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It's All About Evil: Volume Ii How To...Have Fun Destroying Evil, and Liberal Socialism
It's All About Evil: Volume Ii How To...Have Fun Destroying Evil, and Liberal Socialism
It's All About Evil: Volume Ii How To...Have Fun Destroying Evil, and Liberal Socialism
Ebook425 pages6 hours

It's All About Evil: Volume Ii How To...Have Fun Destroying Evil, and Liberal Socialism

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"It's All About Evil" Volume II, Understand the mechanism of evil within the World's Greatest Conspiracy (between ego and the evil). Destroy this evil, even in you and destroy evil socialism and Russian PsychoPolitics and their American operators. They want the depression. Many unique discoveries.
Chapters: Part I: Have Fun Destroying Evil, Evil Liberal Socialism, Liberal Fascism, The Lord's Prayer; Part II: Corruption, Guilt, The Expert that is not, True Spiritual Love, Good Religions? FHU, Authority, Knowing without Words.
Major discoveries: Word Idolization and Imagery Worship, Identity Transference, Become what you hate, Why Incorruptible, Words the medium of evil & mind control.
<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> S.O.S. S.O.S. MUST reading The world is sinking into a living hell. Unique endless series 425 page books. Pre-designed Russian PsychoPolitics won. Is it too late? Where is Creator? Predicted in Volume I, first edition 1992ego and buddy Satan. Friends can be fiends especially in authorities. Take this final opportunity to expose it to We the People. Do not be in denial. Courageous author, Dr.Roy Foster,, brings you many techniques and his personal discoveries to destroy evil socialism and its welfare bail-outs. The present growing socialism through Russian PsychoPolitics will always be suicidal and now has destroyed capitalism. Evil "words" have lied to now become over-powering in the final days.

Volume II How toHave Fun Destroying Evil And Liberal Socialism (lighter attitude)
Volume III Get What You Deserve in Evil Liberal Socialism
SoonVolume IV The Great Conspiracies, in Evil Socialism (brainwashing)
Soon Volume V The Bio-Mechanism of Evil
Half of America is already very angry and depressed while half is brainwashed by PsychoPolitics (brainwashing)

Release dateOct 17, 2008
It's All About Evil: Volume Ii How To...Have Fun Destroying Evil, and Liberal Socialism

Dr. Roy Foster

Author Dr.Roy Foster began to write about his mind-opening discoveries in 1990, and published his first edition Volume I now a classic in 1992.  He had predicted the evil in all authorities because of the addiction to power and now why we are in a big mess. He discovered that there is a thriving ego-evil conspiracy undermining the basic institutions of the country. In other words everything must go wrong sooner or later. Liberal socialism is evil because it makes you dependent upon others. He is a Doctor of Pharmacy familiar with medicine and the bio-chemical changes in the human body. His experiences and discoveries of how the intellectual mind functions should deserve a Nobel Prize. The intellectual thought process needs to be reprogrammed because it is egocentric and involved in feeling life, the basis of psychosis and all addictions.

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    Book preview

    It's All About Evil - Dr. Roy Foster

    It is kept hidden from you

    It's All About Evil

    Volume II

    How to...

    "Have Fun

    Destroying Evil and

    Liberal Socialism"








    PsychoSpirituality at its best!

    This Handbook and Workbook will give you endless use


    Volume I

    How to: Change Your Words, Change Your Life, Change The World and Destroy Evil Liberal Socialism

    Volume III

    Get What You Deserve in Evil Liberal Socialism

    Volume IV

    The Great Conspiracies

    Volume V

    Mechanics of Evil and Liberal Socialism

    Volume VI

    Facts of Life Curriculum

    Volume VII

    It's Pathetic

    What Other Author's Always Missed

    Doctor ROY FOSTER proves

    It is kept hidden from you

    This Volume explains the stupidity of liberal socialism and why the Democratic Party brought Barrack Hussein Obama to the surface. One might even call him an imposter.

