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From the Sphere to the Grave
From the Sphere to the Grave
From the Sphere to the Grave
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From the Sphere to the Grave

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Crystal lives the first twenty-seven years of her life as a housewife and mother, out of place in her existence. She is a wild spirit who is suddenly unleashed into another world, far from her twentieth century reality. On Hyla, Crystal discovers that she is to be a high power sorceress, a healer, in a place of castles and dragons, where magic is real. The energy of the Orb propels her desires into reality, and fades her guilt of deserting her life on Earth.

Lucas Tazarian is Hylas high sorcerer, a lone spirit, free in his life and his ideas. His existence is forever changed on the moon he carries Crystals life energy into Hyla to take its place in his adopted sisters flesh. The physical bodies on Earth and on Hyla are matching shells, but his sister and Crystal are two very different women.

Taz isassigned to the task of turning Crystal into who she is destined to become. He is her teacher, her mentor and through the calling of the power they hold, becomes her lover, mate and protector.

The possibilities of their existence together are endless, but so are the forces that aim to destroy their power, love and ultimately their lives.

An adult fantasy, for those who like their reading fast paced. This book is meant to call forth a roller coaster of emotions. Visually suggestive, the text is occasionally sexual, or violent in nature.

Release dateNov 26, 2003
From the Sphere to the Grave

Kat Barrett

Kat Barrett wrote this as the first in a series that has now been spun into over twenty novels. She lives in her Connecticut home with her husband, and two dogs, who are patiently waiting for her to run out of ideas and stop writing in all her spare time. A fan writes. I have never in my life read an entire book in one night. An exciting read that haunted me into going back to read 'one more chapter.' I couldn't put it down with an overwhelming need to know what happened next.     

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    Book preview

    From the Sphere to the Grave - Kat Barrett

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    Crystal knew that she was dreaming, but in the prison of sleep illusion, she felt as if she were awake. She could feel the room around her, the soft covering that was over her body, but the light behind her frozen eyelids was distant and muted. Her eyes refused to open, fear sizzled through her, driving her into a panic. She struggled to wake herself. The dream refused to fade. Her body and mind floated in two different states of reality, the physical one sluggish, but awake, the mental illusion so real that she couldn’t pull herself from it.

    I have to be dreaming, she muttered as she lifted her arm, the muscles feeling as if they were infused with hardening metal. It was a battle of mind over flesh that ended as her hand dropped onto her face, feeling limp and lifeless. I have to wake up.

    Crystal dragged her palm over her cheek, using her fingers to creep her hand upward until she could use the tips to push at her eyelid. A dim flicker of light appeared to verify her consciousness and then faded as an image formed in her mind.

    The cobra was enticing, its scales flickering with multihues of color as it slowly rocked side to side, mesmerizing her with its movements. The tongue flickered, the head encircled by a perfect ring of rainbow colors, inside a triangular shadow box. It stopped, piercing her with its dark eyes before speaking in a soft, hissing voice. Crystal, be still. You have nothing to fear. You are simply going home to meet the destiny of your dreams. All will be explained soon enough. For now, let your body sleep so that we may give you the information that you need to acquire.

    Her inner mind shut down, the cobra’s words lulling her into a trance of total unconsciousness.

    *     *     *

    Taz sat in a chair watching the two identical women. One was his found sister, and the other an unknown creature from an Orb called Earth. The Earth woman stood slightly taller in her holding sphere as if her personality propelled her into a place of inner strength. Her face was a dual vision to that of his sister Lylith, but the Earth woman’s bottom lip carried the slight mark of a scar that gave her a pouting quality to compliment her beauty.

    Quaton turned to him. That was odd. I have never had anyone in the sphere who has mentally woke up. I can’t even imagine how horrifying that must have been. Her mind was awake, but she couldn’t physically wake up. I have no idea how she managed to lift her arm before I could send her into a deeper sleep where she will no longer dream. She must be amazingly strong willed.

    Taz sighed wearily, running his fingers through his hair as he grunted in mock amusement. Just what I always wanted. A strong willed student.

    It won’t be that bad.

    Oh really! Have you foreseen this in your sphere, Quaton?

    You know that’s not how it works and even when I see the future, I am not allowed to talk about it. Don’t be so negative, Lucas Tazarian. You have been sulking for an entire sun.

