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Operation Synapse
Operation Synapse
Operation Synapse
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Operation Synapse

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In 1980, Professor Robert Smyth, a man who carries an unearthly secret, is teaching pathology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His lecture makes clear to his students that the practice of treating the energy-based human body with pharmaceuticals has proliferated within the last one hundred years and is now the leading cause of death in society. What’s more, the use of pesticides has brought an additional load of poisons to the human and animal body.

Continual use of these chemicals has led to great insurance risk for the industry, forcing them to cover up these problems and distract the public from their effects. The insurance industry joins with bioterrorists who are masters in disease generation in order to manufacture and inflict a highly infectious artificial disease on society—a biological weapon, one that they are now capable of activating telepathically. Humanity’s only hope may be a couple who has traveled back in time to prevent this plague from destroying all human and animal life on the planet.

In this science fiction thriller, only time will tell if a pathologist and his spiritual partner, both travelers from the future, can save humanity from a terrifying biological weapon.
Release dateMar 22, 2013
Operation Synapse

William Croft

William Croft holds a DVM from the University of Minnesota–St. Paul and a PhD in Medical Pathology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison; these gave him the tools to study the cause and effect relationship of human and animal illnesses. He worked as an anatomical pathologist for UW–Madison. He currently lives in Madison, Wisconsin.

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    Operation Synapse - William Croft

    © 2010, 2013, 2014 by William Croft. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/29/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1353-9 (sc)

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    A special acknowledgment of your love and light

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Awakening

    Chapter 2 Biological War Agents

    Chapter 3 The Betrayal

    Chapter 4 The Meeting

    Chapter 5 The Decision

    Chapter 6 The Search

    Chapter 7 The Plan

    Chapter 8 The Sample Material

    Chapter 9 The Ideal Weapon

    Chapter 10 Generating the Biological Weapon

    Chapter 11 Is There an Antidote?

    Chapter 12 Contamination of the Culture

    Chapter 13 The Exposure

    Chapter 14 Release of the Weapon

    Chapter 15 Mad Cow in Europe

    Chapter 16 Mad Cow in the United States

    Chapter 17 Chronic Wasting Disease

    Chapter 18 The Divinity of Man

    Chapter 19 Detection

    Chapter 20 The Chase

    Chapter 21 Let the Truth Be Known

    Chapter 22 Opportunity


    Chapter 1


    I t was a magnificently beautiful, warm and sunny autumn day. The leaves on the campus trees were bursting with brilliant shades of red, orange, yellow and green as they always did at that time of the year in south-central Wisconsin. The fall semester was well under way in the Medical Science Building at the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison, Wisconsin. Professor Robert Smyth was attempting to educate his students on the real issues regarding human health in his Advanced Theoretical Pathology class. This advanced class on the causes of disease was not being taught anywhere else in the world. The ten students in attendance felt very good about themselves because this exclusive class was a requirement for completion of their Ph.D. in Pathology.

    UW-Madison was a well-known leader in higher education across the country, and in fact, around the world. In its infancy, many inventions were created and patented at UW-Madison. This generated a substantial amount of research money, thus allowing the professors to continue with their research, which in turn resulted in even more inventions and patents.

    The university also had an air about it – a special aura or energy. Was it somehow connected to the water, the food, or the air? It was, in fact, connected to the band of consciousness that surrounds Planet Earth, which was also a major source of information for the scientists on staff. Many new understandings were being brought forth and the students appreciated the opportunity to graduate from UW-Madison with this advanced knowledge. This university was recognized as one of the elite schools in the country, especially with regards to its philosophy concerning the human body. Students and professors alike shared their intuitive knowledge as to what was transpiring in the world. The university was a place whereby the creative imagination of individuals allowed for the manifestation of their desired reality through the use of their minds.

    Professor Robert Smyth was born under the sun sign of Leo (love and arts, ruled by the Sun) and was 38 years of age. He was a Medical Pathologist who graduated from UW-Madison with a B.S. degree in Physiology. From there, he attended The School of Veterinary Medicine at the St. Paul Campus in Minneapolis, Minnesota. After graduating with a D.V.M. degree, he returned to the University of Wisconsin, where he received his Ph.D. in Pathology from the medical school.

