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Sacred Mysteries of Egypt: <I>An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom</I>
Sacred Mysteries of Egypt: <I>An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom</I>
Sacred Mysteries of Egypt: <I>An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom</I>
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Sacred Mysteries of Egypt: An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom

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Do you wonder what you did in past lives? Do you think about your life's purpose? Do you wonder what talents you possess from past incarnations?

Noted Astrologer Laurie A. Baum, MSW, answers these occult questions and many others in Sacred Mysteries of Egypt...An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom. Through insightful astrology readings, Laurie will explain why you are attracted to certain people, colors, shapes, numbers, days of the week, and seasons of the year. She also will show you how to harmonize the color of your aura with the color of your clothing, your office, your home, and your bedroom. Within the pages of Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, you will discover the relationship between astrology and the Sacred Mysteries of the Seven Rays of Color, the Chakras, Numerology, Kabbalah, Pyramids, the Moon, Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses.

Meditate on the occult wisdom as taught in the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, and find out how these fascinating ancient phenomena influence you and your daily activities. Read Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, and increase your awareness of ancient wisdom today!

Release dateAug 5, 2005
Sacred Mysteries of Egypt: <I>An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom</I>

Laurie A. Baum MSW

Laurie A. Baum, MSW, is a licensed psychotherapist and professional astrologer in private practice in California. She is also the author of Astrological Secrets for the New Millennium, the founder of the Egyptian Sacred Mysteries School, and an astrological columnist.

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    Sacred Mysteries of Egypt - Laurie A. Baum MSW


    An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom

    Copyright © 2005 by Laurie A. Baum, MSW

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100

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    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-35064-3 (pbk)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-79770-7 (ebk)

    ISBN-10: 0-595-35064-X (pbk)

    ISBN-10: 0-595-79770-9 (ebk)



    Holographic Wisdom Encoded in Seven Sacred Chapters

    Astrological Archetypes

    Awakening Ancient Holographic Wisdom within You

    Living in Harmony with Your Soul & Divine Purpose


    Ancient Chaldean Correspondences: Zodiac Signs, Planets, Chakra, Color



    The Seven Rays & Your Soul

    How A Soul Descends Into Matter Using The Seven Rays

    Why Know Your Ray?

    How To Use The Astrological Guide To The Seven Rays

    Astrological Readings For The Seven Rays


    What Is A Chakra?

    How Your Chakras Work

    Chakras, Your Glands & Your Organs

    Chakras & Your Aura

    Chakras & Your Brain

    Chakras & Your Astrological Sign

    How You Can Work With Your Chakras

    Exercises For Awareness & Healing Of Your Seven Chakras

    Chakra Healing Meditations

    Deep Relaxation, Healing Visualizations & Meditations For Your Seven Chakras

    Astrological Readings For Your Chakras & Physical Body


    The Cosmology of Numbers

    Numerology Readings for Your Zodiac Sign

    Numerology Readings Based on the Date of Your Birth


    Kabbalah, The Origin of Light & Sacred Geometry

    Kabbalah, Tree of Life, Your Chakras & Astrology

    Kabbalistic Astrology Readings


    How Do Pyramids Work?

    Power of Visualization

    Merkabah Visualization

    Violet, Royal Blue & Gold Pyramid of Light Merkabah Meditation

    Astrological Pyramid Readings


    The Moon: Astrological Readings For Your Moon Sign

    Eclipses: Astrological Readings For The Eclipses

    Mercury Retrograde: Astrological Readings For Mercury Retrograde


    Pineal Gland Meditation

    Pineal Gland Activation


    Your Sun, Moon & Rising Signs & Sacred Mysteries Of Egypt

    Chakra Healing Affirmations


    Your Sun Sign & Your Past Karma

    Your Moon Sign & Your Past Lives

    Symbols To Connect With Your Soul




    Color: How to Use Color to Enhance your Daily Life




    Ancient Chaldean Correspondences: Zodiac Signs, Planets, Chakra, Color

    The Seven Rays & Your Activities

    Chakras & Their Role In Your Consciousness

    Chakras, Glands & Organs

    Chakras & Your Aura

    Your Zodiac Sign, Colors & Chakras

    Your Zodiac Sign, Planets & Day Of The Week

    Your Zodiac Sign, Chakras, Crystals & Gems

    Your Zodiac Sign & Your Physical Body

    Your Zodiac Sign, Numbers, Colors & Planets

    Your Zodiac Sign &

    The Kabbalah Tree Of Life

    Your Zodiac Sign & How To Usepyramids

    Your Moon Sign

    The Eclipses

    Mercury Retrograde..