    I am not sulking. I am brooding about betraying my sister.

    Lylith is not your sister and you can’t change what needs to be. As Crystal is so fond of saying, ‘Deal with it’.

    I have no choice, do I?

    No, not really. Crystal wasn’t given a choice either. I already warned you that she was a little spitfire on Earth and I imagine that your reality is going to be a serious shock for her. Don’t take your feelings out on her, she doesn’t deserve it.

    Taz nodded, staring at Lylith as he rose from his chair and walked closer to Crystal. I won’t. Quaton, I know that they were created as physical equals, and they look almost exactly alike, yet Crystal is more beautiful. How is that possible?

    Lylith was raised on Hyla, in a castle of healers, knowing that she was different in her lack of power. I suppose that her own self-image of inferiority made her less of a woman.

    She wasn’t inferior. She was simply not a power. I suppose that you are right though. She was never happy, always too introverted to really enjoy the stature of being a Tazarian child. We loved her so much and it was frustrating to see her fail at even the simplest tasks as if she had no will to learn. Do you really think the personality differences would affect their appearance that much?

    Of course. There is nothing shy about Crystal. From what I have seen of her life, she is a fighter, a wild spirit. Rather then retreat into her mind, she faces things head on and if you want the honest truth, my friend, you are going to have your hands full with her. She has an absorbent memory and an inner strength to rival your own. Give her space to adjust and take great care not to underestimate her power. Even here in the sphere, she radiates with the energy of life. Once she is on Hyla, I have no idea how powerful she could become. The transfer is complete, take her home.

    Quaton gently peeled back the clear coating of the sphere and Taz cautiously lifted Crystal’s semi-solid form into his arms. She was but a shell of a being, her body still on Earth, sleeping quietly in its bed. Lylith would go into that flesh, just as Crystal would now be placed into Lylith’s body.

    I suppose that I should thank you, Quaton. This is simply putting right a past error, or so I am told.

    That it is, my friend.

    Good moon. Taz stepped through the side of the sphere into an image of his bedchamber. Lylith’s body lay upon the bed, her eyes closed in sleep as Taz laid Crystal into the still flesh. He was tempted to kiss her cheek as he had done so often when Lylith was a child and then changed his mind, pulling the quilt up over her body before throwing a shield over the chamber. He was tired and needed to sleep before facing the reality of his assignment. He had not taken Lylith into the sphere by choice, but rather, by direction from the high council. They are the only beings who are more powerful than he is himself. I am so sorry, Lylith. I can only hope that you are happier in Crystal’s life where you are meant to be. You are not my blood, yet you are my sister and you are the only family that I have left. I will miss you, even if you don’t remember me.

    *     *     *

    The room was oddly silent, and Crystal frowned. Mike, why did you turn off the television? she muttered quietly, glad for the respite from sound and flickering light, even as she found the action odd. Mike never turned off the television.

    When he didn’t reply, she opened her eyes, her mind feeling foggy in the fringes of a nightmare that she barely remembered. The room flickered with candlelight and she instantly sat up, staring at the dimly lit space around her. The walls were wood and what appeared to be marble, the ceiling, high above her head showing raw beams of cut timber. What the fuck? she whispered, her hand absently brushing the silky sheets below her legs. This has to be part of the dream, right? I’m still asleep. No biggie. I just have to wake up and Mike will be next to me and everything will be back to normal.

    She felt her face, surprised that her arm moved so easily, the simple act verification that she was no longer in the same dream. A memory of the cobra’s face flashed in her mind, bringing fear along with a growing idea that she was actually not sleeping. It had said that she was going home to a new reality. What if it had been the truth?

    She swung her feet around, thinking to herself, Okay, dream or new reality? I suppose the only way to find out is to get my ass out of this bed. The candle is about to die, typical. Nice mirror, that must have cost a fortune. The detail in the wood is incredible.

    Her eyes followed the line of long legs sprouting from a very large pair of black leather boots. The covered ankles disappeared into shimmering black leather pants and then a lighter color shirt that was partially hidden beneath thick, black curls. The man’s face was cloaked by shadow, his head seemed oddly straight for one who was sleeping sitting up. Hey? she whispered, with the feeling that he would not answer, even if he were alive. As she had known, the room remained in silence and she turned her attention to finding a door, but there didn’t seem to be one. It has to be here somewhere. I’m not gonna find it sitting here on my ass.