    This Volume is timely. It is to help you move back to conservatism before the extreme leftism in Congress and of a potential Barrack Hussein Obama presidency will leave America weakened and divided. As soon as Americans see the character of liberal-socialists through this series there will be enough voters who do not wish to see America fall.

    Main issues are and will always be:

    Obama's connections with Islam and radical politics.

    Obama's and his wife Michele's twenty year religious affiliation with Black sinister liberation theology.

    Obama's involvement in the slum-landlord empire of the Chicago indicted political fixer Tony Rezko.

    Obama's continuing connection with Kenya. Obama's campaign techniques, a cult of personality, and the misleading and evil words...hope and change.

    Obama's naive, nuclear weapon and anti-war policy.

    Obama's far-left domestic policy.abortion, Second Amendment, health care, and tax increases.



    1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2008 Dr. Roy Foster. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 9/16/08

    ISBN: 978-1-4343-9943-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4343-9959-5 (dj)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-7452-6 (ebook)

    Subtitle: ""

    This book will save your life because it has the proof that there is a Creator.

    Original text and design by Dr Roy Foster

    Dedicated to Kalman, my Dad .....

    Dedicated to Dad. The author's father had provided his community and England unlimited love and devotion, although he had not been materially rewarded. His dedication as an excellent traditional cantor and minister of religion had given his life for people in the congregation for over sixty years without seeking a monetary reward. His allegiance to his Jewish religion should hold him as a saint. Creator had always had a place for him and will always have a place for him.

    Note: His Dad's immediate family, his wife (a step-mother to this author), a daughter (a half sister to this author), his son-in-law and the grand children of twelve and eight years had no indication that he was dying although Dad at ninety-eight years struggled to keep going looking frail and ill. This author had rushed to see him in 2007and to be with him upon a last second discovery. His Dad said to this author, his son: I cannot take it any more. His son knew to give him no more than thirty days. In England, regretfully there lies a frightful unawareness of reality deep into their liberal socialist mind-set. For this reason this author had left for America. He looks back and now sees that to have been born in England had given him a 50:50 chance of survival.


    One way to destroy evil liberal socialism and have fun doing so is to destroy that which their agenda is hung up on such as no drilling. Obviously their agenda is to undermine America through the ACLU and far-left hate-mongers...and not to drill for oil ...just some examples. Oil should always have been a very important economic issue. Rise up and demand that we obtain our oil supply from our own natural resources in America and laugh going to the gas pump at $2 a gallon. At the same time rejoice while the Democratic Congress sinks and enjoy life as the oil flows out back to only 25% importation.


    The advertising, the front cover, and the text of these volumes do make claims that it may save your life, bring you back to life, eliminate stress, cure any addiction, cure any Illness, be truly successful, really save money, be always happy, be free and independent, change your life and change the world. However the potential of all this happening is up to you.

    This book will show you the mechanism of evil which should open your mind to the absolute truth about your bad mind-programming and trauma conditioning (brainwashing). Your ability to raise your own consciousness will make things change for you. The techniques and methods in these volumes are that which the author experienced. Your understanding of how evil is controlling you will be the first step toward liberation of your hypnotized mind. Even the mechanism of evil, one of the author's discoveries, will open your mind to amazing changes. It is all up to you with this awakening. The publisher of this book cannot be held responsible, if you are unable to grasp the contents. Your state of mind may be too addicted, mesmerized, conditioned, fearful, emotional, hypnotized, unconscious, angry and resentful. The denial of the absolute truth has led you into all of your present negative thoughts and problems and it may keep you there.

    You may not believe that you have any problems, therefore the publisher cannot be held responsible for your beliefs. You may try the suggested techniques and methods and feel that you have accomplished nothing, therefore the publisher cannot be held responsible for your past and present mind conditioning.