    Your Sun, Moon & Rising Signs & Sacred Mysteries Of Egypt

    Chakra Healing Affirmations

    Your Sun Sign & Your Past Karma

    Your Moon Sign & Your Past Lives

    Symbols To Connect With Your Soul



    Seed of Life

    Flower of Life

    Tree of Life

    Kabbalah, Tree of Life

    Merkabah/Star Tetrahedron

    This book is dedicated to my Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda and to you, my readers


    Holographic Wisdom Encoded in Seven Sacred Chapters

    In the seven sacred chapters of Sacred Mysteries of Egypt…An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom, you will learn about the relationship of astrology to the occult wisdom taught in the Sacred Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt. Your journey will begin with the Seven Rays of Color and their relationship to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. You will continue with an exploration of the Chakras, Numerology, Kabbalah, Pyramids, the Moon, Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde. Your experience will culminate with a Meditation for Your Soul, which aligns your seven chakras and connects you to your pineal gland. Awakening your pineal gland is crucial to connecting to your soul because vibrations of your soul enter your physical body through your pineal gland. Similarly, awakening vibrations in your pineal gland by reading the Sacred Mysteries of Ancient Egypt sends sparks of energy along neural pathways in your brain to raise your consciousness to connect to your soul.

    The information for this book was accessed during deep states of meditation in which I entered higher dimensions of consciousness and felt as if I was remembering wisdom taught in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt, much of it intertwined with the sacred science of astrology as it is practiced today. Few things in our world are new. Much wisdom is now being recovered that shows us that modern ideas are rediscoveries of ancient knowledge that has been buried by the sands of time. While we may perceive time as linear, evidence suggests that time may be cyclical, and that the consciousness of humanity rises and falls with the continual expansion and contraction of the universe. As we are now on the brink of a vibrant new age of expansion, elements of awareness of the past are awakening in many individuals across the globe. Ancient wisdom is stored in the pineal gland of every individual on the planet. Through deep meditation, one activates energy in the pineal gland, located behind the third eye, where one may see knowledge and experiences collected by the soul in prior incarnations. The ancients lived in a higher age and assimilated higher thoughts. We all are on a journey of reclaiming ancient wisdom we have cultivated in higher states of our own evolution.

    It is my hope that you will connect with ancient wisdom stored within you as you read the pages of Sacred Mysteries of Egypt…An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom. If you are drawn to read this book, it means that you have been a student of the Sacred Mysteries of Ancient Egypt in your higher dimensional incarnations. This book is encoded with the higher dimensional frequencies of the sacred knowledge that has been transmitted to you in earlier times—through higher planes of consciousness, astral awareness or past lives. Reading this book will reawaken the knowledge you already possess by creating a neurological link to sacred wisdom vibrating in your pineal gland. Secondarily, the increased flow of energy through your pineal gland will create a link to your soul.

    Astrological Archetypes

    The seven sacred chapters in this book also provide a personal interpretation of the seven Sacred Mysteries for every sign of the Zodiac. You may read about the sacred universal archetypes contained in your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, or Rising Sign, and learn about how your astrological mandala (chart) is inter-penetrated by the wisdom of Ancient Egypt.

    Your astrological sign is a hologram of the universe. If you turn it and look at it from a slightly different angle, you will see another aspect of yourself—and the ancient sacred wisdom encoded within you. It is possible for you to make endless connections between the formation of the planets at the moment of your birth, the Sacred Mysteries, the natural world—and you. Each of the seven Sacred Mystery chapters will take you on a journey through gateways of consciousness to experience your connection to your soul.

