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The Flip Side of Rapture: Which Christ Will You Choose?
The Flip Side of Rapture: Which Christ Will You Choose?
The Flip Side of Rapture: Which Christ Will You Choose?
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The Flip Side of Rapture: Which Christ Will You Choose?

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The book is a dedicated effort to prove the "Rapture Theory" cannot be found in any Bible and it is false. There is no mention of it in the first 1800 hundred years of Biblical History in neither the Old nor New Testaments. It is still not found in ant Bible. None of the Old Testament prophets ever taught or mentioned it. Jesus Christ never mentioned or taught it, but in John 17:15 Jesus prayed this to His Father God." I pray not that THOU shouldest take them out of the world, but that THOU shouldest keep them from the evil.

Release dateFeb 18, 2011
The Flip Side of Rapture: Which Christ Will You Choose?

Jim Gage

Jim knows Jesus Christ is his Savior, and he has a strong desire to help all Christians participate and contribute in a sweet fellowship that will warmly invite all acquaintances to accept Jesus Christ to be their Savior also, because He is the only way to the eternal Heaven. Jim believes that many of the end time events mentioned in the Bible will force all to need a vital anchor to endure the test that all will have to experience, and it can only be found in God, or Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. At a very young age Jim obtained an unusual opportunity to teach the Holy Bible on a local radio station, which he continued to do for over 20 years. Then, along with the radio teaching and afterwards Jim taught four different Bible gatherings of people what was considered Sunday School Lessons, and he continued that for many years every Sunday Morning; (Namely, on the radio, The Men's Down Town Bible Class, at a local Nursing Home, and the Adult Men's Bible Class at the local Baptist Church.)

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    The Flip Side of Rapture - Jim Gage


    PROVERBS 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is death

    The sole intent for this writing will be a sincere effort to expose a deceptive theory that is being taught and preached on a wide scale ; but without basic information , or Scriptural reference to document its validity. It therefore can never be more that a theory that cannot be proven . It’s acceptance is becoming unbelievable under these known facts . Most Bible scholars and learned Christians find common ground to believe there will be a gathering to Christ for all the saints at HIS return to earth. This is a beautiful thought, induced by faith, and would indeed be wonderful if consistent harmony could cause unity in that belief. However, despite agreement there will be a gathering to Christ for all the saved, the time sequence for such a gathering often causes deep seated and bitter argument. All due to different interpretation concerning Scriptural promises for the event. In the second letter from the apostle Paul to the Thessalonians , he gave a revealing message directly concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus and our gathering back to HIM. I wish to invite you to read the entire second chapter of Thessalonians and study that great message Paul gave to them; because it will form an under lying message for all the discussion to follow . Paul gave a lot of valuable information to show the correct time sequence for the gathering to Christ at HIS return and we must not overlook the same ; but we should note that HE did not call that gathering a rapture . It is an established fact that the word (rapture) cannot be found in any of the original manuscripts of the Bible: and it does not appear in any recognized Bible translation even today . A theory is all rapture can ever be called. It cannot be proven, so consequently it can never be considered more than an unproven theory. It was completely unknown and never mentioned before the year 1830. The beginning of the rapture theory will be explained in detail later in this writing from a valid source. Some have noticed Jesus’ prayer to His Father God in John’s gospel, chapter 17, verse 15. It reads-

    FATHER, I pray not that THOU should take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

    We know Jesus was the same as HIS Father God, and could know the future as well as He did the past , but this Scripture cannot be connected to the rapture theory , and there is no Scripture in any Bible where Jesus ever taught or mentioned the word (rapture). If it is anywhere in God’s plans Jesus would have told us . Then how can it be explained how some preachers of reputation are stupid enough to do it? Jesus did teach in the 24th Chapter of Matthew that the whole world could be deceived in the last days of this world age. Do you believe we are seeing that now, and we will ask the question, "can the whole world be deceived?

    This rapture theory should receive our dedicated study because our spiritual life is at stake. We must absolutely know that we fully understand the true teaching of Christ on this question. It is far too important in our eternal welfare to accept the imagination or decision of any man unless it agrees with the Word of God. Let us form a decision from the promise of Christ in this verse.

    John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    In relation to deeper study, let us ask the question, can the whole world be deceived?

    Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

    2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord That bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

    The above verses prove the answer to our question is yes.

    Space and time will not permit a review of all the theories of the rapture question, but we will briefly mention the three most commonly accepted in an effort to show how far apart Christians can become concerning the same subject.

    (1.) Some believe Christ will suddenly appear in the sky, bring all the saved who have died prior to this event, and call the saved of the still living on earth to meet with Him and that host in the clouds. They contend this will happen before the terrible tribulation of antichrist, which is always associated with this event. Thus, they believe the saints will miss the tribulation imposed by antichrist. Some who do not respect this theory, call it the instant escape and fly away theory. In fairness it should be called the pre-trib theory; yet at best, it can only be identified as a theory.

    (2). Many other scholars and Christians are just as sincere in their belief that the saints will endure part of the antichrist tribulation, but before its most violent affliction occurs, Christ will return to gather all who have been saved to unite with Him in the clouds. This is usually called the mid-trib theory.

    (3). And still, there are others who believe just as sincerely that Christ will not return to gather his elect until after the sounding of the seventh trump which occurs after the short reign of antichrist. Thus, they believe the church, (the saints) , will go through the antichrist tribulation, but God will protect them from any harm. They draw comfort and faith from the actions of God in past tribulations, when He protected His people from the terrible plagues that afflicted the Egyptians but His people were not harmed. Also from God’s command to antichrist, Touch not Mine anointed. They believe that as Christ was seen with the Hebrews that were thrown in the fiery furnace and kept them from harm, He will also protect the saved in the tribulation. They note that Daniel refused to take an easy way out of tribulation, but because of Divine protection, he suffered no harm in the Lion’s den. The apostle Peter also gives comfort to those who believes this. Scripture reference.

    2 Peter 2:9 The lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

    There are so many variations in the beliefs relating to each of these theories that it would be impossible to give mention to all and perhaps our identification is too brief to satisfy many. But it is our intent to keep this discussion as brief and concise as possible. There is no doubt that more detail for each will become necessary as we proceed. But for now, the three most commonly accepted theories for the rapture question have been exposed. Some become so dedicated to their position for one of these theories they declare they can not be changed. Others become just as dogmatic in their belief for another position. Some claim a strong belief in a theory but due to limited Biblical knowledge, they can not defend their position. Some embrace a position of an individual, many times a preacher whom they respect, without verifying its validity by the Word of God. This is a dangerous practice, but is seen more than it should be. There is one thing that we can know; all of these theories can not be right. Some will be proven wrong. It is every individual’s responsibility to make their own decision. I have made an exhaustive study of all rapture theories and [hand-written passage unreadable] to present Scripture and reason for their acceptance. But if I might offer help to someone confused by so many different teachings, I feel that I should identify my position and Scripturally document why I am comfortable with the same. For a time, I inclined towards the pre- trib theory. The only reason I can offer is that it sounded good and was popular with my acquaintances. My choice did not come from proper research and could not be justified by sound Biblical argument.

    The serious warnings of Christ concerning deception during this event began to disturb me and I began a study that convinced me that it is without doubt, the most serious subject upon which one can focus their attention after obtaining salvation. I dedicated myself to determine what I should believe, and why I should believe it. Further study caused me to completely reject the pre-trib theory. It became easy to see it is not the way the Bible is written. The Bible clearly teaches the Antichrist will come before Jesus Christ comes back to earth, and when this is considered we will know (after the feared tribulation) the post-trib theory aligns perfectly with what the Bible has given . This is my sincere belief and I hope it offends none who might hold a different view. I will respect their belief and humbly ask them to respect mine.

    At this point I wish to ask whom might be reading this, to again read what Jesus prayed in JOHN 17:15 I pray not that THOU shouldest take them out of the world , but that THOU shouldest keep them from the evil The rapture theory was unknown and never heard during Jesus’ time. But because HE was the same as GOD; HE knew the future as well as HE did the past and might have asked GOD to do what HE thought about it in the future. You might call that imagination, but it is the only Scripture you can find that might in any way show Jesus’ attitude of a false rapture.

    The Apostle Paul, clearly explained a Scripture found in, I CORINTHIANS 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and shall all be changed.

