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Rant: A Novel
Rant: A Novel
Rant: A Novel
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Rant: A Novel

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Best-selling biographer Evan Maguire ventures out of his comfort zone of writing about ex-athletes, Hollywood stars, and teen sensations and finds himself in the world of the reclusive Solomon Rheela, the greatest Conspiracy Theorist of his generation. While Evan expects stories of little green men, assassination cover-ups, and secret societies that control the world to titillate his readership with, he finds that Solomon has a much different (and much more frightening) agenda. This agenda, mixed with ghosts from the past and a mysterious narrator that appears and disappears at will throughout the work, create a downward spiral for Evan that may or may not be escapable in the end.
Release dateAug 4, 2006
Rant: A Novel

Jason Stuart Davis

Jason Stuart Davis was born in 1972. He lives in Fairfield, California.

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    Rant - Jason Stuart Davis

    Copyright © 2006 by Jason Stuart Davis

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-40220-5 (pbk)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-84596-5 (ebk)

    ISBN-10: 0-595-40220-8 (pbk)

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    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to my son, Aidan. Your Daddy loves you more than words can describe.


    To Lisa, for sitting through all of the rants in real time and being the guinea pig through the whole writing process. I love you.

    To my family, who allows me to be the person that I am and doesn’t hold it against me.

    To La Familia: You know who you are. There will be big drinks, and soon.

    There is no way to prepare for this.

    Just so we’re clear from the start.

    See, the damage has already been done. You, on the other hand, still have the chance to get the hell out ofhere with your safe little thoughts and your safe little world intact, where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts, friends still respect you, your family still claims you as their own, and you can sleep at night without your brain being assaulted by the Things That Should Not Be, But Are.

    And what they are is fucked at this point. What used to seem simple and self-evident is now a mutant octopus, with its infinite number of tentacles flailing away from an unknown central point in the dark regions of the brain that create momentary connections which dissipate before any sense can be made of them, let alone processed.

    The world used to be an enjoyable place. Now it’s an analysis of every detail in every action in every event, with a microscopic intensity that drains the emotional and physical senses into total depletion. What is gained from all of this? Not much of anything.

    Oh, there used to be friends, but most folks with any sort of sensibility tend to shy away from people who do nothing but run off at the mouth about things that no one in their right mind would consider to be within the realm of normal conversation. The best friends, well, they held out longer, hoping that this was nothing more than an experiment. Once they realized that it was not a window shopping of ideology, but an ownership of an idea store complete with daiiy specials for the discerning buyer of apparent lunacy (talk about caveat emptor), they too found a plethora of excuses to no longer be in touch. Not that it can be held against them. Most days, self-avoidance is the preferred practice.

    And it’s all Solomon Rheela’s fault. You know the saying Shit Happens? Not in this case. This was an instance of Solomon Happens. Then again, there’s not much of a difference in my mind anymore.

    There’s still no way to tell how all of this came to pass (more like came to stay if we’re going to be honest) or how the selection process created only one winner as the heir to the royal throne in the kingdom of those who are terminally fucked in the head. This is a lost world now, one that most people are lucky enough to not know about or come into contact with.

    The worst part is, he’s right. Right in a way that only Truth can be right.

    And now it is your turn to hear it.

    Oh, don’t worry, you’ll be okay in the beginning. Most of what you will hear will not be shocking, and it won’t damage your sensibilities. You may even be familiar with some of it, and there will even be instances where you’ll find yourself nodding in agreement.

    Don’t agree.

    Because if you acquiesce to even the smallest aspect of his thinking, you will have bought in to everything when all is said and done.

    Don’t buy in.

    Run like hell. Run away to the safe place where all that you hold to be true is still as such, and revel in the fact that you didn’t even consider exposing yourself to the madness. Engulf yourself in the blissful existence of non-thinking, of not giving a damn. Stay as uninformed as you possibly can, because ignorance is the only true bliss.

    Don’t think.

    Are you still here?

    The world you live in is about to take a turn for the worse.

    Still with me?

    Stupid bastard. I told you to run.

    Just so we’re clear from the start.

