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Memories of an Angel: "Gnosis 1, the Key"
Memories of an Angel: "Gnosis 1, the Key"
Memories of an Angel: "Gnosis 1, the Key"
Ebook151 pages1 hour

Memories of an Angel: "Gnosis 1, the Key"

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About this ebook

When I first met the Matt hew many years ago, he was

working along side with other mediums doing rescue

work for lost souls.

Matthew read some chapters to me, the way he explained all

what he saw, felt and heard was amazing he shown true genuine

emotions from a genuine man.

From the fall of hell to the returning of the throne of the

earth, back to the divine spirit was for me a comfort.

Memories of an angel showed that angels too have lives and

feelings of there own and when he speaks of angels being in

slaved and tortured.

I know the war in spirit world has ended and now the fight

for humans begins.

Release dateAug 23, 2005
Memories of an Angel: "Gnosis 1, the Key"

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    Memories of an Angel - Matthew Lubien-Vidal

    © 2005 Matthew Lubien-Vidal. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 5/15/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4208-6239-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-9325-8 (e)

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make

    no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some

    cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    The story

    Chapter Two

    The Battle 16 February 1995

    Chapter Three

    Date 23 February 1995

    Chapter Four

    Wednesday 1st March 1995

    Chapter Five

    Saturday 1st April 1995

    Chapter Six

    Friday 5th May 1995

    Chapter Seven

    Saturday 1st July 1995


    I would like to send love and light out to those in the spirit world that made it possible for me to be the man I am today.

    My mother & Father, thanks for the love and guidance though my short time I have known you on this planet and when it’s my time to return home I’ll look forward to seeing you.

    I would like to think my spiritual team, Ku Ku, Merlin, Black Dragon, Lion.

    Special spiritual thanks to Chief with out you I would not of started on the road of spiritual knowledge thanks old friend.

    Gabriel thanks my dear brother for being the beacon of light in my dark tunnel of life you have truly brought me home.

    Finally my father, God thanks for all you love and thanks for being there through them dark years when everyone else had closed their eyes to me.

    Those souls on earth,

    Mim thanks for the love and support through these years you have truly being a guide on this earth.

    I would like to send out love and light to my close friend members of my circle Mystic & Holistic Company, Janice, Jean, Maureen, Kirsty & Louise thanks for being there.

    My family, friends and in laws my two boys Jordan and

    Joshua you small little men are truly something to be proud of, I am so proud to be your father and to call you both my sons.

    Finally, my love of my life I cannot express how I love you, but you are truly and eternal love and will be for the rest of time thanks Kelly my true love.

    Chapter One

    The story

    Greetings my name is Michael, my true story begins with a message from an angel not just a normal angel but from Archangel Gabriel.

    I had no designs in what is to take place, I did not in a way want to have what I received but I can say I am blessed and honoured so for that I am grateful god chose me.

    I was just 17 maybe 18 when I started seeing things I mean like as many say paranormal experiences and foreseeing things in my dreams and visions.

    I was just like any normal teenager chasing girls I even had my own musical group and was beginning to be quite successful at it, but I have to say what as about to take place was so fore filling and gave me a sense of purpose.

    I met Gabriel for the first time when I was around the age of 8.

    My brother and I was out front of our parents flat in east London we went into the court yard playing with the catapults, which our mother just brought for us in the market after our weekly shopping on Saturday morning.

    I picked up a stone and aimed it straight up in to the sky and fired it the strange thing was that it did not come down again, we then heard our mother call us in for a sandwich, which she was making.

    My brother looked at me and said maybe it landed on the moon, we looked at each other and laughed if the stone would of come down we would of heard it as there was flats and open space around us.

    When we finished eating I was the first one out the front when I got to roughly the same spot we lost the stone.

    It appeared out of no were and landed next to me I looked up and saw a winged man he was faint but enough to see him he waved and flow off.

    My brother came out and said, oh it came down then I dared not tell him what I saw as he was my idol in my younger years and I wanted to be just like him when I grew up.

    The next time I had an encounter with Gabriel was when I was 19 my mother had died from a blood clot to the heart and lung about a year earlier. I also had a beautiful son called Jordan, and a partner to match, a job and I was very happy.

    Then one night after I stayed up watching a bit of T.V. I walked in to Jordan’s room as I do every night to check on him and kiss him good night.

    I made my way to my bedroom, which was just down the hallway from Jordan’s room I had a wash and changed for bed, Kelly was already asleep I looked at her and held her hand and kissed it.

    I laid down holding her I must have been shattered I was out in seconds I was awoken to hear the sounds of winds it sounded so violent but I was not afraid.

    I looked around the room to see where this noise was coming from and could not see no a change not even the curtains were moving.

    I looked back to the window to see it was black as if the lights from out side were switched off it was like the moon went dark I remember saying to myself right Jason don’t freak out.

    I looked at Kelly who is my partner; she did not even move she was still in the same position asleep as when I woke up when I

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