    Crystal cautiously pushed herself from the bed, noting again the wonderfully soft feel of the sheets as if they were a cross between satin, silk and fleece. With one eye on the man, she considered where a door would fit between the furnishings and began to feel along the length of the open space. There seemed to be nothing, but the normal ridges in the cut wood. Crystal stared, having an uncanny feeling that she was missing something. There are only two logical places for a door. There has to be one in front of me. How do I get the door open?

    The wood suddenly shifted. In what had been a wall a moment before, a smooth mahogany door appeared, swinging open under the prompting of an unseen hand. Sunlight flooded the room, sending a shiver of impending doom up Crystal’s spine as she stepped back, hesitant to face the next phase of the dream.

    The man’s large hand clamped down upon her shoulder, the imagined cold of his grasp causing her to spin in fear. Her hand was already in motion, the rock hard fist connecting with the base of his rib cage, just as her brother had taught her.

    He released her, gagging as he tried to take in air. The blow knocked the wind from his lungs and gave her a moment to escape. The man bent, grasped for his ribs, and folded over in pain.

    Crystal stared at him, her resolve to flee faltering as she noted that his expression was not one of hate or malice as she had expected, but simply surprise at her response. For only a moment, his piercing blue eyes captured hers. Then his hand snapped out, touched her fingers and locked her into a state where her eyes were open, but she was again unable to move. That was very nice, he whispered in a hoarse voice as he pushed himself up with the door casing. Quaton warned me. He released a final cough and then lifted her into his arms as if she were a small child. Who taught you to do that?

    He set her down on the sofa, dropping into a chair across from her and then smiled. Oh, sorry! I forgot that I froze your mouth. Do you want to speak or is it safer to leave you in silence? Blink if you promise to be good girl.

    Her eyes were cold with distrust as she replied and he leaned, touching her knee and freeing her to move.

    What the fuck did you do to me? Where the hell am I?

    He sank casually back into the chair, appraising her before speaking. My name is Lucas Tazarian. My friends call me Taz. You may do so if you wish. I hope that we may become friends as whens pass. You are on my Orb. I mean you no harm and you will be safe as long as you stay within this castle. Outside is not exactly dangerous, but in your current mindset, it could be.

    Taz rose and walked to the door, leaving Crystal to stare at his back. He could feel her eyes upon his skin, her visual energy as real as a lover’s caress. He lifted the tray off the small table and carried it back inside, setting it between them before slipping back into the chair. Do you like what you see?

    I was trying to figure out if those are contacts or your real eyes. Real eyes are not that color.

    Mine are. They are a family trait, as is my blue, black hair. Even on Hyla, both qualities are rare. Would you like a cup of brew?

    Crystal gazed into the pitcher of dark, steaming liquid and then at the pitcher filled with orange fluid. Warm beer with orange juice. How disgusting is that?

    His smile was angelic, the slight tilt of his head giving a somewhat boyish twist to his almost perfectly sculpted face. What is beer?

    It is brew, and is usually served cold.

    Taz chuckled, filling the mug and handing it to her. This is brew here. It is a black ground root that is bubbled in water to remove the flavor. It gives you energy, helps you wake up and keeps your mind active if you get sleepy. I think what you call ‘beer’ is browned spirit here. It is served in a winery and will make you stupid if you drink too much.

    Do you have milk?

    He added the orange liquid from the pitcher to her cup, grinning as she tasted it and smiled. Okay, this is good. Are you going to tell me what is going on? Have I been kidnapped and if so, why? I have no value. I am an unhappy housewife with two children.

    I don’t know what kidnapped means. Your mind has a translating spell on it, but it is skipping things. Have you ever heard of the theory that we all have a double on some other place?

    I suppose, why?

