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Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
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Christmas Eve

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Speculation abounds in regards to the premise that each of us has an identical twin; somewhere on earth a carbon copy living and breathing. If that being the case then why not the devil as well?

Join us now as we follow once again Fathers Luke and Roy along with Numomo as a new enigma unfolds. As The Map of the Carpenter concluded with Levis al Natas trapped beneath the icy lake in Maine, Christmas Eve brings a new twist: the demon has a brother a twin brother who is out to avenge his death. But there is a new journey to follow a new map that will surface and identify a Bible unlike any read before. This is the demons brothers Black Bible written in his own words!

So come now if you are curious or perhaps tempted to believe that all which are facts are mere fabrications conjured by the demons twin brother.
Release dateOct 11, 2001
Christmas Eve

James Fox

James Fox is Director of Studies in History of Art at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, and a BAFTA-nominated broadcaster. His many acclaimed BBC television documentaries include programs about British art, Japanese culture, and an enduringly popular history of color in art. The World According to Color is his first book for a trade audience.

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    Book preview

    Christmas Eve - James Fox

    Chapter 1


    I knocked. I turned the doorknob and entered.

    Ah, there you are! Come, come in. he said as he gestured with his index finger whose pointed and curled nail was extended. He was seated in an oversized club chair, his back facing me. His gaze was transfixed into the floor length mirror, which contained my image. His head was covered by a skullcap and was barely visible at the crown of the chair.

    So good that you decided to drop by. Care for some tea? he asked as he began to pour two cupfuls-one for me the other for himself.

    With intense trepidation, as well as extreme palpitations in my chest, I ventured into his lair. I surveyed the room. It was rather large in circumference and the torches lit illuminating shadows of various objects upon the walls. I noticed the absence of light from the outside and then I realized why—no windows! Tapestries adorned the walls and carved objects resembling crows sat perched as if frozen in time. A rug that was either Persian or Moroccan lay at the foot of my host. As I approached his chair, his eyes followed my every step in the mirror.

    My God! I said to myself What am I doing here and by myself no less!

    Pull up a chair and sit down. he said. I have many questions to ask you and don’t know where to begin. Do you take your tea with milk and sugar or just plain? he asked. Would you be so kind as to hand me that shawl draped over the chair next to the table? I sense a chill in the room.

    You feel a chill, how about me! I said to myself. I was still unsure as to what the hell I was doing there at that moment.

    I picked up the shawl and handed it to him as our eyes finally met. They were ruby with no white visible to the outer edges. They were sunken into their sockets so they looked as if they were lanterns from a Spanish galleon passing through a fog on the ocean. He was dressed in dark colors from his neck to the floor as if he wore an alb—like a priest about to perform mass. His features were not human to say the least. His ears tapered to points at the top. His chin bore a goatee which I sensed was hiding scars due to perhaps an accident or maybe self –infliction. When he spoke his tongue was like that of a snake—double tipped!

    The reason I called you here tonight is that I understand you were one of the last to see my brother alive. Am I correct in my assertion? he asked.

    Your brother! Now who could you be speaking of? I replied carefully choosing my words as I sipped my tea.

    Come now. he sighed ,as his eyes seemed to turn the color of hot coals. You know who my brother is! It was you who tricked him onto the frozen lake. It was you, as the ringleader along with the other heretics, who sentenced him to a watery prison. I want to know what he was after that possessed his every moment that had him leave his guard down and stop collecting…

    I cut him off. Stop collecting souls right? Is that what you mean? Sure I last saw your brother, I watched as he slid into his frozen coffin, below the surface of the lake. Funny, but I don’t recall him mentioning a brother other than Jesus though. Is that who you claim to be? I asked of him.

    The silence in the room was deafening like that of a persistent ringing in one’s ears. He stood up from where he was sitting and craned his neck toward my face. "I will only say this once so you better get it completely. My brother was a fool! He thought he had control of the world! Well let me tell you I am the real horror, which you will never, never defeat! My brother almost had the map, which will allow the owner to control the balance of power in the world! I know that you possess it and I will get it one way or another! Now Father Hanley, speak up as your life is on the line and it’s in my hands!" he hissed.

