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2012 Global Warning
2012 Global Warning
2012 Global Warning
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2012 Global Warning

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2012 Global Warning: The destination or the beginning of the apocalypse?

Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. And very soon after this the ceremonies of people will cease. There are nine signs that great destruction has come and is coming. Like many tribes, the Hopis drew images that have come to pass and images of things to come.

Thirteen Baktuns is equal to just over 5,125 years, and in our present age of the jaguar, the fourth age, the Great Cycle runs out on the winter solstice, December 21, 2012, the Mayan end date. The meaning is the death of the sun, the rebirth of a universe, and the Mayan Prophecy of the return of the god Quetzalcoatl: all this is the subject of active debate.

This time will also mark a United States change in era where we will elect a new President. Is this the prophecy of the Antichrist? Could it be the end of one time and the beginning of the final stages of centuries of prophecies?

Release dateMar 11, 2010
2012 Global Warning

John W. Edwards III

John W. Edwards III was born in Florida, where he still lives today, and has traveled extensively. He is an experienced investigator, thorough research analyst, and dedicated Christian disciple. Edwards is active on several Christian social network sites and writes weekly Christian blog articles.

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    2012 Global Warning - John W. Edwards III

    To God in thanks for His forgiveness and saving grace. Dedicated to my girls who would expect me to be completely open and truthful in my word. To mom & dad who taught me the truth and that God’s word is the final authority. And to my family and friends who will understand my candor, my sarcastic licks, intensity in openness and my own unique way to humorize life’s experiences.

    I gotta be me…

    Well let’s see, the earth is in its final orbit, the sun has gas, the earth is hot in August, stars still shoot across the sky like loose missiles and we now have a man made hole in the side of the moon. We have close up pictures of Mar’s and looking beyond so soon we will be able to see the planet that all Mormons hope to go to when they die. Aliens continue to do an excellent job of not having their picture taken, storms are still as regular as they always have been and people still enjoy chasing a good storm when they can. We can all sleep safer at night knowing Korea and Iran now have nukes. Wild animals are not becoming more dangerous but they are getting more and more impatient with stupid people who want to hug on them. Even a pet snake will bite you, a Chimp will rip your face off and sharks believe humans look a lot like seals in the water. 2012 has got everyone on edge and Hollywood is getting ready to make many bank deposits on all the hype. We now know that a tsunami will take thousands of lives in one wave, tornados seem to only target trailer parks, hurricanes are only fatal to those who stay behind to watch them and if you follow a worldly man you’ll end up with worldly values. Drunk drivers are increasing at a staggering pace, time is ticking away until you die, life wasn’t better back in the day and these are all global worries that have zero value to a Heavenly path! December 21, 2012 fear factor will be added to the long list of visions, predictions, dreams and concoctions of the end of time. Everyone is questioning when will it all end.


    There is one who does know and His name is Jesus…

    Welcome to

    2012 Global Warnings

    According to Maya Indian predictions, the world will end on December 21, 2012. There are several other people and groups who believe this will be a big deal as well; Nostradamus, the Hopi Indians, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton and astronomers around the globe. I am predicting that thousands upon thousands of people will lose their minds, as we get closer to this galactic prediction. There may even be suicides recorded and people cashing all their wealth in so they can live it up before the end comes. More movies and TV documentaries will appear to capitalize on this collection of events. I also believe that Mexico will increase in popularity and the population there will grow wildly as we move closer to the fall of 2012. People from around the globe will travel into the Maya Indian ruins to see the return of the aliens. News stations and news people will jockey for the best position possible to film the events and people as breaking news occurs. They will interview people from around the globe for their opinion on the predictions and the anticipation of an alien return. CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, HBO, FOX and all the local news teams will have panels of experts discussing the events surrounding the end. We might even see a benefit concert with Willie Nelsen headlining and they will call it Mayan-Aid. It will all be entertaining all the way up until the clock strikes midnight and we move into the hours beyond the 21st and into the 22nd of December 2012. Then when it doesn’t end there will be some dead folks, some folks dead broke and some greatly saddened because again, we do not know when civilization will truly end.

