting times and I believe humanity is at some kind of ‘crossroads’. Ancient civilizations have been ‘here’ before. Man has survived. Each time, his intellect has improved, according to archaeology; however, we have not been able to breed out our fatal flaw—until now. These imperfections in our psychological make-up are, at last, being ‘aired’ and there is hope on the horizon through research, development and study of our DNA, genetics and heredity. This has all gone on before present history—you will be amazed!

    So, what has all this to do with oil, you may ask? Answer: everything in today’s world.


    Who are They ?

    I WAS BORN ON CHRISTMAS Day 1941 and, according to my late father who said with glee, It was an ‘air-raid’ job! He died in late 2002 having had a profound influence on my life right up to that time. You see, I was living at a time when respect for parentage was paramount and acceptance of their will was not questioned. Like many others, I accepted what he said was right, what he did was right, and never thought otherwise. It was a robotic behaviour. You went along with nursery, school, college, religion, work until retirement, as though no original thoughts by yourself were ever forthcoming—didn’t you?

    Simply, I was never taught to think. I had my own ideas like everyone else. Society as collective as it shouldn’t be is not able to ‘allow’ us to use our minds, let alone free them up. Not until now!

    The single and most barring element of our minds’ progress is and always has been the inability of being able to see, hear, smell the truth, let alone read it ‘in black and white’ as to real events and happenings. This is by no means an accident as you will see. Our minds have been and are controlled by those ‘in charge’. There is a real Agenda and even this has been rubbished by the controllers in order to maintain their power over us. Many of the so-called conspiracy theories out there do and have some weights to carry. In fact, there are many which have been proven as fact. My aim in this narrative is to expose the theories and concentrate and tell all about those which do have credibility and status. Yes, it is high time everyone has the chance and opportunity to view the genie now it appears to be out of the bottle.

    During the ‘swinging sixties’ when everyone supposedly never had it so good we were able to have ‘freedom of expression’, whatever that meant. For those in the workplace, freedom was certainly out of the question. Freedom only comes in this hierarchical world with money, enough of it so that work itself becomes just an option. Sadly, this only happens to less than one per centum of the population, either through inheritance or self-made fortunes. There were no lotteries on which we could wager and no ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire?’ on TV. Again, these heady climes were and are still reserved for the few. Hands up those reading this who have won the Lotto® or have won the million on the programme—’Who wants to be a Millionaire?’

    Now, we all have a chance. Anyone now who is prepared to ‘think’ and make those thoughts work for themselves have a chance. Before, we were brought up on the last vestiges of strict Victorian protocol. We were told to mind our P’s and Q’s and to be seen and not heard. Again, now, I believe, the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of little discipline and the absence of the rod spoiling the child. To my mind, it has aided the yob culture, lack of personal respect for both people and property—and that is another story.

    The greatest aid to thinking people and the freeing of the mind is the Internet. The expressions—’It’s all out there’, and ‘It is all going on’—are there for all to see. Previously unobtainable information is all-seeing and is believable. We at last ‘can find out’ about almost any subject. We can now ‘question’ the accepted knowledge of our school time and overturn accurately many of the taught lessons of then. We are creating a more ‘truthful’ theme to our world. We are finding out. The wool will no longer be pulled over our eyes. We have and will take back our minds which are inherently ours. With truthful knowledge we can build a better world with proper understanding and love of it. Yes, love of it—not wars protracted via the so-called ‘privileged ones’ with the traumas that all this violence contains.

    In my short life, aged 64 and in the year 2006, I wish to impart my thinking, research and findings within this research—the shortcomings as well as some remedies to man’s errors in his ways. I’m no sexist here; I believe one of the fundamental mistakes ever made by man is the allowance of the female rite to be over-trodden by male chauvinism and dominance. Just take a look at our ‘Gregorian’ calendar. Why on earth do we put up with some months 28/29 days, some with 30 days and others with 31 days?

    What’s wrong with having each month having just 28 days in each? The reasoning for this would allow the average female menstrual cycle to work in sync with the ebb and flow of our planetary system. In practical terms, some nations are waking up to this with not least paying employees wages on every four weeks’ Fridays! In all seriousness, this is no idle whim. Just think of the energy unleashed if everyone was able to ‘plan’ and know their monthly stakes. Quite apart from that, what about the complementary energies our male and female would offer our world? Our world would be a far ‘safer’ place in which to live if this were to happen; very few wars would evolve if there were more women in charge. Or, have they always been there? They say, ‘behind every great man there is a woman,’ but could you say that behind every great woman there is a man? My research on this subject has drawn almost a blank! Next time you look at a chess board and study the pieces, the most ancient of games, you will see that the ‘queen’ is able to move any number of spaces in any direction, not like the rest of the ‘men’.