    A flying disc crash landed in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico on July 2, 1947. Aboard this craft were Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBE), two of which died on impact. The third EBE, along with the remaining wreckage of the craft, was confiscated by the United States Air Force and taken to a high security base known as Area 51 for further study. The official press release claimed that the craft was nothing more than a faulty experimental weather balloon, and that the bodies found were nothing more than life sized dummies that happened to be on board as part of the testing. UFOlogists, citing alien autopsy video footage and the immediate silencing of all eyewitnesses and news reports, disagree. They claim that alien DNA was collected from the autopsy and then later merged with human DNA to create the first of many human/alien hybrids which will later function as the slave race for when the superior alien species takes over Earth and all of its inhabitants.

    People believe this.

    On May 1, 1776 the Order of Perfectibilists was founded by a young law professor by the name of Adam Weishaupt. This group, better know as the Bavarian Illuminati, started as a small gathering of Freemasons that Weishaupt recruited from his local lodge in an effort to create the most dominant of all brotherhoods. As their numbers grew, so too did their standing as the elite fraternal organization to join. Many of the highest ranking members of the local brotherhoods and associations didn’t even need to be invited; they simply left on their own accord because they desired to achieve the status that came along with being an Illuminatus. With the assistance of some of the more notable Freemasons, Weishaupt saw to it that enrollment in the Illuminati increased to over three thousand. But, as with most secret societies, they don’t seem to be able to stay secret for too long. In the mid 1780’s, the society was declared to be an outlaw organization by the Bavarian government, causing its members (including Weishaupt) to disappear into the underground scene, never to be heard from again. By all historical counts, this governmental branding ended the existence of the Bavarian Illuminati and their quest for global dominance.

    Or not.

    Some sources claim that Weishaupt then made his way to the fledgling country of the United States and killed the first president, George Washington, only to then take on his persona in an effort to forward the global control agenda (these same sources will tell you that he did a pretty damn good job of it). Other sources claim that the proliferation of secret societies is nothing more than offshoots or branches of the Illuminati: the Bilderberg Group, the Tavistock Institute, Ordo Templis Orientis (which was started by renowned Satanist Anton LaVey), the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and Yale’s secret society, the Skull and Bones. All of these gatherings can be traced back to the

    Bavarian Illuminati, and the nefarious behavior and quest for control of mankind’s very soul advance forward even today.

    Some people also believe this.

    In 1975, a reporter for Playgirl magazine by the name of Stephanie Caruana published The Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File, which was a twenty-three page explanation of the original Gemstone File by an author by the name of Bruce Roberts. It can be found on the internet even today, and if you are the kind of person that good luck seems to follow, as a tenth-generation Xeroxed copy in used book stores. What the original text claimed, in no uncertain terms, was that Aristotle Onassis was the lynchpin behind the Mafia, and that he used his power to control all world events to his liking. The Gemstone File covers over forty years of history, and claims the following:

    The John F. Kennedy assassination was ordered by Onassis (because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which, had it been successful, would have given Onassis power over the Cubans once more).

    J. Edgar Hoover had in his possession The Gemstone File and threatened to use it to dispel the falsehoods involved in the Kennedy assassination, but was poisoned by a mysterious substance known as Sodium Morphate embedded in a piece of apple pie (talk about irony) by Onassis hit men.

    The Howard Hughes kidnapping was by order of Onassis, and allowed him to take control of the eccentric billionaire’s holdings to further develop his master plan, which included implication in the Watergate affair.

    People believe this as well.

    It may seem laughable, but it’s called Conspiracy Theory.

    And the faithful are not laughing.

    No, the faithful are filling convention halls, waiting to listen to lectures and discuss the alien abduction stories. They are overloading message boards, debating the merits of one JFK assassination theory versus the next. They are creating websites dedicated to the investigation of all behaviors illicit, passionately declaring their findings as absolute fact not to be disputed by the Average Joe who relies on the alphabet networks for their daily news. They yell at the top of their lungs at a world that they see as blinded, pleading for an audience to wake up to the evil plot that seeks to control all of mankind. They pass out leaflets on street corners, begging for the lost sheep of the world to wake up and pay attention.