    You are now in that other place. It is actually a different Orb. Quaton called Earth a planet, so Hyla is a different planet also. You are on Hyla. Your life energy was brought into a sphere, and it was made compatible to the body that you now occupy. Your mind was duplicated, and your memories were sent back to Earth with the mind and life energy of my found sister. You retained a small part of her mind to help you adjust. Otherwise, for all intents and purposes she is gone. You will have a phase to make a decision whether to stay here or not. This is a once-in-a-life opportunity. You belong here on Hyla, and you are capable of great achievements here. On Earth, you would live out your life, unhappy and unsatisfied. My sister, on the other hand, was meant to be on Earth and she will be content in your old life.

    Oh, bless my soul, I’m in a fairy tale. What the fuck are you talking about? Why would I want to live on a different planet? What great things can I achieve here?

    Bless my soul, fairy and fuck are not in my vocabulary. I assume by the tone of your voice, you think I am warped. I am, in fact, a sorcerer who makes his trade by healing the sick and the injured. That is what you are meant to be. The basis of your life energy was apparent in your perfect flesh. That life energy is the source that allows us to take in and use the power of this Orb. Without that energy, Lylith’s body was unable to process the power. When she reached adulthood and remained powerless, a sphere wizard was consulted. He verified that the flesh was meant to belong to a power and went looking for you. When you were identified, the switch was made.

    Why? What’s so important about me being here?

    I don’t know if there is one particular reason. We need powers here on this Orb, and we need your bloodline to be identified. We have not yet done so. However, now that you are here, you will be attracted to anyone who carries your blood. We have a set number of powers that make up what is called a triangle of healers. The triangle is short of members, and it hurts the overall flow of the natural power. It is like a chain with a weak link. Over suns, the chain falls apart. You are now a part of the chain. We could have brought in a power from another Orb, but that is more difficult. Your mind is free to take the information of how things are done on this Orb. A power who is already established on another Orb would have to be retrained.

    Okay, she said, in a humoring tone. I am going to be a witch. Cool.

    Cool? No, you are not going to be a witch. You are going to be a sorceress. Your sarcasm is making my head ache. I presume from your tone that you find my words farfetched?

    Extremely! I don’t believe in magic. I read books about it and also about creatures that kill things. I’m equally amused by both, but I don’t believe in either of them. Your words are not very convincing. I would like to know what pressure point you hit to freeze my entire body, though. That would be a handy thing to know. Hey, did Mike put you up to this? He has a stupid sense of humor on occasion.

    Who is Mike?

    Yeah right, who is Mike? She glanced around and called out to the air. You can take me home now. Mike, if you are here, I am going to kick your ass all the way back to the house. I hope you didn’t have your sister watch the kids again, the last time she had sex on our couch. Come on out, asshole, wherever you are hiding.

    Taz rubbed his temples. I don’t know who Mike is, and there is no one hiding here. This is not a jest. It is reality. I don’t know what to do to make you believe me. Tell me something that would convince you.

    Mike is my husband and he is in so much trouble. All right, sorcerer, do a magic spell for me, maybe I won’t laugh.

    What kind of spell would you like to see? How about, ‘candles light!’ The candles around the room flared to life. Fire light! The wood in the hearth burst into flames, instantly filling the room with heat. Door open! and then, Door close! Chair move! Chair return! Would you like a sweet cake? The items did as they were told, and his last request left a muffin hanging in the air in front of her face.

    Crystal sat speechless, staring at him as her mind tried to process how each illusion had been created. She snatched the muffin, expecting to find a string or cord wrapped around it. There was nothing, but the feel of a baked treat. How did you do those things? she asked suspiciously, the humor gone from her voice.

    You asked me to work a spell to prove my words. That is what I did. They are simple spells that you could do yourself with little effort. I see they had the desired effect, did they not?

    Was the desired effect to scare the shit out of me? You succeeded. Where am I?

    I told you! You are on Hyla. I will take you for a ride in a few suns and show you the land. I first need to give you some basics on how to take in and use power. Quaton said that you would have little problem with the concept. He said that you are very intelligent and that you learn quickly. You have good reasoning skills and hard skin when the occasion warrants it. Are you ready to begin?

    No! I’m not ready to begin anything. I want to know how you did those things and what is happening to me. This is insane. I’m caught in a nightmare.

    I am sorry. I suppose that I am rushing you. What is a nightmare?

    It’s a very bad dream.

