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Far from the Shores of Galilee: Stories for Seekers and Wanderers
Far from the Shores of Galilee: Stories for Seekers and Wanderers
Far from the Shores of Galilee: Stories for Seekers and Wanderers
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Far from the Shores of Galilee: Stories for Seekers and Wanderers

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When God created the world and all that is in it, he brought the concept of time into eternity. But with the entrance of sin and death during the fall of mankind, another form of time entered as well. This type of time is not attached to eternity, but it is a counterfeit production of Satan in his attempt to be God, and he's offering the temporal-a deceiving place with no time.

God's eternal life promises joy, peace, and life everlasting. However, Satan's temporal time is a place where there is never enough time in the day-no time to reflect, meditate, or pray. Only by forcing ourselves away from this time-trap can we hope to see and hear God. Author John Stamos Parrish examines time as it relates to commonly pondered topics, such as: Time and time travel Nature of light Structure of the universe Evolution versus creation Visions End times

The purposeful collection Far From the Shores of Galilee provides the opportunity to pull back from time. Each story is like a rest stop along life's journey-a place to pause, reflect, and pray-a place where you can disconnect from the world and reconnect with God.

Release dateDec 21, 2005
Far from the Shores of Galilee: Stories for Seekers and Wanderers

John Parrish

A former electrical engineer, physics teacher, and technical writer, John Stamos Parrish now develops and manages Web and satellite distance education programs in the medical field. He is an Eastern Orthodox Christian and lives in Massachusetts with his family.

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    Far from the Shores of Galilee - John Parrish



    Stories for Seekers and Wanderers

    John Stamos Parrish

    iUniverse, Inc.

    New York Lincoln Shanghai

    Far From the Shores of Galilee

    Stories for Seekers and Wanderers

    Copyright © 2006 by John Stamos Parrish

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100

    Lincoln, NE 68512

    1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-37692-6 (pbk)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-82074-0 (ebk)

    ISBN-10: 0-595-37692-4 (pbk)

    ISBN-10: 0-595-82074-3 (ebk)


    Twas the Light Before Christmas

    The Test

    Ghost Riders

    The Porter at Time’s Gate

    Message from Beyond Time

    Quoth the Ravens: Forevermore!

    A Tare in Time

    ‘Cause the Rhododendrons Told Me So

    The Empty Ship

    By the Still Waters


    Author Notes

    To the memory of my parents and grandparents, who helped me find the Way.

    And to Dr. Linda K. Gunzburger, one of Christ’s servants, who will be sorely missed, until...

    May their memories be eternal.

    Return to Me, and I will return to you," says the Lord of hosts.

    Malachi 3:7

    Twas the Light Before Christmas

    And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:3,4

    Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 8:12

    Twas the Light Before Christmas 

    A figure with a knapsack on his back lumbered through a narrow garbage-filled alley. Rain, driven by the wind, assailed him as it howled through the passageway formed by brick and mortar. Impervious to the elements, the man forged on.

    A bolt of lightning froze him in his tracks. It ricocheted off the walls evoking hideous shapes to life. He caught his breath; his thoughts disrupted.

    Make fun of me will they? Well, I’ll show them. I’ll show them all! The surrounding din drowned out his voice.

    He sloshed down four steps and stopped in front of a door covered with graffiti. The ankle deep water sent shivers through his body. With difficulty he unlocked the door.

    Inside a room with computers, cables, amplifiers, and speakers greeted him. For two years they had been his companions. They, and the old man who rose with difficulty from a chair by the apartment’s only window.

    The young man, with streaks of gray in his jet black hair, stepped over a cable running along the floor to the window. The cable passed through the slightly ajar window and traveled up the side of the building to the roof. There it was connected to solar panels.

    Albert, you’re late. You know how I worry when you’re late.

    He removed his knapsack and carefully positioned it on a wooden chair. They wouldn’t accept my findings, Grandpa. Said I was crazy, and I lived in a fantasy world. Can you believe that? But, soon—soon I’ll show those fools they don’t know what they’re talking about!

    I know you will. I’ve always told you not to worry about what people think. Told you a million times. I did, yes, I did.

    But I do care! I’m a scientist. I want, no, I need the respect of my peers! Albert pounded his fist into a cupboard over the sink. A door popped open and a water glass crashed to the floor. Pieces scrambled in all directions.

    Damn it! Figures, my favorite glass.

    It was your mother’s too. Leave it, I’ll clean up later, said his grandfather as he settled back into his chair. Then picking up his glass of wine toasted Albert, To better days! And to when they’ll all realize what a genius you are.

    Lightning illuminated the outside and sent shadows darting around the room.

    Shifting his weight forward, the old man said, Tell me again what you’re trying to prove.

