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Dating Basics 101: What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn’T
Dating Basics 101: What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn’T
Dating Basics 101: What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn’T
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Dating Basics 101: What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn’T

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Dating Basics 101 is the first of a series of books designed to help make mans journey in dating and relationships easier. Unlike other dating books, the simple, step-by-step, comprehensive formula combines modern-day psychological principles and ancient philosophical concepts with meditative practices, paving the way to finding the right date.

Author David Linares starts by examining philosophical beliefs about women and dating, as well as common misconceptions that lead to anxiety and insecurity in men; he then offers effective ways to deal with these issues. Next, he explores the attitudes that women find attractive and interesting, how to effectively communicate with women, where to meet women, how to ask for a date, where to go, what to do, how to be romantic, and so much more.

This innovative guide will explain how to have self-confidence and to relax and enjoy the date. Some dating books help a certain kind of guy looking for a certain kind of girl. Others will explain how to get the girl, but not how to actually build up the confidence to do it. The primary purpose of Dating Basics 101 is to assist in gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the world of dating.
Release dateFeb 9, 2011
Dating Basics 101: What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn’T

David Linares

David Linares was born and currently lives in Reno, Nevada, a tourist town as well as a cultural and dating melting pot. He has earned dual bachelor’s degrees in history and psychology and a master’s degree in professional counseling. He currently practices as a therapist, specializing in dating and relationships.

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    Dating Basics 101 - David Linares

    © Copyright 2011 David Linares.

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    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    isbn: 978-1-4269-5078-0 (sc)

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    The old saying that

    behind every great man is a great woman

    is true, or in my case, a great many great women.

    David Linares currently lives in his home town in Reno, Nevada, a tourist town as well as cultural and dating melting pot. He has earned dual Bachelors Degrees in History and Psychology and a Masters Degree in Professional Counselling. He currently practices as a Therapist specializing in dating and relationships.



    Chapter 1. This Book Above All Others

    Chapter 2. Cognitive Appraisals and You

    Chapter 3. How to Have and Show the Right Attitude

    Chapter 4. Cognitive Appraisals and You, Part 2

    Chapter 5. What to Say and How to Say It

    Chapter 6. The Keys to the Kingdom: Communication

    Chapter 7. Pick-up Facts, Tips, and Tactics

    Chapter 8. Making the Date

    Chapter 9. Planting the Seeds of Love and Lust

    Chapter 10. Where to Get a Date and

    Where to Take Your Date

    Chapter 11. How to Make Out and

    What Happens After

    Chapter 12. Romance

    Chapter 13. Cheating

    Chapter 14. Specialty Topics of Interest

    Chapter 15. Putting It All Together


    To change our lives we must first change our minds.

    ~ Unknown

    The secrets in this book were very difficult to write about. Not because the issue of dating is complex but because the information was so hard to come by. As a therapist, I also struggled for a long time about how to best go about writing this information down. I wanted it to be more than just teach the do’s and do not’s of dating. You can pick up any magazine and find that kind of information every week in grocery stores across the world. I also struggled with my conscious. Many times in my life, I have passed on what I know about dating and women to seemingly nice guys, only to see some of them turn into pigs that use women for sex and money. As a therapist you can imagine how much that displeases me. It took some time and soul searching on my part to realize that I am not responsible for how knowledge is used. I realized that men who use women have often been starved for love for so long that once they could get it, they sometimes go a little nuts and get greedy, gorging themselves like pigs, and sometimes mistake lust for love.

    I think of it like this: imagine you’re stranded alone in the middle of a barren desert. No food, no water. You’re dying in everyway. You body is not getting its nutritional or physical needs. Your mind is not getting any social stimulation (you’re stranded alone, remember). Emotionally you are just about to give up hope of any chance of survival when—bam!—up from desert sands appears a huge table with all kinds of yummy foods and drinks and a pretty little waitress too. You’d better believe you’re going to stuff your face with food and drink and savor every last bit of company you can get with the waitress. I realize there are a lot of potential dirty jokes to be made in this story. The point is it is just human nature to be greedy and overdo it when you are starving. If you picked up this book, the odds are you are not getting your physical or social needs met, and you just might be running out of hope too.

    I don’t want you to get greedy, but I do want you to be happy! Picking up this book and reading it shows a willingness (and intelligence) to change you life for the better. I recognize that asking for and being willing to seek change is not easy. I have always thought that it takes a stronger person to ask for help than for that person to try to do (whatever he or she wants to do) in life alone. Together we will work on changing how your mind works, and use the facts, tips, and tactics in this book to help you change your life to get what you want! As a bonus, you can avoid the embarrassment and drama that come with learning things the hard way. Life is hard enough as it is, so why add to the drama of it? Let this book save you the effort, the embarrassment, and the pain of learning the hard way.

    For me the decision to write a book was made when a female friend of mine complained one day about a guy who she had just met and had called her five times in one day. If you don’t know, that is way too many times to call a girl after you meet her. The guy turned out to be a friend of mine who I will refer to as Fred. Fred was a twenty-three-year-old man who was tall and one of those annoying, overly healthy six-pack-of-abs kind of guy. He was by most people’s measures a descent-looking guy. My female friend had told Fred to buzz off on that fifth phone call. Then guess what happened. He came running to me for the first time asking what he did wrong. Some guys can be that clueless, and if that is or was you, don’t worry. Everyone has to start from somewhere.