    This Scripture is deceiving more people even today than anything else concerning the false rapture theory that can be heard. Some are shocked when they note it is those raised from the dead that were changed. It makes no mention of a body change. These flesh and blood bodies will never be permitted to enter Heaven. Any who have read the Bible know it tells flesh and blood bodies cannot enter the Kingdom of GOD. Our flesh and blood bodies will never be changed nor used again. They will return to the dust from whence they came and our spirits will return to GOD Who gave them. And may I add, the life you are living right now will govern what kind of body it will please GOD to give you. 1 Corinthians 15:38 But God giveth it a body as it has pleased HIM.

    If you have lived a faithful Christian earthly life , You will have a beautiful eternal body to enjoy forever, but many who have lived carelessly will not have a beautiful eternal body to be proud of.


    According to Scripture there are four definite events that must take place before the return of Christ to gather HIS elect ; and since all rapture theories are associated with the return of Christ , these events must occur before there can be a gathering of any description. Those events will be named and documented with Scripture and added comment below.

    (1) The gospel must be preached to all nations.

    Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations : and Then shall the end come.

    This event is a prophesy that is being fulfilled rapidly today ..With Radio , television, computers, telephones , printing presses and dedicated preachers , it will quickly become a reality. Will we be ready?

    (2) A great falling away from the ways of God will be seen before Christ returns.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means, For that day shall not come, except there come a falling Away first , and Satan as Antichrist be revealed as the son of perdition.

    We are seeing such a falling away from the ways of our loving GOD , even the spiritually blind should be alarmed. HE is not receiving the respect , praise , love , and service that HE deserves . Many serious and harmful troubles are turning up to plague the world . All those terribly unwanted troubles just might fade away if the world would return back to the ways of GOD in Christian living.

    (3) The son of perdition, (One condemned to perish) will be revealed.

    2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the SPIRIT of HIS mouth, and Shall destroy with the brightness of HIS coming.

    Praise the true LORD ; this is where Jesus Christ comes back and speaks against the false Antichrist and destroys him after he had deceived most of the world into worshiping him by claiming to be Jesus Christ. Your Bible clearly shows the Antichrist will come first and before Jesus Christ returns. Antichrist will bring a temporary peace to deceive , and all will worship him , whose name are not written in the Lamb’s book of life , then he will make war against the saints and overcome them. That war will be the greatly feared tribulation and involve the most dreadful experience earthly people will ever have to endure . It will be so terrible Jesus Christ will be sent back as we have seen above to save HIS elect. Don’t dare worship the first Christ that comes, he will be the Antichrist that deceives the people by claiming he is Jesus Christ. And note we have seen a lot of Scripture and all is prophesy for the future, but not one mention was seen of rapture like it is being taught. Don’t you believe Jesus would have told us if it is to be?

    (4) The Antichrist will come before Jesus Christ returns and create the feared Tribulation.

    Deuteronomy 4:30 When thou art in tribulation and all these things come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy GOD , be obedient unto HIS voice.

    Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since The beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

    I have shown this reference of the tribulation from the Old Testament and many have been shocked to know God knows the future as well as HE does the past, and warned then it would a serious future event. He gave this warning several thousand years ago. God knew then Jesus would come back to defeat and destroy the AntiChrist tribulation . It would not be a gathering, nor a rapture , But just to stop the tribulation

    The Antichrist tribulation will be such a disastrous and serious event, further Scripture documental help will be given. It will happen before Jesus returns , and Christians will have to endure it.

    Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall The sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the Stars shall fall from Heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

    Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man In Heaven: and then all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall See the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and Great glory.

    Mark 13:24 "But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall Be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light:

    Mark 13:26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the Clouds with great power and glory.

    Note the harmony and emphasis in Matthew 24 : 29 and Mark 13 : 24. Jesus uses the same words that we should give attention. He said, after that tribulation . Now that makes it certain that it will be after the tribulation before Jesus returns to earth and gather HIS elect from the four winds of the earth. That four winds of the earth defines as the entire world. If Jesus was answering HIS disciples question as to when He would return to earth, and the end of the world age ; He could not have made it any clearer than HIS statement that it would be after the Antichrist tribulation before HE would return and gather HIS elect. If we just let this

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