    Professor Smyth had completed 25 autopsies as a graduate student while working in the Department of Pathology. He had also reviewed human autopsies on many occasions for family members who requested second opinions when they did not agree with the Medical Examiner’s cause of death. The professor would work on many environmental contamination cases involving both humans and animals. He always utilized anatomic pathology to establish his diagnosis in his work.

    The professor was accepted to the faculty at UW-Madison and was doing research as well as teaching. He taught Pathology at the Medical School with a goal to instill in the minds of his students that energy played a very important role in disease.

    Professor Smyth was notoriously known around campus as a maverick. He summed up his philosophy by stating, Our present day institutions of learning haven’t really changed over the last 2,000 years. Oh, they have come up with new remedies and therapies for certain diseases that have been partially successful, but they have not really been dealing with the true cause of human disease.

    The class was held in a large room with 350 seats, which were slightly elevated by row in a theater-like fashion and heavily bolted to the floor. At the front of the room was a 10 foot long bench with a sink on the left. The front wall was covered with blackboards that extended 4.5 feet high by 30 feet long. This huge classroom was the only room available because all of the smaller rooms were already taken. Therefore, Professor Smyth was assigned this hall for his lectures. To be heard in this large room, people had to speak up, which added a sense of importance to the teachings.

    On this day, on this campus, in this room, it was basically heaven on earth. Professor Smyth’s goal was to create an awakening by instilling new fundamental concepts and new information into the minds of his students regarding the human body – namely, the true causes of human disease. During this exclusive class, which was held three times a week at 7:45 in the morning, Professor Smyth discussed the theoretical illnesses of man. He contended that there was more to medicine than the typical complementary drugs, herbs, and supplements. What about hands on healing? In fact, the most beneficial medicine for a patient in the hospital is the comfort and love of their nurse. The professor explained some of the different modalities of energy medicine such as Reiki, crystals, light energy colors, the don tien, and energy vortexes. He reinforced the idea that drugs and antibiotics do not heal people because the issue must be dealt with or the illness will return. The use of Universal Life Force Energy flowing freely and unblocked through the body thus allows the body to actually heal itself. The use of drugs and antibiotics actually cause new blocks within the body, which then requires more drugs to deal with those energy blocks.

    As he entered the classroom, Professor Smyth noticed two middle-aged gentlemen seated in the front of the classroom. One was balding, the other one had glasses, and they both wore expensive navy blue pinstriped suits.

    During his lecture on this particular day, the gentleman with the beard and glasses blurted out, Just a minute there, Professor. Where is your evidence, your proof that this energy stuff really does work? These two men represented the pharmaceutical industry, which stood to lose billions of dollars if people were to choose energy medicine in lieu of drug therapy for human and animal diseases.

    The bald man interjected, How can we believe that this would work when we can’t even see it? The medicine we can see has worked for over 2,000 years. For industry to get a new drug on the market, they first have to spend millions of dollars to demonstrate efficacy and safety!

    These two men were creating a disturbance and interfering with the lecture. They were actually attorneys representing the pharmaceutical industry who wanted to shut the professor up, squelch his innovative ideas and information, discredit him in front of his students and the world, and ultimately protect the industry’s pocketbooks.

    The professor stroked his favorite old red and white plaid tie while they spoke, which always had a calming affect on him. He was dressed in a white cotton shirt, khaki pants, black argyle socks, and his only pair of dress shoes. With his hair and mustache needing some dire attention, he appeared a bit disheveled. Despite this and his middle age, the professor was still deemed to be handsome.

    As Professor Smyth stepped back a bit from his bench in the front of his classroom, his eyes zoomed in on a recording device on the back of one of the shelves that stored his displays.

    Walking to the shelf, the professor picked up the tape recorder and sternly asked the class Whose machine is this? When the room went silent, he deduced that it belonged to the two troublemakers in the front of the classroom. What Professor Smyth didn’t know was that they were trying to procure incriminating evidence against him for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The professor stopped the recording device, ejected the tape, put it in his jacket pocket, and forcefully threw the machine into the wastebasket. Then, he stated calmly, This is a university and it is open to the public, but there are certain criteria that have to be met before attending classes here, such as class requirements and tuition fees. You gentlemen do not meet any of the requirements set forth by the university and are merely interfering with my class.

