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Take this book and toss it out a second story window. Eventually it will reach the ground. It's a law. Throw it at the ground, it will get there sooner then if you open it and cast it out into the wind where it may drift or even float for a time before it reaches the ground. Tear it page by page and give each one to the wind to do what it will do with it. One may be found by someone who will read the words on the page, feel glad they happened upon it and put the poem in their pocket, as another may consider it littering.
Release dateJun 10, 2011

Ken Hill

The writer was born mid-century in Hartford, Connecticut. He has lived in three Connecticut towns at various times, Ellington, Rockville and Tolland. Year in and year out, poems have been discovered in and around those towns and the resources appear to be endless. With the passing of a good buddy, the writer and four others published a book of their absent friend's haiku. Bill Albert introduced the writer to haiku, senryu and his way of experiencing life. Albert became the writer's mentor and since he is no longer with us to in any way dispute it, so be that. The writer also scratches out plays and has published a book of nine short stories called "What the Road Brings". Cheers.

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    Haiku...Plus - Ken Hill



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    Haiku . . . plus

    Copyright © 2010, 2011 by Ken Hill.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-2439-1 (sc)

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