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Where Do We Go from Here?: Keeping It Real Is the Best Thing You Can Do.
Where Do We Go from Here?: Keeping It Real Is the Best Thing You Can Do.
Where Do We Go from Here?: Keeping It Real Is the Best Thing You Can Do.
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Where Do We Go from Here?: Keeping It Real Is the Best Thing You Can Do.

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This isnt your everyday stereotypical story with token characters such as your extremely sexually active confused teen or the rising school sports star. No this is about the unfortunate events that happen to your average person who keeps it real one day at a time. Most people would consider Andre as the average eighteen-year-old. School is a waste of time. Only money and girls can hold his interest. Where Do We Go From Here takes you face first into the trials and tribulations of a young confused black man dealing with adversity such as graduating high school, relationships, getting a job, and the bad influences they face everyday.

Although raised in a two-parent home, Andre rarely received the attention and direction that our young black men so desperately need in order to become successful. Mentored by the neighborhood drug dealer Greg, Andre somehow manages to avoid the life of crime that his younger friend Brian admires because of the fast life it brings. Undaunted by the circumstantial temptations they go in opposite directions in life. When Andre graduates high school and becomes involved with a highly motivated aspiring lawyer named Ashley life finally looks promising. When a friendship from the past resurfaces only to disrupt the tranquility of Andres relationship with Ashley do things begin to fall a part and love is truly tested. In Andres darkest hour he is forced to rise to the occasion and do whatever is necessary to make things right even if it involves risking his own life in the process.

Release dateMar 28, 2006
Where Do We Go from Here?: Keeping It Real Is the Best Thing You Can Do.

Jason H. Bell

Jason Bell was born November 18, 1983 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  He graduated from Boyd Anderson High School and is currently in the business of private franchising.  This book was written because Jason recognized a trend in the types of African American literature that focused too much on graphic violence and sexually explicit content.   There were too many stereotyped clichés happening in these books.  Is the average person able to relate to the extreme circumstances presented in these works?  The better question is do we as adults want our younger generation to be exposed to so much of these things in addition to what’s being shown on television.  Where Do We Go From Here displays realistic day-to-day problems that down to earth people can appreciate and relate to.    

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    Where Do We Go from Here? - Jason H. Bell



    Keeping It Real Is the Best Thing You Can Do.

    Jason H. Bell


    © 2006 Jason H. Bell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 4/11/2006

    ISBN: 1-4259-2247-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 9781467077019 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana











    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    Chapter 1


    The plot to the movie finally hit a slump. The characters seemed lost in what they were supposed to portray in the film, which was nothing short of stereotyped African Americans in another yarn that places them in an unnatural setting. Was the movie suppose to actually head somewhere other than the follies of a race that exploits itself every chance it gets?

    The cast consisted of your average rapper with sub par skills to your comedian whose material heavily relies on clichés rather than natural talent by way of wittiness or word selection at the opportune moment. Its amazing how these stars who claim to keep it real degrade their race by even acknowledging a script so bland and tasteless. Comedy is actually a good thing when done right. It can uplift our spirits in desperate times or it can make the unfortunate ironic twists of life easier to handle. Our black actors and actresses from the past would walk away in disgust if they were offered a role in the B-movies that try to come across as works of art that should be appreciated by audiences. Today’s actors, directors, and screenwriters should revisit old classics such as Uptown Saturday Night or Lets Do It Again and see prominent black stars engage in roles that don’t have massacres of the English language every thirty seconds. Movies, that makes fun of us, but don’t degrade us. I’m sure our race isn’t filled with sex-crazed clowns who relish in seeing dizzy women dressed in such a manner that it is an insult to the word clothing.

    Yes, watching Soul Cruise was that bad. A bunch of uncouth Negroes taking over a cruise ship and making it appear ghetto or some similar nature. Andre was shocked by the chicken-headedness of his date for the night. Only twenty minutes into the movie and he is already disgusted to the point of throwing the DVD out the window or using it as a Frisbee for his neighbor’s dog. He just couldn’t share in her delight in which she enjoyed every passing moment of the movie.