    The professor nonchalantly walked to the front desk and pushed the security button under his bench. Within ten seconds, armed security guards rushed into the room. The professor pointed a finger at the two men sitting in the second row, and they were quickly apprehended.

    One of the men passed gas as he started struggling with the security guards, which brought laughter to the entire class. The two men hung on so tightly to their seats that they had to use the Taser to free them from the seats. While being forcefully removed from the classroom the men yelled out several times, We will be back. You are a fraud with this energy bullshit! Everyone felt their animosity as the men continued yelling while they were removed from the lecture hall.

    The professor had dealt with this type of disturbance on a weekly basis throughout the semester. Professor Smyth appreciated the opportunity that the university had given him to teach this subject.

    Professor Smyth stood quietly for a minute, regained his composure and began speaking again as though nothing out of the ordinary had taken place. He addressed his students. Let us digress for a moment here and discuss people such as the two who were just removed from my classroom, to allow each of you to understand what happens in society when you are advanced in your thinking. The university is a place of higher learning and one has the right to teach such material under the umbrella of the university, which is a place in society where solutions to problems are created.

    In the past, when variations to some product meant the loss of money, jobs, or other changes in society, the inventor would come under attack. These inventors or people of concern were terminated with blunt force action and/or literally destroyed. They were kidnapped, roughed up, traumatized in many ways, and eventually killed.

    Karen Silkwood is one example. She was an American labor union activist and chemical technician at the Kerr-McGee plant near Crescent, Oklahoma. Silkwood’s job was to make plutonium pellets for nuclear reactor fuel rods. In the summer of 1974, Silkwood testified to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) about fuel rod issues, alleging that safety standards had slipped because of a production speed-up that resulted in employees being given tasks for which they were poorly trained. She also alleged that Kerr-McGee employees handled the fuel rods improperly and that the company falsified inspection records. Karen died under mysterious conditions when her car plummeted over a rocky cliff.

    Another example was Martin Luther King, Jr., who was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African-American civil rights movement. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end racial segregation and discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. By the time of his death, he had refocused his direction toward ending poverty and opposing the Vietnam War. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.

    These are just two examples of how people in our society gave their lives for a cause that they strongly believed in. Society has advanced enough now that it is a federal crime for industry to assassinate inventors, teachers, and/or activists. Attorney Gerry Spence in the Karen Silkwood trial clearly demonstrated that industry would pay a high price for physically harming individuals for exercising their right of free speech.

    Professor Smyth continued, "At UW-Madison, a professor and his research group demonstrated that the artificial sweeteners saccharin and cyclamate were carcinogenic in the mouse model. This professor came under intense pressure and scrutiny from industry, and then society. This led to the Delaney Clause,¹ passed by Congress in 1958, which states when an agent causes cancer in animals, it is considered unsafe for humans. When agents are identified as causing cancer in society, it causes intense pressure on the people who demonstrate this information. These researchers then attempt to utilize agents that are similar, but they do not do the direct research in fear that they will be harmed or lose their jobs. Industry then has to come up with other methods to deal with these inventors or the protestors in society. Their tactics include depredation and uncovering of any information that would discredit the activists. The university can shield most professors, but industry is relentless in their attack on individuals who could potentially threaten their pocketbooks."

    Additionally, universities rely heavily on public financing for funding, and elected officials are the ones who determine the amount of funding a university ultimately receives. For example, all one has to do is buy off the chairman of a finance committee. The chairman, in turn, does not allow financing of a specific part of the research project at the university until the ‘targeted one’ has been removed. Of course, this kind of pressure takes place behind closed doors. When millions of dollars of funding are at stake, an uncooperative person becomes susceptible to attack. Denying research money for the department, which includes professors’ salaries and research support and could amount to millions of dollars, quickly gets the attention of university officials. Ultimately, the targeted one is quickly and quietly removed, allowing for funding to resume.

    Since the students themselves had witnessed this incident, they sat up and took notice of what Professor Smyth and others had to endure in order to continue to teach their students and society these life-changing concepts. This had a quieting influence over the students as they became aware of the negative energy that society or members of society use in an attempt to control individuals who have beliefs that society does not agree with.

