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Psalm Songs: Poetic Meditations on the Psalms
Psalm Songs: Poetic Meditations on the Psalms
Psalm Songs: Poetic Meditations on the Psalms
Ebook171 pages1 hour

Psalm Songs: Poetic Meditations on the Psalms

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This book features a poem--a poetic meditation--on each of the Psalms. Many of the ideas of the Psalms, and words they are expressed in--are difficult for todays readers to relate to. Each of these meditations keeps the idea of the Psalm within contemporary words and ideas. These are valuable for daily meditations and are true to the biblical Psalms as they are written.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 17, 2010
Psalm Songs: Poetic Meditations on the Psalms

Maury Miller

In his personal meditations on the Psalms, Maury Miller discovered that there was much that he really did not know about them. There was much in the wording of the Psalms that he was not sure he could relate to--enemies, kings, grieving. A 21st century look at them was needed--a look that kept the Psalmist's thoughts but framed in words that we could relate to from a current view. These poetic meditations keep the Psalmist's thoughts in mind but from contemporary meditations. Maury Miller has lived in the midwest--now in Terre Haute, Indiana--for most of his life. He has been a teacher and teacher educator all his adult life. He attends and is involved with a United Methodist church in Terre Haute. He is a father of two, and a grandfather of two. He teaches at a university--he has been a professor of teacher education, preparing special education teachers, for several years. His personal library is stocked with books of contemporary religious thought, and these have influenced the thoughts he has put into these poetic meditations.

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    Psalm Songs - Maury Miller



    Poetic Meditations on the Psalms

    Maury Miller

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    Copyright © 2010 by Maury Miller

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-0404-9 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010934059

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 8/3/2010


    Psalm Songs

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    Your Own Psalm Meditations

    Psalm Songs

    Reading each of the Psalms for my own daily meditations, made me aware of how unfamiliar I was with the book as a whole. I knew the most familiar passages—23, 100, 137—and I am sure I had read the others, or at least parts of the others. However, as I was reading them closely, many of them seemed strange to me. I was surprised by the number of Psalms that deal with suffering. At least 65 may be some form of lament. I was not sure I could relate to this theme in the same way the Psalmist did.

    Further, many of the ideas simply seemed unconnected to my life. I do not relate to the term king in the same way the psalmists did, and I certainly do not have enemies in the same way. I determined to present poetic mediations on the Psalms in a more contemporary way. Several of the terms and ideas have been presented as 21st century thoughts. I have not retained the term king, though I have used Lord, even though we do not have a 21st century concept of that term equivalent to the Psalmist’s. Nevertheless, I have kept the term because I liked it, and I have no better substitute for that term.

    Each of these poetic meditations begins with the first verse of the Psalm from the King James Version.1 Verse 1 from each Psalm succinctly expresses the theme of that Psalm. Minor wording changes have been made in some, primarily to avoid gender-specific pronouns, although the complete verse as printed in the King James Version follows the poetic meditation. The wording of these Psalms in the King James Version is well-remembered and well known by most readers, and some, such as Psalm 23, are already presented as some of the loveliest and most meaningful poetry. I began putting any different words to these with carefulness and apprehension—full of appreciation for what exists. My intent is not to change or paraphrase the Psalms as they exist. Instead, these are my thoughts and meditations on the Psalms.

    I want to bring some new thoughts—bringing these ideas into the current mind and experience. Since we do not have a king, as the Psalmist thought of him, how can we bring this idea into our own mind frame? Since we do not have enemies, as the Psalmist viewed them, what will bring this concept into our own experience? I decided that the phrase we hear could be true—sometimes I am my own worst enemy. What, then, can I learn from the Psalm as I view enemy from this perspective? And I certainly did not intend to dwell in laments as the psalmists often did? My meditations are

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