    Awakening Ancient Holographic Wisdom within You

    The knowledge contained in Sacred Mysteries of Egypt is encoded holographically (non-physically or etherically in the fourth-dimensional reality beyond time and space) in your pineal gland and in other fibers of your nervous system. A pyramid-like structure within your pineal gland has been continually deactivated through the ages, which is one reason why this sacred knowledge has become so inaccessible. Hence your need to re-read the Sacred Mysteries at this time of accelerated evolution.

    A pineal gland meditation in the chapter, Meditation for Your Soul, helps you increase the flow of energy to your pineal gland. You will be taken through three steps to connect you to your seven chakras, to a visualization of the sacred geometric form of the double pyramid permeating your aura, to a visualization of a double pyramid in your pineal gland. The double pyramid also is known as a star tetrahedron or Merkabah, which is an Egyptian word meaning rotating pyramid of light. (See illustration) Visualizing this sacred geometric form ignites sparks of light in your pineal gland that flow along neural pathways in your brain and strengthen the neurological link to your soul.

    The holographic nature of the wisdom—which also was transmitted through the sacred, ancient teachings of the Hindus, Hebrews, Tibetans, Sufis and Mayans—facilitates energetic recognition of a pathway of light within you that leads to your soul. This experience sends a continuous stream of electrical impulses through the nerve networks of your brain. The electrical impulses gain in strength and awaken the intuitive right side of your brain, where you store holographic memories of your Self in higher states of consciousness, These neurological movements connect to the logical left side of your brain, which interprets the information and connects to stored knowledge of the Sacred Mysteries on the left side of your brain. The energy in this book opens both hemispheres of your brain as you read, and promotes greater coordination between the two brain hemispheres, which is a key to higher consciousness and a connection to your soul.

    Living in Harmony with Your Soul & Divine Purpose

    The greater flow of energy that results from reading this book, and in doing the meditations contained within, will help you heal, balance and align your mind, body and soul. Ultimately, assimilating the information in this book at your own pace will help you unite the energies within you so you may live in the present moment in a secure, conscious and balanced way. This state of mind enables you to live in harmony with your soul and divine purpose, bringing you greater peace and ease.

    The best way to use this book is to read the section on your Zodiac sign in each of the seven sacred chapters. You may begin with your Sun Sign, or your Moon Sign and Rising Sign if you know them. If you are interested in further explanation, background or history on the sacred mystery from which the astrological wisdom is drawn, you may read the explanatory material in the beginning of each chapter. You may conclude your study with the guided meditations provided in the following chapters: Chakras, Pyramids, and Meditation for Your Soul. Each meditation will help you align your chakras and accelerate the entrance of spiritual light into your body. The keys to the Sacred Mysteries of Ancient Egypt are encoded within each section of every chapter. Even if you casually read this book, you will receive the benefits of the high vibrations emitted by this ancient sacred information.

    My intention in writing Sacred Mysteries of Egypt is to mirror wisdom within you. By remembering what you already know, you will remember who you already are—your soul. There are many ways to reach your soul—spiritual practice, meditation, yoga, chanting, prayer, affirmation, devotion, service, or acts of love, kindness and compassion. You may unite with your soul at any time, and at any pace. My hope is that Sacred Mysteries of Egypt takes you one step closer to your precious soul.




    Note: The colors, chakras and planetary correspondences in this book are based on the ancient Chaldean system of correspondences. The Chaldean system is based on the position of the planets in the solar system in direct relation to the position of the chakras, or major energy centers, in the body. The Sun represents the center of the human body in the solar plexus. The other celestial spheres orbit this center.