    It seemed so final that day as we witnessed the demon being devoured by the forces of nature. Levi Al Natas submerged ever so violently below the frozen ice on the lake up in Maine. We all thought that was the strawberry on the cake, we finally accomplished what we had to do—slay the beast and be victorious!

    Father Hanley I am waiting for answers! the brother of the deceased beast bellowed at me. I could have your beating heart in my hands if I so desired, but it is not your organs I am after.

    No, you want what is good which came from the Father in Heaven—my soul. I replied with my heart beating ever so fast.

    The demon sat back in his chair and stroked his goatee with a relaxed hand. He suddenly seemed at ease, as if he was contemplating a move on a chessboard. I’ll tell you what Father, I know my reputation is rather dubious but in this instance give the devil his due. When was the last time you saw Father Luke? Did he look healthy to you? I am going to let you leave. But I will advise you, if the Map of the Carpenter is not in my hands by the next full moon, you will need an army to protect you and your companions. I will swoop down upon you when you least expect it. I will devour your very marrow like a rabid cheetah, keeping you alive until the last drop of your blood is out of your veins. Go now, out of my sight before I change my mind. he said calmly. He then waved his hand in a backward manner as he watched me leave.

    I awoke in a sweat soaked bed in my room at the rectory of American Martyrs.How did this nightmare enter my subconscious?I thought to myself. This is an omen that is significant in keeping me again on guard! My Lord haven’t we suffered enough! Now just when we finished disposing of one demon—up pops another. How many are there? I always took for granted that only one archangel was cast out of paradise. That is what the bible says. Then where the hell did its brother, originate from? The dream was so vivid, he knew me by name, called me Father Hanley! I’ve got to contact Father Luke, perhaps he will be able to decipher my dream. Now what happened to my slippers? I know they were right here at the foot of my bed when I retired for the night.



    A storm was forming far off the coast of Bermuda. It was swirling counterclockwise and coiling up like a copperhead preparing to strike. Tiny rip tides lapped past the sailboats just outside the harbor of Hamilton. The rip tides acted as scouts sent out to survey the enemy camp and report back to the general in command of a position to place the artillery –blocking any escape. The seas are like brain waves constantly in flux and ever undulating—a system so complex it would drive Copernicus insane.

    Navigation is a journey of one’s life steered and plotted by one’s internal charts and maps. A storm surge is a vortex of currents of winds as well of barometric pressures, which develop in a brain skull that is the eye. It is a sort of developed seizure of the central nervous system, paralyzing anything in its path until calm seas again follow.

    Inside the Harpoon Mistress, a typical Saturday night was unfolding. The bar was packed elbows to tattoos, ponytails to studded earlobes, beer keg bellies to knobby kneecaps seen through torn jeans. The pool table was busy as beer bottles stood on the rails as if spectators to a baseball game. The felt, which was a green expanse and the colored balls transferred into players. Cigarette smoke hovered like a storm cloud keeping everyone in its shroud with no escape. The dart board was in the back room where every week, teams from local pubs would round robin, getting points for wins which would be tallied up awarding the highest team with a trophy and cash.

    Chatter was endless as points of conversation filtered from bragging to finger pointing. No need for diversion. It looked like all other trendy watering holes, where mundane televisions hang from perches in corners, exacerbating in lieu of enlightenment. The phone behind the bar kept ringing a steady twenty one times until finally it was picked up.

    Hello Harpoon Mistress, who’s calling? asked Bradshaw Hooks into the receiver.

    Yes shouted the voice on the other end, is Father Luke O’Malley there?

    One sec Bradshaw replied as he dropped the phone hitting the handle onto the pallet floor it then bounced back up like a bungee cord and rang a ship’s bell above the bar. Bradshaw bellowed Got a phone call for O’Malley at the bar, is he here? no response from the room.