    So, who do you think is really in charge of our daily lives? Is it us, or is it our boss, employer, teacher, religious beliefs, fear, money or environment? These questions raise more often than not, many answers. But there is only one answer to the question—yes, one answer. It is we, you, me and everyone. We are in charge of our lives; only we as individuals have autonomy and choices over the decisions we make. We all have a choice. The problem is, all too often, that choice has been taken away through circumstances ‘beyond our control’. Whose control? Have we been literally that stupid and given our minds away? Unfortunately, yes we have. And we have been too liberal with our minds and thoughts. We have given in to the first demon that has come along—the mind controllers of this Earth. Let me explain these evil doers and expose who they really are. Many will be very surprised.

    Let us start at the beginning. My dear mother had a very exact expression and would ask me when I came home from school or from out with who ever; it was always some other person, ‘Would you put your head in the fire if your friend or adversary did it?’ ‘Mum! So-and-so has those style shoes. Why can’t I have them?’ Why? She would say; Use your own mind and choose your own wares; you don’t have to follow the others. Be yourself. This was her way of saying not to become part of the rest, the ‘sheeple of the people’.

    All through our early lives, we are taught to behave. We were disciplined through the structured regime of school and religion. We were learning there for preparation for the outside world. We were told not to wander from the teachings of the Bible, the ‘ten commandments’ and all that stuff. Then, when we entered the world of work, we were greeted with little choice of no independence, financial or otherwise. The work ethics was and is for all of us to become a slave to the ‘system’ and you will be rewarded with ‘job’ satisfaction, subsistent pay for life, and if you are lucky, a pension at the end of it all. None of these events have come to pass for the masses. Everywhere we see ‘downsizing’, longer hours for those who are working and the pension business, well, that really is a scandal. How many reading have just had their pension funds taken away via corporate stealth or poor performance on the part of pension trustees?

    This is just a minutiae sample of the problems which ‘control’ our minds from day to day. It really is a daily task of ‘survival’. It doesn’t have to be like that. When you look around, you will find that there is enough work, jobs to be done, plenty of satisfaction and enough money within the economy to support decent wages and salaries for everyone. It is the ‘system’ devised over the centuries which keeps the powers in few hands and those with this power totally unwilling to unshackle the chains from the masses. The weapon used is; you’ve guessed it,—money. Those who control the money supply control those who use the money and the hurt is usury. Money actually does not exist and is just an illusion. The value of any currency is held within the faith of those who are using it. All the philosophy and dictate surrounding the everyday subject of money is the strength of the conspiracy wielded by those who own and control the supply.

    You may wonder who these people actually are. Who are those who control our money? Is it the Treasury—is it the government, is it our noble tax payers? No. It isn’t. Our National Banks in whatever Nation are solely owned privately. One of the first things Gordon Brown did when he became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1997 was to make the Bank of England ‘independent’. In other words, our National money supplier is now ‘officially’ privatised and in the hands of private individuals. It is now up to those who own the Bank to implement its own agenda whether for the good of the people who use its currency or to wreak havoc with future credit squeezes and actual debt call without notice. These bank directors—owners, can do just what they like and we, the people, have no choice simply because we do not own our money, the notes and coins we have in our pockets.

    This money has been created out of nothing. It is not gold, silver or other metal and has no intrinsic value. It is no more than just figures on a screen. I have no problem with this until debt repayments are due in the form of interest charged on those debts. Here, the banks are creating something out of nothing, except the ‘nothing’ has come from those debtors in the form of real value. Think: when you buy a house and ninety percent of people these days have to mortgage the property to a bank or building society, you pay interest on the loan and at the end of the day; you have more than likely paid for the house twice! If during your working life you are unable to pay the mortgage or loan repayments through no fault of your own usually, you forfeit your house and the bank or building society then owns your house. Mad, isn’t it. Who’s been conned here? The answer is—we all have. This is just one example of the crazy monetary ‘system’ we have evolved over the centuries and allowed it to happen right under our noses. You have to hand it to them. Let us see who these people really are.