    The ancient Hindu sages devised an alternate system of color, chakra and planetary correspondences. The Hindu, or Vedic, system is based on the idea that the Sun and Moon rule the top of the human body and the other celestial spheres rule the lower energy centers in the body in proportional relationship to their distance from the Sun. In the Hindu or Vedic system, the Sun and Moon correspond to the third eye/brow chakra, the color indigo and the constellations Leo and Cancer. Mercury corresponds to the throat chakra, the color blue and the constellations Gemini and Virgo. Venus corresponds to the heart chakra, the color green and the constellations Taurus and Libra. Mars corresponds to the solar plexus chakra, the color yellow and the constellations Aries and Scorpio. Jupiter corresponds to the sacral chakra, the color orange and the constellations Sagittarius and Pisces. Saturn corresponds to the root chakra, the color red and the constellations Capricorn and Aquarius. In the Vedic system, the crown chakra does not have a planetary correspondence. The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not included in the system.


    Chakra Seven vortices of spinning light and cosmic energy permeate the spinal column. Each vortex of light is of a different frequency and reflects one of the colors of the rainbow. The highest frequency color is violet at the crown of your head, descending to indigo (purple-blue) at your third eye, blue at your throat, green at your heart, and pink, representing Divine Love, yellow at your solar plexus, orange at your sacrum, and red at the base of your spine.

    Eclipse During a New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Moon temporarily blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the Earth. During a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the Earth temporarily blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon. At the moment of a solar eclipse, consciousness is eclipsed. At the moment of a lunar eclipse, feelings are eclipsed. Life never returns to the way it was. On a divine scale, eclipses ensure that humanity continually learns from new circumstances. A series of solar and lunar eclipses arrive every six months. The cycle repeats every 19 years.

    Kabbalah The ancient mystical teachings of the Hebrews that explain the creation of the universe. Kabbalah also is called the language of light.

    Merkabah Merkabah is an Egyptian word that means rotating pyramid of light. The Merkabah is a three-dimensional Star of David. It is created when two tetrahedrons (a tetrahedron is a pyramid with three triangular sides and a triangular base) are joined at their bases. Each of the three corners bisects the base of the other pyramid. This structure also is called a star tetrahedron or double tetrahedron (See illustration in Pyramids chapter). In Ancient Egypt, the sacred Merkabah was used to accelerate evolution and expand consciousness to higher dimensions that transcend time and space. The Merkabah symbol was created with light in the mind of the spiritual initiate or adept, and rotated around the body to speed the body’s energy, and raise the frequency of the user’s waves of consciousness. The sacred geometric Merkabah form is chiseled in stone in pyramids in Egypt, Mexico and South America, is displayed in Christian churches throughout Europe and the Middle East, and is symbolized as a six-pointed star in Jewish temples around the world.

    Mercury Retrograde When Mercury retrogrades, the planet of communications appears to move backward from the perspective of Earth. Mercury is not actually moving backward during Mercury Retrograde, but it appears to travel in reverse when its orbit around the Sun is slower than the orbit of Earth. This sacred celestial phenomenon represents the continual expansion and contraction of the universe. When the communications planet is retrograde, commerce and communication slow. When the communications planet is direct, commerce and communication resume a brisk cadence. Mercury retrogrades three to four times a year for three weeks at a time.

    Moon The Moon expresses feminine energy. In an astrological chart, the Moon represents feelings and your relationship to your mother, your mothering or nurturing style (even if you are a man), and how you relate to feminine energy. The Moon represents talents you carry from past lives and the energy of your soul.

    Numerology The sacred science that correlates the vibrations of numbers with various patterns in the human body and psyche.

    Pyramids Sacred geometric forms, also known as Platonic solids. All sides of a Platonic solid are of equal length, and if rotated, form a perfect sphere. The three-sided pyramid consists of three triangular faces with a triangular base. The four-sided pyramid consists of four equal-sided triangular faces with a square base. When triangles join to form the apex of a pyramid, energy rotates in a circle in and around the pyramid. This circular motion creates a spiral, which creates coherence. A spiral of energy also descends and ascends through your spinal column. By visualizing a pyramid around your body, you strengthen the spiral of energy in your spine. The pyramid creates a coherent pattern of energy through your body, which helps you connect more readily to the energy of your soul.

