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Murder Was the Case
Murder Was the Case
Murder Was the Case
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Murder Was the Case

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Shantel was a normal young girl who just wanted to hang out with the guys. She was considered a tom boy, being best friends with Ron the hottest boy at the middle school.

Shantel was happy until her step dad Michael, violated her innocence. That put her to shame, but more important it scared her to death. Shantel wasnt going to put up with Michael any longer. She had to do something about it. Telling others about her problem only brought more drama to life. Out of nowhere Michael ends up murdered, and all evidence points to Shantel.

After doing long, hard time Shantel gets out being the baddest bitch. She is out to find the person that framed her, and is ready for whatever.

Follow Shantel in this novel of murder, sex, lies, and drama on top of drama!
Release dateAug 29, 2007
Murder Was the Case

Latoya Johnson

Latoya Johnson has always had a passion for writing since she was a little girl folding papers in half, writing short stories on them. She has a creative mind and is constantly creating new ideas in her upcoming books. A graduate of Fremont Ross High School, Latoya currently resides in Ohio with her husband and four children. She is currently working on several upcoming novels.

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    Book preview

    Murder Was the Case - Latoya Johnson

    Chapter One

    Summer 1989

    Michael this, Michael that. I love Michael! Is that all she loves? Do she even see me anymore? I think I hate my mother. No, I don’t think, I do hate my mother. If I were to choke at this dinner table, she wouldn’t even notice. She’d be too busy looking at Michael. I’m twelve years old, and they think I don’t know what their doing. Nasty! Mom has her legs wide open, with Michael’s big, nasty toes playing in her middle, and you know what middle that is. Michael’s my step dad. Mom married him three years ago, which started my terrible life. Why do she love such a bad man? Michael was nothing to love. He was a bum! A lazy, drunkin’ bum who sat on his black ass all day. My mom loved them type of men. My daddy was a bum. He was a little different than Michael. My daddy had a job, and was no drunk. He just spent all his money on the other woman. Every man in her life was no good. She choose the same ol’ ones. It got so bad that I thought every tall black man was a bum. That was until I met Ryan. Ryan is my mom’s boss, who is much of a man. He owned his own restaurant that was open 24/7. I know she sees Ryan as a much better man, so why is she still with broke down Michael. I wish her and Ryan would hook up. Ryan’s not her type, so he’s invisible to her. I guess she wants to continue to be with these bums. Her choice.

    I thought maybe it had something to do with her growing up, and who she really is. She’s in denial about her race, and swears she’s black. My mother Carla was born in Korea. She was adopted by a Caucasian couple. From what she tells me, the adoption agency, messed everything up. Before her adoptive parents met her, everything was signed, and ready to go. Her new parents were shocked when they seen the little Korean baby girl. There was nothing they could do, so they tried to love her. They put her down growing up, and making fun of her looks, and background. I’m half Korean and I love me! So when my mom got out on her own, she turned to every other race but her own. She dated all kinds of guys. Sooner or later she dated her first black guy name Quincy. Quincy must’ve been one hell of a man, cause she’s been with a black man ever since. I guess that saying is true. ‘Once you go black, you’ll never go back.’ But look at Michael. I don’t know what happen there. He must’ve made her happy. I don’t see how.

    I was a stray dog to the both of them. I was always out of the picture. I hate him! As a matter of fact, I was extremely jealous of him.

    It was June 6th, the last day of school. I’m so happy I have all summer off. Next year will be even tougher than this year. I’ll be going into the 7th grade, and I know the girls at the Junior High School will hate me even more. They all hate me. I was a tomboy, and best friends with Ron, the most popular boy in school. He was my roll dog! All the girls knew Ron was my best friend, but they still hated me. Maybe it was my looks. I was black, but my Korean side gave me my almond shaped eyes, and my long, beautiful, jet-black hair. And not to mention, my twelve-year-old figure was hot. My boyish clothes covered all that up, but them jealous girls still be looking. My wardrobe consists of t-shirts, jeans, and my Reeboks. I even sometimes wore Ron’s clothes. It was my kind of style. He had all the new Jordan’s, and all the fly name brand clothes. Now he was spoiled!