    Professor Smyth then pointed out, "Scientists were abused very early on in time because of their advanced ideas. The Pope and the Catholic Church had Galileo thrown in jail for his teachings regarding the sun as the center of the universe and the earth’s movement around it. Galileo was judged both to be ‘foolish and absurd in philosophy’. He was the first to be ‘formally heretical’ and the second ‘at least erroneous in faith’ in theology.² Copernicus was the first to be labeled ‘erroneous in faith in theology’ concerning the same subject matter that Galileo confirmed. If you have some time, go to the Internet and read about what Galileo endured because he was advanced in his thinking. The professor then proclaimed, No one is immune from society and their attacks, not even me, so let’s get on with this class and get back to the moment at hand!"

    Professor Smyth continued his lecture. Man is composed of Universal Life Force Energy to create the illusion of a body, portrayed in the instant of reality. This illusion keeps changing, moving back and forth into the past, the present, or the future. Therefore, man’s body is an illusion, except for the moment that he or she is in the third dimension.

    "To demonstrate how this Universal Life Force Energy or Spirit is playing a creative role in one’s life, let us look at the chicken egg. If we measure all the calcium in the chicken egg, we will have approximately 2 grams. When that egg is fertilized and allowed to hatch, and we again measure the calcium, there will be 5 grams of calcium, including the shell and the bones of the bird. The Universal Life Force Energy or Spirit created the added calcium necessary for development of the chick."

    Professor Smyth began to illustrate the concept of Universal Life Force Energy to demonstrate how it effects the formation of disease in humans and animals, which is in essence an ‘awakening’.

    Ladies and gentlemen, in the very beginning, Universal Life Force Energy created the spirit of man. Initially these spirits were flying here, there and everywhere, involving various aspects of energy. It was very unsettling and challenging to assimilate these spirits into organized thoughts, creations, or adaptations.

    To deal with this chaos, the human body was designed, which, by the way, is the best of the best in the universe. Soul was placed into the human body to offer order to the spirit. This then slowed the spirit down, categorized it, and gave it some adaptability and training, but it also limited the capability of advancement of the spirit. In the beginning, it was decided by God and the hierarchy that the soul was to be placed in the human body so that the purpose of life could be established.

    "One of the purposes of life was to have the ascension of the soul and eventually, return it to God. Soul offers memory to each lifetime and carries the direct purpose and experiences to be achieved in that lifetime. The soul creates the spirit and then, the spirit creates the body and all the necessary events of life. Typically, the soul and spirit enter the body after the placental cord has been cut. However, the whole body is still composed of energy or vibration. The ascension of the soul is concerned with the elevation of these energies, thus enabling the body to ascend into the different dimensions.

    The first dimension of life itself is creation. The second dimension consists in this ability to control the agenda, to decide what gets decided and what doesn’t. The third dimension is the power to shape and give structure. The fourth dimension is comprised of the unconditional love or the Christ Consciousness. The fifth dimension is comprised of the Light. The sixth dimension is comprised of the energy of the idea, and the seventh dimension is the idea or thought."

    The ascension of the soul is swiftly moving forward. In fact, every six months there is advancement, or the elevated birth, of an individual newborn that is more advanced than the one born six months prior. These children are recognized as Indigo Children, Star Children, Crystal Children, and now Rainbow Children.

    Time as we know it now is shortening. Instead of a 24-hour day, we now have approximately a 16-18 hour day with the same responsibilities required for the day. The purpose of the shortening of time is for the advancement to occur much more rapidly. By the year 2013, there is going to be a major transition, which will be setting the stage for the next thousand years.

    This understanding was brought to Professor Smyth through teachings by spirit. The professor had also been downloaded, like Einstein and other scientists were. He continued.

    In truth there are two spirits. The spirit is the energy, the life force of personality, which you create as an accumulation of action and reaction to life’s experiences. Then, there is the spirit also created by the soul, which is, in a sense, the spirit of the life, the existence and the power behind what you call love and death. You cannot see it. You cannot put appropriate words upon it but you know its power. You feel its presence, as it is only pure and innocent. That spirit is a radar device deeply imbedded within your being. You call it heart but it is not a position of the heart. It is a position of the mind, for nothing can come into the reality of your life without somehow passing through the caverns and the maze of your own mind. So you have choice. You have will. You have freedom. You have responsibility and you have a mirror. All that you think in some period of time will eventually be your reality; for all that you judge of yourself will eventually become your reality. So you have a choice based upon wisdom. The question then becomes, ‘Do I accept this reality that I see before me or do I not?’ You do not have to accept anything that you do not want to, for you can change. You cannot change others but you can change how you perceive people and events. To see nothing, to only see the spirit, is the method by which to achieve the ultimate goal of a peaceful and harmonious life.