    Seven Rays of Color An ancient science that correlates the predominant color in your aura with the intention of your soul at conception. It is said that each soul enters physical form by lowering its frequency, octave by octave, to descend from Spirit. Before entering the atmosphere of Earth, the soul enters the vibratory field of one of seven stars, called the Seven Sisters, in the constellation of the Pleiades. Each of the stars in the constellation of the Seven Sisters carries a different frequency, or color. Each soul elects one of these colors with which it will resonate through its earthly sojourn. In reading Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, you will resonate with a color, described in readings that outline characteristics you possess based on the predominant color in your aura. This color describes your life goals, attitudes and aptitudes. If you resonate with more than one color, your soul elected to draw multiple colors into your aura to reflect the versatility of your life purpose.

    Sun The Sun expresses masculine energy. In an astrological chart, it represents the way you take action, what is important to you, how your conscious mind works, and how you relate to your father, how you express fathering or protective energy (even if you are a woman), and how you relate to masculine energy. The Sun represents conscious goals.



    The seven rays of color are the first gateway to the Sacred Mysteries. All light breaks down into seven rays of color. These seven colors represent seven frequencies, or wavelengths, of light that exist in nature and resonate with the seven colors of the rainbow, the seven notes of the musical scale, the seven days of the week, the seven chakras of the body and the Seven Sisters in the heavens. It is said that each soul enters physical form by descending from Spirit to one of the Seven Sisters in the constellation of the Pleiades. Your soul then descends to the earth plane on a particular wavelength of light. This wavelength creates a color defined as your ray of consciousness. This color is the predominant color of light in your aura, and describes the genre of people, places and experiences you seek in life.

    Every human being and physical location emits a wavelength of light and a generally inaudible sound. The color of light with which you resonate describes the energy you bring from higher planes of consciousness traversed by your soul. The color you resonate with also corresponds to a musical note, which corresponds to a sound inside and around your body. Due to the fact that preferred colors are visible by your choices of clothing, cars, and home decorations, and reflect a deep part of your personality, this book will focus on color. Color is an observable phenomenon. You will experience changes in yourself based upon changes in the colors surrounding you.

    Color affects your mood, speech, breathingg, decisions, and sense of well being. You feel changes in your body rhythms when you change the color of the clothing touching your body, or when you change the colors in your environment or your car, or the colors ofgemstones or crystals you wear on your body. You also react to colors emitted by people, often reflected by the color of the clothing they wear.

    Some colors feel soothing, others exciting, and others neutral. By understanding your color, you will understand more about yourself. You also have access to greater wisdom about how to make appropriate choices to create harmony in your surroundings. Everyone either consciously or subconsciously chooses to wear clothes that harmonize with the color of their aura. The choice reflects an underlying frequency or color in the aura, or occasionally, a passing feeling. If you are conscious of the positive impact of a color upon you, you may seek people and environments that reflect the same or compatible color. If you are conscious of a discordant influence of a particular color, you may ameliorate its impact by adding a color that is compatible with you.

    The predominant color in your aura will cause you to like colors that are similar or compatible. You will feel calm and peaceful around this color. Similarly, because this color describes personality characteristics, professional aptitude, and attitudes, you will be attracted to people whose auras radiate colors compatible with your own.

    If you feel incompatible with a situation, the predominant colors are likely discordant with your colors. If situations perpetually feel simultaneously compatible and incompatible, or alternately compatible and incompatible, you may be one of a small number of souls who has chosen to incarnate with more than one predominant color in your aura, which reflects the desire of your soul to integrate multiple qualities or past lives. You may feel highly versatile in the activities you perform and the people and places you harmonize with. Conversely, you may feel overwhelmed by the plethora of choices afforded by life because no one choice seems absolutely right. If this is the case, you may read more than one of the colors described in this book, and synthesize a blend of qualities most pertinent to you.

    The seven rays of color were the first mystery mastered by new initiates of the Sacred Mysteries Schools of Ancient Egypt. The seven colored rays contain essential keys to understanding the occult mysteries, and to understanding your soul. The seven rays of color are the fundamental building blocks for the other Sacred Mysteries described in this book—the Chakras, Numerology, Kabbalah, Pyramids and Astrology.