    He remembers what his friend Greg once told him, Dog, you can learn a lot about a female by what movies she watches. When you watch her enjoying it, you have to notice the intensity of her eyes. If she really cares for you she will notice your reaction to the movie to see if you like what she picked out. She should be more concerned with you liking the movie then enjoying it her self. Good tastes, means everything.

    Andre rarely understood the gems of knowledge that his friend would seem to drop unexpectedly. Like most young people he couldn’t get past watching the surface of life rather then investigate the underlying message beneath every action or group of words.

    This time was different though. Andre understood everything that Greg explained. His acquaintance never pulled her eyes ways from the television screen to look at him. The movie with its horrible dialogue, cliché-ridden script, sub par acting, and stereotyped characters held her complete attention. She didn’t care if he enjoyed the movie or not. As long as she laughed and enjoyed the raunchy jokes and sexual innuendo filled dialogue, everything was just right.

    Her apparent selfishness turned him off. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. Her whole personality reeked of immaturity. From talking very loudly in public, wearing flip-flops to the mall, and basically not paying too much attention to her demeanor. All these little hints were abundant in their relationship, yet Andre still chose to see her. The road to sexual intercourse in a relationship is a troubled road and if you dislike the obstacles on the road what makes you think you’ll enjoy the goal itself, which is rapidly becoming the goal in too many relationships. From stank attitudes to bad movies, was putting up with this chick really worth it?

    After what seemed an eternity, the movie finally reached it’s climax. The thoughts circling inside of his head reached a climax too. Andre came to the conclusion that Shantel was just another black girl lost inside of what seemed to be a black exploitation of the Matrix where there’s an abundance of agents and only a few Neo’s who actually see past the superficial things in life that enslave us mentally.

    While the credits were rolling, Shantel slowly turned her head toward Andre. She caught him with that blank uninspiring gaze that he held too often. Andre quickly took notice and threw a sheepish smile at Shantel. Shantel didn’t acknowledge the smile. Instead she said, Dre I know you didn’t like the movie.

    Andre answered back, Then why did you get it then, and by the way you were all into the movie. I’m surprised you even noticed such a handsome brother like me sitting here chilling.

    Shantel laughed, Boy, you too much. Do you think you’re the only one who walks around noticing anything?

    I got the movie just to see if you could go through 90 minutes of life without complaining about something.

    Andre laughed even though he was slightly offended by her comment. Nigga, I just make observations. If you think they sound like complaints, it’s only because that is how you perceive them to be.

    Shantel rolled her eyes and replied, Well, you need to keep your damn observations to yo damn ‘self. Anyways I was just testing you to see if you could let me enjoy something without sprinkling your two cents on it.

    Well, Shantel, I didn’t say anything through the entire piece of shit movie so I guess I passed the test right?

    Shantel paused for a few seconds. She knew he passed, but if she admitted to that there would be no more of an argument. She longed for a relationship where she was swept off her feet in a passionate manner, similar to those played out fairy tales you got tired of hearing about when you were a kid. There was nothing passionate about Andre. He always appeared to be a laid back guy who drifted through life in a daydream. Daydreams she wish she were apart of. If so it never appeared that way. She always felt that she was the last thing on his mind.

    For a young man whose head seemed to be going in every direction, no direction led to her heart. Andre seemed to care about himself more than anything. This wasn’t a bad thing. Shantel liked the confidence that oozed out of the pores of his skin. Within the boundaries of their relationship an argument was the only thing that lit the passion in Andre. His inquisitive nature along with borderline cockiness made for intense arguments no matter how pointless the origin. Andre could not stand to be wrong in anything especially if deep down he felt he was right even without the required proof.

    Well, you passed one part of the test, Dre."

    Andre quickly snapped back, Oh, so now the test has multiple parts.

    Yeah, Shantel stated with an innocent smile.