    This day was summary day, which is typically offered to assist students to learn enough to pass their mid-term exams. Professor Smyth had written The Cause of Disease on the classroom board. He stated, Let’s have an awakening here, folks. He drew a line under the title and said, All right, what are some of the causes of disease?

    Someone raised their hand and said, Bacteria, viruses and fungi.

    The professor went back to the board and said, "People, those are opportunists, not the real cause of disease. Louis Pasteur stated that germs and bacteria were the cause of disease but on his deathbed, he revealed it was the condition of the individual that allowed the disease to become real. Pasteur is notorious for being the founder or father of modern-day medicine³ because he kept looking for ‘invisible enemies’.⁴ In reality, it was the flow or the lack of the flow of the invisible energy that determined whether one developed disease or not. I recommend you all go to the library and read about Louis Pasteur, his research, his approach to the challenge, and his accomplishments. If anyone writes a report on Pasteur’s study or work, I will grant extra credit in this class for their effort. One may also see some questions from these readings on the test that you are scheduled to take next week."

    In many ways Professor Smyth resembled Pasteur in his research and his discoveries in medicine. Many of the medical professors, if not all in that department, as well as the educational institutions across the country and world, basically disagreed with him. The pharmaceutical industry would certainly disagree with him for if they did not, they would be put out of business.

    Professor Smyth proceeded with his lecture. In society, people are primarily concerned with security or protection from invaders coming into their country, their schools, their workplaces and their homes. This is the role that the military and police play in the protection of society. People are also concerned with security or protection from disease. For example, populations have died from previous outbreaks such as the plague, and much effort is placed on preventing a pandemic or epidemic from reoccurring. The pharmaceutical industry also plays a role in attempting to help resolve human disease or health issues by developing drugs to treat the symptoms of these diseases.

    People, there are basically two problems with drugs. First, they are just a temporary fix, and secondly, their side effects usually require more drugs to counteract the negative aspects that were caused by the initial drug administration. Advancements in medicine have not occurred for the last two thousand years because the medical profession does not understand that man is composed of Universal Life Force Energy. The power of the trained spirit to give form and creativity to the human body is that of a hundred nuclear power plants. That energy is what man should be utilizing regarding the health of mankind.

    I simply believe that because the human body is made up of Universal Life Force Energy, disruptions in the flow of that energy within the body will result in ‘dis-ease’. Most people think in three-dimensional terms so they presume that if they can’t see the energy, then they cannot comprehend it. That leaves them with causative agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or poisons. Actually, what one cannot see is more important than what one can see.

    The professor was trying to instill understanding in his students about what really caused disease. He had lectured on this subject over the last few weeks. Now, on review day, his goal was to try to tie everything together to enable them to have a clear grasp of the real causes of disease. Professor Smyth repeated the question, What are the real causes of dis-ease?

    One of his female students, a foreign student from North Africa, possibly Libya, was Patricia Hardwood. She was tall with a reddish sheen to her hair and a beautiful complexion. Patricia Hardwood portrayed marked feminine energy. She was born under the sun sign of Taurus (beauty and wealth, ruled by Venus) and was 30 at this time in life. She was an outstanding soccer player, having played in both high school and college. She came to UW-Madison to obtain her Ph.D. in Pathology and to learn about the energy of the human body and its relationship to disease. She was confident in herself, had little to no fear, and knew how to handle challenges when they presented themselves. She was one of the elder students because it took her a few years to determine her purpose in life.

    Ms. Hardwood graduated from the University of Libya with a B.S. degree in Biology, but she was undecided about her career direction and what profession she would pursue. One day, she read an article written by Professor Smyth in a magazine discussing the concept of how disease was actually the interference in the flow of Universal Life Force Energy within the body caused by issues of life. It struck a note with Patricia, as she had dreamed about this on a recurrent basis.