    This author has brought out that authorities and government contain so many corrupted individuals and employees where they take advantage of the power given to them and that citizens should be aware of what could happen under such rule. Government attracts those who are uncomfortable in the main stream of every day life. This author is not saying that all those employed in these latter positions are guilty of wrong doing but is saying that it exists when dysfunctional people are given power and to be aware by raising one's consciousness and to use the tools to do this are in this book.. Any information and perception in this book in regard to the actual worldwide conspiracies are how the author viewed and discovered what the corrupted human minds can do and are capable of doing. It takes a freer and aware mind to see the corrupt activity in the cultures of this world. Hopefully you can do this too, but it is all up to you.


    The author gives thanks to The New Dimensions Magazine (NDM) for the help to identify certain conspiracies and to quote from some of their editions (1991). Good luck to NDM for a successful future. However other magazines have since arrived.

    The author gives thanks to Handbook to Higher Consciousness, and his author Ken Keyes Jr. for the author's (Roy Foster's) first step into higher consciousness and to later discover spirituality. Yes, the key must always be spirituality a weapon against secularists who are the lost sheep of civilization.

    The author gives thanks to The Foundation of Human Understanding ( for a road to mental and spiritual freedom now considered a mentor to his spirituality..

    The author appreciates the books written by Dr Wayne Dyer those written twenty-five years ago which gave this author a real start into his discoveries of how the mind and thought process really functions. Dr Roy Foster did not continue with the writings of Dr Wayne Dyer but found his own independent way into absolute and Creation on his own. Yes, there are too many ego-centric authors trying to convince you.

    Carl Limbacher's Hillary's Scheme helped this author define The next Clinton's Ruthless Agenda to Take the White House in his own words.

    Wikipedia and the Internet for historical data.

    Internet news bulletins from and


    Sean Hannity, Fox Cable Channel October 14th 2007, demonstrated the validity of Dr Roy Foster's writings. Definition of Incorruptible: Not subject to corruption and decay.

    The many writings of this author demonstrate that when one avoids mental anguish and particularly parental corruption (misguidance) one has the ability to avoid physical decay and bio-chemical changes, basically avoiding the influence of evil. Sainthood during the past thousand years has by way of the longevity of their exhumed dead bodies brought to you bodies of saints which have not decomposed far beyond the scope of science. Check this on Internet. There has not been any scientific explanation. This is a miracle defying the law of science and proving the power of Creation.. .also demonstrated by this author's discoveries and experiences. What this author has discovered is that psychoses is caused by denying absolute the source of Creation, and by recognizing this and admitting to life's failures and this denial will bring mankind back towards being incorruptible. This had taken place within this author's seventy years.

    Notice today 2008 how the holocaust is being denied in the schools of England and from Iranian leadership in today's failing civilization. Do you wish to belong to this any longer?


    When you discover...

    HOW TO: Through Understanding the Facts of Corrupted Life UNDERSTAND EVIL LIBERAL SOCIALISM:

    There are two influences in life. One coming from Creation and that which placed you here on this earth and the other which is pulling you away from living within the framework of decency, understanding, perception, insight and purpose...involving stupidity and trivia. One's originating conscience is the directional force and when the connection with conscience and Creator disappears as seen in liberal socialism there grows guilt to then become the new directional force as a companion to evil itself without exception. The tools to destroy this misled direction are within these pages.


    At this point this may puzzle you. Once you discover that words used within languages learned over hundreds and even thousands of years have developed from playing the god-game to then be overcome by evil, you will understand that changing these words and to redirect them in regard to your feelings, enables you to disconnect from this sinister power controlling you. This is the source of all of your obsessive behavior and addictions which prevent you from being happy and successful.


    That is if you wish to change. Yes, it is totally up to you. Do you know that you once had Creator-given senses such as intuition, perception, understanding, common-sense and insight? Do you know that you were once innocent? These Volumes may help you find them again. The opportunities are here within these pages, if you give it your time. Remember that any change must always be spiritual.


    If you change yourself, then your reflections will change the world around you without any effort on your part. It is human nature to become that which surrounds it. To be influenced and become is due to an emotional binding level described in these Volumes. It is always the breakdown of the spiritual nature to become that which it hates, but if a true loving nature does exist in the environment man will become caring and loving, and no longer will there be hate. These Volumes will give you the inner motivations necessary to see that this all can happen, as long as your change can be made possible and with little effort.