    So, is this deadline fact or fiction? Is it really possible that an Indian tribe could measure the worlds end to the exact day when the Bible did not? There have been many predictions before of the end and so far we have survived all predictions, disasters, plagues, and world wars. There were some, even Nostradamus that thought Hitler was the antichrist and were wrong. But what can you truly believe in to be factual? A better question is whom can you trust? Who do you believe: A Prophet? The Pope? An Astrologer? A Historian? What about a Hollywood actor? A Geologist? A scientist? A scientologist? An evolutionist? A revolutionist? A Buddhist? A Gossipologist? A movie director? An Evangelist? A pioneer with golden tablets? Talk show hosts or lost comedians? What Bible translation can you trust? Part of Global Warning or concepts is about global warming; the much-debated revolutionary end of time and the apocalypse created by man-made over heating of the planet. This weighs heavy on everyone’s mind. Understand this from the beginning; some of the things in this book may rub you the wrong way or make you uncomfortable. I challenge everyone to have his or her Bible open as you read this. Turn your computer on and get two or three search engines fired up to validate predictions and to help you as a resource. This is what I have done and the Bible has won every argument and/or debate presented.

    What are global warnings? They are concepts of things we are being warned about that have an effect or impact on our soul. Are we in a global warming trend? Many have laid out prophecies, theories and visions of what events are still to unfold. An example would be the polar ice melting at a faster rate than ever before and Polar Bears running out of refrigerated time. Man-made global warming is just one good example of just how many opinions can be thrown at us at one time. Is it man made, part of the earths time clock or is this according to the divine plan? Could it be a financial ploy for a few Hollywood actors and politicians to use their fame or name to leverage personal gain? What would a Hollywood actor or a politician have to offer beside their platform? Notta! Be smarter than that and be more informed than they are.

    Is it a scientific measurement on charts, graphs and more earthly tests that are needed? How many legislators are using science as a tool to get a pay raise, raise our taxes, raise the deficit and jade the future for our children? A bunch and you can see their votes on every issue. What are they using to define their vote and are they are using man made theories to resolve man made issues? What are the churches saying; the world is ready to spin or is earth in its final spin or are we just spinning issues to create wealth for the already wealthy? It is said that the church uses scare tactics to win souls to Christianity but isn’t the marketing of man-made global warming a scare tactic? Some of the worst natural disasters in the globe were 40,000 killed in a 1985 Pakistan earthquake, volcano Nevado del Ruiz in Columbia killed 25,000, the 1976 earthquake in Shaanzi China that killed up to 655,000, the 1815 volcano in Indonesia that killed 80,000, the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa that killed 50,000, the 1737 typhoon that killed over 300,000 in Calcutta India and the entire civilization of Minoa completely wiped out from a volcanic explosion sometime around 1500BC. Consider these while rethinking this possible political spin that opens checkbooks and leverages ways for increased taxes! What are our leaders around the globe saying and doing about it? They are creating more avenues for more tests that create more tax expense that evolve into more wealth for the few but affect the many. The Robinhood reverse syndrome means take from the poor and give to the rich! How many people will be in debt because of it? The middle class will become poorer and the poorer we become more reliant on the government to save or rescue us from ourselves. This will break the backbone of the economy for sure. Let us take a look at some of the myths, facts, fictions, and warnings then throw in a few more opinions. And for one of my editors who needed more proof of devastation and loss of life isn’t 1,150,000 people dead in only six natural disasters enough? Shouldn’t we be talking less about the plastic I through away and more about the galaxy alignment that is months away from becoming history. Yes, we should and we will. So, forgive me if I repeat myself through these chapters when it is important enough to save lives. And, my faith demands that I care enough to try and save every soul possible before we close the chapter of a lifetime.

    But first, since this is my first published document, please allow me to expand on my history. I am a Christian Patriot, to God and country. I am John W Edwards III or Brother John or Rev. John or St John or Sir John or John-a-Baptist or Papa John or just John. And yes, Sir John was a stretch and I got carried away with myself… However, I am a witness and disciple for Christ so you will no doubt recognize this through my writings. I believe in God as our Creator and I am a follower of Jesus Christ who is our redeemer. I provide a view of history, current events and futuristic visions as an investigator since I have over fifteen years experience in investigative work. Like you, I have my own opinions as well as a collection of others opinions and will bank them off factual resources. I can also be called a visionary because I have predicted many sunsets and sunrises with great accuracy. There was one this morning and I had the vision of this sunrise yesterday that it would come to pass. And it did… I can also predict animalist behaviors. Like; if you yank on a dogs tail there is a high probability that you will be bitten. Or, if you swim with sharks there’s a very high probability that one will bite you. If you thump a hornet’s nest the probability of you being stung increases. If you are dropped in a Lions den with several starving Lions you will probably be eaten alive. Unless your name is Daniel!