    Mom and Michael were really starting to get on my nerves. I was tired of playing around with my nasty tuna casserole my mom made. She knows I hate this. I just huffed and puffed at the dinner table trying my hardest to get her attention. I guess that wasn’t working. I cleared my throat so much that I almost choked. Do you think she cared? She just gave me a look as if she knew what I was doing. UUHH! She gets on my last nerves.

    Mom! I yelled

    What? She said as she then pushed Michael’s feet down.

    Do you have to go to work tonight? I asked her.

    You know I do.

    Can you please take tonight off?

    My mom then put a smile back on her face. I was happy she finally was happy to hear what I had to say. As a matter of fact, she smiled at me.

    You see how much our daughter loves me! She said, and was talking to Michael at that. I thought she was happy because I asked her. She’s happy cause she wants to please that stupid bastard! He’s not even my dad! I was going to move in with my father. Up until he died two months ago. Him and his eight-month pregnant girlfriend were killed in a house fire. She fell asleep on the couch with a lit cigarette. My father was in the bedroom sound asleep. She was actually sneaking a cigarette from my dad. He didn’t want her to smoke, being pregnant and all. See what feenin’ for a damn cigarette got her. Her, the baby, and my father. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea that I moved in. I was going to last year. Ron didn’t want me to, so I thank him for keeping me here.

    Michael was smiling at me. I hate when he smiled at me. It was so scary. I just looked down at my nasty tuna casserole.

    You love me too, huh? Michael asked me.

    Yeah right! I told him. Your nobody to love!

    Shantel! My mom yelled.

    I’m going to Ron’s house. I said getting up from the table.

    Young lady, you sit your ass down! She yelled again.

    Mom? She only got mean around Michael.

    Finish your food! She said pounding her fist down!

    That does it! She’s now on my hit list too. I hate them both so much. Why can’t she see through that evil man? All he could do is laugh, and he laughed hard. He made me want to punch the lights out of him. I’m her daughter, and she choose that crazy bum. He doesn’t want to work. He claims he has a disability, that prevents him from working. My stupid mother believes him, and takes care of him and his weed habit. What is his disability? Sick in the head maybe.

    I’m going to Ron’s house, and I’m going to stay the night. I demanded.

    Sit your ass down! She yelled. You’re not going anywhere!

    I don’t want to stay here, if your not staying!

    Michael will be here!

    My point exactly. I mumbled.

    We can play some games. Michael interrupted.

    I’m too old for games! I told him. Besides, I’m not playing anything with you anyway.

    I left my side of the table, and walked over to my mom. I pecked her cheek with a kiss. Then I looked over at Michael, and rolled my eyes.

    I’ll just see you in the morning mom. I’m tired, and I’m going to sleep.

    Already? She asked. It’s 6:30

    I had a long day.

    I then turned, and walked upstairs. Soon as I got in my bedroom, I closed my door. I wish I had a lock on it. That way, I couldn’t be bothered. I changed my clothes, putting on something comfortable to wear to bed. An old t-shirt, and some boxers worked for me. I then plopped on my bed, and turned on my TV. I couldn’t even watch it. I just flicked through the channels; until I gave up, and shut it back off. I got down on my knees, and prayed to God. Mom wasn’t so religious, but I went to church every Sunday with my Grandma Mary, who was my dad’s mom. She was in a nursing home, but her friend from church will come pick her up, and I rode along. I believed in God, and I asked him why was he punishing me. I feel like I’m being punished. He took my daddy away, and I have to live with these two crazy people. I pray every night, I go to church every Sunday, so why me? He sees how Michael treats me, and it’s not right. Why can’t he punish Jasmine, the biggest bully at school, or Renee? She’s only twelve, and already had sex with three boys. All I do is hang out with Ron, and I even obey the woman that I call mom. At least I try to. Tears just ran down my face like water constantly dripping from a faucet. My eyes were so swollen and puffy from crying, and then I fell asleep.

    I awoke when I heard the front door close. I looked at my digital clock that said 10:37 p.m. That was my mother. She had to be at work at 11:00. Those eight hours she worked sure did seem long.

    Whenever my mom left I was the one in big trouble.