    Fair enough. This life is not a bad dream. It is a wonderful reality filled with the joy of healing. It is the satisfaction of knowing that you preserved a life. It is the overwhelming feel of the draw and having the energy flow pure and powerful within your flesh.

    So what happens when someone dies? It inevitably has to happen.

    You deal with it and go on. You make up for it with experiences that overwhelm the feel of death. You go for a wild ride in the sky, letting your dragon fly at full speed. You have sex as the sun rises over your head until your body collapses. There are a million things you can do when death touches you through another. As you say, it is inevitable, and beings do die. We go on.

    The stern, forbidding quality of his strong voice cut through her like a sharp blade and Crystal’s eyes filled with tears. She stood, headed to the window to escape the embarrassment of her reaction and then stopped short as the land outside came into view.

    A thick forest was filled with oddly colored trees, the leaves blue or streaked with orange. Bushes grew in a field of green plants that appeared thin and resembled wheat, but were something far more alien than simple Earth grain. The bushes were red, their vibrant flowers a florescent shade of chartreuse green, as if nature had been electrified. Her eyes were drawn upward by movement. A large, winged dragon floated leisurely across a sky that was almost cobalt blue. It drifted closer, landing in a field just outside the castle and as it stared up at her, Crystal sank to the floor.

    Chapter 2

    Taz laid her on the sofa, healing the back of her head where she had hit it on the chair as she fell. As he stroked back her hair, he looked at the lines of her face. The slight wrinkles that she now possessed within Lylith’s body would fade as her power grew stronger. The energy of Hyla would make her younger and healthier as it flowed into her flesh. The scar that was present on the semisolid form of the Earth woman’s lip was gone, as it hadn’t belonged to Lylith’s body. He took extra care to soothe her mind before pulling her from sleep. Are you still feeling faint?

    I don’t think so. How long have I been unconscious?

    Not long. He smiled to try to ease some of the tension between them. I think you just want to see what kind of healer I am.

    Why, did you heal me?

    Taz noted the sarcasm in her question and nodded, offering her his hand. You hit your head rather hard when you fell. Can you sit up?

    I guess, she replied, accepting his hand and then unconsciously wincing as he pulled her upward.

    Are you in pain, Crystal?

    Crystal turned her eyes from him, feeling guilty as she admitted, I expected your skin to be icy.

    Why would my skin be cooler than yours? There are only minor differences between Earth beings and Hyla beings. As a matter of point, you are in a Hyla body, but I will explain that later. What caused you to fall into unconsciousness?

    The view. What you did earlier and what I saw out the window is either a very real dream, or I am no longer on Earth. That would mean that aliens have abducted me. Where are Mike and the kids?

    I don’t know what alien or abducted means, but your family is probably still sleeping back on Earth. They will wake up and not even know that you are gone. Lylith’s life energy was sent to take your place.

    An alien is a creature from another planet and abducted means taken against your will.

    Crystal leaned back onto the sofa, staring at him. The concept that she was not caught in a very strange dream was impossible, yet everything was too real for it not to be truth. You said that I could go home in a phase. What am I suppose to do in the meantime and what is a phase?

    You are here to learn about who you were originally destined to be. It is my place to teach you whatever I can in that amount of whens. At the end of a phase, you have the option to forget everything and go back to Earth. A phase is a span of thirty-two suns. If you choose to stay, I will take you out and show you Hyla. There is little point in doing so before then, as I would be forced to wipe everything from your mind before sending you back. Oh, and this is not a dream. It is very real and you do not need to wake up from it.

    Peachy, Crystal absently replied, her body sinking lower into the sofa as she closed her eyes in despair. So tell me, what are the rules that I must abide by to keep my life?

    Explain, ‘keep my life’?

    I don’t know.

    I already told you that you are in no danger here. I am your teacher and I hope that you will learn. I will impose nothing else on you. As far as rules go, common courtesy such as opening your eyes when you speak to me would be nice. It wouldn’t hurt you to return my attempt at pleasantry once in a while. Other than that, I would obviously prefer that you stay in the castle. If you like, I will give you a walk around before we start training.

    Taz stood, again offering his hand. Crystal took it and then found herself swaying with dizziness as he pulled her to her feet. Taz steadied her with his fingers to her shoulders. Are you okay?