    I have walked the land where the seven churches of Revelation will be called and I know its terrain as well as its people. I conform to the documented facts written by God’s prophets and apostles that are recorded in the living Bible, The Word of God. I believe you must believe in His creation in order to have an understanding of how His creation works. I believe it is our body that is dieing and not earth. Why? Because it has been here longer! The earth will burn and it is the earth’s surface that will be completely destroyed. The planet will be salvaged and restored by Jesus. We will discuss choices of today and Satan’s roll in the end devastation. If you read your Bible you will understand this promise. Many problems we face are due to some folks who read too much between the lines rather than reading God’s word for what it is. You make your own choices and this is the premise of my thoughts, my visions, my premonitions, investigation, actions, traditions and other ions provided herein. There may very well be a few isms included along with a couple of humorisms here and there. But we will discuss salvation for sure.

    2012 Global Warning takes a global span of our current state as a people, as an environmental state, some socialistic views and a few historical events that also speak to our future. You will see through biblical theology that the Maya Indians and Aliens have very little or nothing to do with how the earth will close its chapters on mankind. They will have as much impact on global change as January 1, 2000 did when people were ready to lose their minds over a much-debated potential global computer jam! And they were wrong. These topics will be solidified from a foundational belief that God created the world arrow.jpg He created man in His own image arrow.jpg He sent His only Son as a gift to communicate a bigger plan arrow.jpg Jesus paid the ultimate price for the sin of the world arrow.jpg He was resurrected 3 days later as the new temple of God arrow.jpg then promised to return and call those who are secured in these beliefs. If anyone is telling you that there is another path than this one, walk away or better yet, RUN! And if you are waiting on His return before you get an opportunity to walk this path, then take a walk through any graveyard and count the millions who may have had that very same thought. In other words, don’t wait.

    But is the universe having more disturbances than ever? Is the sun losing gases by the day? Is the earth’s atmosphere warming naturally or increased by man-made environmental changes? Are more and more severe weather patterns taking place now than ever before? These are all questions that have historical value to God’s Old Testament. Moses spoke of several plagues like blood in the water, frogs on the earth, lice in their hair, and flies everywhere. Then livestock found dead in the field, boils on their skin, hail falling from the sky, and locusts eating everything in sight. Torrential floods across the land, darkness when the sun should have shined and the death of the first born for those who failed to follow the sign. Other books of the Bible speak of famine, a three-year drought and heat that scorched the earth. Or at least these are some of the disasters that are in the Bible that I use to study. I use the King James Bible, the International Study Bible, the Reformation Study Bible and my main Bible; The New American Standard study. The Biblical scriptures illustrated in my work are directly quoted out of the New America Standard. The difference in the four belong in the language and provides a clear understanding of the writings before the 1st Century, in the 1st Century and as it relates to today. I don’t speak Hebrew so I need four printed in English. The differences in translations will be detailed in my next book titled, The Sword & Shield.

    While reading these thoughts, keep in mind that we currently have overwhelming methods to communicate across the globe in a matter of seconds. We have come a long way from beating on log drums and blowing on a seashell. But, it really was not that long ago when a trumpet sounded the charge on the battlefield. The current methods are; the Internet, satellite communication, landline telephones, satellites galore, a multitude of news stations, cellular services, UF channels and radio waves. You could probably think of others but these were the main sources in front of me. If we lose our magnetic field around the planet then you can forget most of these working anyway.

    On the cable news networks the alert phrase is: Breaking News. These methods of alerting folks that are not paying attention to the TV provide us with an immediate source of reporting, teaching, learning, knowing and getting the attention of millions in a matter of seconds. But what messages are we sending around the globe? Doom and gloom? Good grief, if I watched the news all day I would be completely depressed! If someone does something stupid the entire world knows it in a matter of seconds. The Bible and translated scrolls make reference to an incident that will happen and that everyone would see it instantly. Revelation 11 speaks of two witnesses that will not be touched until they have completed their tasks and those upon the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate. This means that everyone on earth will know the occurrences the instant it happens. Well, we have arrived at that state of technology of knowing today. When something happens that is news worthy, the world will see it instantly. Do you remember watching the planes crash into the Twin Towers live on September 11? There is coming a day when two will stand for the name of the living God and they will be struck down for all to see and it will be known immediately around the world. You will need to stick around for the news highlights later in this book. It’s a Revelation of the end of times just before the seventh seal is broken.

    There will be several places that you may see a quote or scripture repeat. This will help validate the topic and add clarity to the thought. How many times have you heard that Jesus is coming? Many, right? Some say that the time is right for Jesus to return now and I hate to break it to you but the past has not always been a rainbow of joy and there are specific occurrences that must come to pass before Jesus returns. How do I know this? Stick around a bit longer and it will be revealed. If you are saved then Jesus could come today and we would celebrate the moment with a confirmation of Hallelujahs. But if you have never believed or trust or accepted His gift then you should be very leery of the days to come. The end will not come in 2012 but there will be hell on earth in storms and natural events. This I do believe in and we will experience more battles as well.