    Hey Charlie, go look in the back room before I hang up on this guy Bradshaw shouted to his partner Charlie Pickens Sure no problem! Charlie muscled his way to the dart-board just out of shouting range from the bar.

    Hey O’Malley! There’s a phone call for you. Are you here or not? Charlie asked the man in front of the dartboard who was readying his next throw. Swoosh! The dart found the target, just inside the inner ring of the bull’s eye.

    Hold the phone I’ll be right with you. replied Father Luke O’Malley as he retrieved his dart from the board. He followed Charlie back to the bar where Bradshaw handed him the receiver. With one finger over his right ear, he placed the phone to his left ear trying to eliminate the clamor of activity all around him. He had to yell into the phone. Hello, sorry for the delay who’s calling?

    It’s me Father Roy Hanley! How are you? Father Roy asked.

    I can hardly hear you. Father Luke yelled back at him. Father Roy I’m fine. What’s up? O’Malley replied.

    I tried calling you at the apartment but no luck. You left this number on your answering machine. Where the heck are you anyway? asked Father Roy.

    Right now I’m up in New Bedford, Mass just outside of Boston in a bar called the Harpoon Mistress. A good buddy of mine from the city got tired of New York and thought he would try something different so he went on a fishing trip up here one weekend and never came back. He called me last week from out of the blue, said to get on my bike… Father Luke began.

    "Your bike?" interrupted Father Roy.

    Yeah I always wanted a motorcycle so I bought an old Indian that I fell for. All chromed with plum enamel and saddlebags. I hopped on it and felt like Captain America! Anyway here I am in a church that needs a priest. So what’s up since we last saw each other? Father Luke asked.

    Oh not much. Father Roy quickly answered, but O’Malley sensed something in Father Roy as though a call for help of someone in distress.

    Come on up and I’ll show you around. Didn’t you say that you will have some time to get away soon? Father Luke urged.

    That’s the problem I don’t have time and neither do you. It’s too difficult to explain over the phone. Call me back when you have a chance. I have to talk to you. It’s very perplexing. Father Roy whispered.

    Hello? the line suddenly went dead as Father Luke held the phone to his ear.

    Chapter 3


    The Schooner Mooner , tacking nicely and taking advantage of the westerly winds that pushed her ever so swiftly toward the Bahamas With sextant in hand, Jarius Pound took celestial readings even though the boat was outfitted with the latest state of the art devices including a loran radar and computer controls.

    Having been at sea for two months Jarius, as well as his crew of six who were eager to get back home. They had started out from Key Largo and sailed southwest to do some fishing and scuba diving off Cozumel, Mexico. The pay was good ;as the Mooner was owned by a banker in Boston, who always compensated the crew handsomely; .on this trip however, the charter had all the makings of a disaster just waiting to happen.

    The crew wanted to pull up anchor so as to leave by first light which would have given the crew an easier time to trim the sails but the divers’ line connected to a bell tolled other wise. Below in eleven fathoms of water, Judy Ventra and Tyler Mack spotted a wreck they wanted to investigate. Looking at his watch, Tyler gestured two open hands of five to Judy, which meant ten minutes left of oxygen supply. She concurred by flashing index finger to thumb an okay sign. Like two graceful fish, a few kicks of their flippers brought them to the sea bottom.

    The Caribbean being so pristine in daylight makes viewing the objects below an easy task. The wreck was of a fishing trawler. It must have been caught in a storm, possibly a hurricane, because the hull was on its side with a jigsaw hole that would have been three feet below the water line. Rigging, cables and the outriggers seemed to be lying at ease, as if they were to be used shortly by a waterlogged fisherman.

    Judy went aft while Tyler ventured to the pilothouse. The windows were broken inward; a clue that the boat had been slammed by severe waves. Tyler managed to maneuver into one of the hatches so as to take a better look. His weight belt snagged onto a sharp object, yanking him backwards. Tyler pulled effortlessly to free himself but he only made it worse. He dropped his spear gun so he had both hands to work with. From below him in the dark shadows where drawers once held charts, a Moray eel spotted his shiny florescent wet suit. Its needle sharp teeth grabbed hold onto Tyler’s right calf and bit then proceeded to pull him back all fourteen feet of its length.