    How sad, I thought, that my friend, at his age and disgusting fitness level, had still not figured out how to get and keep a girl’s interest. My female friend confessed to me later she could have answered her phone any of the five times Fred called, but she wanted him to work for it. Poor Fred worked himself right out of his chances with her. Clearly my friend liked him on some level when they first met or she would not have given him her phone number. But he messed it up. She was playing a game with Fred and Fred, sadly as they say, had no game. Just another example, I thought of how nice guys, the world over get treated like this and make simple but devastatingly costly mistakes. I kind of had to figure that at Fred’s age, this couldn’t have been the first time he made a mistake like this. That meant for some reason Fred was not learning from his mistakes. Make no mistake about it: this was a simple, one-time mistake that was devastating for Fred. Not only did it cost him his chance with my friend, but you can be sure my female friend went around telling all her friends about his obsessive calling. That made him look bad to women he might have had a shot with in the future.

    This one little story in my life forced me to see that I can’t just help out people I run into in my everyday life or who seek me out professionally. Fred had shown me that the problem of how to find a girl, get a date, and get into a relationship were not ones that everyone could just grow out of and learn naturally. If I was going to do this right, I figured I would have to reach out and teach people in a way that is assessable to everyone. Few if any methods beat writing a book. After all, as a young man myself, I would read book after book on all subjects about romance and dating. I did this for years and for years. I put the knowledge I gained to the test by trial and error, discovering a few things no one warned me about along the way. While in college getting my degree in psychology, my main interest was in couples, marriage, and family therapy. So while there and in those classes, I also picked up on several important points from the basic to the advanced for all human relationships, paying notable interest and attention to topics relating to dating and relationships. All that work was paying off for me in ways I never expected. People noticed how often I was dating and started coming up to me asking how I do it. I got asked just about every kind of relationship question you can think of from both sexes.

    Statistically speaking, if you’re reading this, you’re a guy, so the book is written for the male reading audience. The book is written from a humanistic point of view, meaning that much of what is discussed is true and relevant for both males and females alike. From one guy to another, I want to tell you that if your lady ever finds this book and gets upset over it, don’t panic. Just tell her the truth: you were having a hard time meeting someone like her and wanted something that would help with that. In a way, this book follows the same idea as all those girl magazines on the grocery store shelf that she and other girls buy. That’s all you really need to say.

    This book does of course go beyond anything you can get out of a magazine. To first change your life you must first change your mind is a proverb that nicely summarizes this book. This book is designed to teach not just skills, or facts, but also a philosophy or way of life in how to view yourself and the world, particularly in the world of dating. What you will find in this book is useful information that works. So many so-called dating books are written for and only seem to work for a certain kind of guy who wants to date a certain kind of girl. Really good dating books will tell you what to do in a situation to get the girl but not how to do it. In short and at their best, other dating books seem to teach you how to date only a small portion of the female population. This book will teach you how to date a range of women regardless of who you are or what you look like.

    To tell you bluntly, I wanted to avoid writing a how to get laid book for many reasons. First, such books are shallow and designed to build you up with false bravado. Second, they don’t make you a better person. Third, they often don’t teach you how to have real confidence in yourself and with women. Fourth, they often tell you how to do something without telling you why it works. I think it is extremely important to understand why things work because then you can adapt, change, and modify what you learn, to fit who you are as an individual. This is critical because obviously everyone is different. You need something that will work for you as an individual. You can then make it work in any situation and in any place. Fifth, just talking about how to get laid won’t necessarily tell you a thing about what to do on the first, second, or third date and all the dates after, much less provide you with a basic foundation for building and maintaining a relationship. This book will provide you with all that and more.

    I wanted this book to be different from other dating books. I wanted it to be something useful and meaningful to all readers. To do this, I decided to write the book from what I call a human level. I have no doubt that some people will look down on this book as a how to get laid book. It was not my intention, and yet in my mind it is kind of a must for any good dating book. After all, the reality of life is that once you get a date and/or get laid (the two don’t have to go hand in hand) you are naturally more liked by a woman and more likely to get sex or more sex. Also, I felt that trying to avoid giving you such information would be wrong on my part. I didn’t think it would be fair or right of me to only half prepare you for dating and the possibility of sex. After reading this book, chances are extremely high that you are going to run into a girl who doesn’t want to wait to have sex with you until you’re married, and chances are you might be one of those guys who doesn’t want to wait either. In the spirit of keeping this book real and at a human level as something that’s useful to all men, I have included that information and trust you as a reader to wisely use the knowledge you will gain.

    How to help you gain that knowledge in a simple and easy manner was a big question on my mind when one day it just dawned on me that the best way to approach the subject of dating was in a real A-B-C, 1-2-3 kind of way. By that I mean everything starts within you and with your thoughts. So, naturally, we should start inside your thoughts, your beliefs, and your philosophy toward women and dating. This will dramatically change your outlook on life, dating, and women by bringing old and new ideas to the conscious mind. The added benefit is it will build on your own self-understanding, understanding of people, and most importantly your confidence with women. From there we will move outward to give you real practical knowledge and skills that are effective in meeting and dating women.

    It may seem to you that such a small book as this couldn’t really do all this for you—after all, the subject of dating seems so huge that entire volumes are written and dedicated to it. It is, however, a deception. It is a complex issue, but it is not that complex regardless of how you look, how old you are, or how lousy you are at dating. Simply knowing the basics and a few sound skills are all you need. Just keep it simple. It is when we get bogged down in the details of our own lives, lost in our problems and insecurities, and fail to see the human side of a situation that we get off track and make things complicated. It is kind of like that saying, All I really needed to know I learned in kindergarten. All you really need to know are the basics and a few other minor things. The rest tends to fall into place naturally.

    I do want to give a special note of thanks to my friends and patients who have shared with me what they have tried and learned in their own readings, teachings, and personal experiences. I recognize that some of the material contained within these pages may be found in other books or sources as I attempt to write about what I see as universal truths and currently popular cultural dating tactics. However, no actual text

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