    With these thoughts in mind, you must consider three simple, common sense views of your future:

    1.   You must decide what you believe in: God or Man made answers

    2.   Then decide your spiritual path: To believe or not to believe

    3.   Then make a commitment to that belief and follow it

    If you came from a monkey then do what monkeys do when danger is near… Run, climb and hide! If you are a moderate and can’t make up your mind, then stay on the fence but please shut up. If you believe God created you and you descend from Adam then stick around, this is our playoff series. This thought process will be our guide through these chapters and you will be able to make your own choices. These choices are life altering and will make a distinct determination of what happens to your body, your soul and your responsibility for those around you. Okay, forget your body because it is really irrelevant when we envision the end of time.

    As for the global Leaders, roll models and mentors; you have a much greater ownership in the path chosen simply because these folks have others listening to them based on trust. Some of you may not have volunteered for this roll. But big majorities have placed themselves in this roll and have forgotten that they represent the people, not their checkbook. This material and subject matter will be a big part of my message. Some of our leaders were destined into that roll. Some were not. In either case, you are obligated to choose wisely, for those behind you will follow you to their death or into decisions of their eternal life based off what you say and do. If you read your Bible and listen to your heart you would know to follow no man but follow the Son of Man. Congratulations, it is a big responsibility and a great honor to serve the greatest leader ever, Jesus Christ.


    There came a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to testify about the light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light. There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. He was in the world and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of will of man, but of God.

    John 1:6-13

    As John spoke in his day, let all be warned of my witness to you that Jesus spoke very clearly of the path to salvation. One must be born again, of water and the spirit, and then whosoever will believe in Him will have eternal life. John 3: 3, 5 and 15. No man will see the Father before going through Christ our Lord. So easy to understand even an evolutionist could do it… ☺

    Chapter Index

    1.    Choices

    2.    Big Government

    3.    The Church

    4.    Globally Grounded

    5.    Leadership Ownership

    6.    Hollywood

    7.    Life on Earth

    8.    Hate!

    9.    Historical Events

    10.   7 Deadly Sins

    11.   The Harvest

    12.   Satan

    13.   Revelation

    14.   The Last Days

    15.   The End?

    16.   Faith-Fact-Fiction

    17.   A Global Burn in Christianity

    18.   We Are The People


    2012 Global Warning is ultimately about choices. The choices of today and the choices you will make leading up to and after December 21, 2012. You are reading a Christians perspective on the choices we have and from a Biblical concept there are only two. On Calvary there were three crosses. The middle cross is the one Jesus was hung on. On His left and right were two unsaved men that were tried, judged and convicted for crimes against Rome. One criminal asked Jesus for forgiveness and the other mocked Him. Choices… One chose wisely and one chose poorly. Everything that you will read in this book is based on this decision. There will be many predictions and prophecies that will force you to decide and how well you are informed of the truth will help you make informed decisions.

    But these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

    John 20:31

    The beginning begins with you. In order to know how to follow the questions and concepts of global warnings you must know who you are, what you are willing to defend and how far you are willing to step up to defend it. So first, who are you and what makes you choose what you do? This morning you made some simple choices; what cloths to wear, what shoes to put on, to eat breakfast or not and what to do today. You may have had today planned and already have an agenda. You may be looking for a job today and how you decide to approach this quest would include a lot of choices. You may be attending or participating in a meeting today that would require choices that would also include others. You may be doing something as important as flipping the channels on your TV and making program choices. Ever watch a child stand in front of a candy rack struggling with the choice of a snack? It is a big decision especially if you are only allowed one selection. Right or wrong, left or right, up or down? The choices you make every day are recorded and there are do-overs here but certainly not a second after the moment you die. Making this choice will place your eternal life on the line. You get one shot at eternity so make it count!

    Adam and Eve had choices. Satan tempted Eve and Eve passed the temptation to Adam. We go through this every day. Thanks Eve! When was the last time that you did something that you knew was wrong? I’m not speaking of a 10 Commandment wrong. Simple temptations. Like, wiping your hands on the back of Mom’s good just to look at towel. Drinking out of the milk carton when no one was looking. Taking the last cookie out of the jar. Telling someone that you were busy when you weren’t. Saying you did, when you didn’t. Saying you didn’t, when you did. Looking at the new girl, up and down, undressing her with every glance. Now think about these little bitty innocent acts and know now that these are the Ten Commandments. Yes, if you thought it then you have committed it. In Alabama it would be said that you done did it! Many words spoken in the Bible do not reference a physical world as much as it is about the spiritual being. You see; God is not really concerned about your physical body other than the character you reveal in your actions. It is flesh therefore it is of this world. The choices you make will impact how you are measured in the spiritual world. Your thoughts are not physical until you act on them. Ever thought of slapping a stupid person till their head spins but you thought you were strong because you held yourself back and did not execute the thought? Too late! When you thought it, you did it. 2 Peter Chapter one will help you understand God’s will in our behavior, both physically and spiritually. Choices! We’ll break Peter’s thoughts down a little later.