    Sure, you did not complain, but you looked so miserable during the movie, I thought you were going to cry.

    The seriousness on Andre’s face finally broke. I would have cried if the movie would have been ten minutes longer.

    Shantel laughed.

    Aiyo, girl why you always seem to be so happy when we arguing over some bullshit. Its like you cum in your pants every time you get me heated.

    "Nigga please! It aint that serious, besides I think you look sexy when you be wylin.

    Shantel slowly tried to change the tone of the conversation. She never really had any intense feelings behind their petty squabbles. A part of her just liked the fact that her man would actually be more passionate about something other than himself. She knew Andre took everything to the heart no matter what. The level of intensity would quickly overwhelm the argument at hand. A serious game face would replace the once carefree expressions. He seemed to become a whole different person. Shantel liked this person better than the daydreaming zombie that Andre appeared to be 75 percent of the time.

    Forget all that shit. How am I wylin when I’m just stating the truth. Andre got serious again and added, You just love to argue for no reason.

    After rolling her eyes, Shantel replied, Well, the only time I get to see some life into your dead ass is when your mad about something. You walk around with your head in the clouds.

    Andre quickly interjected, Cuz shit be boring damn it!

    Nigga, your boring. Make it interesting for once.

    The words barely left her lips when Andre’s lips reached out to her and passionately kissed them. Shantel was taken back by his unexpected boldness. This was a new action from Andre. Usually he was never the over aggressive type. She thought he was one of those pretty boy types that seemed too scared to ever let that animalistic side take over when being intimate.

    Andre kissed her lips slowly while letting his tongue explore the insides of her mouth. Nibbling on the bottom of her lower lip and twisting it too the side. That was the most sensuous kiss Shantel ever received from Andre. The 10 seconds it lasted seemed forever. She leaned back on the plump leather sofa and opened her eyes slightly to see if this was really the same Andre that took her out earlier to end up watching a movie he did not care for.

    Andre looked into her eyes and said, Is this interesting enough? If not, I can get it more interesting than this."

    Shantel’s dark chocolate complexion wouldn’t allow her to blush. She breathed heavy and softly said, Uh huh.

    Andre started kissing her again slowly working his way down her neck. Shantel’s mind started to drift into a state of ecstasy, but she was having doubts. Did she want it to happen this way? Sure this nigga is fine and everything, but is he the one? Really?

    A part of her wanted to fight the feeling while the other part of her was enjoying that same feeling too much to mount a resistance. Three months together should be long enough a wait before getting intimate. The overwhelming passion drowned that statement out as to whether it was a question being asked to her self or just a statement.

    She gave her precious body up earlier than that in previous relationships only to be hurt afterwards. That same hurt was carried over in the jaded way she would over analyze everything that made up Andre’s personality. Holding him at fault for things he was innocent of. The constant probing questions that she asked him on every occasion they were to speak. In the middle of this whirlwind of opposing emotions, she sometimes forgot why she liked him.

    At the moment it did not matter if she liked him or not. The sensation of being sexually desired was more than enough to let him into her sacred temple. Andre gently kissed her neck. His eyes had the same look that he has when they argue. It was a look of pure concentration as if it was his soul purpose to please his lady.

    He began to undress her carefully, making every movement as if he was a seasoned pro not the amateur he really was. Andre’s fingers glided along her soft flesh peeling her clothes off.

    He put his lips against her warm body and started to suck on her breast. He felt her nipples get erect. Slowly moving his tongue in a circular motion moving his way down the center of her body, which she quickly surrendered to him.

    Shantel enjoyed what was happening. In all the intimate relations she had previously, nobody ever took their time with her. Foreplay was a missing element in those encounters. They were always in a rush. Never appreciating her in the process. Those lovers were selfish.

    Andre removed his red t-shirt that displayed his athletic body. Then he quickly got back to work. Kissing her belly button gently while delicately massaging her firm breasts with his hands. Shantel ran her hand down Andre’s tense back to feel his muscles tighten due to the level of concentration. She rested her arms around his shoulder while running her fingers through the ends of his braids.