    And they are serious.

    Jack the Ripper? Nothing more than a Masonic undertaking that occurred to hide the lurid details behind the behavior of the heirs to the throne. The killings were committed in an effort to off an illicit love of one of the Princes, and were executed in true Masonic fashion, so perfectly detailed that they could have been performed at a Scottish Rite ceremony. Jack the Ripper never existed; he was nothing more than a creation of the Masonic propaganda machine to hide their involvement in the executions.

    No kidding, people believe this stuff, and they will show you mounds of evidence to support their beliefs.

    JFK? Knocked off by the CIA and the Mafia for his attempts at fighting the elitist controllers. That, and the little fiasco known as the Bay of Pigs that didn’t go off as planned. Oh, and when they realized that he wasn’t the brains behind the outfit (but that his brother Bobby was), they had to dirty their hands once again. Then, they realized that neither of the Kennedy brothers was behind the civil rights movement. That was MLK, so, third times a charm (and theorists are quick to have you notice that no major leader has been assassinated since then).

    You get the picture. There is a massive underground that thrives on this ideology.

    Oh, and by the way…we never went to the moon. It was all a hoax that was foisted on the American public because of national security. You see, the Russians reached space first with Sputnik the satellite, and the Government had to encourage the faith of the people. It was at the time of the Red Scare, meaning that we had to outdo the Russians. However, the first Apollo mission was nothing more than an elaborate movie made in the deserts of Nevada, filmed entirely to calm the nation’s nerves.

    Want proof?

    Look at the celestial tableau in all of the pictures of the event. There are no stars visible in any of them, which is odd because they should dominate the photographs. Why do the shots of the American flag seem to wave in a nonexistent wind? There is no atmosphere on the moon, so how was that possible? If the astronaut’s footprints left indentations on the moon (w hich the pictures indicate they do), then how come the lunar capsule didn’t leave a larger indentation? Surely the thrust of the landing mechanism would create a crater that would dwarf the indentation left by the footprint of a human being. And lastly, how did the mission come off so perfectly when we had never attempted something of this nature before? How did NASA prepare for the unknown variables the astronauts were sure to encounter in their mission? How was it possible to prepare for the all the things that could potentially go wrong in such a fashion that it ended up being executed so effortlessly and perfectly?

    Believe it. There is a large contingency of the population that gets fired up over this stuff. This is life and death to these people.

    To them, Conspiracy Theory is not a way of thinking, but a way of living.

    When Wilson was elected President, he won on a platform that was anti-war, which was called the Peace Without Victory platform. However, he knew that to insure his legacy in history, he must find a way to entice the people into backing the U.S. entrance into the World War, which to that point in time, the populace had no desire to do. They didn’t see the sense of entering a foreign war that had nothing to do with us as a nation. In order for Wilson to achieve the ends he so desired, he signed into effect the creation of the Committee on Public Relations, later to be known as the Creel Commission. This group, lead by military officials and a few select advisors, led the first intentional propaganda program against the American people. In just six short months, the average American (who voted for a pacifist leader) turned into a pro-war, bloodthirsty machine that supported any and all war efforts the Wilson administration enacted. This control of the public mind continues to this day, keeping each citizen in their rightful place, milking on the breast of the American government with such fervor and admiration that the possibility of change no longer exists. To put it in the word of one of members of the Creel Commission, the public is the bewildered herd, lost and confused and unable to make any meaningful connections.

    Solomon believes this. …and so do I. Call me the messenger. Remember not to shoot.


    Picture this.

    Each moment of recorded History is nothing more than a snapshot; a link to someone else’s interpretation of the moment, a mental photograph that managed to freeze time for future generations to reflect upon. It’s an artificial moment, complete with the bias and prejudice inherent to every society and its leaders.

    In many ways, history is no different than the way people use technology today to record their own memories, their own personal brand of history. Go to any event, be it family gathering, sporting event, or vacation. No one is there in the moment; they are all too busy trying to manipulate the video and digital cameras to

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