    Albert swept the pieces into a corner. I’ve told you a million times. Oh, you’re so forgetful. You know how I hate to repeat myself.

    Moving to an instrument with switches and knobs Albert said, "Come here Grandpa. His mother’s father groaned as he got to his feet, steadied himself, placed his glass on the table next to his chair, and hobbled over to him.

    Towering over the old man he said, Do you see how I’ve taped numbers over some of the switches on this panel? The grandfather lowered his eyes and nodded.

    All you have to do is turn on the switches in the order I’ve numbered them. Softening his tone he placed his arm on his grandfather’s shoulder. But you only have to worry about this tomorrow. When I’m on the roof. Okay?

    His grandfather swallowed hard.

    Albert motioned for him to sit while he removed a circuit board from the knapsack. Carefully he inserted the board into the instrument, and connected a cable from the instrument to an amplifier attached to a bank of computers.

    What’s gonna happen tomorrow? said his grandfather as he filled his glass with wine from a jug next to his chair.

    Albert straightened himself and said, You remember my research on the nature of light?

    His grandfather nodded in rhythm with his rocker.

    As I’ve told you many times before, light has a dual nature. Sometimes it acts like a wave and other times it acts like a particle, often called quanta or photons.

    He stopped and looked at his grandfather now asleep, his empty wine glass perched on his lap. Yet, he continued, for in his mind’s eye, he saw himself back at the university in front of his colleagues.

    So ladies and gentlemen, rather than looking at the quizzical nature of light, I focused on the nature of space. Is it really a vacuum or in fact might there be an ether? A substance that makes up space.

    He paused to survey the audience as he felt his heart rate rising and his palms sweating. A few people shuffled in their seats, some smiled, others winked at one another and one man leaned forward.

    I’m here today to share with you startling results. Results that have taken me to groundbreaking directions. Directions that have spawned funding from prominent people. He shuddered slightly. They were prominent and they were also putting a lot of pressure on him.

    So, my fellow colleagues, instead of telling you about the real nature of space today... Here he paused for effect. I’m here to tell you embedded in the light coming from the sun is a distinct pattern, an algorithm, or more precisely notes that may produce music and even words!

    He needed to shout this last sentence because the audience had gone out of control. Instead of this being his crowning moment, the scoffs and coughing became a crescendo of ridicules.

    Flustered, he plowed on. Please, listen to what I just said. While trying to prove the existence of the ether I discovered static, or more specifically, a code imbedded in the light; a logical mathematical algorithm!

    People started to leave. Someone threw an apple at him.

    Please think about it! It makes sense—

    This time a banana clipped his shoulder. Ducking behind the podium he yelled, Think of the three dimensional electromagnetic wave as the staff and the particles or photons as notes on the staff. Please listen! This is so important!

    Everyone left the auditorium with the exception of the man who still leaned forward.

    In a barely audible voice, staring at his hands, he continued, The only thing left is for me to determine where to place the G or treble clef on the electromagnetic staff.

    The man walked up to him. Alfred, angry and bewildered, didn’t want to speak to anyone.

    With a calm firmness the man said, "The others may not believe in your work, but Mr. Francis, your primary sponsor, does. Nothing else should matter to you!"

    Lightning flashed repeatedly and thunder rumbled in the distance. The rain subsided and soon the whine of machines filled the room.

    He turned to his grandfather who had awakened.

    "So, Grandpa, I’m close, very close, to breaking the code and taking the pattern and making it into music or maybe even words. Can you imagine what that’ll mean?"

    His grandfather nodded, his eyes glazed, and a child-like smile fixed on his face.

    It’s past midnight. Let’s get some sleep. It’s going to be a clear, beautiful day in the morning.

    The sun brightened the alley as it rose into a cloudless sky. The light illuminated the discolored window casting a speckled glow throughout the room. Albert bounced around like the sunlight, adjusting his equipment, and configuring the computers. His grandfather sat rocking and watching his grandson with pride.

    Sorry your parents ain’t here to see this. But, maybe they and your grandma are looking down—

    Albert’s glare stopped his grandfather.

    Sorry. Didn’t mean to open old wounds. Just wishing others could be here to share in your great moment.

    So do I, but what bothers me are those stupid hints you keep throwing out about heaven and God. I’ve told you a million times I don’t want to hear about your superstitions!

    Sorry, but they ain’t—

    Enough! Don’t spoil things. I’m feeling good today.

    After fine-tuning the Analog to Digital converter he said, Now the work begins. With this he flipped a switch. Static burst through the speakers.

    I’ll make coffee, said his grandfather. Oh, by the way, almost forgot, before you came last night a Mr. Francis called. I’ve gotta tell you, I didn’t care for the way he talked to me.

    I could kill you! He’s the head of the consortium funding my work. They’re powerful people. When they call I have to jump!

    "Why they

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