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When Your Destiny Can't Be Broken: The Ultimate Sacrifice Depends on You
When Your Destiny Can't Be Broken: The Ultimate Sacrifice Depends on You
When Your Destiny Can't Be Broken: The Ultimate Sacrifice Depends on You
Ebook111 pages35 minutes

When Your Destiny Can't Be Broken: The Ultimate Sacrifice Depends on You

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About this ebook

My book titled When Your Destiny Cant Be Broken is designed for readers who have gone through both spiritual battles and emotional conflicts in their personal lives. The poems that I share with the readers are reflections of my own past hurts and suffering. I also go on to share moments of humiliations, shame and pain from the lives of others whom Ive encountered in my life time. The Holy Spirit would bring events to my rememberance and would have me to write about them so that other people would not feel alone and abandoned in the midst of their suffering. Healing, deliverence, salvation, confession, utterance, and true worship in the name of Jesus Christ is the center of each poem whereby the person who reads this can and will find love, joy peace in the presence of the Lord. Its their opportunity to seek out a relationship with Jesus for themselves and learn how and why the Son of God came to earth to die for the world. Understanding the concepts of biblical principle as it correlates with definition allow you the reader to tap into the true message of each poem.

Release dateJan 25, 2011
When Your Destiny Can't Be Broken: The Ultimate Sacrifice Depends on You

Stacy A. Lawrence

In the winter of 2005 the Holy Spirit began to wrestle with her heart and she began to seek Gods face once again. As a young girl she knew God, recognized his spirit and spent countless hours in the realm of his presence. Years before that encounter she'd lost connection and began serving the world. The teaching she'd received from her mother and father and the prayer life she had diligently practiced never departed from her. Day and night she took hold of God's promises and began to serve him like she'd never served him before. In the midst of all her worrying, humilating situations, battles in her marriage, insecurities, attacks on her children and death of her mother she still preservered. For the first time she didn’t let anything get in her way even though in her past he managed to sustain with no doing of her own but with Jesus help through the Father. In the months to come she'd soon had to let a lot of things in her life go to include a spouse, so called friends and behaviors of her own. In order to follow Christ she'd have to make a stand now not only for herself but for her household and the people Jesus had assigned to her too. Take her words seriously when she says, "the people had been waiting on her". From that year even to the present strangers, co-workers, distant family members and people of like and indiferent spirits or beliefs will approach her to acknowledge her wisdom and words of spirit life. When she share her story she simply tell them with her big bright eyes and a smile it's the spirit of Christ that resides on the inside of her. She strongly believes that Jesus uses her because she does not stand in judgemnet of any man or woman but allows the gift of discernment to lead her before releasing a prohetic word (only through the instructions of the Holy Spirit). Again no credit of her own she moves in obediance; and she glorifies her heavenly Father for his grace, mercy and most of all his love. AMEN

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    Book preview

    When Your Destiny Can't Be Broken - Stacy A. Lawrence

    Table of Contents

    My Mission


    The Defining Moment


    He Gave


    When I lifted my Eyes


    I Came Back


    I Fought the Battle


    You Better Get Ready

    The Defining Moment


    He’s Here


    Never thought I’d know you


    Running the Race


    When it’s not destined


    How to get to the Whole

    The Defining Moment


    Not a day wasted


    I can do all things


    Why I’m not Six Feet Under


    It’s a Celebration


    I’ve Made Progress

    The Defining Moment


    Accept the Help


    Greater is He


    The Imposter Came


    He’s a Rebel with a Cause


    Bailed out in the nick of time

    The Defining Moment




    Me and the King


    My Suffering is not in Vain


    Why me


    Who is She

    My View for the Reader


    My Mission

    My mission is to tell the world about Jesus Christ; and to let them know that he is real. To help others gain an understanding of Jesus the Son of God. It is so important for people to know why they should make a conscious effort to know and love him. In sharing God’s word along with some of my own testimonials I decree in the name of Jesus that the Holy Spirit has a major impact on your heart, mind and soul causing you to dig deep into your belly to praise and worship Christ Jesus. By letting the Holy Spirit in you can begin to purge away sickness, fornication, abuse, lying, stealing, adultery, gambling, lust, gluttony, idol worship, cursing, smoking, drug use, rebellion, low-self esteem, poverty, low I Q, hatred, satanic worship & teaching, nuclear warfare, political corruption, and the like. Trust that God’s word can and will deliver you. The Ultimate Sacrifice Depends on You. Always pray that the Lord keeps a hedge of protection all around you and your family too. Never accept a moment where a person or group can alter your faith or your trust in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Believe that what he has done for you no other entity or man can do.

    So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:4-6


    To my father Carl of Newport News, VA and mother Rosa (deceased 2002) I love you! Thank you both for training me up in the ways of the Lord. At one point in my life I accepted the lifestyle as the world offered it to me. Because of your faithfulness and dedication to God

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