    Join the Silent Club Simply leave behind your ego and emotional life for ever.


    The liberal socialist suicidal agenda is able to manipulate your mind through their words used in a mannerism unaware to you. So powerful can words be that they can make you believe anything when they give you feelings to energize and motivate the trauma conditioned sinister elements living within you. Adolph Hitler had been able to do this well. What you do not see can kill you. As soon as the so-called leader, the authoritative worshipped image who has this suicidal mind-set is given power over many millions of psychotic and dysfunctional citizens, to think for them and take over their decision making, the increase in energy and feelings in that so-called leader adds to the power of his sinisterism (evil). There are never exceptions to this rule therefore any hope is misleading. Dismally only a serious tragedy might hope for a correction. This change comes from Satan.


    These Volumes will show you how you became addicted to the evil creations of this world (worldly things), and show you the techniques to get rid of them. The cure is in your hands right now only, if you see the absolute truth and the facts of life. These Volumes will help you see the way. Be enlightened or stay in your emotional comfort zone feeling life and addicted.


    These Volumes will show you that which causes most illnesses and that you have the ability to rid yourself of illnesses through your attitude change. The cure is simple, if you pay attention to the spiritual message which radiates from within the pages of these Volumes. Absolute truth is not from the word. Absolute truth does not need evidence but can be validated. Hopefully it is not too late where the threshold is around 40 years. What is self-evident is that stress and suppressed feelings of anger and resentment always turn into physical disorders in different locations of the body, the weakest areas. This is common in close personal relationships and where the outcome is easily predictable. Most experts in the medical field do not practice any awareness of this wherein many unusual illnesses develop without a cure.


    True success is not what you have been taught by those creatures around you. True success is not what you own, look like and say. True success is a life of quality, absolute truth, having a true loving nature and to have fun destroying evil liberal socialism with a definite purpose in life. When this is reached everything else falls in place. These Volumes will show you the way. That is if your mind is still open because this author knows that most people are unable to see the absolute truth and live in self-denial a very angry state of mind. One's pride and ego are always in the way.


    Saving money comes from changing your needs to preferences, and removing the brainwashed and hypnotic state of mind you exist in. Once you begin to grasp the spiritual message from these pages no longer will you need to throw away your money on so called experts and material things. You will discover a mind of your own. These Volumes will break the spell, if you permit them to do so. You will no longer be needy but be peaceful and satisfied with that which you already have.


    Happiness is a state of mind. Most people have no idea what true happiness is but to only know what you have been made to know. However for you within your corrupted mind it is and can never be true happiness. Evil always wants you to believe what you are used to is happiness. A comfort zone is not necessarily happiness. These Volumes will show you the way to break your strings attached and free yourself from evil...and find the way to peace, if you are not too far into a hell or liberal socialism (a form of communism) already.


    You do not know what true freedom and independence is because you have been so emotionally traumatized to believe your present existence is the way it must be. To you slavery is freedom because you see no other way. You are addicted to every feeling you have, and because you cannot face the absolute truth about yourself you continue in your addictions. If you still have anything left, these Volumes will show you the way to break this bondage.


    What To Know About These Volumes:

    WORDS CAN LIE & KILL: It could be an alternative title to these Volumes. These Volumes will show you how powerful words can be to the degree that they can kill you.

    THE WAR OF WORDS: It could be an alternative title to these Volumes. These Volumes will show you how the words with which we use to speak and think are always used against each other for personal gain and egotistical reasons. Words are a tool for power.

    WHAT IS MORE POWERFUL THAN WORDS: An alternative title to these Volumes. These Volumes will show you that there is nothing more powerful than the corrupting words which have been used to control and manipulate your mind and everyone's the point of hypnosis and brainwashing. Without a language evil cannot do this.