    Another area of much needed clarification is in Bible translations. I hear more debates and misunderstandings about different Bible translations than anything else. But here is the best way I know how to explain them.

    Old English literature was translated during medival times, 5th to 11th centuries then to the Wycliffe translation, then to King James , Tyndale, Coverdale, Matthew, Great Bible, Taverner, Geneva, Biships, Douay-Rheims around the 16th centruries then to Challoner, Webster’s, Young’s Literal, Revised, Darby, Joseph Smith and Quaker. Bibles are translated in German, Spanish, Chinese, African, Indian, and so on. If the original text was hand written in Hebrew or Greek, depending upon the writer, we would need to learn that language to read it. I have enough trouble with English so I need my Bible to be where I can read it. It is Holy in every translation and it really is that simple. If you wanted to read a magazine but it was printed in Chinese, and you don’t read Chinese, wouldn’t it help if someone translated it in English? Duh!

    In the 20th century the world offers many translations and in these many translations is the Amercan Standard Study version that Dr. Charles Stanley published. All are relative and mostly the language was updated to provide better understanding and an ease of reading rather than changes in translational direction, events, and historical facts. An easier way to understand translation is taking an owners manual from Chinese to English so you know how to operate it, you understand its use and you may utlize it to its fullest potential. Translation from one language to another in a car manual will tell you how to crank it the very same way. I don’t read Hebrew so I need an English translation so I can crank my Bible up!

    In most retail stores and especially Christian book stores, the selection of Bibles are wide and varies to print, style, format, references, bindings, and the selections are wide. Find what Bible is easy for you to carry, to understand and to reference. I like The New American Standard Study Bible because it speaks to me in a language of today. That’s my preference but the key is to read, study and be informed.

    In 2009, Santa Rosa County Florida, the ACLU filed complaint against the right to wear religious t-shirts, carry Jesus bookpacks, and pray on any school property. It has become a violation of federal injunction to speak of faithful and/or spiritual scriptures on school property. There are many claims that small groups are forming to ban the prayer before a high school football game. In 1999 The Boston Globe reported that football stadiums across Texas held a moment of silence instead the traditional prayer so they would comply with federal court rulings banning religious ceremonies at a school function. Other sources from around the states include; The Econimist, William & Mary Law Review, The News Wire, U.S. Newswire, Journal of Church and State, Albany Law Review, St. John’s Law Review, Whittier Daily News, and the PR Newswire. The ACLU support of banning God is spreading faster than Hitler, Lenin or Castro could have imagined. Have you noticed the increase in school shootings and taken a close look at about the time they began? Wasn’t it about the time that groups began pushing God out of schools? Pace High School Administrators in Pace Florida fought and won this battle in the federal halls of justice located in Pensacola Florida. They were partnered with God, the same God that the federal judge gave his oath to and God prevailed. This is not being boastful, just truthful.

    However, it is legal and encouraged for school administrations as well as coriculam teachers to instruct students on the correct use of condoms and despense them while calling this safe sex eductaion. You can speak of abortion and the killing of unborn children on school property and it is considered a viable part or means of birth control as well as sex education. You can teach young ladies the meaning and proper use of the morning after pill. You can educate children on ecology, evolution, Islam and speak of Mother Earth and designate a school day as earth day. But the Bible is being pushed out the back door and forbidden. Are these your choices? Look’s more like it should be a parental responsabilty rather than an educators choice.

    The Bible is used for law makers to swear by, politicians to be sworn in on, legislators use it to prop up on when they see the need and it is worthy of being used in the halls of justice when putting someone to death but is not worthy to be taught in school, carried by a student for spiritual support, studied as a historical document or used as a viable resource in a book report. We can’t use the Bible in school but we encourage prisoners to study it to be reformed. Don’t you think it would work better if they had it earlier in life?

    missing image file

    It is the only living word…

    Some global warming folks are hung up on a few simple decisions that is heating up the planet and we are focused on things like separating our household garbage, leaving a light on too long, letting a water faucet drip, tossing a newspaper in the garbage, watering our yard on the right day of the week, leaving appliances plugged in, burning leaves in the

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