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Christian Prayers for Friends: A Guidebook for Personal Prayers
Christian Prayers for Friends: A Guidebook for Personal Prayers
Christian Prayers for Friends: A Guidebook for Personal Prayers
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Christian Prayers for Friends: A Guidebook for Personal Prayers

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About this ebook

Christian Prayers for Friends
by Marvin R. McKim is a Guidebook that examples a Prayer before our Heavenly Father with verbal communication expressed in an individuals own words. To kneel before our God with humility and a submissive heart talking like you would talk to a friend. Our Heavenly Father is not impressed with stiff formal prayers. He wants you to talk openly to Him from your heart. The key is to believe in your heart what you say with your mouth.

These Christian Prayers have been shared with thousands around the world on a Social Internet Christian Site. The author now shares these prayers with others in this Guidebook; seeking to encourage Christians to kneel before our Heavenly Father in Prayer and Praise with open and transparent hearts.

May a newfound encouragement for conversational prayer openness be exampled to all Christians who read this Guidebook, Christian Prayers for Friends. This Guidebook will bless all who read it.

May our Lord Jesus Christ receive all Glory in all endeavors.
Release dateJul 21, 2010
Christian Prayers for Friends: A Guidebook for Personal Prayers

Marvin R. McKim

Marvin R. McKim is the Founder of Christian Testimony Outreach and the Author of Christian Books and Prayers. His Christian Testimony has been published in ‘Voice’, the most widely read Christian Businessmen Magazine in the world. Marvin has appeared three times on Christian Television Broadcasts in Denver, CO. being interviewed on the subjects of: 1. (His own) Personal Testimony; 2. (Published in 2003) The Inheritance of God’s Blessing, 3. (The Ministry) Christian Testimony Outreach. Marvin’s Christian Prayers have been read by thousands of Christian’s around the world on an Internet Social Network Site. Marvin’s ministry is to encourage others to share Personal Testimony and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Marvin seeks to encourage Christians to continually come kneeling before our Heavenly Father in Prayer and Praise with open and transparent hearts. May our Lord Jesus Christ receive all Glory in all of Marvin’s endeavors.

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    Christian Prayers for Friends - Marvin R. McKim

    © 2012 Marvin R. McKim. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 8/29/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-4833-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-4832-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-4831-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010909837

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    Prayer from the Author of these Prayers

    Prayer for Mercy and for my Rescue

    Prayer for my Heavenly Father to be alongside me

    Prayer for a Traveler on a Holiday

    Prayer for leadership in our Nation

    Prayer for my Savior’s Triumphant Return

    Prayer of Mourning for the passing of a Loved One

    Prayer for a loved one claiming to be a Christian

    Prayer for Christmas Holidays

    Prayer for a Blessing for Singles during Christmas

    Prayer for Hanukkah

    Prayer for Disabled Veterans

    Prayer for American Soldiers on Memorial Day

    Prayer to share thoughts with my Heavenly Father

    Prayer for the City of San Francisco

    Prayer requesting Forgiveness and Guidance

    Prayer for a person who mourns

    Prayer for blessing Democracies with Freedoms

    Prayer on Christmas Eve

    Prayer at the closing of a Year

    Prayer to be released from Alcohol Dependency

    Prayer for the descendants of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac

    Prayer for people who drive on New Years Eve

    Prayer for the New Year

    Prayer for New Year Day Resolutions

    Prayer for people diagnosed with Cancer

    Prayer for our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

    Prayer for our Elderly

    Prayer for Christian Elected Members of Congress

    Prayer for Judicial Appointees in America’s Courts

    Prayer for our Law Enforcement Officers

    Prayer for God’s protection from Evil-Doers

    Prayer for Christian Olympians around the World

    Prayer giving thanks for the confirmation of Scripture

    Prayer for servants and caregivers within the Nursing Profession

    Prayer for the Office of the Presidency of the United States

    Prayer for the Victims of Earthquakes

    Prayer for Rescue Workers following an Earthquake

    Prayer for the Nation of Israel

    Prayer for the fulfillment of scriptures in Israel

    Prayer for the Boy and the Girl Scout Leaders

    Prayer for my Heavenly Father to be at my side

    Prayer for loved ones mourning the loss of a Child

    Prayer for a Pastor who leaves the Pulpit

    Prayer for a Husband or a Fathers Salvation

    Prayer to share my thoughts and my fears with my Heavenly Father

    Prayer for an Abandoned Parent

    Prayer for God to rescue people in Haiti

    Prayer for people experiencing Divorce

    Prayer for the Poor

    Prayer for a Parent of a Child using Drugs

    Prayer for Women in the Armed Services

    Prayer for a Truck Driver

    Prayer for the Boy and the Girl Scouts around the World

    Prayer for the Volunteers in Haiti

    Prayer for People in Cuba

    Prayer for the American Cowboy

    Prayer for Wounded Warriors

    Prayer for people in Australia

    Prayer for rescue from Over-Indulgence or Obesity

    Prayer for our Wives and Mothers

    Prayer for a person diagnosed with Breast Cancer

    Prayer for a persons’ release from Drugs

    Prayer for a persons’ release from Pornography

    Prayer for a rescue of our Children

    Prayer for Blended Families

    Prayer for Forgiveness toward Others

    Prayer for Values, Integrity, and Character

    Prayer for a person with a Terminal Disease

    Prayer for a person not to be Judgmental of Others

    Prayer for a rescue from the Addiction of Tobacco

    Prayer of Thanksgiving for Blessing your People

    Prayer for the Men and Women in the Military

    Prayer for people in the Movie Industry

    Prayer for a Husband or a Father’s Salvation

    Prayer for people who struggle with Idolatry

    Prayer for Christian Athletes around the World

    Prayer for Christians in Cuba

    Prayer for a person who watches Sporting Events

    Prayer for a Rescue from the spirit of Anti-christ

    Prayer for the Athletes in the Olympics Games

    Prayer for a Small Business Owner

    Prayer for Singles on Valentine’s Day

    Prayer for Celebrities to have Righteous Values

    Prayer for Leaders to have Righteous Values

    Prayer for Healing after a Broken Marriage

    Prayer for the Children of Divorced Parents

    Prayer for U.S. Senators and Congressman

    Prayer for people of South America

    Prayer for the United States of America

    Prayer for persecuted Christians around the World

    Prayer for Fair and Balanced News Networks

    Prayer for Mourners of Unsaved Loved Ones

    Prayer for a Husband’s Salvation

    Prayer for Truth in School Textbooks

    Prayer for Men and Women American Soldiers

    Prayer after the loss of a Child

    Prayer for people Incarnated in Prisons

    Prayer for God’s rescue for our School Children

    Prayer for people seeking Employment

    Prayer for people in North Korea

    Prayer for a Childs’ protection on the Internet

    Prayer for Children who are Orphaned

    Prayer for a Law Enforcement Officer

    Prayer for a Christian during a time of Trial

    Prayer for people who live in Fear

    Prayer for Daughters contemplating Abortion

    Prayer for a Family with a Soldier in Harm’s Way

    Prayer for Wives and Husbands of Pastors and Church Leaders

    Prayer for a New Follower of Jesus Christ

    Prayer for a Daughter with an Aborted Child

    Prayer for Honesty, Integrity and Character

    Prayer for our Children to be rescued

    Prayer for the Children of Fallen Soldiers

    Prayer for Righteous People to be in Leadership

    Prayer for a Husband or Fathers Salvation

    Prayer for appointed Judicial Representatives

    Prayer for Christians to share Testimony

    Prayer for a person thinking there is no Hope

    Prayer for people in the Music Industry

    Prayer for followers of Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday

    Prayer for people who are Caregivers

    Prayer for the Nation of Israel

    Prayer for Faith concerning Terrorism

    Prayer for a Loved One about to have Surgery

    Prayer for a America with Juedo/Christian Values

    Prayer for Loved Ones to be prepared for a Savior

    Prayer for people in the News Media

    Prayer for a rescue of those in Sexual Slavery

    Prayer for a sick or hurt Child

    Prayer for Christians observing Good Friday

    Prayer for the Descendants of Native Americans

    Prayer for a Person searching for Employment

    Prayer for Waitresses and Waiters

    Prayer for a Pastor or a Church Leader

    Prayer for Resurrection Sunday – Hallelujah – He has Risen!

    Prayer for people in the Entertainment World

    Prayer for a person addicted to Celebrity Worship

    Prayer for Christians in America

    Prayer for a person asking: What is next?