    Quickly, I jumped out the bed, and slipped on some shorts. I got paranoid when I couldn’t find my other shoe. You would’ve thought I went into a serious panic attack. I gave up when I heard his footsteps getting closer, and closer. I opened my window, and I was prepared to jump out. I hurt myself before, but I got so use to jumping out trying to get away from him. It was nothing now. I had one foot out the window, when my bedroom door burst open. It wasn’t no surprise that Michael would be standing there.

    Where the fuck you going? He yelled to me.

    Why are you like this when my mom leaves? I asked him, with tears filling my eyes.

    I never change. He said clapping his hands together, and then rubbing them. Now get your foot back in this window before you mess around and fall.

    I hesitated before slowly pulling my foot back in. My heart pounded so fast, and my whole body became numb. I wasn’t so tough when Michael and me were alone. I just stood there with eyes full of tears.

    I was only going to see Ron. I explained. I was coming back.

    Your fast ass, trying to go over there at this time of the night. What you two lovebirds do? I know you let him put it in, huh?

    No! I cried. Me and Ron’s not like that.

    Your way too young to be having a boyfriend.

    He’s not my boyfriend. He’s my best friend.

    Michael became angry just that quick. He quickly ran over to me, and picked me up by my shirt. My feet were dangling off the ground, and I thought he was going to throw me out that window.

    Listen here you little whore! He yelled. If you ever tell Ron, what me and you do, I swear I’ll kill yo’ ass, and then I’ll kill Ron, and his fat ass mama! I’ll bury your mama alive.

    I just looked at him, wanting to spit in his face. My fist was bawled up, and I swear I thought I was going to punch him. I even thought about kicking him in the nuts. This man was my worst nightmare, and I had it every night around this time.

    He put me back on the floor, and I backed away from him. He stepped closer, and closer to me. The more I backed away, the closer he got to me. My heart felt like it stopped when my back hit the wall. He was standing right over me, smiling. He took his big, ashy hand, and slipped it up my shirt. I sort of pulled away, but it made matters worse. He grabbed me by the neck, and started to choke me.

    Didn’t I tell you, never reject me. He said as he let go of my neck. I stood there for a moment to catch my breath, and he started again with the touching. This time, he slipped his hands into my shorts. All I could do was pray. I prayed so hard, and asked the lord the same question I asked him every night. WHY ME? I asked him to punish Michael in a bad way. I know it was bad, but I wanted him dead! I wanted him to suffer in the worst way ever.

    He pulled all my clothes off, practically ripping them away. I was standing in front of him naked, and so uncomfortable. He played with my crotch, while he took his pants off. It really disgusted me when I seen his big, large penis. I never tried to look, and didn’t want to. It would make him mad that I turned my head. He’d make me look every time. He made me touch it a couple of times. Out of surprise, he pushed me on the floor, and got on top of me. It always hurt, and I always cried. I try to yell, but he would have his hands over my mouth the whole time. I could never do anything to stop this 200-pound man. The only thing I could do was pray and cry the entire time that he did his thang to me.

    Chapter Two

    Every morning I felt sick, and I was always bleeding from my crotch. I got out my bed, and thanked the lord that Michael didn’t kill me.

    I opened my bedroom door, and looked around. When it was clear, I walked into the hallway and crept by my mom and Michael’s room. All you hear is them two, moaning and calling each other names out. How could she be with such a bad man? A man that rapes her daughter every night when she goes to work. She knows! I told her, and she said I was making it up. I’m her only daughter. Her little girl. I hate her so much. I want her to be punished too.

    I just walked into the bathroom, and locked the door behind myself. I ran my bath water, and then I pulled down my shorts, and sat on the toilet. Every time he did his thang to me, I’d sit on the toilet and I’d exam my private. It always felt like he bruised it. It would always be throbbing in pain there. All I could do is cry. Just cry myself away. I ran my bath water, and tried to get it the hottest I could stand. I think I’d pour the entire bottle of bubble bath in that water. I’d then scrub his germs off of me. My skin would be so red, from me scrubbing so hard. I just couldn’t stand the feeling of his skin touching mines, and in that horrible way.

    I threw on some play clothes, and then left the house. I walked next door to Ron’s house, who was my best friend in the world. We lived next to each other for six years now, and we never been apart since. We play together, go to school together. I even follow him to baseball practice, and I watch all his games. Lately he’s been sneaking away from me. He told me he had a new friend that was like a father to him. This new friend was a grown man. I wonder why he’s friends with a grown man. Ron never keep secrets from me. I was mad that I didn’t know about his new friend, but I was going to get it out of him.

