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Uncovered Treasures: Every Aspect of Our Life Has Been Covered by the Word
Uncovered Treasures: Every Aspect of Our Life Has Been Covered by the Word
Uncovered Treasures: Every Aspect of Our Life Has Been Covered by the Word
Ebook69 pages52 minutes

Uncovered Treasures: Every Aspect of Our Life Has Been Covered by the Word

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About this ebook

Uncovered Treasures sets the reader on a path of discovery through Old and New Testament selections from the Word of God. These selections convey synonymous parallels when referenced with subject matters that are often overlooked, go unnoticed, or given total disregard. Ordinarily, when scriptural passages speak on particular subjects, be it person, place or thing, most often only the literal content of the area under discussion is given consideration. We may not always sense Gods Word as treasures hidden beneath the surface of verses that make up each chapter. God speaks to our hearts through his Word on common, ordinary matters that we in secret rationalize for ourselves or search for explanations and answers. In our quest to realize the reassurance and affirmation we individually seek, our resolution begins with the Word.

At the onset of each chapter, scriptures are presented to set in motion revelations that follow in a down-to-earth manner with realistic implications uncovered from the Word. Mind Power reveals how knowledge is a powerful tool and to be short of it may lead to forms of destruction within our own parameters. God Meets us Where We Are shows us that deep in the fragility of our self-worth are the answers to lifes thirst for satisfaction. Positioning illustrates the importance and place for order and progress in our lives. More than Enough proclaims the Creators unyielding flow of abundance as constant and steadfast. Containers of Power makes known our ability to create and influence with words. Self-Portrait challenges us from being what we are to becoming who we are.

This compilation of heartfelt writings will allow the reader, through the Word, to understand depth and insight from some of lifes common events. The practical and simplistic conversational style offered by the author will cause the reader to ponder personal introspect and self-evaluation, while being inspired, enlightened and encouraged.

Release dateDec 1, 2004
Uncovered Treasures: Every Aspect of Our Life Has Been Covered by the Word

Janice Johns Redman

A resident of Columbus, Ohio, Janice Johns Redman is a Personal Development Life Coach. Her published works include Uncovered Treasures and From my Heart to Yours. The author’s forthcoming project, Will I Get My Leaves? is a delightful children’s book that will also inspire adults.

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    Uncovered Treasures - Janice Johns Redman

    © 2004 Janice Johns Redman

    All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 10/29/04

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-3717-6 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-3716-9 (sc)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    This book is printed on acid-free paper..


    This Book is Dedicated to:




    Mind Power

    God Meets Us Where We Are


    More Than Enough

    Containers of Power



    This Book is Dedicated to:

    Karen D. Sherman and Pauline W. Saunders

    They always believed in me.


    Victoria Christopher Murray

    Bishop Timothy J. Clarke, a profound teacher of the Word

    Dorothy Malone Daniel & Minds in Motion Book Club


    My appreciation goes first to my editors Ella Coleman, Publisher & Editor-In-Chief for Purpose Magazine, and Jeanentta P. Holliman. Terri Keuchler, Sherrice Sledge, Oris Regina Bond, Carla Baxter and Judith Edwards – your enthusiasm and encouragement meant much to me during this writing project. Finally, to Skip my husband, my much-loved family, wonderful cousins and great in-laws – thank you all for sharing your joy with me.


    I chose Uncovered Treasures as the title for this book because I consider its’ content as treasures uncovered from parallel perspectives found in the Word. For several years I began keeping notes about these scriptural perceptions; however, I did not initiate any compositions during that time. I became inspired to write this book after attending a book-signing event, where I was encouraged by author Victoria Christopher Murray to start writing and share these Treasures with others through publication.

    At the onset of each chapter, scriptures are presented to set in motion revelations that follow in a down-to-earth manner with realistic implications uncovered from the Word. My suggestion is that you first read the scriptures that precede each chapter’s contents. These scriptures serve as framework that interrelate and support the true significance of the message in each chapter.

    Mind Power reveals how knowledge is a powerful tool and to be short of it may lead to forms of destruction within our own parameters. God Meets us Where We Are shows us that deep in the fragility of our self-worth are the answers to life’s thirst for satisfaction. Positioning illustrates the importance and place for order and progress in our lives. More than Enough proclaims the Creator’s unyielding flow of abundance as constant and steadfast. Containers of Power makes known our ability to create and influence with words. Self-Portrait challenges us from being what we are to becoming who we are. Forward directs our steps away from past-lived behaviors that stifle growth.

    I now present to you a compilation of Uncovered Treasures with hopes that you will be inspired, enlightened and encouraged while journeying through yet, further revelations from the Word of God.

    Proverbial phrases at the close of each chapter were

    composed by the author.

    Mind Power

    Our everyday means by which we function is based on what we either know or do not know.

    Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites, because the LORD has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.

    Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. But let no man bring a charge; let no man accuse another for your people are like those who bring charges against a priest.

    You stumble day and night, and the prophets stumble with you. So I will destroy your mother; my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children."

    - Hosea 4:1-6 NIV

    In 1972, the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) embarked on a public awareness campaign that alerted a breakthrough for unconscious Americans, regardless of their ancestral background — A mind is a terrible thing to waste. ®¹

    This slogan has since become an all time familiar catch phrase in

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