    Prayer for the support of Charitable Organizations

    Prayer for Missionaries and their Families

    Prayer for forgiveness toward our Parents

    Prayer for our families and friends to understand the fulfillments of prophecies

    Prayer for a couple to honor the Marriage Covenant

    Prayer for respect for our Elders

    Prayer for Christian Television Broadcasters

    Prayer for the people in the Philippines

    Prayer and Praise for Christian Radio Broadcasting

    Prayer for Firefighters

    Prayer for Christian Authors and Writers

    Prayer for a person in a position of Leadership

    Prayer for a person to recover after Surgery

    Prayer after the Loss of a Child

    Prayer for people in The Salvation Army

    Prayer for Veterans

    Prayer for a Christian who does not attend Church

    Prayer for a person to be rescued by a Miracle

    Prayer for a Child in the Hospital

    Prayer for guidance to do thy Fathers will

    Prayer of Praise as a Child is out of the Hospital

    Prayer for Servants in a Nursing Care Vocation

    Prayer acknowledging our Fathers Truths

    Prayer to provide a Children’s Orphanage

    Prayer for our Marines and Sailors

    Prayer for Missionaries sharing the Gospel

    Prayer for a Veteran Survivor of World Ward II

    Prayer for Veterans of the Korean Conflict

    Prayer for Veterans of the Vietnam War

    Prayer for the Rebirth and an Awakening of a Church

    Prayer for a Despondent Family Member

    Prayer for a person with a Unanswered Prayer

    Prayer for a person not to Compromise

    Prayer for Young Adults

    Prayer for Parents of those serving our Country

    Prayer to regain Christians for Fellowship

    Prayer for the courts to support Scripture Truths

    Prayer for people diagnosed with Cancer

    Prayer for people who have been hospitalized

    Prayer for Revival

    Prayer for people facing their own End of Life

    Prayer for Mothers on Mothers Day

    Prayer for Musicians, Vocalists, Worship Leaders

    Prayer for representatives in the United Nations

    Prayer for Relatives and Acquaintances

    Prayer for Orphans

    Prayer for Married Couples who are separated

    Prayer for sharing thoughts with our Father

    Prayer for people not to be deceived

    Prayer for a person who is a Single Parent

    Prayer for a Student who is Graduating

    Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

    Prayer for people who face a Natural Disaster

    Prayer for people besieged by Rain and Flooding

    Prayer for Couples who are engaged

    Prayer for a Step-Parent in a Blended Family

    Prayer for a person or a family who is Homeless

    Prayer on the Anniversary of the Tragedy in Oklahoma

    Prayer for Immigrants in America

    Prayer for righteous Immigration Laws in America

    Prayer for Miners and Drillers in Harms way

    Prayer for children in Foster Homes

    Prayer to honor the National Day of Prayer

    Prayer for a release from the sin of sexual immorality

    Prayer for a Righteous Politician

    Prayer for a Citizen Politician

    Prayer of remembrance for Memorial Day

    Prayer for a Father on Fathers Day

    Prayer of Celebration on Independence Day

    Prayer regarding a Separation from a Grandchild

    Prayer for people whom are unforgiving concerning Divorce

    Prayer for a Person contemplating Suicide

    Prayer for American Soldiers at War in the Middle East

    Prayer for people to seek Absolute Truth

    Prayer for a Child who is Handicapped

    Prayer for an Unborn Child.

    Prayer for an Expectant Mother

    Prayer for a Family Adopting a Child

    Prayer for Christian Volunteers supporting American Troops.

    Prayer for an American Artist whom supports American Troops

    Prayer for Husbands and Fathers

    Prayer for a person who is searching for Hope

    Prayer for Repentance

    Prayer for the First Responders at the World Trade Center

    Prayer for a Discarded Employee

    Prayer for the Restoration of a Marriage

    Prayer for an employee of a Failing Business

    Prayer for the people of New York City

    Prayer for Leaders of TV Network News

    Prayer of thanksgiving for providing Worship Leaders

    Prayer for a Family Pet

    Prayer for a Person who seeks God

    Prayer for a Best Friend

    Prayer for American Colleges and Universities

    Prayer for State Governors

    Prayer of concerns and thanksgivings with our Heavenly Father

    Prayer for Leaders of Christian Ministries and Organizations

    Prayer for a Schoolteacher

    Prayer for the people of Iran

    Prayer for people in the Middle Eastern Nations

    Prayer Concerning Health Care Reform

    Prayer to be Steadfast in Faith until the End of the Age.