    The Seven Rays & Your Soul

    The seven rays of consciousness express seven basic aspects of human nature. Most systems of esoteric psychology state that each personality is a blend of many aspects of human nature. The seven rays address a more basic level of the human being—your soul. The science of the seven rays holds that at the level of your soul, you choose one of seven distinct paths from which to manifest your individual personality. You live uniquely on one of these rays. You embodied the consciousness of your chosen ray in physical form at the moment of your conception.

    The science of the seven rays derives from the concept that every ray of light breaks down into seven distinct colors: violet, indigo (purple-blue), blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Each ray corresponds to a different frequency. The highest frequency is violet and the lowest is red. No one frequency is better than another. Each frequency corresponds to a different orientation toward life.

    Each of the stars in the constellation of the Seven Sisters carries a different frequency, or color. Each soul elects one of these colors with which it will resonate through its earthly sojourn. A small number of souls choose to incarnate with more than one color predominating in their auras. This signifies that the person’s soul has elected to integrate multiple soul qualities or past life experiences. In meditation, many people feel the soothing benefit of visualizing the color of light predominant in their auras around their bodies. This helps to strengthen the aura. People who resonate with many colors, however, benefit by visualizing a rainbow of light around their bodies to strengthen each of the multiple colors of light radiating from their bodies. Even if you have a predominant color in your aura, you may meditate with a rainbow of light. Despite the predominance of one color, virtually every color is represented in some proportion in your aura.

    The rays define your approach to life. For instance, an artist born on the blue ray of healing would do art in a healing way. Conversely, a healer born on the orange ray of art would do healing in an artistic way. A government leader born on the yellow ray of salesmanship might accomplish his or her work through dramatic performance, whereas a government leader born on the green ray of love may accomplish his or her goals through his or her heart. A corporate executive could be a leader working through the indigo ray of philosophical vision, or he or she also may be working through the red ray of competition and winning.

    You master the rays of color at both your soul and personality levels. Your soul ray is immutable in this lifetime. You choose to express your personality, however, through any of the seven colors—or combination of colors—and you may change the color of your personality ray at any time throughout life. You do this by changing the way you express yourself. Your personality ray may be the same as your soul ray, or it may be different. You also may be working with more than one personality ray at a given time. Your personality ray may be a blend of several colored rays at once and may produce a hybrid color in your aura that is a unique mixture of any number of the seven rainbow-colored rays. Or, you may be working with two distinct, unblended colors at some points in your life, creating stripes of colored light in your aura. Your personality ray also may at times be purely one color, depending upon the lessons you are trying to learn.


    How A Soul Descends into Matter Using the Seven Rays

    When a soul descends from Spirit into physical form, it must lower its frequency to harmonize with the physical universe. A soul lowers its frequency, octave by octave, until it reaches a harmonic that is compatible with one of seven stars, called the Seven Sisters, which are part of the Pleiades. Each of the Seven Sisters resonates with one of the seven colors of the spectrum. All souls must pass through one of these portals of celestial light to enter the earth plane. The ray of consciousness on which you were born reflects a quality you innately possess as a soul. Your soul ray also influences the path of your terrestrial life. Your soul ray may stay with you throughout eternity, or it may change throughout different incarnations, depending upon choices you make with the consciousness of your soul. When you have mastered the soul lessons on your ray, your soul may decide that you are ready to re-ascend to the Creator.

    Why Know Your Ray?

    There are several benefits to understanding your soul ray. One is that it explains your orientation and basic drive throughout life. Your ray of color also describes the historical pattern of your prior incarnations. When you understand your ray, you are likely to have more compassion for yourself and others. You generally attract and are attracted to those who carry the same ray of color in their auras as you. Consequently, understanding your ray raises your awareness of the issues and struggles you face within yourself and with others. Awareness of the seven rays can help you focus on essential questions within yourself and give you tools for insight and healing.

    Understanding your ray also helps you focus on the color that is predominant in your aura, wisdom you can use in choices of material surroundings or in meditation. You carry every color of light in your aura. However, one color is emphasized, describing your particular predisposition in life. When you meditate, you feel protected when you visualize yourself surrounded in the color of light that per-vades your aura.

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