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Salmon Sam's Great Salmon Run
Salmon Sam's Great Salmon Run
Salmon Sam's Great Salmon Run
Ebook38 pages7 minutes

Salmon Sam's Great Salmon Run

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Follow an endearing, young salmon as he embarks on the journey of his lifetime. This story gives us a glimpse into the life of Salmon Sam, a friendly fish who must overcome the trials and tribulations of the sometimes unfriendly waters in order to meet his ultimate goal. The young reader will learn a salmon's place in nature, as well as how determination can get anyone- even the smallest living thing, on the right path.
Release dateJul 8, 2011
Salmon Sam's Great Salmon Run

Captain Howard Williams

Born Howard Courtney Williams, son of Jamaican immigrants, Captain Howard grew up in Harlem, New York. His love of nature was nurtured through his decade long association with the Boy Scouts of America. As his suburban and rural outdoor activities increased, his observance and understanding of nature became equally as important to him as surviving life as a city dweller. When Captain Howard could not leave for the suburbs, he regularly fished the local waters throughout the five boroughs of New York City, including the rivers surrounding Manhattan Island. He spent long hours in the large parks, such as Edgecombe Park in Washington Heights and Van Courtlandt Park in the Bronx. He walked the trails and observed the abundant wildlife that most city dwellers never knew existed in their own backyards. Captain Howard's diverse work background and hobbies also add flavor to his works, which includes over one hundred poems and short stories, seven children's books, and two fiction novels. Captain Howard was a New York City Union plasterer and drywall finisher for over thirty years before becoming a Commodity Options Pit Trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He was also an independent, over the road tractor trailer driver for many years. Later, he became an independent charter fishing boat captain before retiring in south Florida. He now spends most of his time on the water fishing, relaxing and writing stories to entertain his grandchildren. As you and your children read one of Captain Howard's children's books, you will find yourself engulfed in a captivating heart-warming tale that you'll both want to read over and again for many years to come.

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    Salmon Sam's Great Salmon Run - Captain Howard Williams

    © 2012 Captain Howard Williams. All rights reserved.

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    First published by AuthorHouse 1/19/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1831-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2852-2 (ebook)

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