    Patricia went to speak to her father who worked as a lawyer for the Libyan Government. Her father, realizing that the United States would soon become a hostile country, highly recommended that his daughter not go to the U.S. for her education. Over the next few months, Patricia went back several times to speak with her father, pleading with him to allow her to go. Each time, he illustrated to her the dangers of obtaining a research degree from the University of Wisconsin.

    Finally, Patricia’s father softened his position, saying, You know, we might be able to work out a deal where we would send you to Europe. I could draw up the paperwork, giving you a fictitious name. You would then enter the U.S. with that name to obtain your degree. However, when you come back here, it would look as though you were in Europe at Oxford, obtaining an advanced degree under your birth name. This is just a precautionary measure because someday it may affect your life. For your protection, I just feel that this is the way we need to arrange it for you, my dear.

    So Patricia Hardwood was at UW-Madison receiving the knowledge that she had vividly dreamt about many times. She was at the top of her game and was very attentive in her studies. Her father felt assured that this would satisfy his daughter’s inquisitive mind, as it was very important for her to have the information she desired in order to fulfill her life’s purpose. Besides, this would give her added protection by avoiding the label of ‘western student’, which he knew would be frowned upon by the government of Libya in due time since he could already sense changes in the government.

    It was interesting how Ms. Hardwood was brought to UW-Madison to meet Professor Smyth and study under his coursework. She felt that the professor was right on with regard to the human body, and she wanted to be an advanced student in Energy Medicine or Energy Pathology.

    The rest of the students in Professor Smyth’s class were composed of eight out of ten students in the class who had acquired their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees. They had returned to obtain a Ph.D. in Medical Pathology in pursuit of a career as a medical pathologist. A medical pathologist is one who studies human disease using animal models because it is unethical to do direct research on humans.

    Professor Smyth was doing remarkably well in obtaining research funds from the NIH (National Institute of Health) and had brought in almost a million dollars in research funds over the last few years for UW-Madison. The professor had a good understanding and clarity of disease – what it was, how to ask appropriate questions, and ultimately, how to approach the answers on a scientific level. The granting agencies recognized his approach to health problems and acknowledged his wisdom by granting his requests for research money. He investigated the energy of the body extensively – how it flowed, how it was generated, and how it affected the human body.

    He was a young and upcoming professor with an intuitive interest in his studies. The professor had worked on heavy metal health problems concerning arsenic, chromium and copper. He studied gasoline exposure from underground storage tanks and pipelines that leaked and contaminated the environment. He developed a method to detect urinary bladder cancer by simply filtering the exfoliated cells and examining them with a scanning electron microscope. More recently, he had studied systemic yeast appearance in the body due to an emotional issue that lowered the energy level within the body, thus allowing the growth of yeast to become out of balance and invade into the systemic circulation.

    Back in his class, Professor Smyth stated, Oil of Oregano has been used for over 2,000 years as a treatment for yeast because of its efficacy. But the effect is only temporary and the yeast will return if the emotional issue is not resolved. Using Life Force Energy will put the yeast back into balance and help the individual deal with the issues at hand using love energy, allowing the body to heal itself without the intervention of any drugs or chemicals.

    Professor Smyth cited many other examples. However, he wanted to move forward and address the real cause of disease. "In fact, the early Greeks defined pathology as the study of ‘issues’. Issues are simply a disruption of the flow of energy or a lack of flow of energy throughout the body. Each specific issue relates to various areas of the body. For example, arthritis in the legs could be related to issues such as fear of not moving forward in life. A fear of disease, specifically cancer, will attract cancer, and the feelings of inadequacy as a mother can lead to the development of breast cancer in a woman or a man. Therefore, with cancer, we are dealing with the fears of the individual and transforming that negative energy of inadequacy. If the lesson is not learned, the disease will not leave or will return. The administration of anti-cancer drugs or therapeutic drugs does not heal the blockage of energy within the body, and in many cases causes additional blockages of energy flow."