    HANDBOOK AND WORKBOOK, WHICH WILL GIVE YOU ENDLESS USE: You must start a WGC manual. Then these Volumes should be kept handy around you at all times... also to contain sections which you can work through asking you questions which will help you to become more conscious of your evil attitude and lifestyle. The journey to awakening and wisdom has no end. These Volumes will show you how to attack the elements of evil...and this is an endless job. Watch yourself progressively shifting to conservatism.

    HAVE FUN DESTROYING EVIL [ See Volume II]: The main objective of these Volumes is to show you the mechanism of evil and how to destroy it. Believe it or not you can have true fun doing this once you have been able to change your attitude towards life in general. Evil has a place in every one of us to some degree. Learn how to remove its presence and put your life back in the right direction... and have a lot of fun doing it with a new light attitude.

    THESE VOLUMES MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE: That is if you let it. Once you have picked up the spiritual way to free yourself from the spell of evil you have begun to add years to your life. These Volumes may save your life or at least add many years to it, almost as a guarantee if you grasp its contents. Removing addictions and an emotional life-style, and creating a life of peace and wisdom can only enhance your ability to stay healthy and always be happy. Your life can be full of quality which can later lead to quantity. What good is a life of demonic possession, if it keeps you miserable for many years...and to die miserably. These Volumes may save your life because they have the proof that there is a Creator and his Will could be back in you again.

    TECHNIQUES TO BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE: These Volumes have numerous techniques to show you how to get out of your hypnotic state, your psychoses to bring you back to the life, the innocence Creation originally gave you. Your present existence is not true is time you came back to life. Most of the world's population is zombified and somewhat numb to reality (Check out Howard Dean).


    Nobody so far during your lifespan has told you the absolute truth...that the intellectual mind thinks based upon ego-pride which conspires endlessly with evil elements. You are actually not making your own decisions. Your choices are not your own. The basic conspiracy (WGC) is not to let you in on the secret otherwise it would not be able to exist. These Volumes could break the spell which was once on the author. He was able to do this, and will bring you information which he believes has not been available to the majority before, to the human least in recent centuries.

    I'VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SPELL: In regard to governments in general...the author has discovered that basically all worldwide governments, whether at the highest levels or local levels contain WGC conspirators who permeate the justice systems and big business with corruption. Fascism is just another form. It only takes a few to corrupt the rest for their comfort zone. Similarly terrorists exist within their particular so-called religion. These Volumes will show you how they have the ability to BRAIN-Wash most citizens into believing they are doing a good job through lies, deceit and propaganda. Their decision making is backwards by the NATURE OF THEIR conspiracy (WGC) unknown to them but to be in an altered and unconscious state of mind. Meanwhile they have stolen your freedom and sovereignty in America simply by not closing the borders this very moment. It is a matter of who and what does not wish to close the borders and we know that it is evil. The drug cartel is now in Atlanta Georgia. Check which Party is more in favor of this?


    Figure 1: The BrainWASHING-ton


    MAN HAS CREATOR WATCHING OVER HIM [ The Kingdom within ] AND THE DEVIL NEXT TO HIM [ An instilled Alien Identity which tells you what to say and how to think. ]

    Creator has been trying to let you see: They corrupted you ...that is the evil earthly beings corrupted your innocent nature. Creator is now saying: If you listen to the absolute truth, which only comes from Creation, you still have a chance to survive. This man, just like everyone on this earth, has been listening to the evil spirit without knowing that this voice and the words are not coming from his own conscience. These Volumes will show you how and why, if you just give it a chance.