    I think so. Just a bit overwhelmed. This can’t be real.

    I have no way to prove to you that this is reality. All I can do is bide my whens until you realize that you are not sleeping. Everything you see and feel is real.

    Crystal inhaled sharply, tears forming in her eyes as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. I don’t have to realize that I’m awake. In my heart, I know that I am. I believe you and I don’t know why.

    You believe me because you are an intelligent woman who is unaccustomed to trusting her unconscious mental promptings. From what Quaton told me, you were raised in a place of tangible things, where physical proof was reality. That is not always the truth here. There are many things that cannot be proven, but exist nonetheless. Come, I will show you the castle.

    She accepted his outturned hand and then walked beside him as he turned left down a long hallway. To the right was a huge, open room with highly polished wood floors and in the center was a shimmering triangle table with chairs around it. At the far end were double glass doors that filled the area with sunlight. On the opposite wall was a fire hearth made of highly polished marble that reminded her of something from a medieval movie. He allowed her to take in the sights and then gently touched her shoulder, beckoning her back into the hall. A doorway led up to what he said was an attic, followed by a storage closet. At the door at the end of the hall, he hesitated, putting his hand to the wood. When he spoke, it was with reverence in his tone. This is the castle study. My father’s things are in here, and you will not have open access to this chamber. If you decide to remain, I will allow you inside and train you to use a knife and a sword. Do you have any knowledge of these things? You have already shown me the power and speed of your curled hand.

    She couldn’t help but smile at the expression of challenge on his face. I had two brothers who firmly believed that I needed to be a warrior in life. They taught me how to hunt, fish, shoot, fight, and use a knife called a butterfly. I don’t know anything about a sword. I am sorry that I punched you. You have been really nice to me.

    Your brothers taught you well. I have the bruise and the sore spot in my ribs to prove it.

    I’m sorry. Why don’t you just heal yourself?

    There are limits to our power. One of the things we cannot do is to heal our own flesh. We can block pain and control some of our bodily actions, but that is all. He absently rubbed his ribs and then smiled. I never asked you. How did you open the bedchamber door? I had a cloak over the chamber so it was not visible.

    Logic dictated that there had to be a door. I felt around until I found it and then said something like ‘how do I get this door open’?

    A smile brightened his face that Crystal found irresistible.

    Amazing, he said, reaching out to put his palm between her breasts.

    Crystal instantly stepped back, swatting at his hand.

    It is my turn to apologize. I was not doing anything sexual. I was curious how much power you have already absorbed. You opened the door with power and the words ‘door open’. It is a natural spell of sorts, just like candles light and fire light. In a sense, you are wishing with spoken words and your inner energy propels it to happen. It is something a well trained power does without even thinking. For you, it should not be that easy. I am impressed, Sorceress Crystal."

    She blushed, giving him a mock curtsy. You are forgiven, but don’t push your luck.

    I don’t believe in luck.

    Whatever. Can we finish our walk? If I stand here too long thinking, I am going to start crying again. May I ask you a question?

    Taz raised his eyebrows, staring skeptically at her. Since when do you need permission?

    You are not funny, Crystal replied, trying to stifle a smile. I want to know why I trust you.

    Because I can be trusted. I do not lie.

    Anyone can lie.

    I did not say that I ‘could’ not lie. I said that I ‘do’ not lie. It is against my nature. He opened two different doors and showed her the bedrooms before leading her back to where they had started.

    Okay. Let me guess. The lessons are about to begin.

    I suppose you could say that. Are you suddenly in a hurry?

    No, why?

    I was going to take you down to the kitchen first.

    Oh. She leaned back against the wall. Taz, who were the people in the painting above the fire hearth in the big room?

    The ‘beings’ were my parents, and the big ‘chamber’ is called a gathering chamber. When my parents were alive, there were many meetings and feasts in there. That was cycles ago.

    What is a cycle?

    It is a span of eighteen phases.

    May I ask, what happened to your parents?

    You can ask me anything. That particular question, I will answer. Just before my sixteenth birthing day, they were trapped in a fire. No one is really sure what happened. They were at a dance in a mountain village. The hall was engulfed in flames. The common belief is that one of the occasional ground flames hit. Everyone was killed.