    "Now, the study of astrology demonstrates how the alignment of the planets and the stars influence us. The moon affects humans on planet earth through energy receptors within the brain. The moon has a great gravitational pull on the ocean tides depending on whether the moon is in the giving or waxing phase (the two week period from the new moon to the full moon), or pulling or waning phase (the two week period from the full moon to the new moon). During the full moon, mental institutions, hospitals and the police are very busy. Hence, the term lunatic was coined because this phenomenon has been observed in our society. For example, someone might pick up a rifle and start shooting people during this time, which could be directly influenced by the moon and/or other planets. Since we are composed of energy and a high percentage of water, the magnetic effects on our bodies from the moon is the greatest during the fullness of moon.

    Patricia Hardwood raised her hand. Professor, I believe this has to do with changes in the energy going through the body. The professor replied, Very good, Ms. Hardwood. Can you explain yourself? She replied, Well, I would look at it this way. We have a flow of energy through our bodies, and if that energy is altered in any way, resulting in an imbalance, then our bodies will not function properly. Therefore, the opportunists such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi will step in and cause obvious 3D diseases in areas where there is a lack of energy.

    Very good Ms. Hardwood, Professor Smyth remarked. Did everyone understand that now? Dr. Goodwin, can you explain the flow of energy through the body? Dr. Goodwin, another student in the class, shook his head.

    "Can anyone explain what kind of energy we are dealing with as the energy flows through our bodies? the professor asked. We are talking about the human body now. We have talked about it and discussed it in class on several occasions."

    Professor Smyth kept looking around the classroom but the students were hanging their heads, hoping not to be recognized and called upon. They did not quite understand the concept being discussed because they had only skimmed over their notes. Homecoming was held the week prior and the majority of his classroom had been more concerned with celebrating rather than studying.

    But, Ms. Hardwood spoke up again. The flow of Universal Life Force Energy through our bodies is all important. We have a couple of systems. First of all, we have the chakra system, where energy comes in through the crown chakra, goes down the front part of our body and around the pelvis and back up and cycles that way. Patricia raised the diagram of the chakra system that had been handed out in an earlier class. That energy system feeds energy to the internal organs of our bodies. The chakras spin in a clockwise fashion when the body is healthy. When a person is highly evolved the chakras spin right and left simultaneously indicating total balance.

    We also have an etheric field surrounding our bodies, where the Universal Life Force Energy comes from the earth and circulates up through our left leg and left side of our body, moves across the torso of our body, our chest and abdomen, and then continues to flow down our right leg and back into the earth.

    Professor Smyth then asked Ms. Hardwood, Where does the energy for the chakras come from? Ms. Hardwood continued, This is Life Force Energy that has been brought in through the Universe (from God), as they would say – the aura around us – for the human body is the connection between heaven and earth. That is the way we are designed.

    Okay Ms. Hardwood, you described that well. The professor then asked, Can anyone tell me what influences the flow of energy in the body, which then in turn causes disease? Can anyone tell me?

    Ms. Hardwood again raised her hand and chimed in, Emotion, feeling, joy, and love. These are all energies that can influence our bodies.

    The professor remarked, Very good. In our understanding of disease, our higher levels of learning, the institutions, have not gone beyond what the Greeks had initially established to look into the emotional aspects. Don’t you think it is time that we start moving forward and understand what influences the energy flow in our bodies, how it is affected, and what causes it? I think so, and that is why I am pushing to get you students to understand where we are coming from with disease. You are going to be working in society as diagnosticians or in research concerning human and animal diseases. Using drugs to treat diseases is basically archaic. Doctors have used this method for 2,000 years. In order for us to understand what disease is, we have to understand what affects the flow of energy throughout our bodies? Can anyone give me an example of an issue that may affect a person’s health?

    A gentleman raised his hand and said, That would be love.

    The professor then inquired, Can you explain that, sir?

    The student replied, Yes. When I am in love, I feel very harmonious and have joy in my heart. But, when we are not getting along or break up, I feel very little joy, not desiring to do anything.

    Professor Smyth replied, That was a very good example, thank you. Who else can give me an example?

    Another student raised his hand and said, Divorce.

    The professor agreed, Yes. That sort of falls in to the love category. But, that can take on other aspects of life also, because people are overwhelmed with some issue in life, such as financial difficulties, jealousy, guilt or rejection. An abusive relationship could cause a severe trauma to the mind, body and spirit, and also result in blockages to the energy flow. These are all stressors. I believe we listed a number of other ones, so you should review your notes on that subject, as it will more than likely be included in your exam.