    Prayer for the Support of Israel

    Prayer for America to stand alongside Israel

    Prayer for Healing

    Prayer for Faith and Empowerment

    Prayer for people devastated by Tornados

    Prayer for a return of Christian Prayer to the Schoolrooms in America

    Prayer for America to Repent and Turn Away from Abortion

    Prayer for America’s Entertainment and Movie Industry to Repent.

    Prayer for a rescue from Sexual Immorality in America.

    Prayer for America to turn away from Drugs and Witchcraft

    Prayer for America to share Gods’ Blessings with the Poor

    Prayer for a Christian preparing for Retirement

    Prayer for the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

    Prayer for a Christian in Sales or Marketing

    Prayer for Christians in the State of Colorado

    Prayer for Christians in a Local Church

    Prayer for the Children’s Ministry within the Church

    Prayer for the People in cities besieged by Riots or Threats of Terror

    Prayer for Parents Bequeathing Gifts for Children

    Prayer for Evangelists

    Prayer for Rainfall and a Healing upon the Land

    Prayer for people besieged by a Hurricane

    Prayer for an Agnostic or an Atheist

    Prayer for Joy in my Life

    Prayer for a Person whom is Self-Centered

    Prayer to be a Person of Encouragement to Others

    Prayer to Increase and Strengthen my Faith

    Prayer for Trust in the Lord

    Prayer for people seeking the worlds’ Wealth and Riches

    Prayer for a Carnal Christian

    Prayer for The Inheritance of God’s Blessing

    Prayer to remember my Citizenship is in Heaven

    Prayer to be a slave to Righteousness

    Prayer for a person whom is Weary and Burdened

    Prayer to have a Christian Marriage

    Prayer to set aside Worldly Things

    Prayer for a release from the Bondage of Possessions or Debt

    Prayer to be Content in any Situation

    Prayer to Submit to Authority

    Prayer for the building of a Church Structure

    Prayer for a person whom obeys God’s calling to serve

    Prayer for a person displaced by a Fire or a Natural Disaster

    Prayer for Parents with a Stillborn Child

    Prayer for Loved Ones in Abusive Marriages

    Prayer for Flag Day

    Prayer following Thanksgiving Day

    Prayer for a Single Person on Thanksgiving Day

    Prayer for Hope in America

    Prayer sharing my Testimony and my Blessings

    Prayer of affirmation for the confirmation of Prophecy

    Prayer for my preparation to meet the Lord in the Air

    Prayer for Personal Testimony and Prayer

    Pray to God in your own words. Talk to him like you would talk to a friend. God is not impressed with stiff formal prayers. He wants you to talk to him from your heart. The key is to believe in your heart what you say with your mouth.

    This Guidebook is dedicated to my

    Lord and Savior

    Jesus Christ

    The Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father who art in heaven;

    Hallowed be Thy Name;

    Thy kingdom come;

    Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

    Give us this day our daily bread;

    And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;

    And lead us not into temptation;

    But deliver us from evil;

    For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.


    New King James Version

    Prayer from the Author of these Prayers

    Father God I come before you asking for you to intervene in all that I am and do, as I write these words of prayers for friends.

    I believe your anointed Word taken from the scriptures are the only source for an absolute truth to be found in this world; providing the only true guide for Hope to be found in this life and a life thereafter.

    Some might say these prayers are only the words of a man. Father I believe a anointing is around me as I write these prayers.

    I pray for a continuance of wisdom and direction as I write these words.

    Father I pray for your mercy and blessing as I surely do desire to please you.

    May the Holy Spirit provide a conviction upon my spirit guiding me to write words according to His will.

    I pray for accountability from my brothers and sisters in Christ as I desire to be accountable.

    Father I place my faith and trust in you.

    In Jesus’ precious name I pray.

    Amen - Marvin R. McKim -

    Prayer for Mercy and for my Rescue

    Dear Jesus….I admit I am a sinner and I am sorry for all my sins.

    I realize my good works will never get me to heaven.

    I now see that the only way to heaven is through faith in You.

    Thank you for dying on the cross for me.

