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Inside My Prison of Darkness: Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Inside My Prison of Darkness: Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Inside My Prison of Darkness: Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Ebook67 pages54 minutes

Inside My Prison of Darkness: Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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A young Italian man from New York, author Joseph Schillaci was attending the police academy when a trainer predicted that at least two members of the class would die during their duty. Schillaci didnt die physically, but he died inside his heart as a result of his participation in a fatal shooting on September 22, 1991.

In this memoir, Schillaci describes his police work, the details of the shooting, and his subsequent psychological healing from post-traumatic stress disorder. Inside My Prison of Darkness narrates his story of how he suffered two years with depression, confusion, loneliness, and darknessand how this drastically affected his work and his relationship with his wife and children.

Moving and powerful, Inside My Prison of Darkness offers an honest testimonial about overcoming hardship and living life to its fullest. It provides guidance for learning how to go beyond and give it your all in every aspect of lifecaring, loving, taking responsibility, and making a difference.

Release dateAug 2, 2012
Inside My Prison of Darkness: Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Joseph Schillaci

Joseph Schillaci is a former A&E reality star; he launched his own special in 2006, Miami City Vice. A twenty-nine-year veteran of the Miami Police Department, he coordinates and oversees the police and fire 911 system. Schillaci and his wife, Evelyn, live in Florida.

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    Inside My Prison of Darkness - Joseph Schillaci




    Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Joseph Schillaci

    iUniverse, Inc.


    Inside My Prison of Darkness

    Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Copyright © 2007, 2012 by PIJOE Production.

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    ISBN: 978-0-595-43838-9 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 07/12/2012


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four


    This book is dedicated to the people who mean the most to me, the people who saved not only my life but also my spirit.

    When my world came to an end on that dreadful night and everything crumbled around me, it wasn’t the priest, therapist, friends, or coworkers who picked up the pieces. Or endured the horror that was about to come.

    It was my family.

    To my soul mate, Evelyn, and children, Perry, Ashley, and Tiffany.

    Daddy’s back and here to stay.

    Special Thanks

    To Aaron East for his amazing heart that came through the lens of his camera, which helped bring this book to life with his incredible pictures.

    I would also like to thank Deputy Sheriff Rebecca Dyer for giving me motivation to move forward, not only on the book, but also on sharing my life and experiences all over our majestic country.

    To the Miami Police Department, and its proud men and women who serve, which gave me the experiences to share.

    About the Author

    An Italian-born man, Joe Schillaci was raised by a mother who believed that life was simply an appreciation and love for people. His father, a true believer, who taught him that life was nothing more than family. When asked what his passions are in life, Joe remarks, People. He explains, "Some people love clothes, jewelry, fast cars, homes, sports, or traveling. My love for life is simply people."

    At the age of six, Joe traveled from the very cold climate of Buffalo, New York, to sunny South Florida with his mother, who had recently married a man who wanted to give his new family a fresh start on life. So, Joe, along with his mother and three younger siblings, Jamie, Steven, and Tommy all moved with the man, who had little in his pocket but great aspirations for his new family. Soon he made a life for his family in a modest three bedroom home, just minutes from majestic downtown Miami, Florida.

    Joe, who is known by many as Timmy, was given this nickname by his mother due to his golden curly hair that resembled the character Tiny Tim. One of Joe’s greatest lessons in life came at the age of six, as he stood in the airport with his mother. Here he would watch the amazing monsters in the sky take off and land. One day, his mother said these words: Timmy, don’t just watch the planes, watch the people getting off and going on them. She encouraged him to see how different they all were, from all over the world, and to appreciate how this made them special. From that moment on, Joe has been studying people and his love for them.

    On September 22, 1991, Joe’s world and his passion for life crumbled as everything he lived for and stood by shattered. On a red moon night as a police officer for the City of Miami, he would be forced to take the life of a young teenager. Joe would spend years living in darkness, or what he describes as a living death, because of his anguish of that night. Not until he learned forgiveness—the one thing his late mother, and inspiration for writing this book, taught him—will he be driven from the dungeons of hell and back into the

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