    I am sorry to hear that. You sound as if you loved them very much.

    I did. They were very special beings. Are your parents still alive?

    No, they were killed in a car crash when I was ten. My two older brothers raised me. What is a ground fire?

    On very rare occasions, the surface of Hyla splits and fire shoots up through the opening. It sends out a ripple of movement in its aftermath, and there is usually a lot of destruction. There is little we can do about it. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen too often. He gestured to a set of marble stairs and Crystal walked before him, stopping at the bottom as she spotted a woman standing opposite her, facing a metal clad hearth.

    Taz stepped around her and the sound of his boots caused the woman to turn. She smiled brightly. Good sun. Are the two of you hungry?

    Does she know me? whispered Crystal.

    He nodded slightly and without turning, said, Good sun, Marris. I didn’t realize that you were here. We only came down to get some food. If you don’t mind, I was trying to show Lylith how to do a few things out of a book and it is easier to concentrate upstairs.

    Marris frowned, wiping her hands upon a cloth tucked into her belt. Really? Don’t most of the books in your chamber contain spells and magic?

    Most of them do. Is the meal ready or would you be so kind as to bring it up?

    It needs to cook a while longer, I will bring it up.

    Taz turned, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

    Lylith, it is nice to know that you are showing some interest in the family power, added Marris.

    Thank you, she replied before Taz could stop her with a warning glance. He turned her around, gently shoving her up the stairs and herding her into the chamber, shutting the door. That was my own fault. Crystal, you need to take care around Marris. I love the woman dearly, but I still need to explain to her how Lylith has suddenly come into power. I have not given much thought to it. Actually, I didn’t have much warning to give any of this much thought. That is my problem, not yours. Just keep your answers brief and to the point with Marris. Lylith was on the quiet side, and didn’t speak much.

    I think I can manage that. Crystal dropped over the arm of the sofa, running her hand over the smooth blue fabric. What did you mean when you said that I had perfect flesh that was meant to have power?

    Good question. The powers of Hyla are not from this Orb. Our ancestors came from another place. It sets us apart slightly from the beings who originally inhabited Hyla. We are physically the same, yet we are different. The differences are slight, as with the highlights in my hair and the color of my eyes. They, among other things, mark me as a Tazarian healer. Obviously, my children could carry either or both traits. There is also the size and structure of my body. Most Tazarian males through the cycles have been wider in the shoulders and thinner in the waist than Hyla men. You, on the other hand, have gold highlights in your hair, and your eyes are almost overly dark blue. Unfortunately, that leaves you with three choices for your bloodline. Denner could be your father. He is my closest friend. Eskalone is the head of the second teaching castle, and he looks a lot like you. The third is Farala. I hope she is not your mother, and it is unlikely that she would leave you on our doorstep. Other than that, you may have come from one of the lesser powers anywhere on Hyla.

    Why would you not want Farala to be my mother?

    His grin was filled with mischief, and he winked. That is my secret. Farala and I have issues between us.

    Issues, huh? I will ask no more about her. What else about me indicates that I have power?

    He sat on the table before her, holding up his right hand. Put your hand up to mine. I did this test with Lylith. I want to do it again with you.

    She did as he asked and then pulled away, shivering. That feels weird! What was that?

    The door rattled and Taz called, Door open.

    Marris came in with a large tray of food, leaving it on the table. The smell wafting into the air was heavenly, and Crystal’s stomach groaned loudly. Taz chuckled. I gather that studying has made you hungry?

    I guess that it has.

    Marris’s brow wrinkled with suspicion as she dropped her hands onto her hips, her eyes catching Taz. What have you done to her?

    I don’t know what you mean.

    It is nothing specific, but she holds herself differently, and she just said ‘guess’ instead of gather. I have never before heard that word used.

    Taz grimaced, standing as he slid his fingers through his hair. There is no sense in avoiding this. I have to tell you sooner or later. Maybe you should sit down. Her reply came in the form of an angry glare and Taz continued. Quaton came to me two moons ago. He found the energy that belonged in Lylith’s body. We made the switch last moon. This is Crystal, and she has a phase to decide if she cares to remain here.

    Anger boiled into Marris’s cheeks as the skin darkened with red. "What? How can you stand there and calmly say that you traded

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