    Judy sensed something terribly wrong when out of the corner of her eye she spotted first one. then ,three sharks circling less than fifteen feet away. Where the hell is Tyler? she said to herself. Quickly she swam toward the pilothouse, looking side to side when she spotted him just as he was being devoured by the voracious predator. Blood was rising to the facemask of Tyler as his hands were clenched in a death grip around the neck of the eel. Judy spotted the spear gun, swam to it, twisted herself over and then back on the deck with Tyler directly above her. With no time to aim, she just pulled the trigger as the spear caught the eel just below the jaw, spearing and nailing it to the bulkhead. She grabbed her knife from its sheath on her leg, she slit the eel’s head off from Tyler’s badly mangled leg.

    Tyler was beginning to lose consciousness as Judy placed her right shoulder beneath his left arm. She noticed only four minutes of oxygen remaining as they began to ascend from the wreck. Tyler’s blood along with the eel’s was now attracting a frenzy of sharks. Judy kicked with all she had to propel them to the surface. As she glanced back, she noticed the pilothouse was now a blur of gray and white as the sharks had found the remains of the eel. They popped to the surface like beach balls and Judy waved her hands and called frantically for help.

    Bill Dorrant and Chris Wedge grabbed for a line and fishing net to give Judy assistance, but they were too far away so Jarius yelled to Chris to watch the anchor as he grabbed a knife and dove overboard. With three stokes of his arms and kicks of his legs he was beside them. He placed Tyler’s chin in the cup of his hand and slowly pushed his legs to propel them back to the boat. Once on board they were able to assess the severity of Tyler’s injury.

    It doesn’t look good. said Bill.

    Inside the cabin is a first aid kit. Go get it! Jarius pointed to Chris. He retrieved it and brought it back to Jarius who opened the kit and found gauze and alcohol. Tyler! Tyler can you hear me? You have a life threatening injury I’m going to do the best that I can, but I will have to get you transported a.s.a.p. Got that buddy? Jarius asked.

    Tyler who was alert but groggy, nodded that he understood.

    Judy what the hell happened down there? Did you separate and split up? asked Chris.

    We spotted a wreck and knew we had time so I checked the aft section as Tyler went toward the pilothouse. When he didn’t pop back up in a few minutes, I followed his direction and that’s when I saw the Moray eel. It had his leg in its mouth! Thank God I had enough time to save him. Do you think he’s going to make it? Judy asked with tears in her eyes.

    Just to play it safe, say a prayer. Bill, get on the radio and call the Coast Guard pronto! Jarius commanded.

    Chapter 4


    Father Roy rang the bell outside the home of his old friend Phineas Crisp, a cantankerous old coot, but never the less they found mutual ground to keep harmony. The door opened as a scent of death found his nose.

    Come in Father, he’s in the back bedroom. We have been expecting you. Please, please come in. said Eudora Apparius as her black as coal eyes stared intently, from the priest’s shoe tips, up his trousers to his hands and then stopping at his eyes. She was a tiny woman, slightly hunchbacked with a gypsy complexion. Father Roy took a handkerchief from his inside pocket of his jacket and covered his nose. He followed in her footsteps as she led the way to the bed where Phineas lay. Father Roy found a chair and moved it next to the bed. He took out a bottle of holy water and a missal and blessed himself with his crucifix.

    It is always difficult seeing to the spiritual needs of those souls near death’s door, especially when they are friend or family. Father Roy solemnly said to Eudora.

    If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen brewing a pot of tea. Eudora quietly replied, as she closed the door allowing the two men to be alone.

    Father Hanley sat by the body for a few minutes as he adjusted to the air in the room. As he patted Phineas’ arm he bid a final farewell. "Safe trip on

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