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A Rope of Sand
A Rope of Sand
A Rope of Sand
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A Rope of Sand

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The Lake of Menteith is Scotland's only lake. Its environs include a wealth of historical and mythical evidence.

When William Graham, Earl of Menteith, opens an old, red, leather book which he finds in the grounds of Inchtalla Castle, he has no idea of what he is about to unleash.

Zander and his crew of goblins are desperate to work for the Earl but will their natural gift for mischief prevent them from retaining their freedom?
Release dateMar 28, 2011
A Rope of Sand

Janette Bond

Janette Bond was born and brought up in Aberfoyle, a small village in Central Scotland. She worked there as a primary school teacher for 26 years. She has a great interest in the local history of The Trossachs area. She also has a great passion for literature. Combining both of these attributes with her knowledge of what children like to read and listen to, she has written this novel to bring alive one of the best known legends of this area.

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    A Rope of Sand - Janette Bond

    Chapter 1

    Zander stood, legs apart, arms folded over his chest and stared straight ahead. He did not see the natural geology of the inside of the cavern. He did not see the lamplight flicker over the stalactites hanging their legs down from the ceiling, nor the stalagmites protruding their horns from the ground. He did not see the wooden bogie carts waiting to be filled with rock and earth. He did not see the tracks of their wheels embedded into the floor. He did not see the other foremen and their crews patiently waiting. He saw nothing but a deep red mist before his eyes. A red mist which was borne out of anger and frustration.

    For several hours now he had been standing with his crew behind him waiting to begin work. The shaft they had been working on for nearly a week was almost ready to give up its treasure. Hector said so. Hector was never wrong. Hector had a nose for smelling out gold. Gold; that yellow treasure so loved by the King and Queen of the Sidhe. Instead here they were waiting, Waiting, WAITING for the arrival of the Royal duo.

    Zander, came a small voice from behind him. Zander, how much longer will we have to wait? I need a wee!

    Zander knew that small voice so well. He turned round, the red mist dissolving as he looked down upon the face of the smallest member of his crew.

    I’m not sure Shughie. You go to the chanty cell but be quick about it just incase they arrive, Zander answered.

    Zander’s eyes followed the scurrying figure as it made its way to the rear of the cavern. He smiled. He was very fond of this wee member to his crew. Wee Shughie always worked so hard and tried to please all the others. He cast a glance at the rest of his crew. He knew he was lucky to have such a varied and hardworking group. There was Hector, almost as old as himself and could find the seams of gold easily. Beside him stood Big Boab, although a bit slow on ideas he was a fast and efficient digger. Standing a little behind these two was Aeden. He was an excellent engineer. He studied the rock formations carefully before deciding the best way to shore up any tunnel or shaft. In this way he protected the other members of the crew from cave- ins. Yes, he was very lucky but his crew should be working! Like all goblins, the need and enjoyment of hard work was paramount, yet here they were, idle, waiting.

    It was another hour and two visits to the chanty cell by Wee Shughie before Zander heard the rumble of a bogie coming from the tunnel to the right of the cavern. This had to be the Royal visitors at last.

    The bogie came into view, then stopped before the waiting crews. The King jumped down, then helped the Queen descend from the cart. Although Zander had seen the Royal couple several times before, he, like the other goblins, stared in awe at their height and beauty. Standing as tall as adult humans, they smiled down at the goblins.

    We are so sorry to have kept you waiting. There is a terrible storm outside and the horses were struggling in their flight due to the strong winds, said the King.

    We know you like to work and we appreciate you waiting for us to arrive, said the Queen.

    Quite so, my dear, the King said, nodding to his wife. He turned again to the goblins, We know your overseer died last week. We are sorry for your loss. It must have been difficult to work without him being here in charge. Therefore, we have brought you a new overseer all the way from our homeland in the Grampian Mountains. May I introduce McSnott to you all.

    The King and Queen parted slightly and from behind them came the ugliest goblin Zander had ever seen. He hadn’t noticed him standing behind the Royals, and now looking at him, Zander wished he still couldn’t see him. Goblins are known to be the least handsome of all the tribes of the Sidhe but this creature in front of him had the face only a mother could love. His skin resembled a prune, all wrinkled and brown. He had deep set black eyes which looked out at the goblins with a hatred that made a shiver run down Zander’s spine. His mouth looked as if it had been split with an axe and his smile appeared more of a sneer. His clothes too were different to those usually worn by goblins. Instead of a grey, woollen tunic and long pointed hat, this goblin was clad in black, moleskin breeches, a white shirt with a purple bow tie and a silk multi coloured waistcoat. On his head perched a black, silk top hat. He wore long, black, highly polished boots on his feet (instead of bare feet) and he carried a black ebony, silvered topped walking cane in his hand. Zander wondered if he dressed in this way to detract attention away from his awful face.

    Thank you, your Majesties, said McSnott. I can take it from here.

    The King and Queen smiled farewell to the goblins before climbing back into the bogie and returning back up the tunnel to take tea with the Chief. McSnott watched them until they were out of sight ………..and earshot! He turned and faced the waiting crews. His smile was ugly and promised trouble.

    Right, he shouted, from now on you lazy lot will do exactly as I say. You will work longer hours and produce more gold for the King and Queen than you have ever done before. This mine will be the best in the Kingdom. He strode to Zander’s shaft.

    Who has been working here? he demanded.

    Zander stepped forward.

    Shut it down. I don’t like it, declared McSnott.

    We have been working here for almost a week and will very soon reach a rich seam of gold. It seems stupid to shut it down when we are so close, Zander began to explain.

    Did you call me stupid! yelled McSnott. He lifted up his walking cane and struck Zander in the stomach with it. How dare you! You will learn to do exactly as I say without question.

    As Zander crouched, doubled up in pain, Hector stepped forward and glared at McSnott. Zander is correct, he began, but got no further as the walking cane was again quickly lifted and struck out catching Hector across his head.

    All this was too much for Big Boab. No way was he going to let this highly decorated but ugly newcomer strike out at his friends. Without thinking he ran head down towards McSnott, catching him firmly in the stomach and sending him flying across the cavern to land on his bottom gasping for air. He then took the walking cane and broke it in half across his knee before throwing the pieces towards McSnott.

    You will all, panted McSnott, "be taken before his Majesties. I will see you punished for this. No one talks back or attacks me and gets

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