    Figure 5:


    These Volumes contain a thousand messages to you and to others as taps on the shoulder to remind you and others to wake up to see the real truth. Our fathers had never showed us the correct way but to have been violated by evil. The answer to corrective love is through the silent father within these volumes. You may order a Greeting Card with the printed words: A Message of Absolute Truth Heals a Hundred Wounds and Destroys What is Evil...the intention of this card is to be able to send the messages contained within the pages of these Volumes to others to create a wave of change and awakening. (See Order Form whether available hopefully soon)


    It's All About Evil, Volume II

    How to... "Have Fun Destroying Evil and

    Liberal Socialism"

    by Dr. Roy Foster

    Part I

    Contains longer and important chapters designed deliberately by the author so that the reader can make copies of these chapters which are significant to the reader and friends, and also may be carried at all times or sent to those who need to read its contents to wake up to their addiction. In this Volume II, the chapters target the evil agenda of liberal socialism.

    Part II

    Contains short chapters designed deliberately by the author so that the reader can make copies of chapters which are significant to them and their friends and may be carried at all times or sent to those who need to read its contents to wake up to their addiction.

    This Handbook and Workbook will give you endless use

    It iskept hidden from you

    Man's Ego and the Devil, you've been listening to me


    Front Cover





    Seven Levels of Consciousness

    About this author Dr. Roy Foster


    The Difference Between Animals and Human Beings

    Part I Volume II

    Chapter 1 Have Fun Destroying Evil & Liberal Socialism

    Chapter 2 Evil Liberal Socialism

    Chapter 3 Liberal Fascism an Extension of Socialism

    Chapter 4 The Lord's Prayer

    Part II Volume II

    Phenomenon of Word Idolization and Imagery Worship

    Chapter 1 Corruption

    Chapter 2 The Only Thing You Must Feel is Guilt

    Chapter 3 The Expert That is Not

    Chapter 4 True Spiritual Love, Loving versus Love

    Chapter 5 Are There Good Religions?

    Chapter 6 Foundation of Human Understanding

    Chapter 7 There is No Other Authority

    Chapter 8 Knowing Without Words


    Recommended Books

    Posters and Flashcards

    WGC Book order form

    Table of Figures, illustrations

    Figure 1. The BRAINWASHING-ton

    Figure 2. The Human Entity, illustration

    Figure 3. Layers of Suppression, like an onion

    Figure 4. You've been listening to me, illustration





    7. TOTAL HARMONIOUS SPIRITUAL AWARENESS LEVEL Total health, Close to creator,. Total harmony, and oneness. No alien identity. Eternal.

    6. SPIRITUAL AWARENESS LEVEL Much time spent in spirituality. Very aware at all times. Guilt feelings slide by. No alien identity. Non-reacting. Words have no affect. Presence of Creator. In charge of your life. Aging diminished and can be energetic. Living naturally, without illness. No feeling of time. Total recognition of evil.

    5. PEACEFUL LEVEL Harmony and peacefulness. Moments with your Creator. In charge of your life. Diminished AI. Aging diminished and can be energetic.

    4. LOVING LEVEL Be loving, to accept unconditionally. Understanding for those in lower levels. Observing AI levels. Addictions change to preferences. Leaving the emotional world. Learning harmony and acceptance. Seeing the presence of evil. Watching up and down changes of consciousness.

    A--------------breakthrough to freedom--------------A

    3. POWER LEVEL Irritation, anger, hate, resentment. Hostility, disappointment, frustration. Influenced by AI boredom. Feelings dominate. Dominate people, Increasing prestige, Involved in wealth, pride. Manipulating, controlling.

    2. SENSATION LEVEL Music, Food, Sex. Influenced by AI, Pleasurable activities and sensations. Feelings dominate.

    1. SECURITY LEVEL Food, shelter, personal security. Feeling false security. Feelings are everything. Influenced by AI. Fear, worry, and anger.



    About this author Dr. Roy Foster, a unique man and a threat to the status quo.

    Continued from Volume I...

    Interestingly, many friends were fairly wealthy business people from London therefore this author had the experience and understanding that wealth had never made a difference.

    Note: He is now writing this so that some of these old friends might reach him to say hello after so many years, fifty-five years have passed. He remembers good friends like Michael Dresden (Adelaide Crescent), Selwyn Midgen (Hova Villas) and Michael Oberman who had lived on the sea front in Hove past the King Alfred. He had played Subbuteo soccer with him on many occasions, which he had loved to do. This is a table soccer football game where you flick the plastic players with the finger. It had been a good period of time particularly for this author who is always saying: Thank you for that.