    To get the answer to this, you have to go way back. I am talking about thousands of years here. These years are closely entwined in the creations of the various religions of the world. There is no ‘easy’ way to explain this common thread, so here goes. There are two ways, an appeased version which does not get to the heart of the matter or, the one which I prefer, that is the ‘no punches pulled’ and ‘pad up securely as I’m going to bowl some really fast ones’.

    There’s much talk and indeed serious interest in the origin of our species and exacting sciences have proved that we, as humans, are a complete ‘melting pot’ of all sorts of various declines, ascents and evolutions. We question our origins and quite rightly. We do not accept that we may have evolved from monkeys and that pigs are genetically close to our being. In some cases, this may be arguable! However, there’s a very strong stream of thought emanating from the fact that we have had various ‘visits’ from outer space, not least from extra-terrestrials. Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 is a prime example in spite of the American government rigorously trying their best at the usual ‘cover-up’ from ‘official’ sources that these space people do not exist. For those who don’t know about this, a non-Earth manufactured space craft accidentally came down in a storm there and spilled out a number of ‘aliens’ who were allegedly captured by the American military and kept alive for some time. Their pitiful little bodies were apparently ‘experimented’ on and are now housed at an unknown destination.

    The point about this is that we on Earth have been visited from time to time by various aliens or inter-galactic people over the millennia and it appears that they have left their ‘mark’ on the human race. Let me make it quite clear here and now that I do not subscribe to the notion that there are several different ‘races’ inhabiting this Earth—there is only one ‘race’, the human race. Colour, looks and all other manner of differences within the human populations are due to the various environments those people have evolved in. The fact that we have been ‘visited’, I know some will find very hard to believe. Flying saucers plus contents have been witnessed throughout the world from the dawn of ‘our time’. Are you ready for this? It is entirely up to you whether or not you can accept my findings on this subject, but I feel you must be given the opportunity to decide for yourself.

    I would suggest that everyone reading this book has a feeling that they have been manipulated and that their minds have not been owned by themselves. By this I mean that throughout life, you have been subjected to making decisions against your will or better judgement because situations at the time have been a little out of your control or sphere of knowledge. You have had to ‘rely’ on other people’s judgements and knowledge as to the right thing to do; you have had to seek ‘advice’. This has happened on numerous occasions and has culminated in the way you have been ‘controlled’ over the years—am I right? More often than not, you have been conned; we all have, particularly over the question of money.

    Of course, this book will attract ridicule, just the way many others have been treated over the years. It wasn’t long ago that we had the ‘flat earth’ brigade telling everyone that the earth was so. We are now being persuaded by various ‘religious’ factions that the Earth was indeed created in six days! But with education coupled with exploration and broadening of the mind, it has come to pass that the earth is now round. Big deal, but it really was not so very long ago. Big question comes to mind regarding the earth’s structure. No-one has ever journeyed to the centre of the earth, except via some stories by Jules Verne. There is a Hollow Earth Society and it is envisioned that the earth is hollow at the centre and that this centre breathes through various ‘openings’ and that many unknown creatures live there. What a thought—prove it either way. Go on!

    Back to the plot with our extra-terrestrial friends takes us back thousands of years when there was little documentary evidence in existence of those times, save some very interesting artefacts coming out of the Middle East. It is the study of these and the ‘truthful’ release of that information contained that will be telling. Because of the various different visitations throughout time and those coming from different parts of the galaxies, we see evidence of various ‘bloodlines’ evidenced more often than not within mythology and the tales of the supernatural. On what evidence can we base our beliefs in these myths?

    The fact that these people supposedly came from various near planets, such as Venus and Mars, and others very much farther away is strong contention that some of these myths do contain a certain amount of truth although actual material proof is very difficult to find. Knowledge, as we all know, was passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. It is still done that way today. Some of the ancient tribes of Africa today still adopt this method of communication because they prefer this way of life and do not ‘write things down’. The written word is not that old, in real human evolvement time. In truth, we view the various myths, such as those perpetrated by the Greeks with a mixture of truth and scepticism. Stories were told using ‘symbols’, a kind of graphic story which would be understood by most and culminate the forces of good versus evil.

    In real terms, as we shall see, these symbols were and still are used to communicate using ‘double’ meanings—more often than not, the exact opposite of what is seen at first sight. So, here we have the first insight into those creatures who understood the ‘knowledge’ behind the

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