    I walked across the yard, and up the porch. I looked through the screen door, and yelled Ron’s name. Soon as I seen his mother Debra, I walked in. Debra was the most coolest mom. The only thing was she’s strict. I always tell Ron ‘she’s strict because she loves you.’ I wish my mom was strict. My moms don’t care what I did, as long as I stay out of her and Michael’s way.

    Debra always greeted me with a hug, and kissed my cheek. She called me her daughter. Like me, Ron was also an only child. Debra wasn’t able to have any more children. Giving birth to Ron almost killed her. She was grateful to have him though. Now she loves having me around. I loved to hug her. She was always so warm, and she squeezed me tight. I felt good and secure in her arms.

    Good morning, honey. She said as she then kissed me on the other cheek.

    Hi Miss Debra. I said sounding depressed. Can I stay with you?

    Is something wrong? She asked.

    I looked around her house as if someone else was there. It was only her and Ron, and I didn’t care if he knew. I was just afraid to finally let it out. I’ve been holding this secret for about five months. I couldn’t take it any more.

    Miss Debra walked me to the sofa, and we sat down together. Just then Ron walked in holding his basketball.

    Whad up, Shanny? Ron said, as he was about to bounce the basketball. Miss Debra gave him that ‘Don’t bounce that ball in my house’ look.

    Hey Ron. I said to him with the same look I gave his mom.

    What’s wrong wit’ you?

    I looked back and forth at Miss Debra, and Ron. They were waiting anxiously to see what I had to say. I put my head down and sighed. Miss Debra rubbed my back, and Ron sat on the sofa across from us.

    Miss Debra? I said looking up at her. If I was to kill somebody, will you bail me out of jail?

    Now Shantel? She said. Who are you trying to kill?


    Michael’s cool! Ron yelled out.

    He acts cool, until my mom leaves.

    Is he hurting you? Miss Debra asked me.

    I just broke down and cried. I was speechless for about five whole minutes. Miss Debra took me in her arms, and I lay there on her breast sobbing. She stroked my hair, and told me I can stay with her.

    What is Michael doing to you, honey? She asked.

    He comes in my room every night after my mom goes to work. I started off. I cried some more, and couldn’t get the rest out. He starts yelling at me, and he beats me up.

    Why does he do that honey? Miss Debra asked.

    Because I reject him.

    Miss Debra then looked into my watery, blood shot red eyes. She just knew what I meant. I could tell in her face she was angry.

    Is Michael trying to have sex with you? She asked.

    He did already!

    Heaven’s no! She said with disappointment. Did you tell your mom?

    I tried, but I could never get it out. One time I told her he slapped my butt. She confronted him, and he said he spanked me, for not listening to him.

    Do she suspect anything?

    They argued a couple months ago. She caught him watching me take a shower. Other than that, I don’t think she knows.

    I’ll tell her!

    No Miss Debra! Please don’t say anything. I pleaded.

    Then he’ll keep on hurting you.

    She’s right! Ron agreed with his mom. I think we should call the police. My Uncle David said they hate rapist in prison. If Michael raped you, then that’s where he needs to go!

    No please! I begged. He told me he’d kill me, my mom, and you two.

    Trust me honey. Miss Debra said. That man is only trying to scare you.

    I ignored what Miss Debra said. I know Michael, and I know he’s dangerous. I have no choice, but to kill that bastard. If I don’t, we’re all dead.

    Alright, Miss Debra. I told her. Tomorrow we go to the police.

    Why tomorrow? She asked. We should go now!

    Please Miss Debra. I want to try to talk to my mom first. I lied.

    Well, maybe you should tell Carla first. She agreed with me. But first thing in the morning, we all go to the police station. Okay?


    I’ll let her know you’ll be staying over night. Miss Debra said.

    But, you have to let me tell her! I told her.

    You make sure you do.

    I just hope when Miss Debra tells my mom that I’m staying with her, nothing else slips out. I plan on killing Michael tonight, and I can’t let anyone mess that up.

    Ron got up off the sofa, and grabbed his basketball. He walked over to the front door, and bounced the ball. He looked over at his mom, and

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