    He had a new cousin come from Israel (Roger, from his Grandfather marrying again) to stay with them for a few weeks, and this Roger would always try to break up this author's girlfriend relationships. This author had learned to be humble and to handle humiliation.

    This author had many truly good friends and several girlfriends too. When he had gone to his step-sister's wedding in 1995 he had sat at a table where to his surprise there had been three ladies there who said: You had dated me years ago. And on top of it had been asked to give a toast to the queen, where as an American had been very difficult to do. Kind of crazy?

    Today's world is now so complicated and sinister from entertainment, drugs, gambling and pornography. During this author's early years he had not seen any of this and when it came to entertainment he found it the simple way. He would go by train by himself to London to stay with his aunt Bertha for a day or so and then go to a musical show in the city. He loved the American shows like Guys and Dolls. He remembers going to see Frankie Lane singing at the London Palladium where he stood in the back without a seat for a couple of shillings. He loved to take the 88 bus from Chiswick and go to Oxford Street and Marble Arch. He would sit alone upstairs on the front seat of the bus seeing it all...the shops, the traffic and watch it all go by. He would go by himself, and he was then only nine to twelve years old; and to have taken the train from Brighton and the underground subways to Turnham Green, Chiswick and West London where his aunt Bertha lived. There he had his Uncle Sam and cousins Rosalie and Anita who had just been born.this author had only been nine years old at that time too to have gone places on his own with no feelings of insecurity. His independence had been growing in leaps and bounds.

    The author remembers many good years at High School (Hove County Grammar School), from the age of ten to seventeen which had been the way it had once been in England when schools were not so liberal and at that time very disciplined. He respected the teachers. We can see now how the liberal socialists have destroyed the educational environment. It is so easy to compare good with bad when conscious. He loved to play football (soccer) and run track, even to do high jumps because no one else in his house would try in order to obtain points for his house Kent. There had been four houses in school .Kent (blues), York (reds), Gloucester (greens) and Windsor (yellows). There had been on one occasion when he had decided to go into a boxing match to again earn points for his house when he had to fight the big bully guy who was bigger and stronger which only lasted a minute. Yes, this had taken lots of courage. This boxing opponent had been known to be the tough guy in the crowd and actually quite a brute. The author had done this again for the points he had earned for his house. This author had shown early signs of courage and fortitude from his mental freedom and independence.

    His high jumping placed him again against a good friend and tennis partner Dave Smith who had been much taller but to again come in second place to have given this author the points for his house Kent. Other friends that he had been close to were Alan Holt, Robert Hawksworth and Adrian Thorne who had played football for Brighton and Hove Albion.

    Note: He is placing these names in here so that possibly one of these past friends might see their names to contact this author. He would love to contact them and talk about the past, present and future. Would the writing of these Volumes make it possible to accomplish such a feat? The school had been Hove County Grammar next to the windmill on top of the Sussex downs near to Devil's Dyke.

    The author had never seen his parents show up to watch his activities whether it had been for any of these athletic events .. .track, football, swimming and even inter-school chess. In his later years he had played on the school's football team and on the house first team. He had grown up without mom and dad around to become very independent and with nothing material but the values he had created for himself and many values from his parents' guidance, the best they could do. Today he sees them as Creator's gifts and a blessing as a perfect example of how one can grow into a human being with a potentially strong spiritual base of decency, love and the ability to have fun destroying evil. Just the writing of these Volumes and discovering so many phenomena of the thought process had come from his particular background and young years growing up. This now must be an example for all to see which explains life and the results of evil influence and the effects of materialism.

    When he had been about fourteen years old he had asked his father if he could go to see the local professional football team, Brighton and Hove Albion, on their Sabbath day. His father let him but with a season ticket because of his orthodox religion. To this day, this author believes that this had to be

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