    John 3: 16

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

    Please forgive my sins and come into my heart and save me.

    Right now I trust you alone for my salvation.


    Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

    Prayer for my Heavenly Father to be alongside me

    Father God I come before you in humility and admiration with thanksgiving and praise.

    I thank you Father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me.

    You walk with me through life and sometimes I wonder if you are still at my side.

    Help me Father to remember your Word and not go by my feelings.

    You say you will never leave me or forsake me, this is your Word. I trust you Father.

    Hebrews 13: 2

    Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some has unwittingly entertained angels.

    Hebrews 13: 5

    Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have, For He Himself has said "I will never leave you or forsake you.

    Father, I ask that the Holy Spirit touch my spirit and bear witness of your presence, to the love you have for me.

    Give confirmation that I am your child; and help guide me to understand, to give me the wisdom for the path that I should follow.

    I ask these things Father, in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


    Prayer for a Traveler on a Holiday

    Father God I come to you on behalf of a family member or a friend who will be traveling during this Holiday season.

    I pray Father that you travel alongside them, protecting them, and there be an awareness of your peace and presence alongside them. For all those whom will be driving their automobiles; I pray that they will honor the travel rules of the road and be considerate of others.

    If it be across town to a relative’s home or thousands of miles away by air; Father I pray that You take them safely to their destinations, and bring them safely back home.

    I pray this in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ…


    Prayer for leadership in our Nation

    Father God we your people kneel before you on behalf of all those who desire to live in a nation that follows a Juedo and Christian value system.

    There are those who hold high positions of authority, who do not know you.

    Their prideful ways have made them corrupted.

    They do not seek justice according to your truths.

    Not knowing you God, they seek to do their own ways under a disguise of a false compassion for others.

    We ask you to intervene and place leaders with us who know You, seeking truth and following the ways of our Heavenly Father.

    Father God we your people choose to follow in the steps of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, kneeling only before Him, as He is the only way to our Heavenly Father.

    In Jesus’ precious name we pray.


    Prayer for my Savior’s Triumphant Return

    Father God we come before you on the behalf of people who are besieged by a Spirit of Anti-Christ.

    The fear of climate change is commonplace.

    Our leaders are blinded by ignoring the presence of evil-doers on our doorways.

    Those who protect us from harm and crime are wrongly judged by our courts.

    Father it appears the unholy in the world segregate individuals by fear into groups of victims, as sheep going blindly to slaughter.

    Father it is clear to us the time is nearing for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Our hope, peace and rest are with Him. We patiently wait for His triumphant return.

    1 Thessalonians 4: 17

    Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

    Father until that triumphant day arrives, we ask for You to lead our life pathways; help us to keep our eyes open; and to always be in your will and to not be afraid.

    In Jesus’ precious name we pray:



    Prayer of Mourning for the passing of a Loved One

    Father God we come before your throne on behalf of souls who mourn, as they are grieving a loss of a loved one.

    We ask that you comfort the family members and the friends who are hurting from this loss.

    Father shower over them with your assurance, that for those who have a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they will all meet again with their saved loved one.

    Matthew 5: 3-5

    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.

    May your mercy be on those that mourn. We thank you Father for your loving hope, that you give each of us when a loved one passes. Without that hope, we would be no more.

    Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as only because of Him, and His sacrifice can we look forward to a reunion with our saved loved ones.

    In Jesus’ precious name we pray.


    Prayer for a loved one claiming to be a Christian

    Father God we come before you on behalf of those who have a husband, wife, friend, or a loved one claiming to be a Christian and in our spirit we sense something is amiss.

    Scattered around the world are many who claim to be Christians, as they are a Baptist, a Presbyterian, or a Catholic or construing some other denomination.

    When asked why it is they think they are a Christian, their confession is not the answer that their loved one being a follower of Jesus Christ desires to hear.

    Many of these loved ones often attend Church, and sometimes this attendance has been going on for years.

    But, when the name of Jesus Christ is mentioned they feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

    It appears difficult for them over a Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner to mention the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    It is difficult to understand why a Christian would be unable to freely communicate with a Christian spouse, family member, or a friend who is a confessed follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Do they only know Jesus Christ as being a friend of a friend? Will they be lukewarm and be spit out, as our God may not know them.

    Revelation 3: 15-16

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