    Andre started to kiss and nibble on Shantel’s inner thighs. Shantel’s gave a sigh of relief. She was wondering if he was about to go down on her. She never experienced it before but heard it was pretty good when done right. Besides her friends always told her light skin niggas couldn’t help themselves. They love doing it.

    She was on the verge of finding out. Andre felt for the moistness he anticipated. He smiled and proceeded to clench his teeth on the side of her panties slowly sliding them down her well-proportioned body. Working his way along the smooth curved hips and thighs that European runway models would envy.

    When he reached her ankles he took them off her with his hand. Andre paused suddenly. He finally took the time to admire her goddess like body. She was a complete work of art. Although there were a number of things he disliked about Shantel. He indeed liked her looks. Those looks alone almost canceled out her blunt attitude and rudeness. She definitely had an attitude problem. Andre would sometimes think that their personalities just did not mesh well together. She would appear uninterested in the conversation they had. Her sexy gaze always appeared to look through him as if he was transparent. This would frustrate him because he just wanted her to acknowledge him.

    Shantel was about to acknowledge him now, Andre thought. If not her body will.

    Shantel’s eyes slowly opened. She was anticipating Andre’s sleek tongue rubbing against her pleasure center. Much to her disappointment Andre pulled a condom out of his back pants pocket. Shantel said to herself, Maybe he just getting ready for afterwards. I know this nigga aint gon to fake the funk now. Andre never paid attention to her slightly startled look. He proceeded to thrust his manhood inside her.

    Shantel let out a forced moan. Andre grunted and continued his gyrations thrusting harder and harder. He picked up one of her thighs and turned Shantel on her side. He continued at the same rhythm he held earlier only now her head was being banged into the arm of the sofa. She looked surprised. How did this nigga go from nice and slow to Mr. Animal Thug Freak? She kept asking herself this over and over. She was use to a little roughness but, this was something else altogether. Nobody gripped her thighs like the talons of a bald eagle grasping a fish going upstream. She anticipated looking in the mirror the following days to discover her waist and thighs having bruises along the side.

    Andre enjoyed the feeling of being in control of Shantel. He didn’t want the experience to end. He saw the surprised look on her face. Andre did not care if she enjoyed it. He wanted to be the selfish one now. Her moans weren’t moans of joy and pleasure. They were moans of dissatisfaction and pain. Andre wondered if she was use to the angle before. It did not matter though. He liked it.

    Suddenly it started to happen. He felt he was going to cum. Andre began to pick up the pace with his gyrations, thrusting quicker. He closed his eyes. Shantel felt the pace change. Her breaths got deeper. She started to shake. Beads of sweat started to run down her body giving her dark chocolate skin, a sexual glisten. She lost the feeling in her lower part of her body. A tingling sensation followed this feeling. She opened her mouth to let out a scream but nothing came out. She reached the peak of one of the best sensations a woman can experience.

    Andre’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. He let out a sigh of relief after he climaxed. His body became limp as he slid down into Shantel’s awaiting arms.

    Chapter 2


    It was a windy afternoon. The kind of windy, where your jump shot could suffer unless you had a little luck on your side. Greg was walking down the street in his confident stride that should be copyrighted by now. He was tall but sturdy like a power forward. Although the streets were empty, Greg’s approaching didn’t go unnoticed. Andre spotted him out of the corner of his eye while talking to what seemed like a younger version of him. The boy had a cornrows neatly braided under a red doo rag. He had a tan complexion, slightly darker than Andre. His face held the same youthful features. The difference was in the eyes. Brian’s eyes still had that naïve innocence to them, whereas Andre’s eyes always looked like he was forced to watch something he didn’t want to. His oval eyes had the look of a corruption that swallowed him whole. The bleak environment got a hold of him and took over.

    Aiyo, so you beat that chick I saw you at the mall with? Andre smiled at Brian. He knew Brian would find out from someone else, so may as well get it from the horse’s

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