    "Okay, I think we’ve spent enough time on the causes of disease. In summary, it is some issue in life that causes a blockage of life force energy through the body and ultimately results in dis-ease. A good summary of this subject with a scientific basis is a book called ‘Energy Medicine.’⁵ I have placed several copies on reserve in the library for you to review. This book gives good discussion and examples, and is also on reserve in the Library for your review. Let’s move on now to the diagnosis."

    The professor then moved to the other end of the board and wrote DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASE. Who can tell me how a diagnosis is established in the human body and how it is studied? he continued.

    Another student raised her hand and said, Pathology.

    The professor prodded, What kind of pathology?

    Another student raised his hand and said, Gross pathology.

    The professor inquired, Is the gross pathology really definitive enough for understanding what the true pathology is? You are basically guessing what the diagnosis is on a gross level. Of course there is the obvious, like a broken bone, but what is imperative to understand and what results in a definitive diagnosis?

    Ms. Hardwood raised her hand and said, An anatomic diagnosis.

    The professor said, Correct, Ms. Hardwood, and why an anatomic diagnosis?

    She replied, Because every insult to the cells is stored within the cells of the body, and every disease-causing agent contains a fingerprint within the tissues or cells of the body to identify the causative agent.

    Correct again, Ms. Hardwood. In fact, the most poisonous agents are always displayed as a fingerprint within the body; therefore, with a biopsy or at autopsy, the causative agent can definitively be determined. The cells of the tissue always determine the causative agents simply by observing the cell pathology or the fingerprint of the causative agent. Some pathologists will only assay the tissue cells for a toxic poison, and if they find it, they will say that toxic poison was the cause of death, when clearly it is the anatomical pathology that indicates the cause. The father of pathology, the German pathologist Virchow, laid the foundation for modern cellular pathology. Dr. Rudolf Virchow introduced the classic terminology for cellular growth disturbances and degeneration as we know it today.

    The professor pressed on, We also have our physical agents which would adversely affect the flow of energy through our bodies, correct? Who can name some of those for me? How about radiation? Doesn’t radiation break up the DNA within our cells? We also have ultraviolet radiation. If the sun adversely affects a person’s skin, and their body is unable to repair that ultraviolet skin damage, it will then cause a disease called xeroderma pigmentosa. And what energy is identified within the DNA of a person on those cells?

    Universal Life Force Energy is the library, the energy of knowledge of our cellular life, a student in the front row responded.

    Very good answer, Dr. Bates. Do you realize that the proper energy restores the well-being to the individual, and if cells are lost in an organ, stem cells are brought from the bone marrow to restore the cellular defect, thus restoring the flow of Universal Life Force Energy? What else do we have? continued the professor. We have poisons. People are exposed to poisons every day. By studying the pathology, how do we know which poison is causing the dis-ease?

    Ms. Hardwood raised her hand and when called upon, she stated, The most poisonous agent will always show its hand first within the cells.

    The professor proceeded. Yes, and one also has to look at all the different organs on autopsy, if you are studying the disease, in order to know which organs have been affected. Some chemicals or specific energy altering agents have to be metabolized in order to be brought into the active form. But then again, some act directly.

    For example, I was involved with a situation involving the death of 75 cows over the last several weeks. The local veterinarian did not know why these cows were slowly dying. He had a hunch it was from the water, and upon testing the water, he found low levels of nitrates. He concluded that the cause must have been a virus. When I was called in on the case I found these dead cows lying all over the ground. I necropsied several animals and examined the tissue, which revealed the diagnosis was Toxic Mold or Trichothecene Mycotoxicosis. We assayed the grain mixture and found it was moldy corn that was poisoning the farmer’s animals. It had accumulated within the animals causing their death.

    "The pathology clearly demonstrated consumption Trichothecene Mycotoxicosis rather than inhalation, and clearly established the moldy corn as the possible source. Urine samples from the remaining cattle demonstrated the same Mycotoxin fingerprint found within the moldy corn, thus clearly establishing the source of the Mycotoxins was from the feed mill."

    "The feed mill had all kinds of feed experts insisting that the dose of Mycotoxins was not high enough to cause the animals’ deaths. However, the pathology of the dead cattle

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